first of all_dixandu_ this is my welcome post, in case you care.
every here seems way better, rather than other forums i floated around in and most people were jerks. i have only met one person i dont like (dixandu- he told me what to do) and that is pretty awesome.
also, what snack chips do you like? im a pringles fan myself
after reading 23 pages of your dirt and tricks and tips, i feel compelled to tell you a story of mine.
its a sex injury: im missing my left ear. dont ask.
o ya,i did break up with the girl afterwards, because this happened during foreplay and it interrupted it and i had to go to the hospital, so i was smart enough to break up with the girl before she handled my penis.
yes aliens exist i can prove it, a meteroite landed on earth, on its surface germs were found, that means wherever it came from life was there, germ life.