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06-12-2002, 06:54 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Jan 2002
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Dead Those dang GLukks.

it was a foggy ningt in the swampforest Yavion on Oddworld. Night creatures where grunting and croing, sending a spooky chill down any spine of any creature that happend to be awake.

Crosh, a Mudokon warrior that now lived in the thickest area of the forest, was walking through the thick blackish sludge that covered any clear spot that life tried to conquer. He was carrying a long stick with a thin blade ant the end, and sharp teath hanging of it, as dekaration. He had thick leather boots on, that you can easaly see they were well used.

Crosh was going to hunt for food now. He stopped to listen, then he heard a unusual sound... like footsteps. Only unlike any he had heard before in theese woods.

Feel free to join and let the story evolve into watever!
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06-15-2002, 07:46 AM
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Here we go..

OCC: I'm new and this is my first go at this so tell me if I do it wrong . thanks!

(my chracter is a slig who learnt the consequences of 'accidently'
tripping up his boss so he could stick a 'kick me' message on his back. ovioulsy the boss wasn't too pleased about that so he was shunted into the outdoor slog kennal department. He is quite small and has a reddish skin colour. He is a bit of a trouble maker...)

Red was just getting over last nights drinking competition at the local bar, which had resulted in sevral very nasty bruises just because he had crumbled ashes of lungbuster into his 'comrade's' drink. As he staggred to the slog barraks he heard a noise.He desided to head after it and soon he was hopesessly lost. After a while of complete and utter puzzlement, he heard someone's footsteps and started to follow them. He caught a glimpse of what looked like a mudokon wearing a pair of worn out leather boots disappear behind a tree.....
(OOC:my sister helped me with that. Is that okay?)

Last edited by Red; 06-15-2002 at 12:26 AM..
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06-30-2002, 10:42 AM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Jan 2002
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dark_xinos  (27)

Sure thats okay! This is (almost) me first time to.

Slog barracks tha Crsosh dident know about in his hunding grounds?, o well. THere hast to be a good reason.
Crosh thought he heard a breathing sound. He crouched, all his senses were complaeatly allert. It became quiet again.


Crosh spun around. Nothing. Then he smelled a faint oter of swet.
He crept around the spot he heard the cracking sound to avoid whatever it was. Then he heard gunfire. Crosh sprung and lept up to a branch and climed up. He saw some drunk sligs shoting at birds. "Sligs?" There were some sloghuts and a quickly essembeled bar. Hm. Then a slog came runnig and jumped up as far as it could, and barked. Crosh fell out of the tree, in the suprising barking. He fell on a slig. And the slog was gone. He was laying on the slig (Red) and threatend him not to make any moves. Then the slog came back, barking as mad. Jumped towards Crosh, and Croshed blocked. Now the slig and the slog had Croshed pinned instead.
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06-30-2002, 10:40 PM
sligster's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
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Hi this is my first RPG post

( Jack, or as he prefers:Killer is admired by millions of sligs across oddworld.He is at the big whammy slig rank which carrys multiple weapons including a rocket launcher. He is a slig legend who is hired by glukkons for assasination, murder, Ect. he has battle scars and spikes on his pants and armour. He hates everybody. )

As Crosh was pinned against the ground, one of the drunk sligs sounded the alarm ''I need back up out here we have a code red mudokkon tresspasser and he's armed!'' Then a big steel door opened and 4 sligs came out followed by a 5th slig . The 5th slig looked at Crosh and started talking to the slig that sounded the alarm ''that is a warrior, you can tell by the spear-like stick and boots, I sould know, I've killed so many of those over the years.Their very dangerous, its a good thing you sounded the alarm when you did'' ''What should we do with him Jack?'' ''Well, we sould probobly.... what did you call me?'' ''Jack'' then Killer pulled out a pistol from his pants and held it to the drunk sligs head ''What have I told you about calling me that?'' Killer pulled the trigger. Then Killer said ''The rest of you, take the warrior to the holding pens '' as the other sligs took Crosh to the holding pens folloed by a red slig pointing a gun at Croshes head, Killer looked down at the slig carcass with the bullet in his head as slogs were ripping it to shreds in disgust then after a few minuts he went back inside.
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07-02-2002, 09:44 AM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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dark_xinos  (27)
Dead Crosh is in big doodo this time...

Crosh felt so humiliated. Captured by sligs! 'Arghh...' mumbeld crosh. 'I dident tresspass! You built a stupid bar in my hunting grounds!!'. Crosh shouldand have said that. Sence that almost cost his life. "Killer" drew his gun out again and was just about to fire, when red said: 'What Ja...Killer, this muddy mudokon, can come in handy!'. 'Yeah?' said Killer. 'If we can get him back to the Glukkons...' he continued. 'They could brainwash him, so he would join our side!' another slig said.
'No..!' thought Crosh. 'Not thoose dang Glukks!'

Edit: Sorry for saying what your guys thought! If you mind, I can change something.

Last edited by dark_xinos; 07-02-2002 at 01:52 AM..
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07-02-2002, 05:53 PM
sligster's Avatar
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Actually, thats what I was hpoing for you to do!

''Okay, good idea! I'll see to it that you get a promotion Red!'' ''yay!'' ''For now, take this guy to the boss, and for gods sake be carful! Just because he's unarmed does'nt mean that he's not still dangerous!'' ''Yes sir!''
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07-02-2002, 07:20 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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dark_xinos  (27)

After a bumby "ride", full ofcursing and kicking. Crosh was brought to a form of truck. He was thrown in back, where a Big Bro Slig was. (Im letting this scene be told by someone else)
Mean while. Some sligs were asigned to search for Crosh's hut.
Eventualy thay found it. (Hi hut was quiet empty; a bed, table, and a pole with a bundle of dry meat hanging on it. And a trap, right by the door. A wicked little bugger)

'Hay, check the door!' Cryed a slig copral.
'My pleasure sir!'.
A wicked CRACK and a SNAP filled the sudenly silent forest.
The sound reached Crosh, and he smiled, even though the Big Bro was talking to him, or more less about him, only directly to Crosh.

The waigts on the trap, polled it back in place, chofeld the dead and crumpeld slig out the door. And the door shut.
'My Odd!' Cried the Copral Slig.
'I wounder if it will work again?' said another slig, and opend the door. *SNAP* CRACK*. The slig screamed as his bones broke, and he fell out again. The door shut again.
'That was stupid'. The Copral chuckeld. This time the other sligs laughed. They are sick creatures you know.

'Abandond post' The Copral said and they left.
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07-02-2002, 08:38 PM
sligster's Avatar
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After hearing two sligs get killed in his trap , Crosh started to laugh a little. When the big bro heard Crosh laughing he said ''Shut up you stupid mudokkon!'' and hit Crosh hard in the arm with his gun. A few drops of blood spilled out onto the big bro but Crosh was fine, he wrapped his cut with some of the leather from his boots. A few slogs that were gaurding the truck until the Corpral came back smelled the blood, they went into a frenzy and jumped into the truck attaking the big bro. The big bro was so stunned that he did'nt have time to grab his gun, ''Noooooo!!! you stupid animals!!!!!! Noooooooooo!!!!!''. Crosh figured he had better get out of the truck before the slogs were done eating. Crosh ran into the woods while Red heard the slogs and went outside just in time to see Crosh escaping. Crosh had only ran a few steps when he heard an alarm go off ''Attention, we have a code blue mudokkon escaping, we need all of the help we can get, warning this mudokkon is a native warrior, he is unarmed but extremely dangerous!!!''. Crosh was now in a bigger hurry than before to get to his hut and grab his weapons. He was half way through the woods when he got a glimps of the Corpral and the other sligs. ''We'r lost'' said one slig
''I know'' said the Corpral. ''We never should have went left at the scrab graveyard!'' Crosh jumped up a tree and waited for the sligs to pass by. Back at the slog kennals Killer was giving instructions ''You, get your armour on, you big bros get your armour on too! you, get all of my weapons and put them in my tank!......We'r going mudokkon hunting!''
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07-03-2002, 06:34 AM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Jan 2002
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dark_xinos  (27)

Try to ceep the RP'ing to your own caractar as much as possible.
Besides comments and minor things like: Then Killer saw the lever.
Thank you. (I dont really mind what happend, it is okay!)
Luckely for Crosh, the trees were pritty close together, so he slowly and quietly moved from branch to branch. He maid it to tree number three, and the treetop climbing was no longer an option. He stood up over the treetops. The sligs however had desided to whait for help, and wouldend move. They where 4 of them left. The Copral and three other gunsligs.

Crosh locked around, then he say two sleeping Fleeches in the tree. He carfully removed them, and tossed them at the sligs.
'FLECHES!' Cryed a slig, a shot one. The other sligs dident notice
them until a slig got eaten. Then that fleech got shot. Though shooting this Fleech actually relesed the Slig inside. The shot mearly hit his medal foot. And he broke himself out. 'Head towards the sound of the sirens!' called the Copral, and they left.
They haddent thought of this option untill the sudden attack of the Fleeches.

Crosh hoped down and ran for his hut. He hung up the dead sligs on a rope in a tree, as a warning to other sligs or creatures whom might understand. He climed a tree right beside his hut, then onto the hut, and opend a lach, and jumped in.

He light a candel, and grabed a bit to eat, and drank some water.
THen he heard a voice: 'You are surrounded! Come out with your hands on your head!'. Crosh growled in the classic mudokon way.
(Anger, key 5, AE, or 4 in AO). He hid a knife in one of his pockets and some food in the other. 'To bad I live so far from the mudokon village. I couldent make a run for it. It is atleast 5 miles, and those slogs!'. He understud that he was pinned in his hut.
and fighting wouldent help. They were to many.

He removed the trap came out, as they had told him.
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07-04-2002, 12:20 AM
sligster's Avatar
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Oh, sorry!

Okay, here we go, uhhhhhhhhhh...........ummmmmmmmm................ You keep going, I can't think of anything.
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07-04-2002, 01:11 AM
oddling's Avatar
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Hi! this is my first time but I think I know what to do.

Zap watched a Mudokon hut being surrounded by Sligs as he led the rest of his tribe to a new campground. He was of the Cribble species, they were reptilian, walked erect, and had long blades coming out of their elbows, knees, and tails used to scare off stupid Sligs, their only predators. He felt bad just passing by the scene, he felt like he should help the poor creature, but it was strict tribal rules that he did not make contact with other species. They had past many scenes like this before without a second thought but there was something about this one that made him want to just jump out and kill them all. It was getting late so he had an excuse to make camp and rest for the night. " Unpack your things. We will rest here tonight." He said in a deep voice. He was going to follow the Sligs after everyone was asleep. It didn't matter if the Sligs were 5 miles away, Cribbles had great sences of smell, he could track them down, and free that poor thing, maybe he could even follow them to where their secret hideout was. They had been trying to find it for ages, because they had been raiding the tribes and taking the younger ones, brainwashing them, and giving them guns and putting them on patrol just like Sligs. That was exactly how the Sligs got how they were. Oddworld was changing, unfourtionatley for the worst.

Did it suck? Did I do it right? Please tell me!

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
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07-04-2002, 01:44 AM
sligster's Avatar
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Actually, that was pretty good! we finally have a new character to enslave Errrr.... Work with!

''Get in the tank, this time don't try anything funny!'' As Crosh walked up to Killer, Killer drew a needle and shoved it in Croshes arm taking a blood sample, ''OW!'' ''Shut up!, now come on.'' Crosh went in the tank with Killer. ''You sit in the back cargo area.'' ''Fine'' ''Don't Talk!!!!!!!!'' Killer opened a door inside the control area of the tank wich lead to the cargo hold. In the cargo room there was a gun above the door wich Killer inserted the blood sample in, '' This is a DNA gun, it now has your DNA programmed in it. If you try to escape, it will blast your guts all over the floor!'' Killer went back to the control area. A few seconds later the tank started and Crosh heard Killer yell ''Move Out!'' then Crosh thought to himself,

If it responds to my DNA then maby....

Crosh backed up to one wall and then he spit at the wall in front of him, The gun started firing at the spit! Crosh took out his knife and jammed it into the gun destroying its programming, then just to be safe, Crosh ripped the gun off the wall. He then used his knife to pry open the door, when he got it open Killer turned around and yelled ''What the h...'' Crosh picked up the DNA gun and smashed it into Killers head knocking him unconcious. Crosh climbed out of the tank only to be comfronted by 5 armoured big bro sligs.

Last edited by sligster; 07-03-2002 at 05:47 PM..
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07-04-2002, 03:01 AM
oddling's Avatar
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You'll never get me you Slig! You havn't even seen my powers yet!Hey you got that from Lilo and Stitch didn't you Sligster?

After everyone went to sleep, Zap snuck out and followed the sent of the Sligs. It led him to a tank with about 5 Big Bros gaurding it. "I'm not gonna get in dere lookin lyke dis! i gotta twy some'n ewse." He whisperd to himself. Being a Cribble he had the power to turn into any creature he wanted. It came in pretty handy when he had to get into somewhere. He decided to try a Slig he saw a few weeks ago, he seemed important so it was worth a shot. But if it didn't work, it would be worth a shot in the back. "What is going on here you goons?!!" He boomed after the transformation was complete. "Srg. Graggle! We weren't expecting you here!" Said a less important looking Slig. "Don't go off topic, what is going on here!!!?" "We have found an intruder at a local bar. We are taking him to be brainwashed." "Well obviously if he got past killer you aren't good enough to handel a native Mudokon! I will take him with me so he dosn't escape and tell everyone to attack because you idiots ARE TO STUPID TO BRING A SINGLE NATIVE MUDOKON TO BE BRAINWASHED PROPERLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed in the Sligs face. Yes sir! We are sertanley not the right Sligs for the job. Please forgive us! We will let you take the Mudokon so it dosn't escape." He said. He gave him the Mudokon and took him to a spot far away from the Sligs by gun point so it looked more realistic. There he returned to his natural form and let the Mudokon go. "Thank you sooooo much! You're my hero! How can I ever repay you?!!" "You can wepay me buy not tellin anywone abat dis ewkay?" He said. "Okay but ther must be something more that I can do!" He said. "Well...... you couwd hewp me fowow dose Sligs and find whewe dey work." He said. "Okay, anything for you! I live in that little hut by the stream if you ever need anything else! Just don't open the door, if you see those Sligs hanging in the tree you'll see why." He said. "Yes we saw dat allweady. Now if we'w gonna be findin Slig headqwuarters togethew den we gotta now eachothews names." He said. "Oh where are my manners, I'm Crosh. And you're?" He asked. "Da names Zap but wike I said don't tell anywone abat me ewkay? Cause if you do, dey will find me, take me, and do sometin bad to me, so if you wike me so much don't tell anywone abat me ewkay?" He said. "Okay, I won't tell!" He replied. "Good, den wets get goin, cause we gots a party ta cwash."

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

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07-04-2002, 03:24 PM
sligster's Avatar
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Mabey I did get it from Lilo and Stich! So?

Killer sat in the treatment room, still unconcious. When he woke up, there was a slig standing by his bed-side. He recognized him as Srg. Graggle, Srg. Graggle was the slig who decided when a slig was going to be promoted to a higher rank. ''Good, your awake. Now tell me this, how can such a high ranking slig such as yourself, BE KNOCKED OUT BY A STUPID NATIVE MUDOKKON!?!?!?!?!?!?!'' ''But...'' ''Shut up Killer, in 48 hours I will have the papers sighned, noteing to Skilla,that you are being depromoted to a magnum slig. Good Day'' As Srg. Graggle left Killer shouted '' But you can't do this to me!'' ''I said good day!''

''N..n..no! it can't be!''Said Killer as he was sobbing in his bed.

As Srg. Graggle left, the 2 sligs gaurding the door noticed him and said ''Hey! did'nt you just take that native mud to your military base?'' Srg. Graggle answered, '' What the heck are you talking about?''
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07-05-2002, 08:49 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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dark_xinos  (27)

Erhm, oddling. That isnot exactly what I had expected from Crosh... "Were are my maners?"... Im sorry, but that is'nt exactly his stile, but that is okay.
Oh yes. If your caracter can morph into any animal existing, he has to have a catch... Like the spikes are still there or something, so that he can be detected... Just reguarding the rpg rules, no godlike powers without improval with: "??????". Anyway...

'Zap,' said Crosh, 'Thank's for getting me out. But gotta go back to there storage place'. 'What!?' Cryed Zap. 'I just got you out of there!! What do you want back in there for!?'. 'Thay got my favorite weapon in there!'. And he ran off. 'He is crazy' Zap thought for himself.
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07-14-2002, 11:11 PM
oddling's Avatar
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Sorry Dark Xinos. I see what you meen now, he's kinda more of a warrior type, I should have seen that, duh. Oh and when he turns into shtuff he still has the out-line of his big orange stripe going down his back, woopsies.

As Crosh ran back to his storage shed, he decided to go on without him. After an hour he would find him and they would track down the Sligs together."Dis guy better haf some'n good, cauth I'm not wait'n too long for 'em." Thought Zap as he trudged through the muck. He followed the scent of the Sligs until he heard a russel in the bushes, he turned around and saw nothing. "Gef it waf just a Pawamite." He said. Suddenly he felt the cold barrel of a gun pressed on the side of his head. "You ain't goin nowhere lizard boy."

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

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07-24-2002, 12:44 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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dark_xinos  (27)
Listen up folks!

Sence Dragadon is going to nuke the RPG zone and plant new seeds, ive saved this RPG as a .txt and fixed it so it looks okay.
So, when the RPG is reboted, I will post the .txt file as a reminder or for anyone who wants to join, and you can just continue from there.

Any way, we can contine after the Dragadons done hers.

-Dark Xinos.
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07-24-2002, 05:45 PM
oddling's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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oddling  (10)

Good idea. I noticed people haven't been replying here, did I leave you in a bad situation and you can't think of what to wright? If so then I will edit that last RPG.

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

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08-02-2002, 02:55 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Jan 2002
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dark_xinos  (27)

Sorry for not replying sooner!
You dont need to edit your post Oddling, sence it is a text file now.

And by the way folks, sence the RPG dosent seem to be closing... I better check with draggie.
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