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04-16-2001, 07:41 PM
: Apr 2001
: Toronto
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iliodd  (11)
Fanfic: Squeek's Oddysee

Hey! Sorry this is so long, but this is my idea for the opening FMV for Squeek's Oddyssee. It's written out like a film script; rather lengthy, and pretty rough, but I'd like some feedback! Thanks!

Fade to intro.

We see a CONVEYOR BELT, turning toward the camera, with SHEETS OF METAL on it. One
sheet reaches a certain point and the belt stops; a stencil sheet is placed on top and it is blasted with white spray paint. The stencil lifts up, the belt continues moving, then stops again as the next sheet reaches the stencil. We can now read the sheet.


The camera slides to the right, and we see a second, slightly different machine; this one stamps the letters on the sheets. We see that the machines are tended by SLIGS in bright orange prison clothing. On one sheet we see:


Again the camera slides; we can now see more of the factory, where Sligs are tending machines and are being watched by MOBILE SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS, which will occasionally yell at or shock a Slig. A machine is churning out LICENSE PLATES. Most are covered with unfamiliar symbols, but three in a row, which the camera holds on, read:


Suddenly an alarm blares: the camera swings around and we see a Slig breaking open one of the security cameras with a wrench. He turns and runs for the exit. All of a sudden, dozens of grenades fall from the ceiling, dropped by FLYING SLIGS; the Slig never has a chance. The other workers stop for a minute to stare, but are shocked back to work. One security camera hovers near the camera; then, it turns toward us, and we zoom in on its screen, which reads:


The camera zooms in, then through the glass of the screen, Matrix-style.

Now we see the building from the outside. It is grim, seedy, and falling apart. There are no windows. A cartoony-looking Slig is painted onto the side, five stories tall, giving the ‘thumbs-up’ sign. The sky is grey and green with the toxic chemicals billowing out of four or five huge smokestacks on the building.

Now we are back in the building. Sligs are pulling levers and pushing buttons in the machine room. Bars are on all the doors. We see another section of the building, where pants-less Sligs are sleeping in tiny cramped rooms.

We continue this montage of depressing scenes as a voice cuts in. It is gravelly and monotonous, almost mechanical.

This is SligStorm. They call it an opportunity for the disadvantaged members of society. But it’s just a prison for lazy bastards.

A Slig’s rusty pants fall apart while he is carrying loads of equipment. He is slowly crushed to death as no one helps him or even bothers to watch.

V/O (Continued):
This is where us bad Sligs go. If someone didn’t make a quota, or let some blue Mudokon bastard through, and Skillya was in a good mood that day, he’ll end up in here. Otherwise, he’ll end up in the meat loaf.

We see the squalid cafeteria, filled with corporate advertisements for various foods. We see one Slig, with rusted pants, at a table, prodding a gelatinous mass on his plate with his spork and sighing.

V/O (Continued):
Yeah, that’s me. My name’s Squeek. I got put in here ‘cuz of “failure to provide”. In other words I slacked off. You know, I just found it kinda hard working at a factory that makes Fuzzles into glue. Story of my life, ya know? I’ve never really fit in here in the Magog Cartel. But I’ve never had a choice.

V/O (Continued):
Well, they can’t do anything more to me now, right? Wrong. Look, here they come.

A pair of GLUKKONS approach Squeek. We hear no words, but it’s clear what’s happening.
Their Slig assistants drag him off to be executed.

Hey! Put me down! No! Hey! No! NO!!

Suddenly, a stone flies in through a window in the ceiling. The Glukkons and their assistants are distracted. A note is attatched: it reads, “YOU HAVE BEEN VANDALIZED BY THE FREE MUD PARTY.” Abe’s
scrawled signature is at the bottom.

The Glukkons distracted, Squeek begins to run. Seeing the sharpshooters flying around on the ceiling, he stands horrified as a grenade falls toward him (first-person view)...

An explosion. One of the flying Sligs comes down to check.

It’s okay, guys, he’s...

Squeek’s eyes open.
What the...

Squeek socks him in the face; the Slig flies out of the flying harness and Squeek climbs in. Avoiding grenades and machine-gun fire, he flies out the hole in the ceiling window.


Squeek has been flying for hours. He’s tired. His eyelids (?) begin to droop...

He wakes up a few metres from the ground.

Aw, crap...

He lands on his head and the world goes dark...

Squeek's viewpoint: Squeek’s eyes slowly open and we see Abe, Munch, and some other Mudokons upside-down. Abe is prodding him with a stick.

3rd person: Abe is talking to the others. Several are on Elums.

All right, he’s gone. Load him on the back.

Ya think he’ll taste very good?

I dunno, does it matter?

Eh... (Shrugs)

Hey Abe! Abe! He’s moving.

(Glances at Squeek) Nope, he’s dead.

Squeek's viewpoint: World rights itself as Squeek gets up.
Leave me alone, ya... hey, it’s that Abe guy! Freeze, ya idiot!

Abe and Munch glance at each other.

He is unarmed and his flying apparatus is in a Mudokon’s arms.

Hey, give that back! That’s private property, ya know.

Abe’s eyes narrow.

Put ‘im in the cart.

Mudokons advance on Squeek with spears.

Uh...ah...okay, just... HEY! Just lemme go and I’ll leave ya all alone, ok?

We don’t cooperate with the Magog Cartel, right, boys?

Camera pan to the Mudokons, who shrug.
Pan back.
We despise their very existence, right, guys?


Well, I don’t care, I hate these guys. Lemme at ‘im!

Hold on! Maybe I can help ya.

Abe pauses.

I don’t like the Magog any more than you do. They’ve ruined my life just because I didn’t think profit was as important as they do. So let me help you. Eh?

Abe shakes his head.

C’mon, Abe, we could use the help, how else are we gonna get inside the Music Factory? This guy can help us, Abe.

Abe slowly nods his head.

All right, but I’ve got my eye on you.

The party walks off, Abe holding Squeek’s harness away from him and making him crawl. They discuss the plans for the next day: destroying DumTunez factory #1652.
Whaddaya think?
"The Guide is definitive. Reality is often inaccurate." - The late, lamented Douglas Adams

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04-16-2001, 07:49 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

interesting, i especially liked that part with the rock and the note tied to it. That was hilerlous. hehe

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04-16-2001, 10:34 PM
Osiris The Fleech
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Tacoma, WA
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Osiris The Fleech  (12)

No spamming club member

Zorak: You don't want me to play ya to the desk?

Spaceghost: When have we done that??!! We've never done it that way!! And if you think you're getting sympathy from the shark, well, then you're wrong!

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04-17-2001, 04:04 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
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Danny  (11)

that's great!

before i heard about squeek, or even munch, i had an idea for a slig hero. now that lots of muds have been saved, my idea was that the glukks plan to reduce the sligs to slaves. one slig hears about it, but too late, and his pants are confiscated. the idea was that, for the first part of the game [equivalent to rupture farms one], you've just gotta crawl out of there, avoiding the new robotic guards [which you can control with remote controls fitted occasionally to the walls, which for some reason this guy can operate [this would be like abe possessing a slig].

when you finally get out, there would be a movie screen, where the slig hero convinces the muds that he's on their side. he then goes on a quest, and gains some kind of scary power, and then he and abe [and munch, now that i know about him] have to go back to the glukk place and rescue muds and sligs.

sorry about that.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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04-17-2001, 05:34 PM
Rich's Avatar
Can't Be Arsed
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Rich  (138)Rich  (138)

Ace Intro!
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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04-17-2001, 07:39 PM
Osiris The Fleech
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Tacoma, WA
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Osiris The Fleech  (12)

I thought it would be cool if squeek was an Intern.
No spamming club member

Zorak: You don't want me to play ya to the desk?

Spaceghost: When have we done that??!! We've never done it that way!! And if you think you're getting sympathy from the shark, well, then you're wrong!

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04-17-2001, 08:27 PM
: Apr 2001
: Toronto
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iliodd  (11)

Yeah, but interns can't talk! Squeek needs to be able to use GameSpeak.
"The Guide is definitive. Reality is often inaccurate." - The late, lamented Douglas Adams

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04-18-2001, 01:16 AM
Osiris The Fleech
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Tacoma, WA
: 456
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Osiris The Fleech  (12)

That could be the challenge. Having to "show" them what to do. That'd be cool!
No spamming club member

Zorak: You don't want me to play ya to the desk?

Spaceghost: When have we done that??!! We've never done it that way!! And if you think you're getting sympathy from the shark, well, then you're wrong!

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04-18-2001, 12:06 PM
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Germany
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freakyLA  (11)

I wennt to Oddcraft but I´m no War or Star craft fan. I´ve never played it. Very slow and emty Forums.
I dont like it much. Who made it?
http://oddworld.nflboards.com/misc/o...s/freakyla.jpg Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom

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04-18-2001, 04:31 PM
: Apr 2001
: Toronto
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iliodd  (11)

never heard of it...
"The Guide is definitive. Reality is often inaccurate." - The late, lamented Douglas Adams

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04-22-2001, 02:11 PM
Lantra's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
: Apr 2001
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Lantra  (11)

i like it. very detailed

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