Thanks Scipionyx! I'm glad you liked the anime style, even though I feel that I messed up on the eyes XD. Well, life's a learning curve, I'll get it right next time. As for preparatory drawings, that depends what I'm working on; If I'm doing a big art project, then I'll usually do one or more preparatory drawing, but if I'm just trying out things, I'll doodle. Of course, this one is a preparatory sketch, and you'll see Amga looking better then ever at some point in the future
Thanks Matriar! It really means a lot to me that an experienced artist like you thinks my art's pretty good. I'm fired up now! Woot woot!
Thanks MoxCo.! I'm glad you think my shading's good. Hopefully, it will get better, but there's now saying what the future might hold...
This is an image I did while mulling over the words of Carl Jung, whose theorized that every person has a "shadow-self," a part of the mind made up of all the repressed instincts, desires, and thoughts in one's life. One of the major problems with modern society (or so Jung said) was that people refuse to acknowledge that they have shadow-selves, which gives the shadow-self more power over the mind and leads to schizophrenic and unthinkingly violent behavior. Here, I represented a modern shadow-self as a wolf-boy in a cage, and the still-present influence of the shadow-self as a the tattered ribbons. I don't think it turned out that bad, in any case. Stay tuned for my Jungian-inspired art