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07-11-2017, 05:47 PM
: Jul 2017
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ElectroTweak  (11)
Native Not after drama, just PBs please \o/

Hey guys, my name is Electro Tweak and i own/moderate the official oddworld speedrunning discord.

I'm not a very active member on the forums myself, but do like to lurk and keep up to speed with the posts and what is happening, although I've been meaning to make an account for a while Ideally I'd hoped that my first post would have been something more upbeat and positive but under the circumstances that has sadly not come to pass.

The Oddworld Speedrunning community has been under some heavy fire lately, many of the members have been personally harassed by an individual, who, after every ban, would bypass the integrated discord IP ban and send friend requests and messages directly to other members of the server, each time under a different alias. The majority of usernames which were used were quite clearly personal to one of our members, who lives with autism, and were specifically used to insult and humiliate this user, bringing up his disability in a negative light, which for someone like myself who works with people with autism, is completely unacceptable. This targeted harassment has also moved across to myself and other members through several avenues such as the discord itself, twitch pages and even smear videos on YouTube and Facebook. These have been done in a very highly edited and cherry-picked way, to make it look like the speedrunning community is closed and unwelcoming. This video, for reference, is available here:


Myself and other runners have attempted to comment on this video, and other videos to try and explain the situation, however our comments have been moderated and held.

I consider myself a reasonable person, who believes everyone has the right to express opinions and speak their mind, but i also believe that when somebody hides half the facts, and doesn't give the entire picture, this gives an unfair impression of the community and what we try to achieve. I have had to ban another member previously for similar reasons of insults, disruption and harassment and the person in this instance was no different, although the tales they are spinning would suggest otherwise.

The individual responsible on this occasion was part of the speedrunning discord for a while, even though this person was a little quiet, he contributed to helping other members with personal projects and he was fully welcomed. Sadly though, this relaxed relationship was broken, when the above incidents took place, and I myself acted as any moderator would do, to keep the peace in the community and the discord members content - Giving them several chances through active communication that such behaviors would not be tolerated, but they did not stop. Eventually, after a very thorough investigation, the individual was banned permanently from the server, offering the choice that the individual could PM me directly, if they felt my actions weren't justified. I myself engaged in conversation with the individual afterwards, and although he seemed reasonable to talk to, there was just some issues that he failed to grasp, things turned offensive, and I had no choice but to personally block him from contacting me.

The individual then proceeded to also message other users in the server again, trying to defame other members without their prior knowledge, and so I personally urged all the people in the server to be wary about this individual. I was also told to tell people in the server not to post about races on the OWF, which he did not explain why, but it was my understanding that OWF and the Speedrunning community had no issues between them and I am to this day convinced that we are working to the same goal - Celebrating Oddworld and all the games. The same day this individual joined my twitch chat and seemed to be content just watching the stream and chatting with the other viewers. Unfortunately however, during my run, I received numerous whispers that don't appear on my stream output attempting to cause distractions and lost my patience, posting the carefully selected comments the video referenced at the same time.

But alas, i digress. The main reason I'm here, posting this essay now, is to debunk the myth that seems to have been created, that the speedrunning community is one of malice and negativity. I can honestly say, that i have never been part of a community that is so close, supportive to others, welcoming to be around and just down right amazing to spend time with. I personally don't believe it fair that they are all being slandered and defamed, just because somebody who wanted to cause malevolence and misery was cut down in their prime. The majority of the members are also regular members on this forum, and will be known to you, but I won't mention names (HeyGuys to you though). I'm mainly here because I am aware that the member is also a member of the Oddworld Forums and just wanted to be clear that if there is any word going around about unfair and unjust punishments by malicious people, that we have a lot of screenshots/text and the like to clarify that the banning was with clear and just reason. I can see why the user may have felt hurt at my tired and stressed response to them harassing me within the chat, but I hope they can understand why I might have had little patience after being clear with my reasons, transparent with my communications and them persisting in attempting to disrupt me in every way they could. Everyone loses their patience at some points and after two bans, with adequately explained reasons, I'm sure it's clear why they would have gotten under my skin!

That is all i have to say on the matter, I don't wish to name names because I am not here to slander the person in particular, it is more to ensure that OWF and the Speedrunning community will still maintain a positive and supportive attitude to each other, rather than run the risk of word of mouth damaging these relations. It is important to me to stay transparent and honest, so I simply wanted to explain what had happened before any potential issues arose. I will give a huge thank you to all the people currently in the server, for being so awesome, and also my apologies that they have had to put up with this disruptive behavior for the past week. I do just want to assure everyone again - The Oddworld Speedrunning discord is always open to fans of the Oddworld community that are supportive and civil, but as with any community, we have to actively take a stance to protect the activities and reputations of our members. Particularly when we have a community so like ours that some of our members share.

Thanks for reading!

07-11-2017, 07:54 PM
: Jul 2017
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ToolOfDestruction  (10)

It's a shame that this all started from an issue that was completely blown out of proportion and could have easily been resolved with a little conversation. It sucks that the reputation of some runners and the community could be effected by this.

So, did anyone actually cheat or break the rules?

Absolutely not.

To explain the accusations,

In the game ‘Abe’s Oddysee’ there is a category we run called ‘Any% Glitchless’ which would naturally indicate that the run is to be completed without glitches. However, the rules state that only certain glitches and tricks are banned in this run. The ‘trick’ that the runner was seen doing WAS technically legal, and it’s due to the ‘Glitchless’ title that this misconception has come about.

This ‘trick’ was seen by the guy in question and was apparently used as a good enough reason to create 35 troll accounts to harass, message and demean certain members of the community. If the guy in question had simply asked or even checked the rules instead of immediately bombarding members with abuse, then this situation would have gone down a lot better.

What’s worse is that this individual has created YouTube videos and Facebook posts claiming to have ‘exposed us’ as a bad community and that he is completely innocent in this situation. Like Tweak says, that’s completely wrong and this individual has cut and pasted what he wanted to put in those videos and posts without any real context. The messages are disgusting, the abuse one member in particular got was abhorrent and the way this individual has tried to flip the tables and make us seem like the bad guys is just slimy.

All it would have taken is for this person to ask about the rules or get some kind of clarification, there was absolutely no need for the accounts, the videos and the abuse. After I tried to leave comments on the YouTube video explaining the ‘glitch’ thing, it would seem that the messages have not been approved, further adding to this whole ‘controlling the picture’ thing.


What are we doing to avoid further confusion?

Firstly, when comparing Oddysee and Exoddus on Speedrun.com, there are major differences in structure and rule clarifications. Oddysee is in dire need of a re-design, and is near the top of our to-do list. Hopefully in future it will be much clearer on what the rules are and what tricks ARE and ARE NOT allowed. The ‘Glitchless’ categories will also be renamed ‘NMS' (No Major Skips) just like they are in Abe's Exoddus.

I have to agree, The Oddworld Speedrunning Discord is always open to fans of the OW community. It’s a great place to learn about strategies, meet other runners, join in races and PLENTY of other interesting stuff.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope I've cleared up any thought you may have and I hope to see you guys around!

07-11-2017, 09:30 PM
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Welcome to OWF \ /
07-11-2017, 11:14 PM
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Thank you Kapteeni for exposing the truth about the speedrunning community!
07-12-2017, 12:22 AM
JayDee's Avatar
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Pretty much everyone here at OWF has known Kapteeni to be a troll for quite some time. As far as I can tell OWF and the Oddworld Speedrunning community have never not been cool with each other. We poke fun at speed runners on occasion but that's usually just because we have literally nothing else to do.

Feel free to PM me if something else comes up.

07-12-2017, 12:47 AM
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Hi ElectroTweak,

Like JayDee said, the OWF as a whole has nothing against Speedrunners or the Oddworld Speedrunning community.
If some members think otherwise that's their problem but they know we do not tolerate harassment here.

Personally I've visited your discord a few times and I've seen nothing but friendly competition and camaraderie.
Why anyone would find offense with your community is beyond me.

But on the other hand this is Kapteeni13 we're talking about. He's been known to be somewhat a pain in the ass over here as well.
You can have a look on this page to see he had problems with the OWF too in the past:


Here on the OWF we've learned not to take anything he says too seriously anymore so there's really little to no damage done as far as we're concerned.

So I guess what I want to say is: Don't mind the trolls and keep having fun shattering those speedrun records.
I can't see anything wrong in a group of people challenging themselves to excel at playing Oddworld games.
As far as I'm concerned you guys will always be welcome here.

07-12-2017, 02:00 AM
Super Stingbee
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kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)

Hi T! How is it running?

I'm doing new WR apparently because i got runners chasing up my bones. The whole truth is hidden because "i'm slimy".

Salt gun is fired to both ways you know. It's like it's just me doing it.
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

Last edited by kapteeni13; 07-12-2017 at 02:04 AM..
07-12-2017, 09:49 AM
: Jul 2017
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ElectroTweak  (11)

@Tools: Hey handsome
@Gibbons: Hey handsomer xD
@Vlam: Thanks for your input bro, although the less said about your personal history on the server the better, i feel :/
@JayDee & Xavier: Cheers guys, glad to have the reassurance that there is no negative stigma around us speedrunner goons
@Kapteeni: Keep it slimy :P also, if you feel 'salty' about anything, then you're welcome to discuss your issues?

Last edited by ElectroTweak; 07-12-2017 at 09:52 AM..
07-12-2017, 10:19 AM
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Hello, everyone. As the leader of OWF Discord, I think I'm obligated to give my two cents to this discussion:

@Vlam, @AvengingGibbons: The usual OWF sarcasm, I see

@ElectroTweak: Sorry that you had such experience.

The main reason I'm here, posting this essay now, is to debunk the myth that seems to have been created, that the speedrunning community is one of malice and negativity.
I don't think anyone here honestly believes that. We used to make some speedrunner jokes, but (at least from my perspective) they were much closer to friendly jabs than actual insults. It certainly got out of hand if you think we really think that way, apologies.

Also, what Xavier and JayDee said.

I'll be honest with you: To me it seems like you're at fault here. I'm not sure what happened between you and speedrunners before, but whatever it was, it isn't a good excuse to make continous effort to make others feel worse, making troll accounts etc. There were some people in the past who were like that, and those weren't exactly the proudest members of the community.

@Varrok: hey, handsome

@ToolOfDestruction: Play Master of Puppets
07-12-2017, 11:22 AM
Super Stingbee
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kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)

It isn't cool idea neither to try make me feel worse...

@Kapteeni: Keep it slimy :P also, if you feel 'salty' about anything, then you're welcome to discuss your issues?
Dear T. I know pretty much we both didn't do cool on Discord DMs.
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

Last edited by kapteeni13; 07-12-2017 at 11:26 AM..
07-12-2017, 11:57 AM
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The way to respond to any of Kapteeni's messages I think is with a good old MingLee

07-12-2017, 12:34 PM
Super Stingbee
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kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)

The way to respond to any of Kapteeni's messages I think is with a good old MingLee

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	KK3Y5Rl__400x400.png
Views:	944
Size:	69.3 
ID:	14534  
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

07-12-2017, 02:39 PM
: Jul 2017
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ElectroTweak  (11)

It isn't cool idea neither to try make me feel worse...
Sorry dude, but after the things you've been up to, i have pretty much zero sympathy for you :/ kinda brought this on yourself if i'm being honest, not my fault it's backfired ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyways, i have nothing else to say on the matter, the OS community is moving on! I suggest you do the same sir
07-12-2017, 02:52 PM
Super Stingbee
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kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)

Makes it sound like OS is awesome.
With this angery attitude i doubt it.

I'm not even expecting sympathy from you.
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

Last edited by kapteeni13; 07-12-2017 at 03:14 PM..
07-12-2017, 06:22 PM
: Jul 2017
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ElectroTweak  (11)

It certainly got out of hand if you think we really think that way, apologies.
Understood! I mean, as mentioned, it's not the fact that I feel that the speedrunning community is thought of in that way exactly. I just want to clarify that we are not the way we seem to appear in the latest unwanted publicity that we have been having, especially when the publicity is built on misguided facts/information. But thanks for your opinion, and I hope to be able to bring more of the speedrunning aspect of the Oddworld games to OWF, this is the speedrun forum after all xD
07-12-2017, 08:22 PM
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But thanks for your opinion, and I hope to be able to bring more of the speedrunning aspect of the Oddworld games to OWF, this is the speedrun forum after all xD
The Oddworld fan game I'm currently making is designed with speedrunning/ time trials in mind so I would be happy to see some attempts if you're starved for speedrunning goals. (When I get around to finishing the demo)

07-12-2017, 08:53 PM
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JayDee, u got any previews of it to share? Ingame footage???
07-13-2017, 01:45 AM
Super Stingbee
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Is it with earlier title called Kip's Oddysee? Waiting also to make video about it when the time comes.
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

07-13-2017, 07:45 AM
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It isn't cool idea neither to try make me feel worse...
Seriously, you're 23 years old. Stop reacting to things like you're a toddler. It's your own damn fault if you let things other people say affect your mood.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

07-13-2017, 08:00 AM
Super Stingbee
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kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)

Seriously, you're 23 years old. Stop reacting to things like you're a toddler. It's your own damn fault if you let things other people say affect your mood.
I wasn't even serious.
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

07-13-2017, 08:09 AM
Nepsotic's Avatar
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Sounds like you're overreacting, it's not our fault if a member of the forums is harassing people, we are not one entity, we're just a group of individuals who are going to make our own choices.
If you want my advice, stop feeling so personally attacked by something so inconsequential and start a secret server, send everyone on the current server the link to it and set it to private. It's not this big of a deal. I also don't understand why you feel like we have some kind of "vendetta" against speedrunners, that makes no sense.

E: Kapteeni is a very volatile person and like Gishy you probably shouldn't let them access the server.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

Last edited by Nepsotic; 07-13-2017 at 08:12 AM..
07-13-2017, 08:38 AM
Super Stingbee
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kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)

E: Kapteeni is a very volatile person and like Gishy you probably shouldn't let them access the server.
I have lost my interest to go to that server.
Also it's correct to say i'm volative at times probably because i was born with dysphasia. No kidding. I'm not like others. =/

Still over criminalizing me over again doesn't achieve results from me if i know damn good what happened.
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

Last edited by kapteeni13; 07-13-2017 at 08:46 AM..
07-13-2017, 09:22 AM
: Jul 2017
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ElectroTweak  (11)

Well, i don't think I over-reacted. As i mentioned, i'm speaking for the community, and clearing up (if any was created) any bad vibes. You may think of it as 'inconsequential' but there's no way you can know if people have been affected by this, case in point, the person who the second paragraph is referring too. But as i mentioned, i've said my bit, and thats all i need to say.

Also Kap, i know what dysphasia is, and even they know the difference between right and wrong? Also your loss of interest in the server suits me, and i guess the other members to a tee. Hopefully i can put the banhammer back in the draw
07-13-2017, 09:40 AM
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I have lost my interest to go to that server.
Also it's correct to say i'm volative at times probably because i was born with dysphasia. No kidding. I'm not like others. =/

Still over criminalizing me over again doesn't achieve results from me if i know damn good what happened.
You're such a victim
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

07-13-2017, 11:11 AM
Lord Vhazen's Avatar
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i'm volative at times probably because i was born with dysphasia. No kidding. I'm not like others. =/
Having a disability or suffering through any kind of a pain does not give you the moral right to harass other people based on their own disabilities or misfortune. A passive aggressive defense is not valid and is no excuse. You're not a better person for having a disability or for having a rough life. The only potential exception would be disorders like tourette's syndrome where you might not actually mean the things you say with the spoken word, but even then that excuse can be abused. And things you write to other people take more conscious thought and intent, and I've seen no indication that you've been harassing others via voice - otherwise they would have found you out sooner each time. Say it, FORGET IT. Write it, REGRET IT.

I know I'm an outsider to all of this, but honestly just looking through what data I have access to, your behavior seems very immature, and you're still refusing to accept responsibility. If there's some grand truth to all of this, and it turns out everyone else is just evil and scape-goating you because they feel like it then you could at least speak up and have an actual argument besides "oh what do you guys even know I know the truth and my name is being wrongfully besmirched all of this is blown way out of proportion". Who knows - maybe you're actually in the right and there is something that people like me don't know, and this man is trying to ruin your reputation out of spite by making this a public matter. But I see no real argument from your side and by default have to assume you're actually guilty of what you're being accused of. "I don't care that I'm not welcomed anymore lol I don't like your stinky group anyway I'll stop because you're not worth my time anymore" doesn't exactly speak volumes for your credibility.

This person here - the OP - seems to be very mature in how he's handling this - he didn't even name anyone. Sure I get that that doesn't necessarily disprove any ulterior motives and you could potentially still call him and his allies a bunch of drama-queens, but really, just looking at this thread doesn't make that seem to be the case. If you're really getting banned over and over from this group and you make the conscious decision to keep coming back under different names just to troll them then that's obviously wrong, it doesn't matter how these people may have wronged you. Frankly, if this is what you'd do to some other group then that makes you less trustworthy to this group as well. How do we know you haven't multi'd us before too? We still get that problem every now and then, after all.

Also, being known as "the forum troll" doesn't grant anyone immunity from their actions either. The "oh don't mind him he's just our village idiot" excuse for other people can only go so far. Now I'm not saying we all need to be constantly walking on eggshells and worrying about other peoples's feelings - there's nothing wrong with being sarcastic and playfully provocative. I'm pretty sure every single one of us fits that description every single day. We all mildly troll one-another, it's just people being people. But there's still a point and a time where this mentality becomes an enabler for bad behavior, and when someone is called out for it, it has potential to feed a victim complex like it appears to be doing here.

Seriously kid, man up. If you're really 23 that makes you two years older than me. It's not okay to just constantly make jabs, then say "hey man I wasn't being serious what's your problem" when someone confronts you.

Last edited by Lord Vhazen; 07-13-2017 at 11:47 AM..
07-13-2017, 11:46 AM
Super Stingbee
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kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)

I never claimed to be perfect.
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

07-13-2017, 11:48 AM
Lord Vhazen's Avatar
Lord Vhazen
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I never claimed to be perfect.
No one here has. We do however expect one-another to act their age.

07-13-2017, 11:57 AM
Super Stingbee
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kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)kapteeni13  (404)

No one here has. We do however expect one-another to act their age.
I have said already i know what happened and it was not cool at all. It's terrible!

Edit: I made my videos unlisted.
Edit 2: It would be too much to say that i would have been behind all multis here. That's impossible. I only use this my single created account here.
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

Last edited by kapteeni13; 07-13-2017 at 12:27 PM..
07-13-2017, 12:39 PM
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By the way, there's no such thing as an "Oddworld Speedrunning community". The vast majority of them (on the server) are only casual gamers streaming on Twitch, not real speedrunners.
07-13-2017, 12:51 PM
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I dunno, I've watched a few streams, and it didn't seem casual to me

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