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08-14-2010, 08:20 AM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Mac Sirloin
Less worse
: Aug 2006
: Exquisite Squalor
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Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)Mac Sirloin  (7645)
Big Ruck-A superhero nobody wants

'Big Ruck' is a 22 year old industrial worker. He makes Roughly 3200 dollars a month, more than enough to afford the rent on his dingy single-bedroom apartment. No, Big Ruck is saving his money. He needs to pay off his student loans for a College he couldn't bear and a degree he has no use for in the metropolis of Dock Furke, and so lives meagerly. He's not exactly a looker, either, often finding himself too tired to shave and occasionally missing a shower. His hat, which he stitched himself when he was 18, says " Nonstop Big Rollout", but he can't remember what it means. His hair has grown into the early vestiges of a mullet, the fact that usually the hair at the back of his head is covered by his hat doesn't help. Few people (co-workers, a few remaining friends from College and his Grandmother, to name a few). remember his real name, but most people call him by the aforementioned nickname coined by the news stations and Journalists: Big Ruck. Since he's terrible with the press, it stuck. And so our kind-of-ugly, out shape blue collar hero was born.

So where did the name come from, you ask? Well, it all started when (let's call him...lil' Ruck) a young, 15 year old lil' Ruck came across a belt buckle in a Military surplus booth at a Comic-Book Convention. It looked like polished, hardened steel, and apart from some small nicks and scratches, it was in new condition. It was about five inches across, three and a half inches tall, and egg shaped. It was a rough juxtaposition of gas mask and practical use of bucklespace, one eye red, the other green, made of cheap hard plastic. The mouth, or filter, was scaled down and actually welded to the steel of the buckle, made of painted green tin.

It cost Lil' Ruck a third of the money he brought, the woman running the booth reducing the price out of pity. He immediately went to the bathroom to put it on, but realized he wasn't wearing a belt, so he put it in his pocket, and after changing his clothes, forgot about it.
Those shorts went right into the laundry, taking the buckle with it (along with a twenty dollar bill he'd also missed).
His mother found the buckle, assumed it was one of his older sisters, left it on her dresser, pushed it off when she stacked more clothes on top of it. It got stuck under one of lil' Ruck's sister's drawers, and was assumed to be a problem with the dresser itself. Lil' Ruck assumed that he'd simply dropped it at the Convention, possibly when he went to the bathroom, and it was forgotten about within the month.
Two years later, as Ruck was moving furniture into his newest house, the dresser fell off the back of a roommate's pickup truck and split in half. The buckle tumbled out and well after the cleanup, one of Mid Ruck's roommates asked him if it was his. At first he didn't recognize it, but when the roommate examined it in front of him, he realized what it was. "Nah, I...Wait, yeah, that's mine, gimme." and he snatched it from their hands. "How the hell did it end up in there?" Mid Ruck asked no one in particular.

Later that day, after picking up a generic fabric belt from a different Military Surplus store, Mid Ruck put it on the belt and set it on his desk, planning to use it at a later date. For weeks, then months, it sat there, untouched until, on Halloween, he decided to put it on as well as a real Gas Mask as a costume. Alone in his room, Mid Ruck shrieked effeminately in surprise as the fabric of the belt holding his shorts up slid into what felt like finely knitted metal. He leapt about, hitting the belt with his fists and things in his room, totally freaked out. With a final, stupid swipe, he accidentally turned the filter on the belt.

The red and green plastic stones seemed to flare alight like verdant, crimson eyeballs, and Mid Ruck's body grew, and hardened, and changed shape, and eventually he was awkwardly, enormously flinching in the street, towering over the homes in the area at 13 stories tall. Most people believe that "Big Ruck" came from the "Big Ruckus" he kicked up when he first started appearing, fighting the occasional villains near his home and occasionally popping up in the street when Mid Ruck absentmindedly turned it.
I see you jockin' me.

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