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10-03-2001, 02:46 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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: Apr 2001
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Character Descriptions....only!

Since the old topic is getting a bit cluttered...I started this one. Please only put character descriptions in here. If you have a question, plz ask it in another topic.
I would sugguest all active RPGers transfer their character descriptions here.

Name: Spider
Race: Crossbreed(Drakkic: mix of Slig, paramite, and dragon)
Physical Description: 7ft tall with 4 ft long tail, Big Bro type frame, dark green skin, and yellow eyes(which turn silver when he reverts to his 'dragon side'). Has a row of spines running from the tip of his tail to the base of his neck and has two rows going from the base of his neck to halfway up his neck. Only has three face tentacles, each tipped with a small claw. Has a silver dragon tattoo on his chest. This was given to him by one of the dragon gods.
Abilities: As strong as a Big Bro but despite his size, he is fast and agile. Without his pants he can gallop as fast as a slig (with pants he is faster) and climb and move through trees with surprising speed. He uses his pants mainly for travel and when he needs to use both hands. His eyesight is keen, even at night, and has an excellent sense of smell.
Special Abilities: When he feels the need, Spider can access the powers of his dragon side. While accessing it he has greater strength and endurance and can unleash a shock wave by slamming both hands onto the ground. The Shock Wave needs to be charged up, however, so he has to plan ahead if he wants to use it. The strengh of the wave depends on how long he charges it, it can range from 'stun' to 'lethal'.
He can also concentrate his electric powers into a single constant lightning bolt. This bolt has the same power range as the shock wave.
He cannot stay 'connected' to his dragon side indiffinately(he can only stay connected to it for up to 10 mins) and afterwards he can't access it again for half a day.
Personality: Usually easy going, but can have a bad temper at times, especially if someone insults him. He prefers not to fight but will to defend himself and those he cares for. When he does fight he takes advantage of his surroundings and uses ambush when he can. Prefers to use his bare hands, jaws and tail, but can use a weapon if need be (he won't touch guns just so you know.)
General: Since he is an escaped crossbreed, he has difficulty finding those that will except him. Due to this he highly values any friends he has made and is very protective of them. He is also almost constantly being hunted by bounty hunters that want to capture him. All he wants is to live as close to a normal life as possible.

Name: Malice
Race: Crossbreed(Drakkic: mix of Slig, paramite, and dragon)
Physical Description: 6 ft 6 inches tall, tail is 6 ft long. Blood red skin with dark red spines. Spines consist of three rows, all starting at the top of his head and ending at the tip of his tail. The skin on the back of his neck and his back is really thick and has raised scale-like bumps. Eyes are orange.
Abilities: Strong as a Big Bro and is very fast and agile, even more so then Spider. Is equally at home in the trees as he is on the ground. Excellent eyesight and nightvision and has a keen sense of smell.
Personality: Very blood thirsty and sadistic. Doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. Will attack and attempt to kill anyone just for the 'fun' of it and takes morbid pleasure out of rearranging his victims body parts. Love's to torchure and tease his 'prey', often cracking a corny joke or two while he is at it. Hardy gets mad, even when insulted or struck; usually just replys with: "That wasn't nice..." before counter attacking. (quite frankly...he is bad enough when he is NOT mad...)
General: Not many know about his existence and those that do fear him with good reason, as he doesn't care who he kills, good or evil.(if we used the D&D alignment here...he would be chaotic evil, whereas Spider is more chaotic good). Due to recent events, Malice seems to have simply disappeared. When and/if he returns is unknown.

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Last edited by Sl'askia; 03-25-2002 at 06:32 AM..
10-03-2001, 03:20 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

Name: Olm
Species: Mudokon
Residence: Pyke
Occupation: Surgeon/General GP, with a sideline in mechanics [after all, slig pants break down occasionally, and in Pyke they can't exactly get hold of new ones too easily...] He is also quite interested in medical research, particularly genetics.
Physical Description: Quite tall and wiry, with dexderous[sp] fingers, but not much brute strength.
Special Skills/Abilities: Has a talent for Technology, which makes him close to unique in a native town like Pyke...
Personality: Generally quite easy-going, although at the moment he is under a lot of stress [see below] and consequently has little patience...
General: As near a thing as you'll get in Pyke to a Magogophile, while Olm hates the Cartel as much as the next mudokon, he is very keen on technology, and has contacts in the big cities, who keep him up to date with the latest technologies, particularly medical ones. Unknown to everyone else in the village [until recently], much of the medicine he uses is actually stolen for him by his contacts in the Vykkers' Labs. He likes this fact to remain a secret, as some of the hardened Magogophobes [such as Arim, the owner of Pyke's Restaurant and Bar] would actually refuse treatment if they found out. Recently, he was involved in a scandal involving the kidnapping of Spider, and although he was cleared of all suspicion, knowledge of his secret technology came out, and he is not exactly the most popular person in Pyke at the moment...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

10-03-2001, 05:25 PM
FuzzyFuzzle's Avatar
Spark Stunk
: Sep 2001
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Here's my character
Name: Mirv
Race: Mudoken Treehugger (is treehugger a race or an occupation?)
Physical Description: A tall and skinny mudoken, about age 10. Mirv is sort of weak, having not got much exercise during his training. He is a normal Mudoken greenish-color and has a black pony tail with blue feathers in it. He is onften seen in a sun hat.
Abilities/Skills: Besides normal Mudoken abilities(chanting, flatulence) Mirv has basic Treehugger training. He can make plants grow (not very quickly, and not into any special shapes) and knows various plant types and their uses. He also has basic medical training. He also has a knack with animals, but no mystick connection with them.
Personality: Friendly and outgoing, Mirv likes to make new friends, but can be very shy if someone gets angry at him. He is very peaceful in nature and hates what the glukkons have done to the enviorment.
General: Mirv's egg was apparently smuggled out of the Glukkons mudokon hatchery. All that is known is that an egg appeared in the middle of the Monsaid Sanctum before anyone was up. Mirv was hatched at the Monsaic Sanctum and was apprenticed to a respectable tree hugger mentor. Mirv has trained with him for some time, but his mentor decided it was time for him to get some real world expirience. Thus he had him sent to Pyke via bird portal. Mirv was not all that happy with the decision, but wanted to obey his masters whims. Upon arriving he applied to be Olm's apprentice, but the issue has not been resolved yet...
"To 'BOX or not to 'BOX, is that even a question?"
"OW Forums Test, All the cool kids are doing it!"
"It takes all kinds to make a world,"- Badger, Wind in the Willows

10-03-2001, 05:45 PM
: Sep 2001
: Cali
: 36
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SlogMaster  (10)

Name: Slick

Species: Slig (BigBro)

Age: a little over 1 (Oddworldian years, a human of the same age would be 19 in human years, tell me if i'm wrong)

Sex: Male

Occupation: Security Guard/Slog Keeper

Markings: Light green with dark stripes

Size: almost twice as tall as a mudokon

Attitude: Dark personality, Secretive, likes chick sligs

Equipment: 4 legged pants, night vision/gas mask, big gun, it might sound like alot, but it's what the average BigBro has

Powers: intelligence higher than a mudokons intelligence (taught by Raisin) also, he can chant, but can only posses slogs and some sligs

Background: Slick was once just another slig working a.k.a.: "being taken advantage of" by the glucks, but once he was possesed in an escape attempt by the mudokons. Some how, he didn't explode when the mudokon chanted out and Slicks brain retained some of the information that the mudokon knew. These new concepts puzzeled Slick, he asked mudokon slaves about this information he knew in exchange for a some what safer and easier job. He later found out about the "all knowing Raisin". He snuck out on night and after weeks of searching, he eventually found the Raisin. The Raisin knew about him already and showed him the truth of what really happened in oddworld. he decided to be on the side of the mudokons, though he still works as a security guard/slog keeper, it's only to keep his cover; he kills glucks and blames it on whoever pisses him off or beats muds; also, he give the mudokons the latest info, and technology to aid mudokon uprisings.

[ October 08, 2001: Message edited by: SlogMaster ]

10-03-2001, 06:26 PM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
Riot Slug
: May 2001
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Black Dragon  (10)

Name: Magar the Hunter (Hunter for short)
Race: Mutant (Big Bro Slig, Slog, and Earthly Albertosaurus)
Physical Description: Top of body is Big Bro, bottom half is Slog/Alberto. Fangs extended from lower lip, Red eyes with slitted pupils. Long, muscular legs and arms, medium-length tail. Four-legged gait is of a wolf, two-legged is of Albertosaur. Dark green with tan underparts and light green stripes on back. 9 feet tall on two legs, 5 on four.
Abilities: Strong in general, very fast, lerned and very experienced in hunting/tracking/fighting abilities, powerful bite, bone-breaking punch and kick, ppowerful tail. Can't climb trees quickly, can't swim well.
Personality: Hunter is kind-hearted to most, but he must earn one's trust. Is often quick to pass judgement and doesn't take crap from anyone. Tends to hold grudges and become very protective. Many years in the service of the Cartel has made the outside of his heart hard, but that has not touched the deep parts of his heart.
General: Hunter was the Cartel's best bounty hunter until a new General held a grudge on him and decided it was time to elminate the competition and those still loyal to the previous generals: starting with Hunter. Was given to the Vykkers for experimental purposes and his current form is the result. Escaped and joined "The Black Dragon's" forces against the Cartel.

Name: Voltian ThunderFang
Race: Draconar (Endangered species of furry lizard-men)
Physical Description: 7 feet tall with human-like build with lizard face, hands, feet, and tail. Long horns extend from skull, nose, and between eyes. Fur different shades of brown covering most of body. Gray skin on hands, feet, and tail. Yellow lizardish eyes, sharp teeth and claws, long, bushy mane, and black braids on each side of head showing high rank. Various pieces of jewelry and wears long blue loin cloth.
Abilities: Strong electrical abilities, but for RPF purposes *Glances at Dan*, they will only be effective during a storm and shortly after a storm. Few psychic abilities. Very wise, intelligent, strong, and agile. Is weak to heavy physcial blows and having spirit wrecked (You'll see what I mean).
Personality: Voltian is very mysterious at times. Kind to those he knows, can be subjected to fits of rage when loved ones are in danger. Very wise and follows the ways of the dragon.
General: Chief of the nearly extinct Draconar tribe. 'Nuff said.
-Black Dragon

10-03-2001, 08:21 PM
DarkHoodness's Avatar
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I've gone through Blue's profile and updated it. Anyway, I will now post it here.

Notes: Blue's character used to be based on Dark Hood, but she seems to have developed a character of her own. . . Blue's family are NPC's, and are disabled, expect for Withinhoe because she's a ghost. Withinhoe may save Blue from big dangers from time to time.

Name: Blue

Race: Biros Mudokon (Sub species)

Physical Description: She has dark blue skin, webbed hands and feet, feminine physique (reproductive system same as mammals. This is why her hair is also actual hair instead of feathers), aqua green eyes, and she is quite plump. Her ponytail is very long (down to her butt), and is a dark blue, but a darker blue then her skin. She prefers wearing shorts to a lioncloth, and she also wears a tanktop. Both are made of a specail waterproof material, are quite tight, and are light blue in color. Tanktop comes down to just above her belly button, and shorts go down to just above her knees. She has a pocket in the back of her shorts that can store an unlimited amount of items, provided they fit through the pocket entrance.

Abilities: She carries a staff around with her (which she normally keeps in her back pocket), and she can blast very cold beams of energy out of it. They have chance of a stunning the enemy for enough time to get a good distance away. Sometimes, the stun beams don't work, but they still hurt. They use up her phisical energy, which is a disadvantage in a long fight.
The staff itself is very durable, has a big knive blade stuck in the end, and is about half as long as Blue is tall.
As for her shield, it is made of a very strong glass like transparent material (pale blue in color), and is just as strong as any riot shield that the police would use. She can activate it by thinking about it, but it'll only appear as a big rectangle infront of her, a bit like a roman shield.
Blue's stratagy is to stun, then run away. If she can't run away, or wants to kill her enemy, she'll stun it, then stab/beat it to death.

Personality: Will only attack if provoked. Very friendly, and always is there when she can to help a friend in need. She loves all creatures and plants (Unless they try and hurt her deliberately). Hates to kill. Kind of an eco-activist. Sometimes makes a fool of herself at times. Gets a bit annoyed if people make fun of her weight, but has since learned to ignore or insult them if they do.

General: Blue is one member of the last family of her kind. Her mother, Withinhoe, is dead, but watches over her family as a ghost, her brother, Orion, has his leg missing, and her father, Amphora, is very old. Blue's family has been settling in Pyke for the past few years, keeping a low profile, but Blue has always been the one seeking adventure and friends.
The family live in a small cluster of 4 huts and a tree house on the south-eastern edge of Pyke, surrounded by a tall fence. They call it "Camp Biros".
Blue has the tree house to herself.
Amphora lives in the hut on the southern side of the tree house with Withinhoe, who likes to hang around in there.
Blue's brother, Orion, lives in the large hut on the other side of the tree house, opposite Amphora's hut.
The other two huts are used for storage, but they can be easily converted into spare living areas.

More info on Blue's speices, she and her family are a very rare subspecies of Mudokon, called Biros. Being an aquatic mudokon, they can hold thier breath for up to five minutes, and swim very well. They have the ability to climb trees quite well, too. They can chant, but not posses things. Some of them also have the ability to cast weak pain spells, or if they can't do that then they can create stun energy beams. All of them are able to create the transparent pale blue roman like riot shield.
- DH

10-04-2001, 11:57 AM
Teal's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Teal  (10)

Ah, what the hey. Here's my little insane freak.

Aurora, or Aura as she prefers to be known, is one of Aalu's children. She's somewhat smaller than average, and very dark - her skin is such a dark green her stripes are barely visible. Her eyes are an intense violet, with weird deposits of copper around her pupils; these deposits form strange aurorae when low-lighting catches them, hence her name.

Aura's been through some tough times already in her so-far short life. She volunteered to go to learn "The Healing" from a very old mudokon called Rej, but didn't get very far before she and Jan (who was travelling with her) ran up against one of the Industrial companies. She eventually did find Rej, however, and has so far managed to learn just enough of The Healing to reverse the damage caused by the malevolence in "Dark" (I'll call him that for now as I haven't finished that, yet...). Rej tells her it is possible to use the talent for other purposes - general healing, usually, although it does have a more destructive side as well - but so far she hasn't mastered them. Being a slig, she doesn't have the natural mental powers mudokons have, and so it takes a lot more effort, and has a tendency to leave her utterly drained at the end of it. She's nearly killed herself twice during her lessons, so far, managing to switch the power "on" but being unable to switch it back off afterwards... The power is sourced from her own energy and channeled through four stones - one at her brow, one at her throat and one at each palm - and although it is multiplied to a high degree if she's tired or run down herself she won't be as powerful. The stones need "priming," (or charging) as well, which takes some time.

Upfront and often somewhat abrupt, she believes in speaking her mind - usually. One thing she won't speak about is the fact she's developed something of an affection for Jan, her longtime travelling companion...
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
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10-04-2001, 07:04 PM
: Aug 2001
: 74
Rep Power: 24
super_slig  (10)

Okay, First off, I want you to know that I'm no longer using Vera. Here's my new character.

Name: Twyla
Species: Ocelli Slig (subspecies)
Description: Built like a BigBro Slig. The only shape differences are... Twyla's female. Figure it out. Unlike other Sligs, she has yellow fur with black rings. Inside those rings are dots of a darker shade of yellow. Her tail is long and thin with black stripes. Her hands are tipped with retractable claws. When sheathed, they look like normal nails. She also has green eyes instead of the normal red. Instead of tentacles, she actually has a mouth filled with sharp teeth. Without pants, she can climb trees very well. With pants, she can either use her gun, or her claws and/or teeth.
General: Raised in a Glukkon clothing manufacturing plant, she was used to kill various animals for some clothes. However, when these animals became endangered, she escaped. She is currently trying to be accepted by anyone that loves nature, but because of her size and sharp teeth, it is hard for her to make friends. For some reason, her left pants leg keeps malfunctioning.

I hope that this is okay.
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10-14-2001, 04:18 PM
Alector's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2001
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Alector  (58)

Name: Alector

Race: Mudokon (Fencer)

Physical Description:
Alector has light blue Eyes, totally white skin and light grey nails ( they are a bit longer than the nails of a normal Mudokon ). His hairs are longer than his whole body and have a silver- white colour. Alector have black tattoos on his eyes, head and on the whole back. He wear a big tiara on his head. On his right thumb is the ring of his deceased father, on his left middle finger the own ring. His eyes get white without iris when he go to hunt and to fight. The big tattoo on his back get blue when he pray. His body tall is 1,80m .

He fight and hunt with his big weapon (like a sword just round ). He can run very fast and jump. He climbs where he can. He teach other Mudokons to fight and to believe in themselves. He do this what his deceased father done: Be a Fencer and believe in this what really necessary is! He can fight very fast, the enemy have no change when Alector is angry or when he want to protect his followers or himself. He pray with his big tiara and affect that he get stronger. He can heal trees, clean water and make the air fresh.

He is wise and never want that his followers hurt an animal or beat other Mudokons. He just laugh when someone make little jokes. He is just happy when the other people happy are. His Religion is very strong and he can’t live a day without praying. He is still sad and tired about his fathers Death.

Alector was very young as his father died. Then he was his whole life alone (till his followers came). He lives in a big Mountain. The mountain of the silver moon. He have respect for all animals of his world and won’t kill an animal for no reason. Alector’s best friend and follower is Melas. Melas have Purple skin and big ears, Alector found his egg in a big forest. It was alone and it was cold and wet in the forest.

Mexola wanted to be a fencer and decided to follow Alector. He teach him for a long time. Now he’s a junior fencer and want to watch about a dark forest, but he still have to learn from Alector.
Ailé was killed by Electra as he wanted to collect fruits from a tree. He didn’t have a change.
A new follower is there, he calls Aeris. His parents died for 1 year. He didn’t know where he can go…he decided to go to Alector. He’s very small and have black skin, he have big and long bones on his eyes. His species is unfrequent (The Mudokons are very small and have black-grey skin with long muscles and bones on their eyes).

10-15-2001, 12:53 PM
Gluk Schmuck's Avatar
Gluk Schmuck
Not living with Max any more
: Jul 2001
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Gluk Schmuck  (11)

awww, look, it's my 1st RP character...

Name: Trey
Race: Slig
Residence: Pyke
Occupation: Captain of the Guard
Physical Description: He's about 1.3m high with his pants on. He has dark green skin and his mask is a 2-eye standard issue except his eyes glow dark blue instead of red. He has 'walking' pants. He has a double-barred shotgun.
Abilities: His strength is about halfway between that of a normal Slig and a BBS. He can climb trees a little and is an excellent swimmer.
Personality: Often looses his temper and likes inflicting pain.
General: He loves the pain of others.

Last edited by Gluk Schmuck; 02-26-2002 at 09:16 AM..
11-14-2001, 08:40 PM
: Nov 2001
: 30
Rep Power: 0
Mudokon_Shaman  (10)

NAME: Keiros, the Mudokon Shaman
RACE: Mudokon
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 5'8" with a mixture of dark green and blue skin; left eye; a huge tattoo spans the whole of his back - it looks like an odd wavy shape that seems to contours to his body-shape
APPEARANCE: Journey clothing: Wears a chinese style sun-hat (see photo) with normal mudokon wear; Ritual clothing/battle clothing: wears numerous bone-composed armourments that include a rib-cage protector, leg protections, arm protections, and a cup; has a large bird skull that he adorns on his head (can be used as a weapon to headbutt)
WEAPONRY: A large, two-handed war hammer; also has a ritual dagger that MAY be used as a last resort
SPECIAL ITEMS: Ritualistic Dagger - it's not used for bloodshed but more as a link to spiritworld; Ancient Talisman - rung on a small (but strong) leather cord is a black obsidian stone which is in a triangular shape (triangle points upwards). On it are several runes and in the center is a eight-pointed star filled with a dark red substance
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Talisman - as long as it is around Keiros's neck, the talisman gives him regenative powers. This isn't to say that he is immortal, but he heals four times faster than any other mudokon. If he is "killed" and the talisman remains on his neck, he will enter a state of turpor and later reemerge from it - fully healed; Instinct - Keiros may - every now and then - receive a premonition about oncoming danger; Link - if the Talisman is taken from Keiros, he can feel where it is (direction wise - not exact location); Ritual powers - Keiros may use his powers as a shaman to heal and bless others, as well as perform ancient rituals.
11-14-2001, 10:08 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

This is a character that will be coming in soon (after the plot with Malice is over...which will be...who knows...). Just thought to post her stats now...

Name: Dementa
Race: Pure Drakkic (cursed)
Physical Description: 7 ft tall with a 5 ft long tail. Dark blue skin; the underside of her neck, tail, and the her front is a lighter blue, and the top of her neck, tail, and back are purple. Violet eyes. Due to the curse she has hind legs which are dinosaur like.
Has a black cresent moon tattoo on the left side of her neck and black 3-pronged throwing star tattoo on the upper part of her right arm. Wears a black cape with a hood and a silver ring on her middle face tentacle. Also wears a red-brown tank top and loin cloth and black silken gloves. Sports a small dagger, which is hidden in her belt.
Abilities: Excellent eyesight and sense of smell, is fast and agile. Her dark skin coloration makes it nearly impossible for most to see her in the shadows. Is skilled with the use of her dagger and climb up and move through trees like a cat.
Due to the curse if she touches someone or if someone touches her (has to be skin to skin contact), that someone will double over in extreme pain for few seconds. The curse also keeps her alive...hense she is incabable of dieing. (she is capable of death...but I am not revealing how here. And Rettick knows about this.)
Personality: Normally is in a state of depression do the effects of the curse on her life. It does anger her, however, when someone makes fun of or denies others affections toward one another (mainly because she is incabable of exprencing such affections herself without causing someone else pain). But normally she is obvious to what's going on around her...mainly do to her wallowing in her own self pity, wishing she could end her life but the curse keeps her alive reguardless.
General: Despite her youthful appearence, Dementa is actually over 300 years old. As a adolestent she thought it would be funny to steal a magician's spell book. However she was caught and the magician (who was in a very bad mood at the time) but the curse on her, altering her form to what it is now. Due to her altered appearence and the pain she caused others when touched, she became an outcast to her own kind and was forced to a life a thievery. When the Glukkon's came during the Great Slaughter, Dementa, who was so misrable let them 'kill' her. But alas it was then she discovered the curse other effect; she could not die. Instead, she would just go unconscious for a while (depending on how she was killed) while the curses magic healed her.
Desperate, she tried many times to kill her self and to end her pain...but each time she was brought back to 'life' by the curse. She finally gave up...unable to rejoin whats left of her kind and unable to die...she started wandering Oddworld, not knowing...or caring where her wanderings took her...
At this point in time...she believes she is the only Drakkic left on Oddworld...

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Last edited by Sl'askia; 03-25-2002 at 06:36 AM..
11-22-2001, 09:40 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
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Abe's son  (10)

pd:about as tall as a mud has a strage muzzle with lihgts the blink when it talks has a tale kida a lizerd critta it also
weres a biosuit as very skiny and has a arsenle of wepons ateched to itself:
net luncher:lunchs a net caked in a enhesiv that pins any thing under it down
arm canon:fires a shot that packs quit a punch and dose a whole lota damge
claws:slices most meatls and inflects very painful wounds
tail:is scaled with pianful shards fo meatl
and is quick
these are only some of its many wepons
personalty:wnats ansewrs fast tends to shoot frist ask qustions later loves hunting
other:has a nuber 12 on its neck...that means there could be more of him*grin*

[ November 22, 2001: Message edited by: Abe's son ]

[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: Abe's son ]
11-27-2001, 02:16 PM
The Less-Than-Big Bro
: Nov 2001
: My fantasy home, my fantasy city, my fantasy world
: 27
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The Less-Than-Big Bro  (10)

Hi! Im kinda new here, but Im gonna try and play. If yall don't want me, break my back and gimme the boot! Ok?

Name: Captian Kelp

Race: Vykker Screw-Up

Description: picture a big bro slig. Now picture him at three foot five. Give him a sniper rifle, scope, silencer, and all. Take away his blitzpacker, gasmask, and goggles, and stick him with twin handguns. You have Captain Kelp.

Abilities: His eyes can zoom in, like on the scope of his rifle. That means twice the zoom. Otherwise, he is just a really short bigbro with extra speed and a side order of speed.

Personality/Background: He has spent his whole life steeling himself against emotion, and now he is the ultimate bounty hunter, because he has no sense of pride, honor, or remorse. He cannot have feelings. Or so he thinks... When someone does get any emotional rise from him, he blows their head off.

Name: Kili(pronounced Ki-Li)

Race: Mudokon(female)

Description: A regular mudokon with breasts.

Special Abilities: Good with a tomahawk... Thats about it, unless being female is an ability.

Personality/Background: After being experimented on by the vykkers to see if they could breed a female mudokon who's offspring would be totally subservient to them, Kili escaped and hid in the woods until the search parties were gone, then ran off and found a mudokon tribe. She was turned out, and went to many different tribes, until she found the one that Kelp met her in. From there on, they travelled together, working together to hunt Asmitt, and to survive in general. Very social, and very very funny, she provides the comic releif in my posts. But is dead serious about finding Asmitt, for reasons unknown.

[ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: The Less-Than-Big Bro ]
Want to stay for lunch? I think we're having MONEY!"-Gamepro's sorry insult to Lorne Lanning

11-27-2001, 06:08 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

Welcome to the RPG, and indeed to the Forums, since this is my first meeting with you! Your character seems interesting, which is good. Most newbies just generally go for firepower and/or musclepower and/or God-like abilities... *shudders at the thought* Anyway, it's good to see someone who doesn't need power to make a good character... I take it this guy is, at least superficially, a Bad Guy?

Anyway, we do have a plotline currently on the go, but it is [hopefully] nearly over, so it might be a good idea to watch how we do this for a while, then join in when the current plotline is rounded off. There are more plotlines in the works, but they are very roughly worked out, so there's easily room for a little one...

One question/piece of advice: Do you have MSN Messenger? All of the major RPGers have it, and it helps us to get to know each others' characters and coordinate plotlines. If you do have it, could you add me to your list, please? My sign-in name is "randomhippy@hotmail.com". If you don't have it, it might be a good idea to download it...

Hope you enjoy your time here!

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

11-29-2001, 01:52 AM
: Nov 2001
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oddite4456  (10)

Name: Svag

Race: Slig

Description: 5 feet 9 inches, unusually dark skin-almost black. His pants are slightly rusted, has tatoo of flames on back. wears torn, brown elum skin cloak. carries machine gun, hunting knife, and grenades

Abilities: Has very good aim and reation speed, known to slit throats with flick of his wrist. can throw grenades fast and far.

Personality: Cold and generally silent, shows little fear and keeps his pain to himself, strangely sypathetic to mudokons

General: His father worked at a factory, so Svag spent a lot of time there. However, his father was abusive so Svag avoided him. He met a mudokon at the factory who was very kind to him. Svag wasn't used to people accepting him. Sadly, his mudokon friend was shot by a drunk slig security guard.
12-08-2001, 11:17 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Closer than you think..
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Silversnow  (11)

Name: Salkin
Race: Mudokon
Physical description: Salkin looks like any mudokon in general. He has light green skin, wears long pants and has got a bronze earring in his right ear. His eyes are brown and his ponytail/feathers is green and grey.
Abilities: Salkin is quick in thought. He can chant but his best way to defend himself is to run like hell. Besides from that, anyone could beat him in anything.
Personality: Salkin is a cowardly thief. He loves to make himself the hero without doing anything and making practical jokes. He loves the shadows, and is a excellent sneaker. He doesn't like to fight but if he has to he can pick up a weapon and hit one quick from behind.
General: Was raised in the Monsaic Lines, and went wandering just a few weeks before Abe's arrival. He's never been in slavery, but he knows what pain is. If someone told him to tell about his past, he would mumble something, then point in the sky looking amazed and run.

Name: Hawk
Race: Northern mudokon
Physical description: She's dressed in a long white coat. She has got a long brownish yeallow tail and small black claws. Her skin is in a strange emerald green thone, her eyes are red and her ponytail is yellow and purple. Her ponytail/feather is very long, reaches to the middle of her back and very thin.
Abilities: Hawk is quick and strong. She fights most likely with swords or spears.
Personality: Hawk is quiet and shy. She can help almost everyone as long as it meant something. She almost likes to see people getting stuck in non dangerous situations and not get loose. She doesnt talk that often and when she does, she has got something interesting to say.
General: Was once a slave under a glukkon named Bane. He treated her hard and turned her into the one she now is. She's a crossbreed between a cat-like creature from the north and a mudokon. Is fertile.

12-12-2001, 09:18 AM
: Dec 2001
: essex,england
: 11
Rep Power: 0
oddmunch  (10)


race:mutated slig

Physical Descriptiona 6 foot slig with a worker class slig frame with silver plated armour.He wears the normal visors and also wears an secruity orb imbedded into his skin.He also has scrab legs for feet

origin:After the destruction of the soulstorm brewery sloath was found in the rubble with his robotic legs crushed.Luckily an helpful slig pulled him out but his legs couldnt be reapaired and because from the explosion,his lower part of the body was mangled and wasnt able to fit on any legs.
He was about to go kill himself when a vykker doctor told him that he would be able to walk permentaly.
In the next couple of weeks the slig had a new pair of legs,scrab legs that is,but the vykker doctor wouldnt just give the legs to him free.The slig had to pay the price and that was sloath being a guniea pig.
After months of painfull testing,sloath had grown 3 feet taller,the mind of a glukkon and the mind of a vykker.The slig was shunned as a outcast and was sent to work in the stockyards of the destroyed rupturefarms.

Abilites:Very fast and very smart,he would outwit you if you wasnt fast enough.
cannot be possessed,can jump.

cons:not very strong

personality:unlike other sligs,sloath is kind hearted but you get him angry he snaps.

Other facts:gets very lonely becasue he is an outcast
is it true soulstorm brew is made out of babies

12-19-2001, 11:04 PM
: Dec 2001
: 31
Rep Power: 0
Nathanton  (10)

Species: prake=Paramite+snake
Occupation: none
Personality: Very friendly and trusting (weaknes too)
Physical ability: Very little strength but a deadly bite full of poison!Can change colour.
Description: Snakelike with Paramite jaws and head, rather thick body.Likes to strike by surprise.
12-22-2001, 01:46 AM
Alcar's Avatar
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I don't know whether to join in yet, i've been watching the past few topics, to see whats been happening and as of yet i dont know if i should join.

But i've thought about it some more and yeah i probably will join. Now i just have to choose the right time to hop on in.

And at the moment no one seems to be near the Flub Fuels facility. Which is where my charater lives near.

Character Description:

Mudokon (Tribe Leader for Muxamar Tribe)

Physical Description-
An extremely short and skinny mudokon about 5 feet. Is of the age of 12. He is green like most Mudokons, has a pony tail that is is red and a lot of blue feathers coming out of his pony tail. He often wears a sun hat (see my personal picture for what Alcar looks like) and is not that skilled in the area of strength he is weak, but has great intelligence. He will often not need to use his weak strength because he will use strategy to overcome it.

Is generally friendly and kind but will stand his ground if provoked. Although because of his small size is unable to do much about it. He has befriended many creatures and holds a Paramite named Screech as his favourite pet, and because of Alcars small size, he can hop on Screech and go for a ride.

Like stated before he hasn't much strength, he relies on his intelligence to get him out of difficult situations.

He is the Tribe Leader for the Muxamar Tribe, a tribe found near the newly built Flub Fuels facility on Mudos. He has total control over all the Muxamar Natives. And controls the sacred Weather Machine that can control the weather.

Alcar was born from Sam the Mudokon Queen, and transported to the AzgasCo Factory where he served his first 2 years there as a scrub. He escaped and took refuge with the Muxamar Tribe. He lived there for the next 8 years and befriended many different creatures. When the original Tribe Leader was dying he gave the position to Alcar for his loyalness to the Tribe.

Any ideas on when i can jump in the plot, thanks
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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

01-02-2002, 07:53 PM
MudokonOddball's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
: Dec 2001
: I forgot
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MudokonOddball  (10)

I'm kinda new--i'm pretty much just a watcher...but here's my character anyways.
Name: Krim
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 22 (maybe about 1 1/2 in Oddyears)

Physical description
Height: 7ft, 11+9/10 inches(he's made fun of a lot for that)
Eyes: Murky purplish
Body Features: not very buff, but can run really fast (he gets into trouble a lot). Has a little tattoo on his lower back--he has no idea what it does or what it looks like (he can't see his own back) friends say it sort of looks like Abe's tattoo on his chest, only a lot smaller.

Abilities: uh...he has a really sharp stick--an ancestor gave it to him before he died(he forgets his name...)
Special Abilities: after meditating for a short time (about 6 minutes) he can wake up and levitate at will--but no more than for a couple of hours.
Personality: Not too bright, but lovable. Sometimes doesn't know what he's getting into. He has a wide assortment of loin cloths (if that's what you call them...) and takes much pride in wearing them. He also is very level-headed, takes time with his desicions, but he occassionally makes bad ones, causing him to have to flee.
General: Good combat partner--can take much damage--but sometimes he wisely backs out before "getting into anymore trouble".

I hope he works out...his personality went through many other characters i write about in short stories--but i have yet to write an Oddworld story with the real Krim-or any Oddworld story for that matter!!

[ January 02, 2002: Message edited by: MudokonOddball ]

01-05-2002, 04:06 PM
: Jan 2002
: 40
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Phen  (10)

Im sort of new here but I've had experience in some other RPG games

race: slig[normal type]
gender: male
physical desc: the average slig form maybe a little stronger
personality: tries to keep to himself. Suspicious about anything he dosent know about.
speciall abilities: rage, at times he can fight with more strenghth, agility, and health, although if he get low health during a rage, if he is not healed he will die when the rage ends.
general: Sarock does not like glukkons but isnt exactly good eather. He has little respect for muds and won't hesitate to attack one if it get on his nerves.

[ January 06, 2002: Message edited by: the slig avenger ]

[ January 07, 2002: Message edited by: the slig avenger ]

[ January 08, 2002: Message edited by: the slig avenger ]
01-05-2002, 05:34 PM
mitsur's Avatar
Corporate Espionage
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mitsur  (452)mitsur  (452)mitsur  (452)mitsur  (452)mitsur  (452)

O.K. hows this?:
Lives:Parimite forest
Ablities:Runs very fast for a big guy,can jump high
Description:Tall,skinny,has unkown markings on left palm
Hows that guys?

[ January 05, 2002: Message edited by: mitsur ]


Last edited by mitsur; 02-22-2002 at 04:34 PM..
01-20-2002, 11:29 AM
Teal's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Teal  (10)

*points at what's been said innumerable times before*

Please, no dragons. This is an Oddworld RPG, not a dragon RPG. Sorry.

*goes to get back on with her post* I will get it done sometime, but I have exams right now (*cries*) which are kind of important (as they count towards my degree). I'll try get something done towards the end of the week...
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
Windchaser's Earth | deviantART gallery | Journal of endless rambling and ficbits

01-21-2002, 06:43 AM
cherie's Avatar
: Nov 2001
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cherie  (10)

i've decided to join in the fun. since i'm so use to them i'm going to use three of my fic chars but act as if the hidden city was never found and ali and zander have never met abe. anyways,heres the profiles...

Name: Ali (note: "Ali" means noble birth)

Species: Mudokon

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Skin Color: Pink-Lavender

Feather Color: Purple and Pink

Eyes: Brown

Clothing, Jewelry, etc: Brown leather like top and shorts

Distinguishing Marks: Besides her pinkish hue and *ahem* breasts, none

Good Traits: She's smart, brave, determined, and a whole lot stronger and faster then she looks. A great crowd speaker and has great leadership skills. Very patient and gentle but will fly off the handle if pushed too far.

Faults: Everyone has their faults... and Ali is no exception. She is very stubborn, especially when it comes to excepting help. She's rather independent and would rather face her problems on her own. She also tends to jump without looking, so to speak, often landing her in trouble.

Past: Much of Ali's past is clouded in mystery. Ali herself doesn't remember the events before crystal mines and her fathers death.

Overall Personality: Outgoing, somewhat perky (but not in the annoying "perky happy" category) and willing to take on what ever comes her way. She may be understanding but be careful cause this gal has an attitude all her own. Beware of sarcasm!

Name: Zander

Species: Slig

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Skin Color: Brownish Green

Eyes: Red

Clothing, Jewelry, etc: Just his metal pants.

Distinguishing Marks: A yellow blaze down his snout, which he'll cover with dirt sometimes so he can sneak among other Sligs unnoticed.

Good Traits: Loyal, thinks before he acts. Good at solving problems and tends to look at things from another point of view. Also has a good sixth sense for danger.

Faults: A bit of a coward. He's a bit clumsy and tends to trip over or get tangled up in things. He also has somewhat of a mean streak sometimes, especially to strangers.

Past: Zander is the son of Xaiver, a very ruthless Slig indeed, and Freela. Things were fine until Freela's sudden death. Xaiver grew crueler then ever and started to find many faults in his son. Zander was always different from the others. He was never very active and he didn't like to hurt anything. He had many ideas that his peers considered "freakish". His fellow Sligs shunned him and pushed him around. It was like that up until the train assignment...

Overall Personality: He tries to act tough sometimes but truth is that he's a real softy inside. He'll protect his friends with his life and never betray them.

Name: Xaiver (Xaiver means "Bright")

Species: Slig

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Skin Color: Deep Murky Green

Eyes: Blood Red

Clothes, Jewelry, etc: His special pair of metal pants. Unlike the others they are sliver and gold colored and have a long tail and sharp claws on the feet. His tail serves as a weapon considering it can smash through metal and shoot out electric balls.

Distinguishing Marks: You can tell Xaiver by the tons of scars on his face and chest. His main scar, a huge gash across his left eye, was given to him by his own father.

Good Traits: Cunning, sly, strong, fast, and able to sense things faster then others. He also doesn't trust people too easily.

Faults: Well, first off, he's evil! He also has no sense of kindness. He seems to hate everyone and everything. He has no problem with killing. He WILL kill you unless ordered not to.

Past: Xaiver has always been a bit of a loner. He never really had friends until he met Adrian, a very frail young Slig. Unfortunately, Adrian got sick a lot and the other Sligs pushing him around weren't helping. Adrian was only 12 when he died. Needless to say, Xaiver was crushed. Many other events happened, leading up to a fight with his dad, Brutas. Xaiver accidentally killed his father. Yet another blow. After as few years he met Freela. They got to liking each other then...they had Zander. Things went smoothly until Freela's sudden death. After that, Xaiver was never the same.

Overall Personality: A fighter till the bitter end. He takes no flak from anyone, and it's either his way or the highway. Even at times, Xaiver will disobey his bosses orders for his own purposes. Xaiver is confused Slig indeed.
for every big mouth there is often a bigger foot.

01-21-2002, 11:29 AM
•[cyrus]•'s Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Nov 2001
: Massachusetts
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•[cyrus]•  (10)

I'll redo mine.......
  • name: Omni (mudokon101)
    species: Mudokon
    Occupation: Tomahawker
    tribe: Riakez

Primary Interests:
Omni mainly likes to meditate more than other tomahawkers. Evan though combat is vicious he enjoys it! Omni likes to make friends, but perfers to be alone.

favorite place:
Well, Omni usually can be found in Riakez forests'tree openings.(area surrounded by trees. Spot looks like a smaller circle of plains. 20 feet in diamiter.)

Out of everything in this world ::.....their is not a single being or enviroment that can scare me. The only thing i fear most and haunts my dreams every night.....being burried alive.

01-28-2002, 08:39 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
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Abe's son  (10)

wepons:dule revolever long barels,semi automatic rifle,machen gun
pd:looks like a normal slig but has a tato on his chest of a slog
other:is a bounty hunter looking for raznets items to sell than after that kill raznet
02-12-2002, 12:39 PM
Molluck's Avatar
Howler Punk
: Jul 2001
: UK
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Molluck  (11)

Name: Deratian
Physical Description: Look at my Avatar. He is twice the size of a slig and has fins etc. he breaths through gills.
Age:14-Wasser sligs live up to about 70.

(Raziel and Dakkan are off for now unless there is replys for the happening)
02-12-2002, 02:36 PM
Teal's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Teal  (10)

Uh, just one question, Molluck... How are you going to play as an aquatic species if the RPG is set in a town in the middle of a forest?
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
Windchaser's Earth | deviantART gallery | Journal of endless rambling and ficbits

02-13-2002, 02:19 PM
Molluck's Avatar
Howler Punk
: Jul 2001
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Molluck  (11)

I'll make an add on some time for Deratian as I am not in the RPG at the momment kay?

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