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08-06-2002, 05:27 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
'Frankenstein's Monster'

It had been a long day, the sun was slowly sinking into the horizon, casting a flourish of yellow and orange colours into the sky. As the Guard exited out of the institution he cracked his neck, rolling his head and moving it from side to side. Today had been a long and eventful day for Corain. First of all the patients on their way to the 'Chair' had screwed around, injuring two Doctors and damaging one of the lights on the walls. They needed to be sorted out and then the Guards who were changing shifts got stuck in the lift. Being one of the stronger men on patrol that day was one of the disadvantages, as he was forced to help the team of technicians and use all his might to actually pull the stranded employee's out. The children on two of the Wards had become increasingly ill, ironicly these kids were also the ones who were slowly starting to be cured of their mental state. Corain shook his head slowly in frustration, walking towards the staff quaters, his cattle prod equipped to his leg. His white uniform made him stand out in the bland, dark enviroment. If he were anywhere else he would have been killed years ago, thankfully he was in one of the many Orkhid compounds that protected its employee's, employers and guests from outside attacks. The entire area was guarded. 7 mile, 19 foot electric-mesh fences gave a good sense of security, as did the watch towers which held two snipers in each. There was five of these towers, four on the corners of the fence and one in the middle. The work building was a large white block of bricks and breeze-blocks. It didn't look much from the outside, but on the inside the technology which was kept was immensly advanced. The main block was a labratory and research center. The building went underground for around 2-3 floors. Then under that was another 3 floors which consisted of the defect children. Born with disabilities such as insanely-violent attitudes or personality disorders which kept them from killing. Other 'defects' were disabled children and black children. Many experiments were tested on these Orkhids, such as bleaching of the skin and mechanical legs, arms etc. However, if the Doctors consider the child to be too 'far gone' the creature is killed instantly and thrown into the disposel unit and forgotten by the entire Orkhid society who knew about it. A good 10-15 metres away however was the living quaters of the employee's and employers. They were round greyish capsules, each capable of containing 4-5 residents. There were alot of these, an incountable number infact. But, as usual, all was secured with security cameras and swipe cards to get in and out. Orkhids were known for their sadisticness, however, nothing was ever mentioned about their paranoia and cautiousness.
Yawning the 29 yr old headed towards his capsule. He was sharing it with two other Guards. A female and another male. He enjoyed their company, but hardly ever saw them as when he came off his shift, those two went on. The only quality time they were able to spend together was when they were all off on the weekend or bank holiday.
The sound of some creatures foot been dragged on the floor halted the tired Orkhid in his tracks. He knew of no-one who got off at the same time as him tonight. Most were working and all the Orkhids who were changing shifts would have already been in the building. Sniffing the air, Corain could smell some sort of burning and chemical scent alike. It was a strange smell, like Sulphur, but more smokey. Slowly Corain turned to face the direction in which it was coming from. His dark blue eyes dilating as the sky slowly darkened. Upon turning he saw the figure of another Orkhid, a possible adult, enveloped in the black shadow of a nearby building. He was a good 2-3 inches bigger than himself.

Corain: "Who are ya? What ya want?"

The figure never spoke, but seemed to giggle. The sillouette gave some distinct clues, such as shoulder length hair and big boots. But that was all.

Corain: "Well...? Ya gonna speak?"

Slowly he reached for his black cattle prod. Grasping hold of the handle, he tugged it from its holster which was strapped to his leg and squeezed the trigger back. A sharp 'Zzzizzz' erupted from the silver tipped ends as a string of blue electricity leaped from prod to the other.

Figure: "You were good at using that...Especially when the recievers were children."

The armed Orkhid scoffed at the calming voice and took a step backwards.

Corain: "I dont know what ya on about, mate. I 'ant used this on any sprog."

The head of the figure seemed to tilt back as it laughed once more. Amazed by such an answer.

Figure: "Now come. You think i wouldn't remember? You think i would just allow you to use me in such away and then disappear with all the rest of the bodies you and your pals threw me in with?"

The brow of Corain narrowed, he had no idea who this being was and didn't really like his attitude. Accusing him of such things, it was proposterous.

Corain: "Now, i dont know who ya are, mate. But if ya trying to spook me, it wont work. Ya hear me?"

Figure: "Why dont you use it on me one more time, eh? Go on...lets see if you still get pleasure from it."

Stepping forwards the figure smirked. The sunlight showing half of its face, the top half. And although Corain couldn't see its mouth, he knew it was smiling because of the glint it had in its eyes. The bluey-purple eyes.

Figure: "Come on...i wont hurt you. Im a pansy according to you, unworthy of living."

Lunging forwards with his right arm outstretched, the cattle prod active, Corain attempted to stop the lies this ignorant bastard was spewing. A small laugh escaped the lips of the figure however, as it stepped to the side and grasped Corain' armed arm with its pale right hand. Its other hand in turn formed into a fist and with a brief movement the figure had punched Corains elbow from below, snapping it and causing it to hang in a awkward fashion. A sharp gasp of pain escaped Corains lips, his cattle prod dropping to the dusty earth.

Corain: "You f*ck, who are ya!? Eh!? What do ya want!?"

He staggered backwards, clutching his elbow and trying to keep it level with his upper arm.

Figure: "I am shocked Corain...really, i am. After all you have done for me...Ahem...to me. Tell me, just out of interest, are you still forcing the children to fight? To steal? To su..."

As it drew to the end of the sentence, the voice had become distraught and angered. Almost as if it was pained by saying such things...


Slowly the attacker bent down and picked up the weapon Corain attacked him with. It ran its fingers down the steel neck, over the prods.

Figure: "To think, i actually feared this weapon...Heh."

By now the figures voice had regained its calm composure and Corain was getting more and more annoyed, frustrated and fearful.

Figure: "I doubt you have ever been on the recieving end of one of these..."

Its voice was inquisitive and yet saddened.

Corain: "You better go, you wont last long. As soon as the Guards notice that i haven't returned they will send out a search party. You'll be found and killed..."

His voice was shakey, quivering. This never even phased the attacker who quickly shoved the prod into Corains stomach and switched it on, sending a sharp jolt of electricity through his skin and into his internal organs. The Orkhid cried out in pain and dropped to his knees, gasping for breath.

Figure: "Hmmmm..."

After pulling the prod away from Corains stomach, he then swung it towards his face. The metal connected with Corains jaw, making a sudden cracking sound as it hit. Corains head was thrown back, blood spurting from his mouth.

Figure: "God, this is boring. I dont even see how you could get pleasure from such an act."

Its voice was full of distaste and it slowly crouched down to be even with Corain. Eye to eye. And that is when the Guard realised...realised whom his attacker was and why he was doing such things.

Corain: "A-Alesh..."

His speech was slurred and blood drippled from the left corner of his mouth. Before he could finish what he was about to say, the figure stooped up and kicked him in the chest, forcing him to fall backwards onto his back. He then walked around and grabbed hold of his victims longish brown hair with his right hand and pulled him across the ground. Towards the shadows of the many huts.

Figure: "However, this next act...Heh...I pressume this, will be VERY pleasurable."

As he took Corain towards the shadows his free hand fumbled with his belt, slowly undoing the buckle to his trousers.

Figure: "Since you, obviously, cannot speak...I'll pressume your a bottom...Heheheheheh..."

And with those last words, Corain was devoured by the shadows. And had done to him, as he had done to others...

(OOC: Can you guess whom the attacker is!? Go on...REPLY!! REPLY DAMN YOU!! (Also, comments on how i can improve will be greatly appreciated!!))
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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08-06-2002, 07:52 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Closer than you think..
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Silversnow  (11)

How come so many of your characters are so... evil? Don't get me wrong, it's actually rather inspiring to read this. Although... *pushes pictures out of my head* I can only think of an orc when you described "Alesh"... I have no clues of how you can improve your writing, sorry.

Keep writing ...

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08-06-2002, 10:58 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)

lol. I know, i was wondering if i should give bigger hints. Anyway, here's a link to a previous story i did that should allow you to get the picture. (By the by, Corains speech was slurred remember. So the actual pronounciation would be a bit off.) Oh and, Orkhids age quicker than humans.

America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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08-07-2002, 04:39 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Closer than you think..
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Silversnow  (11)

*goes to the story*
*reads it*
Cool! Must have been written during the time I wasn't here... Wait a moment... then shouldn't Alexie be dead?
I don't get it. He should be dead, shouldn't he?

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08-08-2002, 11:04 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 2

Sergeant Major: "I poisenally would love to know how this happened? Hm?"

His gruff voice was a feared one amongst his inferiors, however, the fact that he could not pronounce certain words gave his lowers something to laugh about...when he wasn't around of course.

Sergeant Major: "How about you Soldier. Do you know how one of the security Guards got killed, merely making his way home?"

The troops were lined up, around ten of them altogether. All of them were on duty the time of the murder. The only way they actually found the body was when the Skarvern's started circling and bobbing along inbetween four of the capsules. Thinking it was some sort of dead Rat or Dog one of the troops wandered off to dispose of the corpse and any rotting piece of flesh that was left...Unfortunatly he wandered upon the half eaten body of Corain. The Skarvern's were in a large horde by this point, around five to eight. When they get in groups of that size its hard to 'shoo' them away from a free meal. Their three inch, feathered necks swaying around as if it was trying to hypnotise the Orkhid Guard. Their black, sleak feathers ruffling, making a trance-like sound. The creatures were a weird specie, more like a Crow than anything. With their black hooked beaks and large muscly wings. However, the only thing that parted them from Crows were their long, retractable neck and the 3rd leg.
After the initial shock of seeing such a sight, the Orkhid reported it back and thus the cleaners and forensics took over. What really pissed the Sergeant Major off though, was the fact nobody noticed anything. The CCTV was seemingly inplanted with a virus of some sort that actually made it loop after three seconds, giving the illusion of a trouble free zone. And the deed was commited in such a professional manner, that only at the last moment were Guards and other personal notified. The superior of these highly trained Orkhids felt ill. His white, broken face was filled with seething anger for the purpetrator. He had never actually met Corain, but he had heard good things about him. How the children listened to him and obeyed him, possibly even looking up to him. And now...he was dead. It was a disgusting fact of life...


Coroner: "Yes...Yes i understand. Hmm? I'll send the photo's over right away. Well, in my personal opinion, it seems to be more of a ritual killing than anything. Yes, there seems to be the letter 'A' carved into his forehead. I was thinking somesort of God, Reptilian maybe? Mudokon? Yeh, i'll keep you updated. Ok. Ok. Bye."

With that the coroner hung up the phone and turned back to the body lying on the operating table, now used for dissecting the dead. The room had a white floor, blood stains could be seen. Some drops fresh, some old. The walls and ceilings were steal and this was one of three rooms were dissection was carried out. Sniffing the Orkhid wandered upto the corpse and picked up his dictaphone which graced the instrument stool. It was amongst such items as scalpels, clamps, saws etc. Pressing the button on the little, silver box, the Orkhid began to speak into it, recording his findings. He then placed it back down and lifted the body up and rolled it on its side.

Coroner: "Continuing at 0956 hours. There are some minor lasserations to the subjects back. It seems that before the Orkhid died, he was beaten at least a dozen times with some sort of flexable hard weapon. Their also seems to be some sore, bald patches on the back of the head, indicating some sort of hair pulling torture of some kind. Moving down the spinal column their are pin pricks and a sign of forced entry into the anus. It seems as if our body here was raped and beaten viciously. I am sure from my previous statements, observations and photographs you can build a quite vivid picture of the incident that has happened. I shall now take a swab of the inside of the rectum to see if i can find any traces of DNA. You should see the results in the file in which this tape goes with."

He pushed the stop button and walked over to one of the cabinets on the wall. Slowly sliding the door to the left he took out a tub full of swabs, which looked more like ear-cleaners then anything else. Sighing he then turned back to his subject, and continued in his search for evidence...

(OOC: Silversnow, as the story progress' your question will be answered. Any other questions anyone has?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 08-10-2002 at 11:11 AM..
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08-10-2002, 07:47 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 3

Sighs came from the Orkhid council. Sat in a dark room with little light (Think of the Purebloods in 'Blade') they each looked over the photo's of the murder scene. The Orkhid council consisted of 13 members. There was nothing special about them, they weren't veterans of War or high ranked Scientists. They were merely chosen by the Council before them. These Council members were of the 5th Generation, incredibly different from the 1st this group were more sadistic and twisted. They only loyalty they believed in was loyalty to themselves. At least two of the Councellors had killed some of their family members. Well, at least two that were open about the subject.
It was a wonder that this killing had gotten so much publicity. Usually the Council merely shrugged it off and got a replacement. But the act of rape and torture was enough to rope in the Orkhids. Not only that but the DNA sample from the rectum of the victim indicated Orkhid origin. One lead was that the attacker was sterile and of a 'Xó' blood group. Something that could lead to the apprehension of the killer.

Member #2: "I pressume everything is being taken care of...Iraxx?"

The silver haired member turned his sunken cheeked face to the young Commander. Iraxx smiled and cracked his knuckles.

Iraxx: "Of course sir, you should know that you can trust me by now. Especially with the way i handled Sasha ...heh."

He smirked as he thought back to the time he betrayed the being that had worked for him. As he did so another valent member across the other side of the table stood up, placed his hands on the table and leaned forwards.

Member #10: "Aye Iraxx. But you seem to have forgotten your failure with Cyrus. Or are you just using your infamous selective memory, again?"

This member was younger than the previous. However, his physical appearance was worse. His brown locks were growing grey at the roots and he was slowly beginning to develop cateracts in both eyes. Iraxx raised his left eyebrow at the being. To him Wyles was as good as dead, and any heckling he recieved from him was not important. The old fool was going to die and Iraxx was going to enjoy hearing of the news.

Iraxx: "With all due respect...Sir, i did my best. It is not my fault that some go missing, some die and others turn up in hospital the next month or so. And besides, one of the Assassins i sent is recovering as we speak and the news he holds will be vitally important for the mission."

The Council member scoffed and sat down. Once all the members had flipped through the photo's and listened to the medical recording. Everything was packaged back and given back to Iraxx whom stepped into the hall way and trudged out to get updates.


Diluted blood quickly washed down into the drain. The dead body twitching in the communal shower were medical staff went after hours. The victims throat, wrists and stomach had been slashed, allowing blood to quickly escape from the holes and mix with the water that was escaping from the shower head. The murderer watched, smiling contently to himself. Rubbing his own scarred throat, he thought back to his childhood. A tear running down his left cheek as he did so. It wasn't happy, filled with joy or pleasantness...not even by Orkhid standards. Instead it was filled with beatings, injections, electric currents, rapings and so forth. But now he was old enough and it was his 'job' to stop the incidents that were inflicted on him repeating themselves. And all the ones who had tormented him physically, mentally and emotionally...well...they were about to feel the same, 10 fold.

(OOC: Any comments?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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08-12-2002, 10:18 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 4

Member #1: "It is von thing that this maniac infiltrates the perimeter, Iraxx. But it is something else vhen he infiltrates the ACTUAL building(!)"

The static of the radio kicked in, giving signal that the members were awaiting for Iraxx to reply with whatever pathetic excuse he had. Iraxx was sat in his office this time, listening to his superiors bollock him down the radio.

Iraxx: "Sir. I am looking into it now, i will make it my personal duty to ensure that no other Orkhids of that sector be murdered or tortured."

There was a brief moment of static once more.

Member #1: "Indeed. Out."

The transmission cut out, leaving Iraxx to plan his next moves. If he sorted this out he could be ever more closer to that promotion he needed so desperatly. Climbing to his feet, the Orkhid cracked his neck and stepped upto a jug of Coffee that was situated to the right of him. Slowly he poured the hot, black substance into the paper cup and thought about the incidents that had occured over the following days. Taking a sip of the Coffee Iraxx stepped around his office, looking through his partially closed blinds at the dazzlingly, beautiful scenery. He took another sip of his drink and turned, he quickly placed the Coffee in a cup holder and pushed a couple of buttons on his comms unit, leaning forwards he spoke into it.

Iraxx: "Hey..."

His voice seemed to be full of exitement and yet desperation.

Receptionist: "Yes, sir?"

Iraxx: "Get me the Council as quickly as possible, tell them its urgent."

Receptionist: "Hold on one moment please, sir."

There was a brief pause and then the sound that indicated he was being patched through. He stood up and brushed back his hair with his left hand. Breathing exitedly.

Member #1: "Iraxx...Vhat do you vant now?"

The Orkhid smirked at his superiors rudeness and knew that once this was all over would be thanking him for a 'job well done'.

Iraxx: "I have a plan, sir. I think i may know how to capture the ki..."

Member #1: "Ve figured that Commander. Now, Vhat is it."

Cracking his knuckles Iraxx sat in his swivel chair.

Iraxx: "Tudone. He will be able to help us!! I dont know why i didn't think of it first!!"

Mumbling could be heard from the Council.

Member #1: "Tudone is dead, Iraxx. He betrayed us..."

The inferior Orkhid smiled once more. He knew for a fact that Tudone was alive as after his 'death' Tudone had contacted Iraxx. Telling him he was safe. Lets just say Iraxx had a major part in Tudone's betraying.

Iraxx: "What if i told you he wasn't. And that he may help us with this investigation..."

Member #1: "Vhat is this, Iraxx? Some sort of saonce? If Tudone is, miraculously, alive. I see to it that he isn't alive much longer...understood?"

Frustrating as this was, Iraxx kept his cool and still spoke calmly.

Iraxx: "With all due respect. Tudone may be the only one to help us...And if he is killed, then, the hope of catching this killer die' with him."

Wyles: "Damn you Iraxx. What is it you are planning now, hm? What is it? Another one of your schemes to get a promotion?"

Wyles butted in. His voice raised and angered.

Iraxx: "My 'scheme' is to merely put a stop to the murders and to advance the Orkhid race. Why does everything i do have to be about promotions? Why cant you trust me for once, Wyles? Hm?"

It was the first time he had ever called one of his superiors by his/her first name. It was dangerous doing so, especially in a tone which was as bitter and fury filled as that. He heard mumbling and what sounded like harsh whispers being exchanged by a number of members.

Member #1: "Get vhatever you need. Ve vill be calling back in half an hour. Sit tight. Out."

Iraxx smirked and sat back in his chair, placing his feet upon the desk he smiled and closed his eyes. Imagining all the doors that would beckon him once he recieved his promotion...
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 07-03-2003 at 09:22 AM..
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08-25-2002, 02:20 AM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 5

Their footsteps echoed down the dingy, dark hallway. Pipes crowned with rust and mould overhead, bulbs flickered on and off, dangling from the ceiling. They were in the basement of an abandoned, industrialised Church. The main place were most Evangelists performed their 'miracles'. Their reason for following Iraxx to such a place was merely to find out about the deaths. Three other Orkhids had tagged along, two of them dragging the bodies and one of them a Spokeslady for the Orkhid Council. Her Black hair was tied back in a pony tail and she wore a entire black suit with a short skirt. This feminine look was to merely a guise, as underneathe her suit she carried 2 Revolvers and a flick knife. She was as deadly as the rest.

Female: "Commander, where exactly is Tudone?"

Her voice soft and yet stern, she asked politely and rubbed her small nose with her left hand.

Iraxx: "Rrrrrrright...here."

Replying without turning back, he scanned the wall until he found what looked to be a normal wall, banging on it with a clenched fist. As he brought his hand away from the wall he signalled to the others to back off a little bit.


The darkness of its room was no shroud. Liou's were a very adaptable specie. Their boney, broad shoulders were capable of withstanding bullet fire and smashing down metallic doors, their three claws capable of ripping through flesh, bone and a variety of metal. Tudone wasn't expecting visitors and shuffled un-easily towards the sound. Its face flat and smeered with druel. Breathing steadily and awkwardly, Tudone placed his hand on the wall and searched for his peep-hole. Upon finding it, he brought the block out the way and looked through. Seeing Iraxx's pressence stood in front.

Tudone: "Iraxx...What Hell you want!?"

His speech was like that of a disabled person. Missing out, sometimes vital, words. His jagged pupil dilated in the sea of Red which was his Iris.

Iraxx: "Open up, Tudone. We need your help..."

A grunt escaped the beasts flat nose as it purred, pondering.

Tudone: "We? We? Who there?"

It became aggitated with the lowly Orkhid, whom had just this minute broken his word. As it studied the cretin who was stood at its door it noticed it conversing with some other creature(s) out of sight.

Tudone: "Iraxx...!!"

Iraxx's head snapped to were Tudone's voice came from and again spoke to him nervously.

Iraxx: "Tu, we...the Council...need your help. Please, help us...Then we'll leave."

Tudone snarled but sensed that he was telling the truth. Back when his specie were plentiful he and a group of others had worked for the Orkhid's. Giving them certain infomation on their dead enemies last wherabouts. Liou's played a big part in the winning of many feuds between Orkhid and other specie. Fumbling with the locks, the beast slowly pulled back bolts and harness'. Iraxx stood waiting on the other side, the Spokeslady looking more and more fed up with this sharade. Finally the wall slowly moved inwards, allowing light to pour in. Without hesitation Iraxx pushed himself in through the door, quickly followed by the others. Annoyed by such rudeness, Tudone grasped the Orkhid Commander by the hair and flung him into a nearby pipe.

Tudone: "You promised me Iraxx!! You said you'd me alone!!"

Its voice was a raspy whisper, warm spittle hitting Iraxx's face.

Iraxx: "I will...but we need you. Your kind are the only one's capable of helping us!!"

A low snarl escaped Tudone's throat and he released the Commander, turning around to check out the other Orkhids. The others could clearly see the creature now, his hunched back mounted with brown shoulder bones. Green skin. And black claws. The face was Orc-like but alot more sunken and frightful.

Female: "Sir, as soon as you do this...You will be left alone. We merely want to catch a murderer."

Tudone: "What want me to do?"

The spokeslady snapped her fingers and the two Orkhid males flung the naked, dead body forwards. The body was of the Dr, whose main arteries had been slashed. His body was pale and partially decomposing. The Coroner had found no evidence to link the murder to anyone known to the facility, nor did the Forensics and thus they had turned to the only Liou they knew...Tudone. Liou's were a very unique race. As stated above they helped the Orkhids in many wars and battles and this was done by the Liou's channeling into the deceaseds body. Remembering what they had done before they were dead, bring out infomation about certain things. In myth this was said to be the cause for the Liou's ugliness...It was said that they channelled into too many bad experiences and thus as their souls got sickened...so did their body.

Tudone: "You leave me...then?"

Iraxx staggered to his feet, feeling the side of his head.

Iraxx: "Yes...Yes, we shall."

The hunched creature crouched down some more and placed its claws on the head of the corpse. The face of the Liou twitched as he tried to channel his essence into the body...Finally he was in...Scanning through the memory of the body he flicked through tonnes of visions, feeling feelings of tiredness, frustration and love. Seemingly fast forwarding though the memories he seemed to go to far and ended in total blackness, he then backtracked a few minutes and watched the 'movie' intrigued by what had got the Orkhids so wound up and paranoid...


The Dr stepped upto the shower head, turning the nozzle slowly. Nobody else seemed to be in the public showers, but Tudone did not get the feeling of fear from the Orkhid. To the Dr it was all a big routine. Washing his body with the soap the Dr hummed cheerfully, washing his face and then washing his genitals.

Voice: "My, my...nice to see you again Dr."

The voice was echoey and vague. This doesn't mean it was at the time, but basically means that the connection was weak. The Dr turned around, a puzzlement sensation sweeping over him. Stood, in the light of the bright room was another Orkhid. This one was less well groomed and had a sinister, dark quality to him.

Dr: "Who...who are you?"

The Dr's heart pounded faster, causing Tudone, the viewer to experience this also.

Orkhid: "Now come, you mean you dont remember me?"

The words were cooed, the black hair of the creature draping over his face. Slowly he took a step forwards, cracking his neck by rolling his head around in a circular motion.

Dr: "I-I dont believe we've ever met..."

Adrenaline started pumping throughout the Dr's body and the 'Fight or flight' instinct was beginning to kick in.

Orkhid: "No...in a way, we haven't. I died a long time ago...But you brought me back..."

And that is when the Dr knew, the feeling of recognition surged over the Dr and thus over Tudone who was feeling everything he felt.

Dr: "A...Alexie? Oh, oh my God..."

Alexie: "God? God is non existant. But, im sure you'll find out for yourself..."

The view from the Dr's eyes glanced downwards to Alexie' hand which was brandishing a Machete. The blade was brought upwards diagonally, connecting with the naked, Orkhids throat and slicing it easily. Slumping backwards onto the white enamal wall the injured creature clutched his neck, slowly sliding down to its rear.

Alexie: "Hmph. I made a mistake last time by not making more cuts...i wont do the same again."

The Dr's left wrist was grabbed by the un-armed hand and lifted up, the already bloodstained blade was then eased along the veins of the wrist, causing more blood to spurt out.

Dr: "Arrghhh, Alexie...w...why!?"

The murderer never replied but smirked as he did the same to the other wrist. Watching, waiting, smirking at the dying Dr. The visual that Tudone was recieving began to blur and mist over. He felt the life drain away, but as it did the Dr, in a final attempt to escape, flumped to his hands and knees and crawled forwards. The visual was practicly gone, but as the Orkhid crawled, Alexie grasped hold of his hair, pulled him up and then ran the blade across his bear stomach...gutting him. The Dr's life source was deminished. The body flopped to the ground and Tudone seemingly leapt out of the memory...

Gasping the beast stumbled backwards.

Iraxx: "Well, what did you see?"

With no care for the well being of his helper, Iraxx encouraged the beast to talk about the vision.

Tudone: "Alexie...Orkhid...Black hair, weird...weird eyes. Evil...."

Tudone was shocked and appauled by what he had witnessed/been apart of. But the Orkhids did not care, in a matter of seconds the female was on the phone to her superiors and they were marching towards the surface, eager to put the name 'Alexie' into the database and see what got dragged out...

-8 1/2 hours later-

Tudone was finally managing to displace the vision he had experienced. After what seemed like days the visual was nothing more than a story that he had read. Sighing he flumped down into the corner of his dark room. Closing his eyes to sleep.
The sound of somebody at the door disturbed him for the second time that day. Climbing to his feet the Liou wandered over to the door and moved the peep-hole block away to see who wanted him this time. He knew that the Orkhids would never leave him alone and he should have gone as soon as they left...but he didn't.

Tudone: "Hello?"

His voice was gruff and puzzled. He couldn't see anything, all that met his eye was blackness. He grunted confused and tried the other eye.

Tudone: "Hello?"

*Setting: A gunshot rang through the corridors, echoeing as if it was taunting the life it had just taken. Tudone, the few surviving Liou's was dead, no longer able to contribute to his specie' survival. Its heavy body hit the cold, stone ground in the room were a quater of its life had been spent. Footsteps could then be heard following the 'thump' of the corpse and out of the dank, darkness of the shadows came Alexie. A cold stare on his face as he replaced the gun that was used to take the life of some stranger he had never met. The beast that had spent its entire adult life looking through the eyes of the dead, finally got the first hand experience...*

(OOC: Comments?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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08-26-2002, 09:13 PM
Stripe's Avatar
: Jun 2002
: Maryland
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Stripe  (10)

And again I say...."WOAH!"

Can't wait for more!
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09-12-2002, 11:11 AM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
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Part 6

Iraxx: "48...48 Alexie'!? Jesus..."

Iraxx' hands ran through his hair. He was sat at his desk listening to the news that was being given to him by the female Orkhid whom had accompanied him to Tudone's lair. She was stood infront of him, in the same suit she had worn two days prior.

Female: "What do you suggest we do now, hm?"

He snorted and looked up at her, shrugging. He didn't have a clue anymore...one or two Orkhids were hard to find anyway. But 48 would be impossible.

Iraxx: "How about weeeee...ermm...find the Alexie' that had distinct connections with the base thats being attacked. Yeh...We could do that, right?"

The female nodded and placed her rear on the desk, slapping the files down on the desk.

Female: "We can and i have...3 Orkhids have come up. Two of who dead, one of them alive."

Sitting up Iraxx' face brightened. He turned the files so that they faced him and skipped through them.

Iraxx: "Well...we've...we've done it!! We've found the murderer!!"

A small chuckle escaped from the female as she played with a strand of hair that hung in front of her face.

Female: "Heh. He's clinically insane. He hasn't been out of his cell for 5 years and so its highly doubtful it was him...So...once again we're at a stand still."

Looking up at the female he growled. Her red lips formed a sly smile, mocking him. She knew that the perpetrator would be caught in the end...But it was the fact that Iraxx wanted to catch him which was entertaining. Shaking his head slowly the Commander flipped through the last remaining pages...stopping at the profile of one of the Orkhids.

Iraxx: "Heh...Heheh...No...no we haven't."

He turned the file to face the direction of the female and tapped the photo of the 'Alexie' with his right index finger.

Female: "What?"

He smirked slyly at her and configured his taps so they hit each eye of the photo, one after another. The female moved closer to the picture, puzzled.

Female: "I still dont get it..."

Iraxx snorted in frustration and sat back in his chair.

Iraxx: "The eyes...Tudone stated that the eyes of the killer were weird...Well...Whats weirder than this ones eyes. Eh?"

Female: "Ooohhh...Very true. But he's dead. Alexie Craine commited suicide when he was 12 years old, after going through countless amounts of 'Therapy'."

The female smiled, mocking Iraxx' acqusation.

Iraxx: "What if he survived. Hm? We all know that it takes upto 3 days to die from a cut throat..."

Female: "No. It takes 3 days for an adult Orkhid to die from a cut throat. A mere child can die in a matter of seconds. And besides, he died whilst being resucitated, his body was later thrown in the garbage disposal...crushed."

She loved shooting down Iraxx' theories. Even though she had only known him for 2 days she still felt some kind of perversed satisfaction from it.

Iraxx: "I dont see no records. Only statements. And we all know that most of the Orkhid medical staff are as bent as the Vykkers these days...They could've lied."

Standing up the female brushed off her suit, picking up the files straight after doing so.

Female: "Why dont you take your theory to the Council Iraxx...I'm sure they'll appreciate a good laugh. Before killing you."

She walked sharply towards the door, the files in her right hand. Iraxx slowly stood up and cracked his fingers...pulling them, one by one.

Iraxx: "Adele...You better watch your back. Dont under estimate anything or anyone. They always surpass your expectations..."

The female stopped as she was about to exit the room. A cold chill running down her back.

Adele: "Goodbye, Commander."


(OOC: *Sighs*)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 04-01-2003 at 09:01 AM..
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09-12-2002, 11:23 AM
Stripe's Avatar
: Jun 2002
: Maryland
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Rep Power: 23
Stripe  (10)
I don't know about anyone else,....

But I hope Alexie comes out on top!
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