Hey guys!
It has occured to me that some people are put off Roleplaying by the fact that They do not know how to do it, so I'm creating this thread to teach you how, please will any other seasoned RP'ers add their own tips in a reply.... Or if you have any questions or would like me to elaborate, please reply aswell......
Lesson 1: Applying for your character:
The first thing you'll want to do in an RP is create your character, and there are a couple of things you'll want to remember:
1. Make them original, or a character that you've created previously for example Matthew from Club Slig is also in All Locked Up In Mudos Prison.
Don't make your chacter boring Like this:
Name: Dave
Species: Slig
Dislikes: Being Hurt
Anything Else: Is tall
Make it fun an interesting like this:
Name: Davey
Species: Slig Popper
Likes: Causing extreme pain to those less fortunate than Him, also has a love for books and windsurfing
Dislikes: Pain being caused to him, especially if it is from someone weaker than him.
Anything Else: Davey Is extremely Tall, he is 7 ft tall, which gives him a great advantage in combat, he has a large scar across his chest, this is great with the Ladies
2. If someone has a character template, like I will make in all of my RPG's, please stick to it, they want it like that for a reason.
3. On the other hand if they don't have one, and you're forced to make your own up, i'd generally stick to the one I used for Dave and Davey up there, and add to it any other catogries you think would be usefull, but don't go over the top!
4. Make them reasonable, if other people have players with downfalls don't make yours a one man army who is immune to bullets, bombs and fire....
Coming Soon... Lesson 2: How to write descriptions and Speech......