After a month of… vacation, let’s say, W@RF is starting up again. I’ve noticed that some of you missed the thread in the past few weeks. I hope none of you got too bored without Rupture Farms. I enjoyed this break, I used the time to concentrate on university business and deviantArt. But time’s up, RPers are demanding the return, so… it’s time for the 8th part of Work at Rupture Farms.
Here are the usual rules, with a few additional paragraphs.
What is W@RF?
W@RF stands for the RPG Work at Rupture Farms. The 1st version was started on the 10th October 2002, and it has been going since.
What about the background and the story?
The old Rupture Farms was reopened by a Glukkon named Arnie, and employed everyone who wanted to work in the factory. Gaining profit was always the main goal, but life is not just about working... well, at least when you're sleeping in R+R. Arnie has decided to treat his mudokons nicely, hoping this wil keep the terrorists away.
How can I join?
Write a profile in the following form:
Name: (Do I need to explain?)
Race: (Mudokon, Slig, Vykker or any known race of Oddworld)
Gender: (male or female)
Age: (Earth or Oddworld years, you decide)
Appearance: (How does your character look like?)
Personality: (What's your character's usual behaviour? etc.)
Equipment: (What does your character usually carry?)
History: (Your character's background)
When you're ready, post the profile in the W@RF Profile Thread. Those who are new to RPing should start with one character, until they get the hang of role playing.
It is important that you make a reasonable entry with your character. It can't just pop out of nowhere. The most usual entry is done by FeeCo Trains (there's a station in the factory).
What do I need to do after I join?
Well, it's basically up to you, but it's important to interact with other characters as much as possible. As a start, I would recommend newcomer characters to look after the boss, Arnie, or his assistant, Otto to introduce themselves. They will give them the basic directions.
Oh, and reading a bit of the backstory can help a lot too. Really.
OK, that was the usual stuff. Now, to mention some of the problems W@RF encountered over the years.
I’ve joined alright, but I’m being ignored. Why’s that?
Try to interract a bit more with other characters, and in a sensible way. Sometimes, even a simple conversation with another character can get you a place among the noticed RPers.
If you are interracting with others, and you’re still ignored, then maybe you’re not doing it in the right way.
And, if you ingore others, don’t be surprised if they ignore you in exchange.
i can rp ok,but pepole tel me off bye smoe resaon.why?
Maybe they find it hard to understand what you’re trying to say. Lack of punctuation, grammar and capital letters could be the reason to this problem. Make your posts as clear as possible.
I have too much free time/no RL/whatever. Can I hang around all day and flood the RPG with my posts?
I wouldn’t recommend that. First, it’s annoying. Second, if it’s annoying, it will get the attention of the respective RPG Mod. Third, if it’s annoying and gets the attention of the respective RPG Mod, it might end up in a warning. No, in short.
I can imagine a Mudokon family, followed by a herd of Meeps and a clan of tame Scrabs, running around in the factory. Is that allowed?
Try to keep the number of your characters to a minimum, especially if you’re new to RPing. You’ll find that you can’t keep up with yourself over time.
Can my character be super-mega-overpowered, equipped with overkill-weapons and uber-armor?… Uh, for the sake of the factory, of course... yeah, that fits…
But can I go rampage with a box of grenades? That’s what the Armory is for, isn’t it?
But I want explosions! Loads of weapons! Bullets firing! ACTION!
Paintball is rather unexpensive these days.
Now that I’m finished with this rather schizophrenic FAQ, it’s time to point things out more seriously.
Some of the roleplayers have made it to university this year, which means that they will have less or minimal time to read W@RF and reply frequently. This also applies to people who are busy with high school/work/etc., of course. This is the reason why I must ask all of those who wish to play and join: try to understand that posting three or more times per day will not take us any further. It will only make it harder for others to keep up with the RPG.
There have been several occasions that someone thought that the story is too slow, and tried to boost it up in a way which ended up in a complete confusion and disaster. Don’t do it. I know that Rupture Farms is supposed to be dangerous, and accidents are supposed to happen, but characters shouldn’t act like they’re blindfolded and start running into nails/grinders/gunfire/pack-o-Scrabs/etc. Part 7 is a good example of what I mean. The whole factory grounded to a halt because of animals running free in the building. It might sound good for some people, but a situation like that is hard to sort out. Practically, the whole part was about chasing animals and Native intruders. Play it cool this time.
I’ve been talking with Splat about these things over the past few weeks, and we agreed that if a breach occurs in the gameplay, it can’t and won’t be ignored, like in earlier versions of W@RF. If someone can’t follow the rules we set out, he/she can’t expect us to tolerate it too long. I can only ’warn’ someone in the everyday meaning of the word, but Splat informed me that those who ignore the rules will receive a warning, and, finally, will have his/her characters banned from the RPG.
This is not meant to be a discouragement to new RPers who want to join. I just want to make things clear. I tell most of this every time I start a new part of Work at Rupture Farms, and I get the impression that some people don’t even bother to read the rules. If you follow them, you’ll be OK.
So now would be a good time to go and read the RPG rules thread if you haven't already. And if you have read them before, now would be the tme to go and do it again!
W@RF-related links
WARF Profile Thread V.2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
RPG Cc Fan Art v.2
The WARF Map
The WARF Map, newer version