While Minecraft is certainly limiting to work with in terms of effects and movement, I do agree that there was a certain lack of detail. Like Splat said, you obviously put a lot of work into it and that's good, so don't take this as an attack but rather some criticism for your next video. Going to dissect the video bit by bit mentioning the good and the bad:
- The text intro was great and the bubbles was a touch of detail I would have liked to see throughout the entire video.
- The jungle looked very nice and the camerawork was nice and smooth. The mudokon moon is upside down though...
- The mine and train track would have been a bitch to build with much detail due to the weird scaling of Minecraft blocks. Trying to add more detail here would have made the mudokons appear way too tiny. However you could have added a few small minor details like stone fences or barriers between the tracks to give the 'stage' some more depth and a more industrial look.
- With the Monsiac Lines build you could have gone all out and made it HUGE. Instead we got to look at a large sandstone dome with a very obvious empty wall behind the crowd. Having a dark depth behind the crowd would have made the scene a lot better IMO.
You did a nice job of syncing up the arm waving speech with the big face and Abe though.
- The weirdo scene was... weird. They were just running around randomly. A lot of this hard instructions to your actors could have been avoided by just showing them the original clip of what you were recording so they understand the context of the scene.
- The desert scene was awesome. It synced up perfectly and the mud falling in the hole was a very nice touch. Only bad part was the dialog. You have one person talking by waving their arm which is the only way to convey who is talking with multiple people on screen, so good job on that. But that entire concept is killed if multiple people are waving at the same time. By the end of the scene all three muds were waving at the same time even though only one was talking. Again, showing your actors the scene would have saved you the trouble and made this scene better.
- The moving train was a seriously hard issue to do in Minecraft so the way you solved that was pretty smart. Well done. The little details here like the floating sand blocks to represent the shaking rocks was a nice touch as well.
- Finally I feel the Necrum build could have been a lot larger and more detailed instead of the sandstone structure we got to see. I think it was missing darker colors to offset it from the desert landscape above all.
Overall you did a good job though. Thing is you had some intense 'competition' from one of our forum regulars who did the Abe's Oddysee intro in Minecraft (which some of us also helped with) so we're a hard crowd to please I suppose
. Great job and try to use our criticism instead of letting it get you down