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03-04-2005, 02:42 AM
Agent-Sarah's Avatar
: Feb 2005
: Minot, Maine
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Rep Power: 20
Agent-Sarah  (10)
Character Profiles

Here's some profiles (or bios as I like to call them) of my characters I made. There will be more soon and some files may be updated.

Name: Sarah Anne Valentine

Nicknames: Four-Eyes, Agent Sarah, Fearless leader, Sarah-Chan, Little Sarah, Hazel Eyes, Sagittarius Woman, Half-breed, and Demon slayer

Theme song(s): “Spring Field”-Yoko Ishida
“Open Your Heart”-Yuki Kajiura
“The Fragile”-Nine Inch Nails

Affiliation: Good

Age: 21 (Present)/24 (2008)/54 (2038)

Born: December 14, 1983

Signs: Sagittarius/Pig/Hathor

Gender: Female

Height: 4’10” (Present)/5’2” (Future)

Weight: 120 lb.

Species: Human/Angel

Physical Appearance: A young, mid-skinny woman with hazel eyes, and light-blue hair. In the future, she still looks the same (angels and half angels don’t age) only her eyes are white from blindness.
In her Angel form, long, feathered wings sprout from her back and her eyes turn silver.
In her Archangel form, her hair gets darker, spikier, and her wings get longer.
In her Throne form, her wings disappear, a third eye on her forehead, and her hair turns into fire.
In her Seraphim form, her hair goes back to normal, a red crystal on her forehead, and six, light-blue wings.
In her Primal Rage form, her muscles budge from her arms and legs, her eyes turn white, and fangs.

Markings: She bears a flame-shaped birthmark (the mark of Michael) under her right arm, a faded scar of the Wee’Ack clan tribal tattoo on her forehead, and a long scar across her back.

Personality: Funny, down to earth, brave, compassionate, spiritual, and hotheaded.

Fashion Statements: She always wears her glasses (She’s nearsighted), sometimes she wears her blue jumpsuit or just her T-shirts and jeans. Sarah also wears Sonic the Hedgehog-type shoes. She hardly wears jewelry.

Current Health Status: Alive and well

Employment: Captain of the BogWing, demon slayer, puppet master, and AMT agent.

Mother: Laurie
Father: Richard
Older Sister: Katie
(Future) Husband: Shiro Yakugama
Daughter: Kate
Son: Don
God-Mother: 0-Devil
Adopted Grandfather: Master Splinter
Greatest Grandfather: Archangel Michael
Greatest Grandmother: Elena
Second Greatest Grandmother: Joan of Ark

Pets: Max the Cora (female), PJ the Mew (male), and Garfield the Earth cat (female).

Marital Status: Dating (soon gets married in the future)

Significant Other: Shiro

Offspring: Don and Kate Valentine (Twins)

Teachers: Splinter, Dek Shen, Broken Tusk, Willis, Karin the cat deity, and Goku.

Students: 0-Devil, Shiro, Don, Kate, Akira, Peter, Kristin, and the puppets.

Friends: Peter, Kristin, 0-Devil, 0-Angel, Dante, Trish, Lucia, Akira, Sparda, Justin, Dek Shen, Willis, Abaddon, Stitch, Don, Gina, Zoe, Drummer, Reno, Rude, Tseng, Elena, Bigface the Mudokon, Abe the Mudokon, Squeaker, A.M., Bigglesworth, Alexander, Samantha, Dead Lock, Abe Sapien, Hellboy, Liz, Kathy, Theo, B’harni, Laura, Artic, and the puppets.

Enemies: Katana, Mundus, Arius, Megatek, Lunar, Lock-Jaw, the Night Hunters (namely Cutter), Shinok, Kraus, and the Seven Deadly Sins.

Location: Maine

Birthplace: America

Special Gear/Equipment/Weapons: Unit belt, mini toolbox, custom-made S&W magnum named, “Riki Tiki Tavi”, magical dragon staff of Hong Kong, Archangel Katana, Senzu beans, Angel Stones (thanks to 0-Devil), and magical powers.

Vehicles: The BogWing and her man-made silver and blue hover bike, “Little Sonic”.

Special Attacks:
Hybrid Kick
Wolf Fang Fist
Spirit Dragon’s Claw
Angel’s Fist
Psychic Blast
Heaven’s Sword
Animal Flunkies
Force Field
Mind Shield
Breath of Life
Burning Dragon’s Claw
Soothing Hands
Lighting Speed
Astral Projection
Shadow Image
Chi Blast
Hundred Fists
Solar Flare
Primal Rage
Fire Kick
Fire Strike
Burning Phoenix

Martial Arts:
Drunken Style
Tai Chi
Tae Kwon Do
Eagle Claw
Shinto Ryu
Wado Ryu
Wing Chun
Mok Gar
Kick Boxing

Sword Attacks:
Message from God
Spirit of the Dragon
High Time
Million Stabs

Gun Attacks:
Twosome Time
Hey Man, Nice Shot
Click Click Boom
Silver Bullet

Primal Rage

Biological Science
Cultural Arts
Performing Arts
Physical Science
Police Science
Sleight of Hand
Social Sciences
Urban Tracking
Visual Arts
Wilderness Tracking
Hand-to-hand Combat and defense
Melee Combat and defense
Gun Combat
Heavy Weapons
Ranged Attack and defense
Speaks/translate different languages
Escaped artist
Gather information
Handle animal
Controlled breathing
Domestic arts
Foreign culture
Military sciences
Sense motive
Wilderness lore

Likes: Drawing, eating, writing, sleeping, fighting, sparring, music, TV, horror/sci-fi or comedy movies, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, her friends, her family, and adventures.

Dislikes: Bigots, Carrot Top, clowns, spiders, people hurting or killing people, lying, and bullies.

History: If one has to start with any of the ‘BogWing’ crewmembers, one might as well start with the leader. Agent Sarah is the youngest and fearless leader of the group. She will go where even fools fear to tread. Sarah is the woman of action, she rather jump into action than just standing around, doing nothing. She’s also a smart girl. If she gets herself in trouble, she usually can find a way out of it.
The downside of her is that she always picks a fight with someone bigger then her or fight with one of her friends. She’s also reckless while on wild adventures.
She was once a normal 4-year old child but in 1987, she was adducted by Cutter and Leon “Lunar” Dengar. She escaped from them and went to New York and was adopted by the kind rat, Master Splinter.
For four years, Splinter taught her the ancient martial arts and gave her the magical dragon staff before she left for Maine (her home state).
At age 10, she met 12-year old Dek Shen and became hunting partners. Dek later saved her life when they were in an ice planet.
In 1997, she came back to Earth to take a break. But all she got was to save the world from the evil karabites. At ’99, she became an AMT agent.
In 2003, Sarah and Katie met 0-Devil and 0-Angel in New York during the Rage Virus incident.
In 2008, her and ex-boyfriend, Justin helps Zero to fight the Seven Sins during the War. After the war, she marries Shiro Yakugama. In 2010, she gave birth to Don and Kate Valentine.
Over the years, she became a legend on Earth and an expert on martial arts. Soon, her eyesight became worse and went blind. Even though she’s blind, she still fights by using her sense of hearing.
Sarah doesn’t talk much about her past but she will tell stories about her life to people if she feels like it.
When 0-Devil asked her to become the new puppet master, she refused. But later on, she accepted. She’s exceptionally friendly and loyal to her friends and family, to the point where she would rather die than forsake any of them.
Agent Sarah’s closest friends are Jester, Kristin, Shiro, Dek, Drummer, 0-Devil, and Peter. Sarah enjoys teasing her buddies.
Due to her young age, Sarah is still in the process of leaning about herself. She is embarrassed about Jester and Torch’s peeping habits and is not comfortable with her own nudity.
Sarah will often act in ways to try to preserve the harmony between humans and aliens. She dislikes seeing anyone crying or upset. She feels their pain and wants to say something to ease their distress but she never knows what to say. She is especially careful and polite when she is around people.
Sarah can be lazy at times and will do everything she can to avoid work.
Sarah has an unusual fondness for images of cats. Aside from the noisemaker over the door to her treehouse, she often styles her hair in the shape of a cat’s tail and wears two hair clips that resemble its ears. At night, or when she is taking a bath (and her hair is tied up tightly), Sarah wears a snow leopard on the top of her head. Her screen-saver shows images of cheetahs that run across her computer and she placed the picture of a smiling kitten on Don and Kate’s formula and on their bottles.
She haves a strange sense of humor and can be particularly vulgar with gestures and comments, especially those concerning sexual issues. Remarks about her small size easily infuriate her, but not to the point where she will reveal her true powers. On the other hand, Sarah flatters easily with just about any compliment, but especially when she is given one that involves her intelligence.
Sarah’s character is often used as comic relief but once she is committed to a course of action, enemies should take heed because she is a strong opponent with unseen forces acting on her behalf.

She is the greatest granddaughter of the famous demon slaying Archangel Michael.
Other than saving the universe, she spends much of her time making odd inventions or does her daily training.
She likes to be called “Sarah-Chan” or “Little Sarah” for a weird reason.
While Willis was training Sarah, it only took her four days to learn how to use her sword and powers.
Sarah can tell who’s a friend or foe by looking into their eyes, since it’s the window to their souls.
She hardly drinks alcohol sense her small body can’t hold that much alcohol.

Pros: Friendly, helpful, wise, outsmarts her enemies, heightened awareness, heightened senses, highly skilled, mechanical genius, personal gear, pets (PJ the mew and Max the dragon), animal friendship, computer scanner, divine relationship (the forces of Heaven), art of distraction, aura of command, sixth sense, wealth, organizational ties with Alien Minds Team, servant (Drummer the robot), bullet proof skin, cat-like reflexes, super human strength, great hearing and smell.

Cons: A little too protective, way too trust worthy and naive, short temper, gets easily drunk, awkward at times, easily distracted (men, cute animals, and listening to music), item dependency (her katana, gun, or dragon staff), strict conditional ownership from the AMT, marked (her back scar), nemesis (Katana and Hell), phobia (spiders and clowns), sensory impairment (near-sightedness), needs food to gain her strength and powers.
SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and pray you don't multiply!

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03-04-2005, 02:28 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
Outlaw Shooter
: Nov 2004
: United States
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odd chick  (10)

Wow, that is one LONG profile. But it was interesting. I can't wait to see the others in the future.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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03-04-2005, 06:20 PM
Agent-Sarah's Avatar
: Feb 2005
: Minot, Maine
: 140
Rep Power: 20
Agent-Sarah  (10)

I've been coming up with these characters for years. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask.

Name: Katie Beth Valentine

Nicknames: Beth, Ghetto girl, Kate, and Big Sis.

Theme song(s): “Thank You”-Dido

Affiliation: Good

Age: 22 (present)/25 (2008)/55 (2030)

Born: September 26, 1982

Signs: Libra/Dog/?

Gender: Female

Height: 4’11” (present)/5’05” (2008)

Weight: 130 lbs.

Species: Human/Angel

Location: Pennsylvania

Birthplace: America

Physical Appearance: A beautiful, young woman with mid-short brown hair, and hazel eyes.
In her Angel form, her hair turns light-blue; her eyes turn silver, and wings coming out her back.
In her Archangel form, her hair turns dark-blue and spiky, and her wingspan grows longer.

Markings: None

Personality: Smart, calm, and sometimes hotheaded.

Fashion Statements: Anything that looks good.

Current Health Status: Alive and well.

Employment: Inspired scriptwriter

Mother: Laurie
Father: Richard
Little Sister: Sarah
Brother-in-law: Shiro
Granddaughter: Kate
Grandson: Don
Greatest Grandfather: Archangel Michael
Greatest Grandmother: Elena
Second Greatest Grandmother: Joan of Ark

Marital Status: Dating

Significant Other: N/A

Teachers: Dek Shen, Blade, Oriental, and Willis.

Friends: Bigglesworth, B’harni, Don, Gina, Laura, Dek Shen, Willis, Abaddon, Stitch, 0-Devil, 0-Angel, Shiro, Elsa, Oriental, Pinhead, Artic, Jester, and Tunneler.

Enemies: Lunar, Megatek, Lock-Jaw, Katana, and Kraus.

Special Gear/Equipment/Weapons: Laptop, cell phone, guns, hand-to-hand combat, and angel powers.

Vehicles: A dark purple/violet car.

Special Attacks:
Hundred Fists
Chi Blast
Shadow Image
Diamond Dust
Spirit Link
Holy Cirlce
Soul Voice
Hurricane Kick
Ki Blast Wave
Fierce Ranma
Soaring Dragon Strike
Mind Shield

Martial Arts:
Tae Kwondo
Kung Fu
Kick Boxing
Tai Chi
Shinto Ryu

Sword Attacks:

Gun Attacks:
Eagle Eye Shot

Gun Combat
Performing Arts
Thrown Weapons
Unarmed Attack
Unarmed Defense
Visual Arts
Wilderness Tracking
Ranged attack and defense
Sense motive
Domestic arts

Likes: Shopping, watching TV, movies, hanging out with her friends and family, hip-hop, R&B, music, Michael Moore, and reading.

Dislikes: Being forced to fight and seeing people suffer.

History: Sarah’s older sister. She was supposed to be the next demon slayer when Willis was checking the birthmark of Archangel Michael, but found nothing. When Sarah was born, the sibling rivalry had begun. But when Sarah was kidnapped, she and her family searched high and low for her, but didn’t find her. Katie didn’t give up and went on searching for her little sister. Four years later, the Valentine family found Sarah in New York.
In 2003, Sarah and Katie went to New York to see a concert. Only to fight rage-infected zombies with two devil hunters named 0-Devil and 0-Angel. Later on, she was kidnapped by Kraus and was saved by her sister. Before she died, Sarah asks Dek and the puppets to train Katie for the upcoming demon attack. After the attacks, Katie went on to work at collage. Months later, she was forced to fight B’harni.
After she finished collage, she moved in with her boyfriend (name withheld) in Pennsylvania.
Sarah and Katie sometimes fight over the littlest things (like who’s sitting in the front, getting the remote, paying the bill, etc…).
When her mother found out that Katie was about to fight Katana’s troops, she begged her daughter not to fight (Laurie doesn’t want her daughters to become fighters). Sometimes Laurie wishes them luck, but never admits it in front of them.
Even though they fight, the siblings truly care about each other.

Pros: Fast, bullet-proof skin, super human strength, smart, computer scanner, heightened awareness, and a great marital artist.

Cons: Workaholic.

(This character is based off from my sister)
SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and pray you don't multiply!

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03-04-2005, 08:50 PM
Abe16's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: May 2003
: on earth
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Abe16  (11)

*Measures* whoa! your last profile list was longer! You have tons of characters!
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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03-06-2005, 02:26 AM
Agent-Sarah's Avatar
: Feb 2005
: Minot, Maine
: 140
Rep Power: 20
Agent-Sarah  (10)

There's a lot more when that came from.

Name: Dek Shen

Nicknames: Different Warrior, Mama’s Boy, Lizard breath, and Dekkie.

Theme song(s): “Black Sunshine”-White Zombie

Affiliation: Good

Age: 25 (Present)/29 (2008)/59 (2038)

Born: N/A

Signs: N/A

Gender: Male

Height: 7’0”

Weight: 303 lbs.

Species: Yautja (Predator as humans call them)

Home world: Guan-thwei

Location: Planet Earth

Physical Appearance: A tall, muscle-tone alien with light-brown skin, black stripes, scaly dreadlocks, and aqua/light-blue-green eyes. If you seen the Predator movies, you’ll know what their faces look like.
In the future, his skin is dark-brown, his hair is tied in a knot, and his left arm is replaced with a cyber-arm.

Markings: Tribal tattoo/scar of the Wee’Ack clan, scars on his left pec (caused by a Sand Drake), and pink markings on his palms of hands, torso, and thighs from frostbite. Later on, he gets many battle scars during the War in 2008.

Personality: Laid back, patient, intelligent, curious and aggressive at times.

Fashion Statements: He wears his full light-weighted (but strong) armor during missions or hunting. When there are no missions, he wears his loin cloth or slacks. He also wears a ruby stone necklace his mother gave to him when he was three.

Current Health Status: Alive and well

Employment: Warrior, pilot, and second-in-command of the BogWing.

Father: Yeyinde Dachande A.K.A. Broken Tusk (deceased)
Mother: Wai
Older Brother: Grak (Bad Blood)
Little Sister: Mia
Little Brother: Rix
Wife/Mate: Sirus
Son: Riki

Pets: None.

Marital Status: Single (is married in the future).

Significant Other: Sirus

Offspring: Riki Shen

Teachers: Broken Tusk and Top Knot.

Students: Sarah, Katie, and Riki.

Friends: Sarah, Jester, Drummer, Pinhead, B’harni, Laura, and Katie.

Enemies: Megatek.

Special Gear/Equipment/Weapons: Acid-proof armor, bio mask, wrist knives, smart disk, broken hunting blade, combo stick, dart gun, scattergun, shoulder cannon, audio waveform analyzer, shift suit, wrist computer, plasma gun/rifle, net gun, disruptor pistol/rifle, flame rifle, missile tube, beam tube, glop/cryoban/luma/proton/thermal grenades, pulse cannon, throwing razors, Verpine shatter gun, ZF1, vibroblade, Ryyk blades, Kerestian darkstick, Tehk’lka blade, COM link, stun-cuffs, tools, electro binoculars, organic gill, plasma cannon, Ssi-ruuvi paddle beamer, wrist rockets, palm shooter, flechette launcher, vibro-ax, vibroknuckler, homing beacon, shuriken, man trap, medpac, backpack, laser sight, and self-destruct sequence .

Vehicles: The bio-ship, BogWing.

Special Attacks: None.

Martial Arts:
Kick Boxing
Kung Fu

Sword Attacks:
Cross Slash
Rough Divide
Blood Pain
Heavy Anchor
Weapon Bash

Gun Attacks:
Big Shot
Gatling Gun
Eagle Eye Shot

Cultural Arts
Gun Combat
Heavy Weapons
Melee Attack and defense
Police Sciences
Ranged attack and defense
Thrown Weapons
Unarmed attack and defense
Urban and Wilderness Tracking
Visual Arts
Speak/Translate alien language
Controlled breathing
Disable device
Escape artist
Gather information
Domestic arts
Handle animal
Military sciences
Sense motive
Use rope
Wilderness lore

Likes: Heavy metal, fighting, studying people/species, his friends, and his mom.

Dislikes: Boy/Girl bands, being insulted, and people making fun of his mother.

History: He was born and raised in the jungles in the Predator home world. But he was different; Dek could speak the Ooman (human) language! No one doesn't know how he has the ability to do it, some say it's from a birth defect. For years, he studies the art of fighting and wants to be a great warrior, like his father and older brother, Grak. At age 13 (human years), he joined the Wee 'Ack Clan to fight a Sand Drake. Dek fought the creature and killed it with just a half-broken knife. He goes to planet Earth and soon meets Sarah. He was amazed of her fighting skills; he asked his father if she can be with the clan so he can teach her the way of the Yautja. Broken Tusk won’t let the young human in unless she fights him to see if she’s truly worthy of being a warrior. After taking Broken Tusk out, she was in the clan. For three years, the two became the best of friends. But in early 1997, Sarah went back to Earth after she felt homesick. Years later, he went back to his planet to hear that his brother, Grak, had killed his leader and hijacked a ship. Dek Shen vows to chase his brother down and kill him for his actions. After chasing his brother down to Earth, he joins up with Sarah and 0-Devil to help him to chase Grak down. Grak flew off to space after fighting his brother, leaving Dek wounded. Sarah nursed him back to health and was about to go back to space when Kraus appeared and kidnapped Katie. After the events with Kraus, he stayed on Earth to help his new friends to protect the planet from Katana’s demonic army and someday, he will find his brother and bring him to justice.
Other than hunting, Dek likes to study animals and wants to learn more about the cultures of other races.
Even though he can speak Yautja and human, he uses his audio waveform analyzer to learn different languages.
Every month, he travels back to his home world and visits his mother and sister.
Dek has been known to be a ladies man.

Pros: Great fighter, teacher, and bodyguard. Truly cares about this friends and family. Aura of command, computer scanner, heighten awareness, mechanical genius, natural weapons (claws), organizational ties with the Wee’Ack clan, and personal gear.

Cons: Can become violent if anyone mocks his mother or father, conditional ownership with the Wee’Ack clan, and girl magnet. Has a habit of walking around in the nude.
SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and pray you don't multiply!

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03-06-2005, 02:39 PM
Teal's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Teal  (10)

Star signs... 26th September falls toward the end of the month of Thoth, if it helps.
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
Windchaser's Earth | deviantART gallery | Journal of endless rambling and ficbits

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03-06-2005, 03:28 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
Outlaw Shooter
: Nov 2004
: United States
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odd chick  (10)

Those are great profiles, Agent Sarah. They're very detailed and they help the readers to understand the characters more.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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03-06-2005, 05:06 PM
Agent-Sarah's Avatar
: Feb 2005
: Minot, Maine
: 140
Rep Power: 20
Agent-Sarah  (10)

Those are great profiles, Agent Sarah. They're very detailed and they help the readers to understand the characters more.
Thanks for the comment on that, OC. It's way more helpful to let the readers know the characters well.

Speaking of characters, here's the list for the upcoming bios.

Dead Lock
Leon "Lunar" Dengar
Laurasa Chi AKA Laura
B'habi B'hop
B'hi J'hai
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
The Seven Deadly Sins
Archangel Michael
Joan of Arc (my verison)
God (my verison)
Adam Bigglesworth III
King Nosgoth
SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and pray you don't multiply!

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03-06-2005, 05:08 PM
Abe16's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: May 2003
: on earth
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Abe16  (11)

DANG! There are gonna be a TON Of Bios! Can't wait to see them all!
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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03-06-2005, 05:19 PM
Agent-Sarah's Avatar
: Feb 2005
: Minot, Maine
: 140
Rep Power: 20
Agent-Sarah  (10)

Of course it's going to be a pain to write all of these, but I'll do them when I have the time to do so.
SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and pray you don't multiply!

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03-07-2005, 11:29 AM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
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Abe's son  (10)

Well... now that you've done that you've reminded me to type up the Fourth Riech profiles. I should do that...
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03-07-2005, 03:10 PM
Agent-Sarah's Avatar
: Feb 2005
: Minot, Maine
: 140
Rep Power: 20
Agent-Sarah  (10)

Well... now that you've done that you've reminded me to type up the Fourth Riech profiles. I should do that...
Why, thank you. I'm here to help.
SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and pray you don't multiply!

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03-07-2005, 03:21 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
Outlaw Shooter
: Nov 2004
: United States
: 1,275
Rep Power: 20
odd chick  (10)

I'll bet it's going to be a pain to type those, Agent Sarah-it would be a pain for me to do that as well. But it may be worthwile in the end.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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