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06-23-2005, 12:47 PM
Doublehex's Avatar
: Jun 2005
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Oddworld Database

So, here I was here, sitting, thinking to myself Say, I bet alot of people beside me who has just played an Oddworld Game, and want to role play, but don't really know anything about the OddWorld Univere when it hit me: I'll make a thread contaning official and unoffical info on the species and land of OddWorld! So, here it goes.

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(Note: By Species, I mean characters you will most likeley role play as. Animals will be called Critters and come next.)

MudokonsTypical of the Oddworld's Native species are the Mudokon. Chumps, slaves, monks, and food stock all in one, the Mudokons were the dominant species of Oddworld. . . until the Magog Cartel enslaved them to work in their Franchises. Far away in the wilderness, where Sligs rarely tread, free Mudokons preserve the old ways, speaking in their melodious tongue, and moving mountains with psychic chants.

GabbitsA highly-social race of gentle, amphibious creatures, Gabbits are much prized by Vykkers for the medicinal value of their lungs, and for their eggs -- called Gabbiar -- which Glukkons consider a delicacy. Great schools of Gabbits once swam the seas of Oddworld, calling to each other in their cheerful, musical speech. Baby Gabbits who, like tadpoles, gradually gain new capabilities as they grow until they become full-fledged Gabbits.

Steff It's said that the Steef used to live up the Mongo River, near what is now Sekto Springs, until Sekto came. Then Sekto put a huge bounty on their heads-twenty grand-and alot of them either got killed by bounty hunters or retreated from their ancient homes. Rumors say that those that survive, that some of them became bounty hunters themselves, managed to stand up straight, tie their four hooves together, cut off their horns, and walk normal, allowing them to hide with the common populos. But hey, it's only a rumor.

Grubbs Grubbs once lived off the land and the river, in harmony with nature. But the harmony was thrown off key bottlers, settlers, and meddlers. They were "relocated" to a new territory due under the "Offical Grubb Removal and Snatch the Agua Act". This paved the way for more advanced cultures to molt, lay eggs, and chuck.

Zugz (Officialy called Minions by Oddworld Inhabitants) These fellas have always been at the bottom of the social chain, always being picked on for their four feet tall multi colored hats and big chin. So, Zugz did the only thing they chould do: be rotten, good for nothing outlaws! And they're pretty darn good at it, too.

Wolvark Lazy, corrupt, and sadistic, Wolvarks shoot first and ask questions later, that is when they aren't catching a quick snooze or watching their kin on the Lazy Flinger Channel.

Glukons Typical of Oddworld's Industrial species are the Glukkons. An aggressive cohort of slash & burn capitalists, they eat rain forests for breakfast and televise toxic spills on prime time. Sharp-dressed, cigar-smoking, merciless corporate masters of RuptureFarms. When these creeps make a killing in the market, they use a butcher, not a stockbroker.

Sligs Sligs are leased out at birth as corporate security personnel. They are given mechanical pants or wings, batons, tear gas, various types of weaponry, but are never taught to use any of them all that effectively. They are easily impressed and even misled by anyone who sports larger or more exotic weaponry than their own. Status is very important to Sligs.

Vykers Spindly little arms would slow a lesser species down, but the Vykkers have weird science to give them a hand. Their special manipulator harnesses let them wield a wicked assortment of delightful surgical tools. Vykkers eyes aren’t much for detail work - but through the miracle of optical science, even the smallest nerves can be severed for fun and profit!

Interns Surgically prevented from whistling while they work, Interns are finger-pointing finks who enforce Vykker regulations with a song in their heart and a pill on their lips. When not pilfering from medicine cabinets, these sleep-deprived, self-important slaves yearn for the latest in fashion swimwear, punk rock, and designer pharmaceuticals.

Interns are loyal workers for the evil Vykkers Scientists. They are willing and able to carry out the cruelest acts. The Worker Intern smacks you around with it's big hands, and Shooter Intern fills you full of holes with it's Snuzi. Even dealier than normal Interns are the Armored version. With a uniform of solid metal, these types of Interns pose even a greater threat. Attack Interns with fuzzles or the Snoozer. They are big, clumsy and not too bright!

Last edited by Doublehex; 06-24-2005 at 10:44 AM..
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06-23-2005, 01:18 PM
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: Jun 2005
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Doublehex  (10)


Slogs There’s nothing more wholesome than a Slig with his Slog. Regular beatings by their Slig masters from the time they are little Sloggies ensure Slogs are pathologically temperamental. Slogs are ever alert for the smell of fear. They bark, eat live flesh, and are definitely not good with children but they’re a Slig’s best friend.

Scrab Scrabs are viciously territorial monsters straight out of a nightmare. Pair off a couple Dominant Scrabs and you’ve got a brouhaha for the ages – the one thing they hate more than upstart Mudokons are other Scrabs. Finding yourself between two Dominant Scrabs is a great way to boost your insurance premium. Not much to look at, but terrific dancers.

Elum Companion, beast of burden, loyal servant, and the hump Abe must bear, Elum is more than just a willful riding animal -- he’s a two-legged test of patience. Elum is happy to scratch fleas, bellow obnoxious love-calls, and even let Abe ride him now and then . . .

Paramite Scrambling, scurrying, chattering, and conniving, Paramites seem pathetic enough at first, but don't be fooled. Following a Paramite is to invite doom; after a twist and a turn through Forest Temple corridors, you'll find yourself backed into a tight corner, with a wild brood of paramites swarming out of every shadow. Wrestling a Paramite is like having a hornet's nest explode in your shorts, only not as much fun.

Fleeches Starting life as happy Glukkon pets, these vicious little worms rapidly grow too big to cuddle, and are eliminated by flushing them down the toilet. Whole colonies infest Oddworld’s underworld.

Slurgs If a surly garbage truck driver from the Bronx was reincarnated into the body of a banana Slug, you’d have a Slurg. Slurgs wait for unwary travelers and manuever themselves underfoot. When stepped on, their gaseous bodies emit a high pitched screech. This alerts anything in the vicinity – usually Fleeches.

FuzzlesThey're cute, they're pathetic, they're fuzzy, and they bounce when you drop them. They're Fuzzles, the all-purpose lab animal. Leave one on the burner or forget 'em in a trap, and they expire with hardly a squeak. But get them riled up and they become a pack of shark-toothed berserkers bent on revenge.

Meeps One eyed victims of industrial carnage, Meeps are innocent creatures who only want to gaze at the clouds and chew their cud. A wonderful source of meat and fat for everything from Tasty Treats to Meep Munchies, and they grow fast too. The origins of Meeps began when designers wanted to create a puzzle where Munch and Abe could herd creatures. A Realtime character with an Oddworld twist, Meeps are innocent victims of animal testing. With their large expressive oval one eye, how could you not love a meep!

Last edited by Doublehex; 06-24-2005 at 10:46 AM..
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06-23-2005, 01:39 PM
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: Jun 2005
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Doublehex  (10)


Scrabania A trackless wasteland and test of courage, Scrabania is truly Oddworld’s back of beyond. Even an Elum will be hard-pressed to find food in this sun-blasted wilderness (and Elums aren’t picky). There are Sligs her, guarding God-knows-what, and the usual assortement of vicious Oddworld flora and fauna, but the main attraction – for pilgrims, in any case – are those symbols of a long-vanished Mudokon High Civilization: exotic rock art and colossal statues sometimes glimpsed in the distance.

Paramonia Part of Oddworld’s vanishing wilderness, Paramonia is a densely wooded region home to Paramites, the Paramonian Temple, and a lost Slig or two. Ancient builders blazed a path through this wilderness, linking rocky outcroppings with rough-hewn wooden platforms, sometimes suspended hundreds of feet above the forest floor. Faster transit can be had using Mudokon wells … but you can never be sure if you’ll wind up in a Mudokon sanctuary or the webs of some hidden Paramite nest.

Necrum Across the barren wasteland is the lost land of Necrum, home to the sacred Mudokon necropolis, as well as the bone mine the Glukkons have perched atop this holy ground. Uncharted lands lay beyond the city itself, and most of Necrum remains untouched by the Glukkons…but for how long?

Mudokon Vaults Mudokon Tribal Vault that is infested with Paramites. Dwelling in the dark forest of Oddworld, the peaceful Mudomo built mighty stone monuments and great villages. Betrayed by the glukkons, only their guardian paramites remain to watch over their spirits

Mudanchee Vaults The eastern wing of Necrum has been overrun by Scrabs, animals sacred to the ancient Mudanchee tribe. Before the Glukkons came, the Mudanchee were fearsome Mudokon warriors and took the mighty Scrab as their sacred symbol. Now, their ancient bones are protected by the Scrabs they worshipped.

Monsiac Sanctrum Where did you think all those rescued Mudokons went? Deep within the winding caverns of the Monsaic Lines, the holy chamber known as the Monsaic Sanctum is the port-of-entry for Mudokons liberated from Glukkon slavery by way of mystic bird portals. Within the Sanctum, rescued Mudokons can mingle with others of their kind, find lost friends and family members, and for the first time glimpse elements of their forgotten past.

SpooceShrub Forest This ancient and magical area is one of the last reminants of the origin forests. Native Mudokons travel here to meditate and regenerate. SpooceShrubs grow wild and can be found all over the landscape. SpooceShrubs provide Spooce to Munch and Abe. While Spooce is earned for creating spiritual works, in game terms it is essentially Mudokon currency.
In this first outdoor level game, Abe has to round up his Mudokon brethren, convince them to get their lazy butts in gear and help him activate doors, the Zap Henge, and beat the crap out of a rent-a-slig and his pack of ferocious slogs.

Necrum Mines Deep below the earth, in lightless shafts sunk at haphazard angles without regard for safety or efficiency, Blind Mudokons ceaselessly labor in the Bone Mines of Necrum. Their mission: collect the bones that Glukkons use to make SoulStorm Brew. The deepest shafts open up onto secret vaults and hidden realms populated by creatures long thought extinct, and other terrors from the days when Oddworld was young.

Stockyards Scrabs and Paramites may be on the brink of extinction, but you’d never know it to judge by the stockyards surrounding any Glukkon processing facility. Here the creatures are penned, naked to the sky and elements, awaiting their turn in the slaughter tunnel. Glukkon stockyards are old, rusty, muddy, and knee-deep in filth – if you’re downwind from a stockyards, you’ll smell it from miles away.

Last edited by Doublehex; 06-24-2005 at 10:39 AM..
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06-23-2005, 01:58 PM
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: Jun 2005
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Doublehex  (10)

Industrial Facilities

RuptureFarms A one-stop slaughterhouse for all your carnivorous needs, RuptureFarms is a meat-whacking wonderland where the precious sacred animals of Oddworld are packaged as novelty food products. When profits took a nose-dive, CEO Molluck the Glukkon hit on the idea of turning RuptureFarms’ Mudokon labor force into New n’ Tasty meat cakes. Spreading misery and making some Moolah besides … what’s not to like?

SoulStorm Mining Co. Just because they’re dead doesn’t mean Mudokons can’t contribute to the bottom line. Glukkons mine the bones of dead Mudokons for Brew, too! Who cares if it’s a sacred burial ground? The blind Mudokon laborers don’t even know what it is they’re digging up … what a bunch of saps!

FeeCo Depot Transportation hub of the Magog Cartel. Hey, all those trains gotta go someplace! The Magog Cartel is a far-flung enterprise only dimly understood by it’s managers, and without a string of FeeCo Depots to stockpile critical resources, the whole thing would go kablooie! Each Depot is a labyrinthine warren crammed full of crates, crabby Slig commuters, furtive escaped Mudokons, and lost luggage.

Boneworks Mudokon bones really are a wonder … so many products, so many uses! Bonewerks is where the magic happens. Why waste Mudokon bones propping up Mudokon flesh when you use them for explosive bone powder or even more explosive SoulStorm Brew? Bonewerks can take a train-load of decaying Mudokon bones and convert them into useful resources in a jiffy! Bones still inside a live, kicking Mudokon? No problem … Bonewerks will split ‘em up (for a small extra fee).

Slig Barracks Where do Sligs go to swear, sleep, scratch, smoke, and spit? Besides their workplace, that is. Why, the Slig Barracks, of course, where a Slig can be a Slig. Within these stained steel halls, Sligs can earn their Wings, and crawling Sligs can dream of supercharged pants of their very own. There’s ammo for everyone and live targets to spare, so bring the kids and make a day of it!

Vyker's Lab The mother ship with all it's different internal facilities was a unique and big design task. Due to its' gluttonous and destructive nature, a bloated tick like silhouette was designed. Unfortunately it's underside was never shown close enough. The center head with its arm like cranes "feeding" on test animals crates and spewing out industrial waste and pollution gave it it's Vykker identity.

Splinterz Manufacturing The granddaddy of them all, Splinterz is one of the largest factories on the continent of Mudos and thanks to a comprehensive clear-cutting deforestation program initiated by its founders, it's the largest producer of pure wood toothpicks. But Abe and Munch can topple it just by sneaking about the level, possessing a couple BigBros, rescuing the scrub laborers, and getting Mr. CEO Glukkon to bankrupt the company with one single donation to the Lulu Fund.

Magtog Motors This heavily guarded plant is cooled by a pool of water under the main walkways. Produces the parts for all industrial vehicles from the blimpy spark plugs to exhaust pipes for Sligs. Power-up Munch on Zap and AquaBounce to knock out the sligs and BigBros from underneath or rain death from above by getting Abe to the bonepowder kegs on the upper level. Ultimately, your goal is to get to the glukkon who runs this plant. Once again, you have to convince him to part with his ill-gotten moolah

Flug Fuels The name says it all. Original designed to look like a giant fuel tank layed on it's side. This explosive fuel powers everything from Vykker Pods to Slig pants. Scrubs have been trapped in pens and are being guarded by armored sligs, BigBros, landmines, water mines and just all sorts of nastiness. Free the scrubs, clear out the enemies and move on.

Sloghut Nothing better on which to raise a slog than delicious mudokon puppy treats. The Slog Hut was originally designed to look like a big slog. The large stained glass window graphic is decorative. In this level, Abe and Munch have to lead the scrub mudokons through a gauntlet of slogs and slig shooters to keep them from becoming sloggy chow.

Last edited by Doublehex; 06-24-2005 at 10:40 AM..
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06-23-2005, 04:59 PM
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Doublehex  (10)

Map of OddWorld

Last edited by Doublehex; 06-24-2005 at 10:26 AM..
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06-24-2005, 06:16 PM
Doublehex's Avatar
: Jun 2005
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Doublehex  (10)


Abe The thought of this knobby-kneed goofball leading a popular uprising against the Magog Cartel caused panic and not a little shrieking, but against all odds, Abe has sucked it up and followed the hero’s path with only occasional diversions into hysteria, terror, and near-suicidal bouts of depression. Since earning some pretty special mystical tattoos, Abe is capable of possessing his enemies, turning invisible, healing the sick, and can even become the all-powerful Shrykull when circumstances allow. While small in stature, and somewhat feeble in brain, being the chosen one does have its perks. Abe can turn invisible, and has the ability to possess and control any creature he comes across…from the measley Slig to the mighty Scrab. He’s also got a mighty, mighty fart which he can control and make explode. Abe thought his troubles were over after shutting down the RuptureFarms meat packing plant. Just as he was accepting the praise and adulation from his Mudokon bretheren, three Mudokon spirits appear and tell him he’s got another quest. Glukkons™ are now using Mudokon bones to make brew! When not committing terrorist acts against Glukkon business establishments, Abe can usually be seen rescuing Mudokons or running from various forms of Oddworld wildlife. Abe has been known to vacation in Necrum, the Mudokon City of the Dead.

Stranger Some say he's from the river. Others say he's from the mountains. He dresses like he's got something to hide. Legend has it that he comes from ther hills, or those thar fjords. But the fact is, no one really knows where this Stranger came from.

Big Face Mysterious spiritual leader of the Mudokons. Already a shaman, healer, and teacher, add "miracle worker" to his resume: he has to make a hero out of Abe. Appeared in both Abe’s Oddysee and Abe’s Exoddus.

The Weirdos Deceased denizens of the sacred city of Necrum, the Mudokon Spirit Guides were roused from their comfortable slumber by greedy Glukkon™ bone ranchers who have been plundering Mudokon graves for the main addictive ingrediant for SoulStorm™ Brew. After granting Abe mystical powers and helping him to destroy SoulStorm Brewery, the Mudokon Spirit Guides returned to their crypt where they are still kvetching about Abe’s performance.

Alf One-time drunk and current evangelist, Alf has been a lifesaver for Mudokon dipsomaniacs. Armed with a twelve-step program, old-fashioned revivalism, and his miraculous Tea, Alf’s cure is the drug of choice for strung out Mudokons on a bender. "My name is Alf … I had my first Brew when I was with Abe, in the desert …" Sing it, brother!

Molluck The boss of RuptureFarms and President in absentia of SoulStorm Brewery. Completely obsessed with achieving status and success whatever the cost, Molluck is the prodigal Glukkon son. If you think cruelty, ruthlessness, paranoia, and double-dealing are endearing traits, then Molluck is the C.E.O. for you. Missing in action since the destruction of RuptureFarms, Molluck is the subject of an exhaustive search by his masters, who hope they’ll find Molluck alive if only so they can have him shot.


General Dripik General Dripik is the stern taskmaster of the Slig Barracks. It used to be about the brew, now it’s all about profit.


Brewmaster Half the heart but twice the flavor! After the fall of the RuptureFarms meatpacking plant, Molluck, the CEO of RuptureFarms, entrusted the company’s SoulStorm™ Brewery to this less than competent Glukkon.

V.P. Aslik Glukkon in charge of FeeCo Depot. The Trains will run on time! Loves decorating and wearing designer suits. Returns videos unrewound.

Director Phleg Head boner at the Bonewerks. With the meatpacking plant now closed, the first item of business was to find a new source of bones for their brew, which they found to be plentiful at the Necrum Mudokon burial grounds. The bones were processed at Bonewerks.

Lulu In a corporate culture ruled by dim-witted slugs in suits, this loser can't even match a coat and a tie. For Munch and Abe to save the Gabbit species and free the Mudokon Scrubs, they have to find a way to promote this bonehead to the top of the Glukkon corporate ladder. And you thought working for the boss' son-in-law was bad ...!
Low-level Glukkons are Puds before they become Chumps. Followed by Wanna-Bes and Big Cheeses. In the end, all aspire to be Glockstars.

Last edited by Doublehex; 06-27-2005 at 05:55 AM..
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01-03-2006, 05:09 PM
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Hm....How come this topic was stickied?
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