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07-27-2007, 02:12 AM
skillyaslig's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Mar 2007
: Beneath the sink
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skillyaslig  (124)skillyaslig  (124)
The Day I Killed My Best Friend.

I killed my best friend today.
I don’t remember why, I just had a overwhelming urge to take Quarks’s throat in my claws and drain the life from his body.
It didn’t happen like that though, it was a lot more messy.
At first I had started the day normally, waking up, cleaning up my room and going down stairs to join Quarks for breakfast. He gave me a friendly smile, showing his long sharp teeth, and motioned for me to help myself to the plate of Peat bread on the center of the small table. Quarks was a strange scree, he rarely spoke to anyone but me, and he didn’t eat meat. I figured that was why no one else liked him, but that was just me.
I was shorter then Quarks, with thicker legs, only two, not like Quarks who had four, and a less armored body. I had four arms, ending in six clawed hands. Quarks had two thick arms with serrated blades on the end. If need be, either of us could simply transform our ‘hands’ into a variety of guns. Thanks to the Snalzfurs.
I hated those things, the last time I was around one it tried to bite my neck in half. Anyway, Quarks was happily mashing up his bread on a plate, and I was nibbling on the one slice, watching Quarks teeth go snap-snip-snap as they grated up the bread.
I had no idea why in hell Quarks like that nasty bread, as it tasted like recycled cardboard, and looked as nasty as after-birth. The thought made my stomach heave, and I struggled to keep my bile down. Quarks paused in his feast to eye me with concern.
I glanced over at him and saw the questioning expression, and half filled mouth, and I burst out laughing, and Quarks hesitated before joining. Unfortunately he still had a mouth-full of mashed up bread and began to choke on it.
I laughed so hard I fell off the chair I was sitting on, falling to the ground with a thud. Quarks hacked and gagged before managing to swallow the food. Quarks giggled like a little girl and said in his sweet voice, “Whaddya make meh do tha’ ‘ofre? Tryin’ tha’ kull meh are ya?”
I was still laughing on the wooden floor, and rolled up and blurted, “I duuno, had a funny spell.” I snorted a few more times before getting myself under control. I pulled the chair up, then swore harshly as I saw the chairs left leg was broken. Quarks stood and walked around the table, his legs clicking softly, and saw the chair and scratched the side of his head, and snorted, “Yon goffa getta meh a new chair, eh?”
I blinked and gave him a manful punch on the shoulder, my iron fist clanking on his armored shoulder. Quarks snorted and laughed brightly before glancing down at his wrist watch and saying, “Yep, bef two flicks past Phoenix, yon late mate!”
I swore again and said, “Blood hell!” Before giving Quarks a hard tap on the snout and bounding from the house, called, ‘Don’t you burn down the house like last time!” Quark laughed his bright, cherry laugh and waved.
Work. How I despise it!
The supervisors scream and yell, you get shoved, spat at and called very rude names, indeed! I broke the teeth of one insolent scree who called my mum some bad things after I nicked his bottle of slurp. Hmm. Anywho, here is my job, Whip the slaves.
Well not really, I like to though, its funny the way they scream and roll around when the fire whip smacks onto their unprotected backs. Call me sadistic, but its entertaining. Okay, I was there, yelling encouragement to the slaves, “Come on, me beauties! Hurl yer carcasses!”
I was standing on a large metal ledge, cracking the fire whip above my head. The fire lightly burned the tips of my long ears, and left small blackened spots on my row of spine spikes. The slaves, a variety of gaunt, under-feed creatures, heaved and pulled on their thick ropes, struggling to pull a large steel crate to a lift. The room, the docking bay, was huge. It stretched as far as the eye could see. Well, my eye anyway. Eyes, as I have two. Not like poor Lex, who’s left eye was gored out by Pork. Rightie, I was there, encouraging the troops, With my fire whip, when Ramah came gliding towards me. He flapped his steel wings, once, twice, before landing in a clatter of claws. He, unlike most screes, stood on all fours, like a dog or cat. He had steel bird wings, each feather as sharp as a razor, and large lion claws. He had a thicker tail and neck then most, with one broken tusk, the lower left. We screes have four tusks, two on top two on the bottom. They stuck over our lips, and, depending on our age, curved like knife blades. So we could give people a good bite if we want, as we have long muzzles with sharp teeth, that’s not counting our tusks. Ramah bared his teeth at me and said, “You heard? Vampire attacks happened, twice in one day.”
“Who too?” I asked, as I find it funny. People getting attacked by fanged blood-suckers.
“Uhh, I think to some scree called Yukame, and Patsy.”
“Is Patsy alright?” I liked Patsy, she was a friendly scree, though she had a rather short temper. I had a couple of scars to prove it.
“Yeah, just a bit dazed by all accounts. But then, they say Seb isn’t a Goth, and that’s just stupid. Yukame wasn’t though, blasted thing almost killed him.”
“What one was it? Where? You know, obvious stuff,” I snapped, shifting from foot to foot, irritation settling on my broad muzzle.
“Ohh, Testy,” Ramah said mockingly, shuffling his steel wings, “It was at the left west security tower, ‘bout a hour ago. I think Wesk, he found Yukame, said it was Vira. She attacked Wesk, Wesk, as you know, panicked a bit, and almost shot Yukame in the face. Patsy was alright, she didn’t even know she was bitten, it wasn’t until Betty pointed out that she had two holes in her neck and blood allover.”
“Ha-ha, she’s blind that scree. Like a Vra’rok.”
“Right,” Ramah said in a sarcastic tone, “Like you really think that.”
“Laugh at me will you!”
He laughed alright, mockingly and annoyingly and until I lashed at him with my whip in anger.
He hurriedly took and yelled, “Moron!” at me as he circled overhead. I felt uneasy; My temper was getting shorted and my thoughts more violent. I didn’t pay much attention, though I would defiantly regret it in the future, I can tell ya. So I whipped the slaves, had a break, talked about random crap, whipped the slaves some more, beat one up because it called me a ‘lokgig.” Yeah, call me a meanie.
That’s one of the nicest things they say about me. Anyway, when those useless slaves finally hurled a couple of more crates along the docking bay, I left, my throat hurting from all the bellowing I was doing. Ramah glided over me as I walked home, yelling out what had happened, until I almost shot him in the head from irritation.
He, in response, spat at me. Unfortunately I had forgot what a good aim he was.
I wasted a few more minutes wiping the spit from my face, cursing him in every langue I knew. I finally mopped home, Quarks was there, cleaning up a suspicious pile of ash. He loved fire, that scree. I gave a grunt in greeting before hurling myself up to bed and falling to sleep.
I woke at 11:44. I woke for no reason, just blinked and stood up.
For some reason I crept from my room and quietly slinked downstairs, my breathing soft. My heart beat like a drum in my ears. I nudged the door to Quarks room open with my long snout and peered in.
Quarks was hunched down, eyes shut, snoring softly. I growled gently and prowled forward. His room was small and simple, a bed, chest of draws and a large, oval mirror. My body eased forward, my mind was muzzy, but it was if I wasn’t in control, just watching from the sidelines, silent and watchful, like in a dream.
Quarks gave a grunt and stirred slightly, his head lifting to reveal his neck. Snarling viciously, I pounced forward and seized Quarks broad throat in my razor claws.
Quarks woke with a snort and with a huge flick of his neck he threw me off.
“Wazz up, Kerf?” He squinted at me.
I just snarled and lunged at him again, slashing at his throat with my twenty four claws. Unfortunately Quarks neck was protected by thick armor, and he was still bigger then me. He fetched me a massive whack to the chest, knocking me backwards into the mirror. It shattered and slivers of glass rained on my head and shoulders as I slid to the floor. Quarks had stood up now, and was staring at me, “Kerf, yovef alright matie?”
I stared madly at him, then looked down at the glass and picked up a long shard in my lower left arm.
Quarks growled and took a few steps towards me, his head cocked to the side. Unfortunately for him, I sprang to my feet and in one fluid motion I threw the sharp blade at Quarks. It thunked into his throat, just above his neck amour.
He gave a wet gurgle and thick scarlet blood began to splurt down his silver armor. I hissed and peeled back a lip and seized four more slices of glass in my claws and pounced forward. Quarks gave a low cough, then his brown eyes seemed to grow calm, and placid. I was still driven by my fit of rage and pounced on Quark slamming him onto his back.
I hacked at him in my frenzy, feeling blood spray across my face. I don’t know how long I stabbed Quark, but I continued long after he stopped moving.
When I finally fell off him, blood completely soaked my armor. It was then whatever motivated me, released its hold.
At first I was confused, The most I could remember was going to bed then having a whacked dream about killing Quark. It was only when I raised a hand to my head and felt how sticky and wet my hand was, because even though we have mechanical ‘bodies‘, with only our limbless body, tail and head being flesh while the rest was machine, I could still ‘feel’. I sniffed my hands cautiously, as I couldn’t see as it was still at night or morning or whatever.
Then I spied the faint outline of Quark, slumped on the ground.
“Oi! What you doing?” I snapped, ‘Why am I all wet with…?” I broke off as I licked my hands and then recoiled as I recognized the taste.
“Aww, crap…” I hastily scrabbled up, using my long tail for leverage. I quickly trotted over to the light switch, swearing as something sharp pierced my tail and feet.
I flicked the light on and turned and recoiled with a hiss of horror and disgust. Quark was soaked in the red thick liquid, it was pooled around his neck, chest and shoulders. Slices of glass still stuck from his body, and gleamed in the light.
Then I looked down at myself and saw the blood on own chest, arms and mostly on my face. I cautiously crept over to the shattered remains of the mirror and lifted a shard. I almost couldn’t recognize the face that was reflected back to me. I showed a dog-like face, large ears, green, blood-shot eyes, spine spikes, tusks, wide nostrils, and tan-yellow skin. Blood caked the face, even seeping into the eyes and the insides of the ears. The spikes where sprayed lightly with the crimson, life-giving substance. I threw the glass onto the ground, horrified. I stumbled backwards. The slices of glass reflected back the same blood splattered face. I bent down and worked quickly, and then staggered over to Quarks lifeless body. His eyes were open and glassy, and I reached out and shut them. I gave my friends body a light shake, biting my blooded lip. He didn’t stir. I bit back tears, and instead curled next to my child-hood friend, warping my long tail around me like a cat and resting my chin on a clean space on his arm.
I stayed like that until the police arrived, as the neighbors, probably that nosy cow Darcie, complained about the reek of blood. They (the coppers) had to forcibly remove me from Quarks corpse. Even though I hated the police and thought they were stupid, greedy idiots, they weren’t that stupid. The blood on me was Quarks, and the finger prints on the blades of glass lodged in Quarks body matched mine. However, they couldn’t figure out why all the other shards of glass on the ground was turned so each piece was facing the floor.
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

Last edited by skillyaslig; 08-01-2007 at 02:46 AM..
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08-01-2007, 02:49 AM
skillyaslig's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Mar 2007
: Beneath the sink
: 1,157
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Rep Power: 18
skillyaslig  (124)skillyaslig  (124)

EDIT: Double post, ma bad. Stupid edit thingie....
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

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08-12-2007, 10:23 PM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
Sewer Sleg
: May 2006
: Melbourne, Australia.
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E'l Scrabino  (94)

Very nice, although a bit... Uh... gory.

But i like stuff like that =D.
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

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08-13-2007, 12:48 AM
skillyaslig's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Mar 2007
: Beneath the sink
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skillyaslig  (124)skillyaslig  (124)

Yay, a comment. The next chap isnt gory though.

I was put in the Looney bin. Sure, they didn’t call it that, they called it the psychiatric ward. Most people, the ones who aren’t in it of course, call it the nut house, insane asylum, Looney Bin, which I like to call it, and other ‘fun’ names. I was pissed, I was treated like some complete fruit cake, as if I was in any condition to attack them. The captain or whatever, of the cops was nice enough I suppose. She didn’t scream and yell like a banshee. She managed to coax me away from Quarks’s poor body, and lead me/carried me to the police truck outside. I was strapped down, and had a muzzle fixed on me. I was still in shock I suppose. They then stabbed me with a nasty-ass needle, and that knocked me clean out. When I woke, my arms where pined to my side by a goddamn strait jacket, of all things. I still had a steel muzzle on, but I could still speak. I was sitting in a really uncomfortable chair, and there was another chair opposite me. A large table separated me and the other chair. The room had a single light bulb, that didn’t really admit that much light, and a large door to the left of a large mirror. I had a sneaky suspicion that there where people spying on me from that one-way mirror. As if to confirm my unease, a tall scree came through the door. The scree had large ears, like a deranged rabbits and large, wicked spine spikes. She had a cold, hard expression etched in her stony face. Her tusks where long, and slightly hooked. In her sharp claws she held a large clip-board. I instinctively disliked her, and growled. If I was treated like a Looney, then I would act like one. The female had emerald and black armor, with two thick arms, two legs ending in clawed paws. Her tail had longer spikes then normal. She went and sat in the chair opposite me, placed the clip-board on the table, linked her fingers and started at me. I glared beck, before snapping,
“Well, I don’t think I’m gonna be offered any refreshments, so what do you want?” Her features tightened as I said that, and she tapped a claw on the clip-board and said in a haughty tone,
“You are Kerf Lokgig?”
“And you knew Quarks Blazed?”
I bristled, “I am Quarks best friend.”
“Was,” The female corrected, “And if you where such good friends with Quarks, then why did you kill him?”
“I did not you stupid cow.” I snapped.
Her eyes darkened, and she growled, “My name is Riis, and I am here to talk to you about Quarks’s murder. It is obvious it was you. Now, I am here to try and understand why you killed your ‘friend’.”
I didn’t answer. Screw her, she can just hit a nail with a marshmallow. So I just said, “Screw you, you ugly tart.”
She didn’t like that I can tell you. She told me she was sick of my behavior (yeah, she knew me so long), I was mad, a rampant murderer, a sick, deranged person. I just gave her a cool look which really drove her up the wall. She ranted and yelled, but I didn’t respond. Stupid witch. Okay, so after that, and a few more snide comments from me of course, some bigger screes came in, one stabbed me with another needle for heavens sake. Out I went.
I woke up. I was in a bland, cube room. A bared door, and a bared small window. I still had my jacket one. After the grogginess of the needle bite left, I knew I was in the Nut house. The screams, mad laughing and crazed whistling. Rapidly going bored I decided to act like a nut and yelled and rolled around the place. I gnawed on the bars and hissed at everyone that went past. I sang random songs, and other inmates shrieked back verses at me. At least I wasn’t alone. Hahaha. Then a happy ding! echoed through my boring room and a tall slinky creature came into my room. It was acid green, large ears, skinny and lanky body, arms, legs, tail, and neck. It had a small elephantine nose, large webbed feet, with fins on its arms, back, legs and neck. The mud-sud, for that was obviously one, gestured to someone outside and a large six legged scree came in. I just sat there as he hurled me up and dragged me outside. The ‘ward’ was white and creepily clean, with the occasional scream echoing down. I was dragged to a bench, and the mud-sud pulled out a large pill the size of a tennis ball from a box from a close wall-mounted cabinet. I recoiled, but the big scree tightened his pincer/hand. With his other hand he unhooked my muzzle and then forced open my mouth.
“You son of a-” That was me, ya know.
The mud-sud stepped forward and shoved the red/purple pill into my throat. I struggled, gagging angrily. The aquatic animal just forced its skinny arm into my mouth, (damn that thing reeked of salt water!) and forced the overly large pill down. Still chocking I was remuzzled, dragged back and chucked into my cell. The moment I swallowed I swore, cursed and screamed profanities. Hey, I didn’t like to be force-fed.
That happened every six hours. Dragged out, forced to eat pill, (I refused to take that foul thing willingly) and dragged back. I was given food. Pretty good too. I still refused to talk to Riis, either keeping silent, or just saying completely of-topic crap. It was funny to hear her rant. Secretly I relished her visits. I feared I really would go nuts if I was keep in ‘solitary confinement.’ Due to my none violent behavior (some of the other patients tried to kill anyone who came near) I was put in a different room. This one had two beds, so I could have a room mate. Mine was Rat. He was a really paranoid scree, looking about, all terrified and twitchy as if he feared a bomb would go off or somethin’. I, at first, just glared, making him get even more twitchy. The only good thing was the strait jacket was finally gone. My claws where taken away, just in case I had a ‘murderous thought’ as Riis put it. Rat was probably named rat because he looked like one. Skinny described him alright. Thin arms, scrawny legs, gaunt face and boney tail. His sunken eyes were ringed in dark circles. I had fun, scaring him by saying some Dek’Vorhs where hiding under the bed (Now those people where mad) and where waiting to kill him when he stood on the floor. He sat on his bed, all twitchy and stuff for a week before I finally convinced him that it wasn’t true. He managed to relax (after his ‘quite’ time) and told me about how he killed a high ranked Grawp after he though he saw a dead corpse impersonating him. I told him about my crazy frenzy. He kept away from me even more. Great. What a cell mate.
A few boring weeks later I was woken my Rat jumping up and down I me. I growled and snapped at him through my muzzle and he said breathlessly,
“Friends! Outside!”
Quick as a dart, I shoved Rat off me. I clambered up the bed rest and peered out the window. A large one eyed face blinked and Lex grinned, showing cracked teeth.
“Kerf old pal! ‘Eard you had gotten yeself into a pickle.”
"What," I growled, "are you doing here?"
"Why, bustin' ya out 'O course!"
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

Last edited by skillyaslig; 08-13-2007 at 12:54 AM..
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08-31-2007, 04:21 PM
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Grubb Fisherman
: Jul 2007
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Munch's Oddysee wasn't a bad game.

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