Due to a management change at my website, the RPG's suddenly had to go. But since I didn't want to give up on this wonderfull RPG, I decided I would give it a go at the Oddworld forums, since a lot of the original members of the RPG came from this place anyway.
RPG Name: The Community RPG
World: Earth
Available Species: N/A, you can be whatever you like (as long as it's kept reasonable within the storyline)
Backstory: This RPG takes place in a small mountain village called The Community (har har :P). Strange things always happen in this town, from demons burning the place down, to bounty hunters chasing mystical creatures. The story starts with Charger [Havoc], an male Anthro Tiger with a past he doesn't like to be rememberd off.
As he was sitting at the local bar he met Kix [T-nex], a small blue talking female cat. And Drakko [The Brew Master], an male Anthro wolf. With an money hungry bounty hunter on their tail, called Arthur [Dave] they make their way trough the woods.
This was the beginning of the story, and a lot has happend since then. I recommend reading the three backstories, but mind you, their verry long so take your time.
Backstory part 1
Backstory part 2
Backstory part 3
But for those who don't feel like reading all the way back, here is a small sum up (this won't get you informed bout the characters themselfs, so your still better off reading the backstory's)
Charger has gotten a huge villa after his father died. When they got there to discuss everything, it appeared Charger in fact had a brother. Blaze. Blaze at the moment was being followed by some sort of verry fast persone, only known as the gunslinger. When Blaze got to Charger's new villa, things were about to turn ugly when Blaze in fact got shot.
Meanwhile Arthur had been sneaking around the villa, fishing to capture Kix to get a lot of power and money from Akky, also a small cat and used to be Kix's best friend. Now their enemy's and Akky will do anything to capture her using his black magic.
The story left of with Charger, Blaze, Kiara, Kix, Drakko and Art walking back to the villa when Drakko's long lost wife suddenly leaves him with 6 children. So... here we are. In Charger's villa, with 8 kids around...
Before people start posting I would like to know if some of the old people will still want to perticipate in the RPG. I'm pretty sure T-nex will, TBM might as well.
Anyway, post if you want to join