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09-06-2003, 01:22 PM
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All locked up in Mudos Prison....

Yes, this is a new RP for Hobo Productions, have you ever seen anything more lame?

Setting: A long time after the terrorist attacks by abe, the Mudos government called for equal chances for all creatures this brought peace to the land, but with peace comes crime.... The 1st National Mudos Prison was set up, policed by the sligs, it was designed to hold the most vile creatures ever. I need YOU to fill up the prison either as a slig guard or a vile inmate....

***Sign up***

Species: (If guard can only be a variaty of Slig, If inamte can be anythign but wildlife....)


Prefered Weapon: (Guard only, you automatically get a baton to quell trouble makers, your choices of weapons are: Semi-Auto Pistol with scope, Dual Auto Pistols, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, Netgun, Snoozie and throwing knives)

Crime: (Inmates Only)


The Prisoners are allowed into 3 areas at any time of the day, they are the gym, the canteen and the main hall. All are fully guarded. They are always allowed in their cells aswell.
They are allowed into the courtyard and outside, only when a guard allows it. The guards can go anywhere, to their bunks even outside the prison to their families homes. Riots can break out and if not quelled quickly the prisoners might break free

****My staff***

Name:Lingo and Flix

Species: Both Regular Sligs

Prefered Weapon: Lingo: Throwing knives. Flix: Netgun

Personality: Lingo: Will beat anyone out of line, a real hard ass
Flix: Was once behind these bars, loves his slig family and visits them as much as poss.

**My Inmates**

Name: Pil and Jazz

Species: Pil: Mud Jazz: BBS


Crime: Pil: Stole large sums of money from Rupture Farms. Jazz: Assualting a Judge after he convicted his Mum to comunity service

Personality: Pil: He'll do anything for a mate, stands by them through anything. Jazz: Will do anything to cause trouble....
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09-07-2003, 12:40 AM
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Name: Rorg

Species: Khanzumer

Crime: Selling Labor eggs to the OW Maffia. Rorg is a pretty nice guy, he just got into gambling and slowly fell into debt. To pay it all off, he captured mudokon eggs and sold them to the OWM. Investigators need Rorg to lead them to the OWM, but there's one problem. Rorg has multiple personalities and the personality that commited the crime hasn't shown up in a while. The last time it showed up, it killed a fellow inmate.

Personallity: He puts on a toughguy show, but is good at heart. He's very lonely because everybody thinks he's a freak and is locked up in solitary confinement. He wants to get out of prison and do something with his life. Will he?

I'll come up with a guard later.


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09-07-2003, 08:17 AM
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Pil wakes up after Jazz starts yelling at a nearby glukkon.

Pil: Give it a rest Jazzy Boy... You don't want to be put in the cooler do you?

Flix is walking around the cell area, he notices Jazz's outburst, He draws his Baton.

Flix: Hey! Jazz, cool it or my baton will make friends with your teeth!

Jazz: Whatever....

Jazz walks out to the Gym. and yells back at Pil.

Jazz; Pil, I'm going for a work out you coming?

Pil: Sure, I'll catch you in five

Lingo is working in the canteen when he notices Rorg causing a scene. Lingo quickly draws his throwing knives and pins Rorg to the wall by his Suit.

Lingo: *into Radio* get a BBS team into Canteen, we've got trouble makers who need some Solitary.....
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09-07-2003, 08:47 AM
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Two shady glukkons in black suits enter the OW prison. For trying to be secret, they sure do draw attention to themselves. Even though the entire prison didn't know their names, the inmates and gaurds knew what they were there for. The gluks were investigaterz from the government and they were there to see Rorg.

The two gluks walked over to a slig gaurd.

Gluk 1 says in deep voice: Ahem, we need to see prisoner 93274.

Gluk 2 chimes in: Official Business!

Slig Gaurd: Yeah, we have a situation with crazy inmates causin' trouble. I'll have to walk ya around to the other side of da buiding.

Gluk 1: That's fine.

Slig Gaurd: Follow me. (under breath)Chumpz!

The slig leads the gluks around and to Rorg's cell. They walk up to the door and the gaurd opens it up.

Slig Gaurd: Alright, I'll leave you kidz alone.

The slig gaurd walks away and puts headphones on and sings "Interns Groove" as he walks away.


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09-07-2003, 10:23 AM
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Glukkon1: Where's the OWM Rorg?

Glukkon2: If you tell us now we can get you out of here.....

Flix, who was walking down the corridor listened in to all of this conversation. He drew his Netgun and aimed it at the gluks.

Flix: Who are you! Why don't you have a guard? No one visits Solitary without seeing me first!

Glukkon1 flipped open a wallet, Flix sees the badge inside.

Flix: Sorry sirs, didn't mean to disturb you....
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09-07-2003, 01:53 PM
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Glukkon 1 hates interuptions, so he was getting really cranky with Rorg.

Gluk 1 (yelling): Rorg, if you're fakin' this, we'll find out sooner or later, so you can just drop the act and tell us where the OWM is!

Rorg: I would tell you if I knew. Do you really think I like it here in prison?

Gluk 2: No.

Gluk 1 (to Gluk 2): Shutup!

Gluk 2 (to Rorg):Ummm, if you want to stay in solitary confinement for 6 more months, that's fine with us. Or you could make it easier on yourself and tell us now.

Rorg looks up at them and with the expression he gives, the two gluks know he isn't talking, so they yell for a slig gaurd to open the door and they both leave.


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09-07-2003, 05:11 PM
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Pil gets to the Gym to find Jazz in a fight with three guards, he then sees a small mud unconcious on the floor.

Flix and Lingo were trying to hold down Jazz as he rampaged, Another Slig was also trying to beat Jazz down...

Flix: Lingo! Break his pants!

Lingo draws his throwing knives and cuts through the wires in his pants.

Pil: I'm going to regret this.....

Pil pulls Lingo's Baton out of the holster and clubs Lingo unconcious with a single blow. Flix then draws his netgun and Nets Pil with it, two seconds later the room is flooded with BBS's armed with Snoozies

BBS Captain: Freeze! Any Guard or Inmate moving will be tranqed!

The BBS's pick up Jazz and Pil and throw them into the Extra detention centre with Rorg. Lingo is sen tot the nearby hospital along with the small mud. As the BBS's leave Flix picks up his netgun and picks up Ligno's weapons for him. Flix then goes back to patrol.
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09-07-2003, 07:10 PM
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Rorg was happy to have some company, but Jazz and Pil weren't to happy about it. They didn't really know Rorg, but they didn't like him all the same.

Rorg: Ummm, so how are things going up there? I haven't been there in a while.

Jazz: Eh, It's jail. What else can I say?

Rorg: How's the food?

Pil: Disgusting as usual! They give us uncooked, paramite substitute pie, that has gone way past the experation date!

Rorg: That sounds a lot better than what I get down here.

Jazz: What do you eat?

Rorg: When I do eat, I usually get slog guts that have been scraped off the recycler.

Jazz felt they had talked to much to Rorg.

Jazz: Common' Pil, lets get some sleep over....Ummmm, somewhere else.

Pil went, but kinda felt bad for leaving Rorg, even though he didn't like him. Anyway, Jazz and Pil went to the other side of the small prison cell and tried to get some sleep on the hard floor.

Rorg: It was nice talking to you guys.

Jazz and Pil ignored Rorg.

Jazz (whispering to Pil): What a phsyco! Anyway, doesn't this place bring you a bed at night?

Pil(whispering back to Jazz): I hear that they don't even turn off the lights!

Rorg: No, they don't give you beds down here. And yes, they do leave the lights on, but you get used to it.

Jazz(surprised): What! How did you hear us!

Rorg: Well, when you're all alone, you become more aware of your surroundings I guess.

Jazz: With talent like that, I'm surprised you haven't escaped!

Pil: Maybe we should team up!

Rorg: I dunno. I don't want to live a life on the run.

Jazz: It's better than this!

Rorg ponders to himself for a while.

Rorg: Okay, but I think we should get more on the team.

Pil: We have to do this right though.

Jazz: We'll do it right. (to Rorg) Listen up, just cus' we're escaping with you, doesn't mean we like you and it doesn't mean you're our buddy. And when we escape, you're not following me! Gottit?!

Rorg: Got it.


Last edited by oddguy; 09-07-2003 at 11:13 AM..
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09-07-2003, 08:59 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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Name: Dean

Species: Mud

Crime: Cumpulsive Murderer! He murders whenever the chance arises. He mostly kills Glukkons, but is also known to murder: Sligs, BBS, Vykkers, and Interns. He has never killed another mud.....unless provoked! But if there is something in it for him, he'll hold back his killing spree untill the last minute.

Personallity: He's crazy! He won't eat already killed and cooked food, he has to kill it and eat it raw! But it's not really his fault he's screwed up, his parents were wierder!

Slig Gaurd:

Name: Slim

Regular Slig

Weppon of Choice: Assault Rifle

Personallity: Very angry. His psychiatrist told him that working at a prison would be theraputic, so that he could get all of his anger out by taking it out on the inmates. The psychiatrist was a Vykker by the way. So he got a job working there.

Dean was in his cell, growling and snarling at the passing gaurds. It was supposed to be his feeding time! Where was his food? Just then, a gaurd walked into his cell, shot him with a snuzie, and dragged him to a Ratz infested basement. When he woke up, he was starving! He saw the ratz and started eating...

When a guard came back, Deans stomach was huge! He was asleep in a puddle of blood on the floor from the ratz. He was dragged back to his cell by Slim.

"Dang! That Dean is an animal!" said Slim to a fellow co-worker
"He shouln't even be here! He should have gotten the death penalty!"
"I know, but they probably want him to get rid of some of the other inmates!"

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09-08-2003, 11:25 AM
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A new inmate!

name: Bellock

species: Bounty Hunter (Steefs species)

Bio: He was being transported to this prison because of his bad behavior problems off on a neighboring prison island. He accedently killed some of the inmates of that prison after sneaking into the wepons stronghold getting his crossbow back in hopes to escape. But things went wrong with his plan and it back fired on him. In the process a slig, a Mudokon, and a Glukkon were killed. Currently seeing a Vykker Psyciatric doctor and a shrienk to deal with his behavior problems in dealings of past crimes and his present ones he feels he is getting better but nobody believes him. He is moody and rather likes to be in solitude but he is very quick thinking and smart. He won't back out on one chance to escape even the most highest securty state prisons could not hold him so he thinks! He is quick to make fellow inmate friends but be careful he can turn his back anytime. When he is trying to escape he waits for nobody. If fellow inmates decide to follow he lets them but he doesn't guarentee them anything. Mainly inmates rely on him for their escape attempts. Usually they are all failures though. But could the next escape attempt be a success?

Past crimes: An assanation attempt on Lady Margret and the suspected murdering of top Glukkon officials of the Magog for a pathetic bounty. They say hes guilty he believes he was innocent the whole time. He believes he was framed which put him in prison. He has been in prison for a long time and seeks parole but in reality thats not happening. He knows he dident do the crime but the rest don't believe him.

During the night a few slig Guards were moveing through the corriador past the cell where Rorg, Jazz and Phil were staying. They heard them talking about new inmates comeing in from an off shore prison. The sligs speak.

"Did you get a look at our new prisoners?"

"Yea they are the worst pethetic life forms I have seen. River folk they once were. We will treat them as such haha!" as they laughed and walked off.

Rorg heard them and woundered who they were.

"Hey Jazz, Phil wake up guess what I over heard the slig guards talking about."


"We are getting new cellmates and they are from another prison getting transfered here. Boys this can be a good thing!"

The next day a line of chained up new inmates were about to be processed and put into their cells. One of them Bellock a Bounty hunter stood among the prisoners as he glared at Rorg, phil and Jazz sitting in their cells. Then suddenly the new inmates were put through a bar code machine which burned the bar code on there chest. Then another long arm came down and implanted a device inside each of the new inmates. The worden approaches. He was a Glukkon with a deep scar on his face and an eye patch. The inmates feared him for his name was Slasnick.

(Enter Slasnick the Worden) "New inmates welcome to the highest security prison on Mudos. You are here to live the rest of your days. There are no phone calls no outside visits and anyone caught escapeining will be put to death momentarely enjoy!"

Then the slig guards pushed them into there cages. Bellock so happend to be put next door to Rorg and his fellow inmates.

"Get in there you fool!" yelled the guard as he pushed Bellock into his empty cell."

Rorg and Jazz were looking at Bellock.

"What are you looking at!" yelled the guard

Bellock sat in his cell and laid back as he went to sleep.

"Hey Rorg you know what he is? He is one of those Bounty Hunters lets keep an eye on this guy."

I've heard of those guys once. One of those Bounty Hunters were a traitor to his people, Steef I believe the name was. I read it in the paper awhile ago." explaned Jazz.

Meanwhile Slasnick was overlooking the production of new security devices that the Vykkers have been expiermenting with on the new inmates.

"Now you sure this device which was implanted into each of the new prisoners will inable them to escape?"

"Yes Slasnick we have been working on this new technology for awhile now. It inflicks pain inside the prisoner when he is out of control. We can even kill them with this device. I will show you."

"Suddenly a Mudokon was put into a glass cage as he was screaming in pain. "This is our test subject he was booked for parole but we decided he wasn't worthy. Watch!"

Suddenly the Vykker took a small remote control and pressed it. The device inside the Mudokon's stumach began to act up generating electrical energy and causeing spasems. The Mud heard a small beeping noise as he looked down at his gut. And suddenly he blew up from within.

Slasnick was pleased with the new invention.

"So you can inflicked pain aswell as execute prisoners with this eh? Splendid indeed Im impressed!"

"You exacute prisoners who escape, We thought this would be a convienence Slasnick."

"I am please and I shall buy more of these devices. I have a few inmates in mind that we can use these on. After all a new group of inmates just recieved them today why not implant these in some of older prisoners? Vykkers good job I will send out my Kahnzumer representitives to buy for us stock on this fascinateing device."

(Hehe this remindes me of the movie The Fortress. Its with Cristiphor Lambert and he has to escape one of the most sadistic, high securty prisons ever made.)

Last edited by paramiteabe; 09-08-2003 at 05:32 AM..
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09-08-2003, 01:38 PM
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Lingo wakes up in the hospital, his pants stood up beside his bed.

Nurse: Don't Move, your Neck is broken, movements will snap it..

Lingo: but my job.. My guns..

The nurse administered a tranquiliser into his arm and Lingo fell into a deep sleep..

Flix was posted outside the deep detention centre. He could here Jazz and Pil's conversation..

Jazz: Ok after we're out we'll waste everyone else and save our own asses.....

Pil: Jazz, that's murder! I'm not doing it!

Jazz: dude, I thought you were cool, seems like you're just some ponce I share a cell with now..
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09-08-2003, 01:49 PM
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Bellock woke up as he stretched his large body. He looked over at Rorg and the rest and smirked.

"You know if your thinking on escapeing your not going to make it!" said Bellock. "You have to be smarter than that fools! They have been listening to you. I know because Ive been in such situations. Lets just say I was close one time but the damm Mudokons and sligs and glukkons get in my way! I had to kill them a small cost for fools like you. But hey we are liveing large now the max security prison heh! They are going to put things in you that will inable you to escape. They got one in me. A device! They are all the same. You want out fools? Heh I can deliver such wishes!" explaned Bellock.

"How do you propose on us escapeing I dident get your name buddy."

"I am Bellock escapeing is what I do best. If you want to survive you will have to follow me."

"Can we trust him?"

Last edited by paramiteabe; 09-08-2003 at 05:55 AM..
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09-08-2003, 01:56 PM
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Jazz: I'm listening bounty hunter, if you can get me out, i'll pay you any price.

Pil: Jazz, don't do it!

Flix:*from outside* I hear this....

Jazz: We'll talk in the courtyard later

Last edited by Hobo; 09-08-2003 at 06:18 AM..
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09-08-2003, 02:07 PM
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"Meet me in the Courtyard tomarrow their we can plan the escape. Nighty night you all heh! I will see you in the playground heh!"

laughed Bellock with his attitude problem. But he knew that the shrienks might stay on him for his attitude problem. He cringed at the thought.

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09-08-2003, 03:28 PM
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Jazz, Rorg and Bellock are standing in the courtyard, it's a lovely sunny day, all the guards apon the walkway are all wearing shades over their visors, but still remain active to their duties. The three felons didn't notice the extra guard laying prone on the walkway with his sniper rifle firnly aimed at the three. The sniper aimed at Rorgs head and took in a deep breath. He put his finger around the trigger....

" Hey! Why are you aiming at the Inmates!" Yelled a guard putting the snipers shot right off, the bullet hit a wall behind Rorg. and the Alarm bells rang, within seconds the sniper was dead, the guard that yelled had filled the sniper with automatic pistol rounds.

Rorg Dived for cover after the shot and he looked up at the atacker and all he could see was the galre from the sniper scope, and then that faded as a pistol bullet smashed the glass.

Rorg: Who could want my life?

Jazz: The OWM of course!, *whispers to Bellock* We could use this to our advantage....
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09-08-2003, 07:57 PM
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Dean was in his cell. He was thinking about his life.

What about that one Mud, maybe he was patting me on the back.......no, it was trying to stab me! Or that Gabbit, it just splashed me.....no, it was trying to get me mad so I'd come in after it and drown! And maybe I shouldn't have killed that old Vykker lady, or maybe it was a man, it was trying to feed me cookies........Nah, it was trying to poisin me! They were all trying to kill me! Stupid Oddworld creatures!

He kicked the ultra sqishy wall of his containment cell.

I hate this room! I can't even hurt myself! I wan't to excape! Maybe i'll rethink my life, become a better person...but for the moment I wan't out of this room! Hmmm, how could I get out? Maybe if I act normal for a while, they'll try to take me to another cell and then I can make my excape! I'll just go limp after the first Snuzi shot! HAHA! I can do this!

Just then Slim walked into his cell to bring him his Lunch.

"Here you go you crazy mud!" Slim said, lowering the Fuzzle he brought in for him.

"Umm, I don't feel like eating that...can I have some normal food?" Dean said, trying to hide the suspicion in his voice and the smile on his face.

So Slim left the room, and 10 minutes later he came back with a cooked fuzzle, with the hair still on.

"There ya go." said Slim, sounding irritated.

"That's normal?" asked Dean.

"Normal for you! Now eat!" Slim said, pointing his gun at Dean.

So Dean ate, it tasted so much better when the animal was still alive and squrming down your throat, but it wasn't terrible.

"OK, thanx..." said Dean

"Shut up!" said Slim, hitting Dean with the butt of his gun.

Slim pointing his gun at Dean, walked backwards toward the door.

Hmm, I think that went well! thought Dean.

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09-08-2003, 08:41 PM
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Jazz: I think that guy who wanted to kill you was workin' for the OWM. They don't want you tellin' anything.

Rorg: What do I do?!

Pil: Well, we know that the food delivery guy that brings food to the prison is part of the OWM. We could talk to him.

Rorg: I get it. Make a deal. Have the OWM bust us out.

Jazz: They have sligs with fake gaurd id all over the place! They could bring a guard in and have him do an inside job. With those new exploding thingy's....if we had someone on the inside he could shut em' all off while we escape!

Pil: Yeah, but we can't do this all in one day. If the OWM does bring some guy in, he's gonna have to be here for a while to get high in rank so he can have access to everything. Plus, whenever the OWM does a favor, they expect a favor in return...with intrest!

Bellock was asleep....prentending anyways. He then thought it would be a good time to speak.

Bellock: Ha! I'm allready ahead of you guys! I allready have a new gaurd comin' in to act as a mole......for me. If you guys want to come along, you'll have to owe me a pretty penny!

Rorg: How much?

Jazz: Shut up Rorg! I'm not gonna let some new guy push me around!

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09-09-2003, 02:34 AM
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"We need to find the blueprints to the prison. You know my implant we could use that to our advantage Jazz." Bellock wispered. It is magnetic and enlodged in my stumach. The only way I can get it out of me before it kills me is to take a magnet and pull it out carefully. With this device we can deactivate security cameras plus deactivate the locks on our cells by sending a signal. I am studying the layout of this facility and I think we have a chance." Wispered Bellock.

"Quickly where is the armery?" asked Bellock. "I will sneak in there and construct a weapon for both of us. We will be successful!" wispered Bellock to Jazz.

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09-09-2003, 01:09 PM
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Jazz gave him directions then went back to his cell for sleep...

Pil:*thinking* I've got to stop Jazz, he thinks that Bellock's trying to help him, but i know his kind... I've got to stop either Bellock or Stop Jazz being able to escape...

Pil then nods off to sleep and In the morning Jazz and He go to the canteen. as they are eating Flix sits down on the left of Pil, Pil seeing his chance slowley slips Flix's baton out of the holster and hides it under his jacket....
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09-13-2003, 03:03 AM
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The baton was an electric shock rocker, so Pil thought it might be useful for later.

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09-13-2003, 05:46 PM
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[::mind if I join?::]

Name: Nocturne
Species: S'alamant (check vykker's labs for more info...)
Gender: Male

Crime: Massmurder of vykkers, interns, sligs test "animals" at the new vykkers lab.

Personality: Silent and observing mostly-- can sometimes turn hot-headed. Is a reliable friend after gaining his trust.

Appearances: Tall, muscular and mean-looking. He has multiple stitches at the top of his head and one over his left eye. He wears a loincloth of some sort.

Name: Matthew (the reappering of the famous DJ/MC )
Species: Slig
Gender: Male.
Age: ~unknown~

Prefered weapon:Snoozie

Personality: Not quite the ladiesman he used to be. Ever since he left his job as a DJ-- his life has been a downfall. He still has his goofball attitude visible. Has a great singing voice.

Appearances: Wiry and rather short. Loves wearing different eyewear and necklaces. He has the veins in his arms tattooed black.


Nocturne was sitting in his cell. He hasn't been moving for hours and he could feel his muscles cramping.


He shifted in his awkward position, trying to find a better pose. Useless.

The scaly creature let out a weary sigh and pulled himself up. He stretched and looked around. He could go outside and marvel the sky. He could go to the gym to work out. He could go to the canteen and hove something to eat... Or then he could stay here, in his cell.

"Life's too good to last..."

He left his cell and headed for the canteen, not actually knowing why he did leave. He had no one to speak with-- not that he wanted to speak with anyone. He half-heartedly scanned the canteen. He 'humph'-ed silently and sat down to a nearby chair. He glared at a group of sligs.

"Stupid creatures... Meeps in Scarb's coats... They can hardly survive without anyone else..."

A sudden, loud cough woke him from his trance and he looked at the cougher. It was a slig-- short and bony. It seemed worn-out and tired. As Nocturne observed the slig-- he noticed his baton hanging loosely from it's socket.

"Oh how easy it would be for me, to snatch that baton and beat that puny slig to death." *sigh* "...Poor critter."

Matthew was tired... He was hungry too, but he didn't feel like eating. He was just so tired. Too tired to eat. He wanted to sleep. He shifted his red eyes from table to table, looking for a lone spot where to sit. He soon found one-- from a corner.

Matthew limped slowly to the table and pulled out a chair. He sat down and sighed.

"...it's new dawn --it's a new day... it's a new life for me... and I'm feeling blue..."
~[:: Surrender your cookies and you shall not be harmed! ::]~

Last edited by The Red Muse; 09-14-2003 at 01:06 AM..
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09-14-2003, 06:17 AM
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(OOC: Yay Muse's joined)
Pil and Jazz went back to their cell. As Pil lay on the bunk, Jazz opened a small scroll.

Pil: Jazz what's that?

Jazz: Blueprints, dumbass, our plan'll fail with out them.....

Pil, seeing his chance struck jazz with the Shock rocker baton, knocking him unconcious. he then snatched up the scroll and ran off before a guard found the unconcious Jazz...

Flix was walking down the corridor, he saw a prisionor, walking from his cell at quite a pace, something was up, Flix drew his Netgun and started to follow the Prisoner...
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09-17-2003, 01:18 PM
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Meanwhile Bellock was in the armery searching for his crossbow when suddenly a spot light lit up and shone on him. Bellock was caught red handed. Slasnick the Glukkon Worden approached him laughing.

"If you think your going to escape my dear Bellock it won't happen!" laughed Slasnick. "You are in the most secured prison on Mudos. What were you planning on doing? Takeing your crossbow and killing all the inmates like you did in the last prison you were at? Yes Bellock I know who you are! and I know your little temper you have there!"

"Slasnick Im gonna!"

"Gonna what?" as Slasnick had his face right up against Bellock's.

"Haha nothing. I know you were innocent that day but we needed to find a perfect canadate for our new facility. We have that inmate who tried to assisnate Margret and killed several glukkon officials. Infact your looking at him right now! as he smiled.

You sick freak!" yelled Bellock.

"But since you were around at the time it was a good investment. Expirmentation is a profit for moolah! Thats what the Vykkers say at least about you. I get all the share for your miserable existance. You heh are full of shit and you will die because I hate you I always hated you Bellock and I hate everyone! But you Bellock are special. You provide my riches." as he laughed.

"Sligs take our friend here to the mind warp chamber. I think a month in the vortex will do him good."

"Yes sir!" said the sligs. A Vykker then approached Slasnick.

He looked at Bellock and glared, so long have fun in your mind erase as he spit right on Bellocks face.

"Rather intresting creature that Bellock is." said the vykker.

"He is our tool to make it big in this world." replied Slasnick.

"You think they will ever find out that you were the assasen?"

Slasnick looked on and the thought cringed his mind and he said "No leave me!"

Meanwhile Bellock was was being straped in a chair which was part of a multi access wheel with strobe lights flickering in the cieling. The slig looked at Bellock.

"It must be awefull for you to be an innocent citizen here in prison. Good luck fool!" as he laughed.

"Turn it on." said the slig.

Suddenly the doors to the mind warp chamber closed shut and locked as it became pitch black. Bellock sat in the center incompasitated as the strobe light started to flicker. The Multi access wheel began to turn with Bellock straped in.

The wheel was moveing faster and faster as Bellock began to see his past life flash past his eyes. The wheel would persist for one month until they would release Bellock back to his cell.

(One month later)

During the time Jazz and his cell mates were woundering what ever happened to Bellock.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 09-17-2003 at 05:24 AM..
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09-17-2003, 02:00 PM
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Pil has been put in solitary for attacking Jazz, Jazz and Lingo are both now back at the prison and much better....

Jazz: *to Rorg* Damn IT! Why has everything fallen apart! Pil betraying me! That damn bounty hunter disappearing! *pause* Hey, Rorg, how about you help me?

Rorg: Well, I'd love to Jazz, but I'm in deep enough shit as it is.

Jazz: Damn IT!

Jazz tips over the table which Rorg was sitting at and kicks Rorg in the chest. This winds Rorg, and when he looks up, Jazz is gone....
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09-18-2003, 02:51 AM
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That kick to Rorg's chest had done something to him. It had released one of Rorg's multiple personalities.....and it was pissed!
Rorg started screaming at the top of his lungs and he pounded on the door of his cell until he managed to rip it open. A team of armored slig poppers met Rorg in the hallway. Equipt with snoozi, they began to fire immediately! Rorg dodged all the shots and actually grabed one of the snoozi syringes and threw it back at a slig and hit his eye, causing the mask on this slig to explode! Off with his head! This confrontation in the hallway only lasted a couple of seconds. Rorg moved so fast! When the smoke cleared, Rorg was gone.

Meanwhile, the prison called the Investigaterz to send in a special task force to retrieve Rorg. The Investigaterz were pleased to hear that Rorg's old personality had surfaced and assembled their teams right away.


Last edited by oddguy; 09-17-2003 at 06:54 PM..
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09-18-2003, 10:54 AM
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Jazz just turened the corner when Rorg burst through the door. A group of sligs rushed passed him.. Jazz followed them, and as soon as the first slig fell he picked up the snoozie. During the chaos, while smoke drifted, Jazz disappeared into the smoke....

Jazz: First off, revenge on that Bastard Pil!

Jazz turns the toxin level to kill upon his snoozie and cocks it. He rushes up to the max. security wong, he fires on the guards before they can react. he kicks open the door, to find Pil, cowering in the corner...

Jazz: Time's up Bitch!

Jazz closes the door and aims the gun at Pil's head.
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09-18-2003, 09:32 PM
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Jazz shot him right between the eyes and Pil was dead before he could react. Jazz dragged the Sligs he shot earlier into the room with Pil and put the snoozi gun into one of the dead gaurds hands, so it would look like a murder/suicide. Jazz had unloaded the gun and stored the snoozi ammo in his metal pants for later. Jazz just acted like nothing happened and went to the dinning room.

Just then an announcement came up on the speakers. "The prison is ordered into lockdown. Every inmate is to be put back into their cells and not to come out until further notice. Thank you!"

The Invetsigaterz arrived and this time it was more than two like last time. Hundreds of them stormed the facility. Then in walked Kluga, the president of the Investigaterz. "Hehe. Now we'll find Rorg and get to the OW Maffia!"


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09-19-2003, 05:47 AM
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After hearing this announcement Jazz slowly walked back to his cell, he looked out of a window out onto the courtyard, he could see Rorg, he was fighting off a large group of Invetsigaterz. A slig guard approached Jazz....

Slig: You! get back in your cell didn't you hear the announcement?

Jazz knicks him unconcious without even turning around, a swift sweep of the arm sends the slig slumped into a corner. Jazz walks over and picks up his Blitzpacker.

Jazz: *To himself* I'm getting out of here today dammit!

Jazz stomps through a secruity door, leading onto to the guards walkway above the courtyard. Jazz opens fire apon all of the guards up here without any Invetsigaterz even looking up. Jazz soon has the walkway to himself..

Lingo and Flix run to the courtyard walkway after hearing that the Invetsigaterz were having trouble catching Rorg. They step outside to see Jazz and lots of dead sligs. Jazz is currently opening fire on the Invetsigaterz below.

Flix: Jesus Christ! two creatures are fighting off a whole army!

Lingo: Well let's make it one then!

Lingo grabs his throwing knives which have been coated in a paralysis poison. He throws one at Jazz and it strikes him in the Sholder. Jazz roars in pain, but suddenly freezes mid roar.

Flix: Jesus christ i thought he was gonna kill us!

Lingo and Flix jump down into the now empty courtyard, Rorg and the Invetsigaterz are now fighting it out in the canteen.

Flix: * Into Radio* get us a Support team, we have a paraylsed escapee, we need him moved to the Basement. Have him held at gun point, no talking allowed and 1 meal/day!

Lingo: Isn't that a bit Harsh?

Flix: He would have killed me if it wasn't for you.......
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09-20-2003, 01:27 AM
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After much fighting and casualties, Rorg was captured and taken to a private questioning cell. Rorg was consience and restrained by electric cuffs around his arms, legs, and one firmly strapped around his mouth. Then in walked Kluga.

Kluga: You put up quite a fight!

Rorg twisted his hand around the cuffs to give Kluga the finger. Kluga was going to laugh, but instead decided it would be more fun to kick the crap outta Rorg while he couldn't do a bloody thing about it. Kluga was a glukkon, so he had his slig take off his suit so he could slap Rorg around with his litttle hands.

Kluga: Now...are you going to tell us where the OW Mafia is or are you going to force me to have more pleasure in beating you?

Rorg screamed at the top of his lungs, breaking the strap around his mouth, and ripped off one of the cuffs and siezed Kluga by the neck. This didn't last very long since two sligs immediately beat Rorg with shock rockers. Kluga got up and spit in Rorg's face.

Kluga: How long do you want this to last? Once you tell us where the OWM is, you can get off and leave this prison.

Rorg: I'll make ya a deal. If I tell you, I want a few friends of mine released as well.

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09-20-2003, 08:27 AM
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Jazz is hauled to the basement, three BSS's are guarding him down there. One of them has their blitzpacker to Jazz's head.

BBS: No moving No talking, or i'll fire a round in the back of that ugly head of yours

Lingo takes the rest of the day off and spends it browsing around a gun superstore.

Flix is working the canteen queue, when a rowdy prisoner yells an insult at him, this made him snap. He'd never felt so angry at him in his whole life. Flix pulled a pistol out of another guards holster and put a bullet inbetween the Offenders ears. Flix then pointed the gun around the rest of the room..

Flix: Any other Bastards want some? Come on, when I haven't got a gun you'll laugh at me, so why not now huh?

A nearby guard beats Flix unconcious with his Baton.

Guard: Jesus, Take him to the secure medical wing, we could have him locked up for that, it was murder.....
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