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01-15-2008, 10:51 AM
Stranger90's Avatar
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Stranger's Wrath movies

The movies of Stranger's Wrath are simply amazing but there aren't captions and since I'm italian in the 90% of cases I can't understand what they say! Is there anywhere a site of the phrases spoken by the characthers??? Or if someone can write it here (only movies)! Please
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01-15-2008, 06:09 PM
mudling's Avatar
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Umm, I can give you a main anyalsis of the movies if you want, haven't played the game in a while, and my xbox is dead. Sorry.
DO you at least know the gist of what happens in the game?

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01-16-2008, 05:00 AM
Stranger90's Avatar
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Yes if you can help me thanks! No matter if the Xbox is broke I've found a video with all Stranger's Wrath movies...

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01-16-2008, 07:54 AM
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BLISTERZ: You jerk! You broke my favourite rifle.
STRANGER: Never liked guns.
BLISTERZ: Oh, man! Why'd you have to do that? No, no no now look, you don't need to do that-!


BLISTERZ: Oh, this sucks.
JAILER: Hey nice going, Stranger. Now go get your Moolah over at the bounty store, eh? Heh.


DOC: Welcome back. You'll be happy to see that I've worked up an ingenious approach to your... "little problem."
STRANGER: (growling)
DOC: Right, well, um, well, due to the "unique nature" of this case, the operation is shaping up to be rather complicated.
DOC: Oh, well... give or take a few grand.
STRANGER: What? I ain't paying that!
DOC: Right. Well, er, sorry to hear that but, er, I got a business to run-
STRANGER: I need this... to survive.
DOC: Right, well, that could be a problem, couldn't it? For you.
STRANGER: How the hell am I paying for this?
DOC: You're supposed to be the big, bad-ass bounty hunter. Figure it out!


BOUNTY STORE CLERK: Well, that squares us up. There's this other thing you might want to take a peak at, eh.
STRANGER: What's it pay?
CLERK: Well, tell you what. Let's give him a buzz and find out.
SEKTO: Sekto.
CLERK: Hey, er, hello, er, Mister Sekto? This is Buzzarton Bounty Store. I got a bounty hunter hear, and he wants to have a word with you. All righty, hear you go.
SEKTO: Sekto. What's your business?
STRANGER: I hear you're paying out for a steef head.
SEKTO: You're telling me you have a steef head?
STRANGER: Maybe I knows where to find one. For twenty grand.
SEKTO: Better be fresh for twenty grand.
STRANGER: So when I bag one, where do I find you?
SEKTO: Easy. I own the Mongo River. You'll find my office at Sekto Springs Dam. I'm always here.
STRANGER: Well that's good to know.

SEKTO: It's Sekto.
CASTARAIDER: Sekto! Big boss of the river. What we do for you?
SEKTO: A bounty hunter in Buzzarton says he can bag me a steef head.
CASTARAIDER: There ain't no steef around here!
SEKTO: If there is, he is twenty grand richer. Unless you can get it for yourself.
CASTARAIDER: Bounty hunter in Buzzarton? Hmm. Lock and load boys! We got some hunting to do! Heh heh. Yeah.


SHOOTER MINION: Hey! Hey boss! Stranger's coming to!
MINION: Yeah yeah, that's him! That's the one that brought in Blisterz Booty!
STRANGER: (growling)
CASTARAIDER: Well, if it ain't the big bad bounty hunter. So, Stranger, all we need to know is: where's the steef?
STRANGER: (snarls)
OUTLAWS: (laughing)
STRANGER: (whispering) No no no no no!
CASTARAIDER: Hold it! What? Wow! What the-? What you hiding, freak boy? D'oh! Get them pants off!
OUTLAW CUTTER: Is that what I think it is?
CASTARAIDER: It's a God-damn steef! It ain't been... hiding it's legs, got no horns!
STRANGER: (growling)
OUTLAW CUTTER: Ugh! Blisterz Booty bagged by a steef!
OUTLAWS He's a steef! It's a steef! That ain't right!
CASTARAIDER: You think you could be like us? You think you could be normal? Skin that thing! Twenty grand. Wish they all that easy. What the?
OUTLAW CUTTER: Aaaaaaaargh!
OUTLAWS: We're in trouble! What's going on here? Get your asses in gear!
STRANGER: So now you know. But you won't live to tell the tale!


HELMET GRUBB: What was that?
GRUBB: Steef do kick booty!
GRUBBS: Steef! Steef! Steef! Steef! Steef!
GRUBB: Run! The dam's starting to fall!

GRUBBS: Come on! Let's go this way! Hey, you made it! It's been so long!

STRANGER: Hmm... Huh?
GRUBBS: (gasp) Oh no! It's the old steef!
OLDEN STEEF: (gasping, choking) Is the water free?
STRANGER: Yeah. All free.
OLDEN STEEF: It's free? Free. Free... (dies)
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Last edited by Bullet Magnet; 01-16-2008 at 07:57 AM..
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01-16-2008, 08:50 AM
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Wow, you have more patience than I have.

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01-16-2008, 11:33 AM
Stranger90's Avatar
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Stranger90  (23)

Thanks for your time! Now I'll try to translate it in italian
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01-16-2008, 01:01 PM
mudling's Avatar
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Great job BM!
Glad to see someone did it for you Sorry I didn't do it though, didn't know they were all on youtube.

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01-18-2008, 02:18 AM
Stranger90's Avatar
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Stranger90  (23)
Italian Translation

As I promise, this is the italian translation!

BLISTERZ: Sei uno stronzo! Hai rotto il mio fucile preferito!
STRANGER: Non mi sono mai piaciuti i fucili!
BLISTERZ: Oh accidenti! Perchè hai dovuto fare questo? No, no no ora guarda, non hai bisogno di fare questo-!


BLISTERZ: Oh, questo non va bene!
CARCERIERE: Bel lavoro Stranger! Ora vai a riscuotere i tuoi Moolah al negozio di taglie, eh? Heh.


DOC: Ben tornato! Sarai felice di sapere che ho lavorato ad un ingegnoso approccio al tuo... "piccolo problema".
STRANGER (ringhia)
DOC: Giusto, bene, um, bene, per colpa della "natura unica" di questo caso, l'operazione sta rischiando nell'essere piuttosto... complicata.
DOC: Oh, be... ottieni o guadagna qualche migliaio.
STRANGER: Cosa? Non posso pagare questo!
DOC: D'accordo, bene, e, mi dispiace nel sentire questo, eee, ho delle faccende da sistemare.
STRANGER: Ho bisogno di questo... per sopravviere.
DOC: D'accordo, bene, quello può essere un problema, non è vero? Per te.
STRANGER: Perchè diavolo sto pagando per questo?
DOC: Tu sei il cosiddetto grande, prepotente cacciatore di taglie. Scoprilo da solo!


IMPIEGATO NEGOZIO DI TAGLIE: Bene, con questo è tutto sistemato. C'è questa'altra cosa a cui potresti darci un'occhiata, eh.
STRANGER: Quanto ammonta la paga?
CLERK: Bene. Ho un'idea. Facciamo uno squillo e scopriamolo.
SEKTO: Sekto.
CLERK: Ehi, e, pronto, er, Signor Sekto? Questo è il negozio di taglie di Buzzarton. Ho qui un cacciatori di taglie, vorrebbe scambiare qualche parola con lei. Perfetto, ecco a lei.
SEKTO: Sekto. Qual'è la tua richiesta?
STRANGER: Ho sentito che lei sta pagando per una testa di centauro.
SEKTO: Mi stai dicendo che hai una testa di centauro?
STRANGER: Forse so dove trovarne una. Per 20 mila.
SEKTO: Meglio essere prudenti per 20 mila.
STRANGER: Quindi quando ne catturo uno, dove ti posso trovare?
SEKTO: Semplice. Io possengo il Fiume Mongo. Troverai il mio ufficio alle Dighe Sorgive di Sekto. Sono sempre qui.
STRANGER: Be, questo è buono a sapersi.

SEKTO: Qui è Sekto.
CASTRAIDER: Sekto. Grande capo del fiume. Che facciamo per te?
SEKTO: Un cacciatore di taglie a Buzzarton dice che riesce a catturarmi una testa di centauro.
CASTRAIDER: Non c'e alcun centauro nei dintorni!
SEKTO: Se c'è, vale 20 mila. A meno che tu riesci a catturarlo per te stesso.
CASTRAIDER: Un cacciatore di taglie in Buzzarton? Hmm. Gambe in spalla ragazzi! Abbiamo qualche caccia da fare! Heh heh. Yeah


SHOOTER MINION!: Ehi! Ehi capo! Stranger sta riprendendo conoscenza!
MINION: Si, si, è lui! Quello che ha sbattuto al fresco Blisterz Booty!
STRANGER (ringhia)
CASTARAIDER: Be, se non è il grande cattivo cacciatore di taglie. Quindi, Stranger, tutti abbiamo bisogno i saperlo: dov'è il centauro?
STRANGER (brontola)
OUTLAWS (ridono)
STRANGER: No no no no no!
CASTARIADER: Fermi! Come? Wow! Ma che-? Cosa nascondi, furbastrone? D'oh! Toglietili quei pantaloni.
OUTLAW CUTTER: È quello che penso che sia?
CASTARAIDER: È un maledetto centauro! Non può esserlo... si nascondeva le sue gambe, non ha corna!
STRANGER (ringhia)
OUTLAWER CUTTER: Ugh! Blisterz Booty catturato da un centauro.
OUTLAWS: Lui è un centauro! È un centaurro! Non c'è dubbio!
CASTARADIER: Pensavi che potevi essere come noi? Pensavi che potevi essere normale? Spellate quella cosa! 20 mila. Magari fosserò tutti così facili. Ma che?
OUTLAW CUTTER: Aaaaaaargh!
OUTLAWS: Siamo nei guai! Che sta succedendo qui? Muovete quelle chiappe!
STRANGER: Quindi ora lo sapete. Ma non vivrete per raccontrare la storia!


STRANGER: (ruggito)
HELMET GRUBB: Che cos'era?
OTHER GRUB: Centauro!
GRUBB: Centauro scalcia qualche sedere!
GRUBBS: Centauro! Centauro! Centauro! Centauro! Centauro!
GRUBB: Correte. La diga sta iniziando a crollare!

GRUBBS: Andiamo! Da questa parte! Ehi, c'è l'hai fatta! C'è voluto così tanto!

STRANGER: Hmm... Huh?
GRUBBS: Oh no! È il vecchio centauro!
OLDEN STEEF: Sone le acque libere?
STRANGER: Certo. Tutte libere!
OLDEN STEEF: Sono libere? Libere. Libere... (muore)

Last edited by Stranger90; 01-19-2008 at 08:10 AM..
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01-18-2008, 04:37 AM
AbesGenerationX's Avatar
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Grazie Stranger.
Thanks Stranger.
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01-18-2008, 06:03 AM
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Just passing by to tell you that if you want all the Stranger movies in high quality and downloadable, you can find them here:

there shouldn't be any codec problem with those

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01-18-2008, 07:19 AM
Matriar's Avatar
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Yes if you can help me thanks! No matter if the Xbox is broke I've found a video with all Stranger's Wrath movies...

I love you! No, not really...

I have been looking for that whole all-SW-movies crap but didn't find anything for hours! The English voices sound awesome.

Also found out that they sometimes even translated some of the sentences kinda wrong in German. Gotta hate things like that.

O'ell. At least, they kept the main things correct.
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01-18-2008, 07:20 AM
Stranger90's Avatar
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Is a pity that Stranger's Wrath isn't translated in Italian! I wanted Chuck Norris's as Stranger's voice
Oddworld: a game for somebody. A life-style for me!


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01-18-2008, 09:28 AM
The Cheshire Cat's Avatar
The Cheshire Cat
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Hey thats a great link, thanks for all the movies
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01-18-2008, 12:04 PM
Matriar's Avatar
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Just passing by to tell you that if you want all the Stranger movies in high quality and downloadable, you can find them here:

there shouldn't be any codec problem with those
Are these like hiden links? I didn't find these movies on the Oddworld Movies page. Or maybe I'm not kept up to date too...
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01-18-2008, 07:23 PM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
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As I promise, this is the italian translation!

Wow. How much of that is a literal translation? Some of the phrases and words are colloquial English that probably have Italian equivalents that are not literal translations.
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01-19-2008, 12:24 AM
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Are these like hiden links? I didn't find these movies on the Oddworld Movies page. Or maybe I'm not kept up to date too...

Those aren't realy hidden links I've posted them on the forums before, but I should find some time to actually post them on the site

the bik files are the highest quality files you can ever find (except if you are going to steal stuff right out of the OWI studios), those are actually the files found in the game.

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01-19-2008, 01:21 AM
AbesGenerationX's Avatar
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Videos quality AMAZING!
Nice one!
Love oddworldlibrary. ;D
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01-23-2008, 09:57 AM
Matriar's Avatar
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Just wanted to let you know, Stranger90 and Xavier, that I really appreciate watching all these SW videos!

I bought Stranger's Wrath in the US when I had a visit there but couldn't play it at home in Switzerland because my XBox wasn't American. Made me upset. Badly wanted to hear at least the English voices of the movie sequels.

So thanks again!
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