Newport Land - The official buyable font. It's yours for $19,99. But Odd Font is just as good.
Odd Font - The actual Oddworld font as it is used in (most) of the games.
[The link for this is broken; the OddFont is now available as an attachment in this post]
HUSH - A font that looks a lot like the Oddworld font.
Thanks to Abe Babe, Enversi and Oddipus for sharing these fonts with us.
To use these fonts, go to My Computer > Control Panel > Fonts and put the font files in this folder. The fonts will now show up in every program that supports it (Word, Photoshop, Paint, ect).
And if you’d like to use the font for RuptureFarms and SoulStorm:

Square Slabserif 711 Bold may be of interest to you.
~ Max
And now the original Oddfont is available as an attachment in this thread! PC users, download it and move it to your 'fonts' folder accessible through your 'control panel'. Mac users, you're on your own!