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09-27-2002, 10:34 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Aftermath (A follow-on from the RPG)

Awakening the Orkhid found himself not in the basement, not among the creatures that he loathed and had attempted to kill, not anywhere that seemed like Pyke infact. But, but he was in a large white room. In a bed. With nurses and Doctors...and, and everything a Hospital is equipped with. It was puzzling for the creature, he knew it wasn't a dream and yet...yet it seemed that it was. Slowly, he pushed himself up to sit up in the bed. The sheets were a lovely colour of shining white, which almost dazzled him. He uttered a low grunt as he slided his bum closer to the wall, that the head of the bed was up against. Looking down he noticed stitches in his stomach and severe bruising around his chest. These wounds happened in his supposed 'dream' but how, how could they have manifested themselves physically? Shaking this disturbing thought from his ever probing mind the Orkhid called out across the ward to another patient, of the same specie, in bed eating his lunch.

Tobias: "H-Hey...You. W...Where am i?"

The Orkhid looked up, her blue eyes almost shining in the light of the room.

Female: "Majoar Hospital. Dont you remember? You were brung in here last night. Attacked by something, i never caught what they said."

Coughing the confused Orkhid shook his head, replying to her question without actually speaking. He couldn't remember nothing. Nothing about being attacked, well, apart from his 'dream' were he was severely beaten by the Hunters and then attacked once more by the Cross-breed and his vicious crew. Tobias realised all was not what it seemed, obviously the Orkhid council had found the documents that he had tried to destroy and realised that he was a traitor. And now they were toying with him, making him panic, wanting him to break-down so they could get some light entertainment before killing him off. This he was not going to have, he was going to escape...or at least die trying. His personal mission was still not complete and Spider still needed to be punished for murdering his father. Quickly he swung his legs round to the right hand side, taking the bed clothing off with him. Tobias was still wearing his black boxers he was the very night he was restrained which proved he was correct. Reaching his right hand outwards he grabbed the drawer that was situated on the right at the head of the bed and proceeded to push himself up.

Voice: "Sit down."

The Orkhid halted, frozen in terror. His body slowly drifted back down to the bed and he sat rigidly on it. A bead of sweat ran down his brow and quickly he dabbed it away with the back of his hand.

Tobias: "W-Who...are you?"

His voice was a hushed whisper, as if subconciously he didn't want to know.

Voice: "That does not matter. But you, you have to heal."

This puzzled the Orkhid, why does this mysterious person want him to heal? Tobias decided that the voice was coming from behind him and thus slowly turned his head around, attempting to see the figure that spoke.

Voice: "Heal Tobias...Heal or you will be useless to our cause."

Suddenly he realised that the voice was also a hushed whisper, this indicated that it was either a mole planted in the Hospital for covert purposes or a intruder. Either way, they wanted him healthy which was always good.

Tobias: "W-When, when shall y-you free me?"

He asked this in a tone of voice that seemed to say "Please free me now" but he was unaware of this tone of desperation and still turned his head slowly to the direction of the voice.

Voice: "Get some rest Tobias...Heal."

Realising this seemed as if it was a 'say it and run' deal Tobias quickly twisted his torso around to the direction that he deemed to be the voices destination. This, not only caused pain, but confusion. Nothing was there, it was as if some kind of Ghost or Shaman was using magick means to communicate with him...

Tobias: "Hello? Hello?"

Understanding that the creature sounded serious Tobias swung his legs back into the bed and pulled up the covers. He then shifted himself downwards and closed his eyes. Hoping that the next day would give him some answers...if not that, some freedom.

(OOC: Remarks?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 04-14-2003 at 08:54 AM..
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09-27-2002, 10:35 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 2

Doctor: "He is healing relativly well. But i fear we may have to operate. His intestines and liver have been severly damaged. However, im sure we will have him on top form soon."

A lone Doctor was talking to a Tv like monitor in his office. His office was relativly big, with a desk behind him and a stack of bookshelves. The Tv was part of the front of his desk and could turn and swivel to keep in view of a possible walking reciever. On the screen was Iraxx, the Orkhid who had previously employed the Orkhid to find out infomation about the un-chartered territories. He had heard that a injured and histerical Orkhid had been found with no ID on it whatsoever. After listening to the description Iraxx had realised it was Tobias and got in contact straight away. Although Iraxx had recieved a message prior to the disappearence of him that stated nothing had been found, he was still eager to know what infomation he had recieved and thus was pestering the Doctors and Nurses for news on Tobias' condition.

Iraxx: "Good. Keep me updated, Doctor. I shall be back in touch within the next 24 hours. Over."

The screen went black and the Doctor turned away from it, picking up Tobias' medical chart that lay on his desk. After quickly scanning over the graph that indicated the Orkhid's health, he pushed a small black button on his desk.

Doctor: "Ellie, could you book an appointment for our patient Mr Acrangle for the earliest possible time, please."

There was a brief moment of static.

Ellie: "Right away Doctor. Would you be needing anything else?"

The Doctor smiled, to him Ellie was the best Receptionist there was.

Doctor: "No thankyou. That will be all."

He took his finger off of the button, walked to the buisness side of his desk and flumped down into his swivel chair, leaning back and putting his feet up he relaxed for the first time in 28 hours.


Tobias woke up, blinking his eyes, realising were he was. The hospital still. Slowly he lifted his head up, it was hurting and he felt immensly light. This got him wondering what had happened whilst he had slept.
Tobias' head snapped to the right, something was on the ward. The other patients seemed to be asleep, hardly stirring in the underlit room.
There it was again. Whatever it was, wasn't Biped. It sounded like some kind of bug, a Cockroach possibly? Slowly Tobias reached under his bed with his left arm, feeling around he quickly grabbed his bed-pan and pulled it up. He hadn't used it since he had mysteriously arrived at the hospital and thus there was no need to be careful with it.
The sound made Tobias halt the process of breathing. Something was definatly on the ward, watching him. Awaiting him to look away so it could pounce. Squinting in the darkness the Orkhid passed the metallic weapon to his right hand and clutched it 'til his knuckles went white. And as he turned his head to the right, he saw it. A cockroach like insect sat on the sleeping chest of another patient a bed away. Its body was relativly long for a Cockroach, around 3 inches and held six legs altogether. The top of its head was perculier though, it had large Praying-Mantis like arms and rubbed them together eagerly.
The creature hurled its claws forward and pierced the Orkhids eyelids. The Orkhid jiggled briefly, blood sputtering from its mouth before finally coming to a halt. The creature then hauled out its 'weapons' and rubbed them together some more, wiping the blood off. Tobias was shocked and disturbed by such actions from a indigeous being. It was like it was murdering for sport or pleasure. But then it turned to face him, and the feelings that Tobias was feeling that very moment turned to pure fear.The little being rubbed its arms together and bent down. Little clicking noises could be heard from it as it did so.

'They must have sent it here, to kill me. To dispose of me as if by "accident". Shit...Shit, shit, shit(!)"

As these words danced around in his head the little insect lunged for him, easily leaping the empty bed inbetween them.

Tobias: "NOOOOO, HELP!! HELP ME!!"

The Orkhid screamed for some unknown reason. If what he thought was correct, no one would help him.
A little squeal erupted from its small body as the metal connected to the fleshy pulp. The insect bounced on the bottom of the matress and then toppled over the edge. Tobias' breathing became rapid, heavier. He had just nearly being killed by what seemed to be a Cockroach hybrid. By this time the bed-pan had white gunk on the underside of it, signifying Tobias had been successful in his defensive manoveur. Now all he had to do was to finish it off, and with this in mind the Orkhid patient crawled to the bottom of his bed, wanting to avenge the death of his hospital roomie. Still clutching the pan he peeked his head over the bottom of the matress and took aim. Well, he would have done if anything was there. But unfortunatly for him there wasn't, which hinted it was still alive. Although no body could be seen there was a trace amount of blood that lead to underneathe his bed in a thick, sticky trail. So, pulling his body partly over his bed, Tobias checked the underside of his sleeping comode upside down. Only to see something far more deadlier than a mere Roach.

Spider: "Morning sleepyhead."

The malicious cooing of shadow-sunken Spider violated Tobias' ears.

Spider: "I think its time you go and brush your teeth, Toby my friend. Heh, heh, heh."

As the being uttered these crude words, it pushed itself up with its fore-limbs. Its back bumping the matress and thus throwing Tobias off and onto the cold, marble hospital floor.

Spider: "Or better yet...Lets take them out(!)"

The cross-breed shot out a powerful limb. Grasping Tobias' face. There was something different about this encounter however, Spider seemed more monsterous. A maniac infact, but there was something else. Something Tobias couldn't put a finger on...

Spider: "Come along Toby, lets play Dental Practice!!"

The claw pulled Tobias sharply, dragging him under the bed. Dragging him into eternal darkness.



Ellie: "Doctor, the Nurses need you down on Ward 2. Apparently Tobias Acrangle has gone into a vicious fit. They need help in restraining him..."

Sighing the medical practioner stood up. His shifts always seemed to be never ending...
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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09-27-2002, 10:36 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 3

Tobias: "W-What...where am i?"

The Orkhid opened his eyes slowly, his voice was groggy and weak. He was on his back, looking upwards at a bright round light. Others were talking around him, their voices seemed inaudible and distant.

Tobias: "H...Hello?"

Finally a sillouette of a head appeared in front of the light, it seemed to be like some sort of Angel. With the round light in the background causing some sort of Halo.

Dr: "Ahhh, Mr Acrangle. Dont worry, we are just fixing you up right now. We wont be long, heheheh. Hope you had a nice sleep."

His voice was soothing and soft, however, something was off about it. But as Tobias was this weak, he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Tobias: "What...happened?"

He felt a sharp twinge just above his bellybutton and tried to sit up to see what was going on, only to realise that he was paralysed.

Dr: "Nothing much. You went into a mad rage and damaged yourself even more...We had to operate and sort your insides out, it was that or watch you die..."

Sighing Tobias closed his eyes and tried to remember what had happened, but his mind was blank. The only thing he could remember was some sort of black figure in a wash of red. It was weird and started to eat at him, seemingly taunting him with its pressence.

Female voice: "Dr, Commander Iraxx is on the phone. Should i take a message?"

Tobias suddenly tensed up, his eyes wide open. Thoughts rushed through his head, sweat started forming on his brow.

Dr: "No, that wont be necessary. Put him on hold for 5 minutes, i'll be right across."

Tobias listened to the footsteps of the creature echoe down the corridor.

Dr: "Your popularity with Commander Iraxx is quite surprising. He has been on the phone almost constantly, getting updates about your health and such. You are very lucky to have a superior quite like him..."

Tobias forced a smile and closed his eyes once more, trying to think of what he could do next.

Dr: "Now, over the next 24 hours the anthaesetic should start to wear off. As it does you should slowly begin to regain control of your body. It may be a bit awkward at first, but soon you will be as good as new."

His head then disappeared, allowing the light to reclaim its territory and blind Tobias briefly.

'Why would they want me paralysed? Why? And why is Iraxx so interested in my health...What have they got planned!?'

These thoughts were constantly evolving into more in-depth questions. Again he tried to move, and again he failed.

Dr: "Nurse, take Mr Acrangle upto Ward 2 again, please. Make sure he is comfortable."

Tobias heard a brief acknowledgment and then felt himself moving. The wheels on the operating table squeaking down the hallway. Ceiling lights rushing by, blinding him briefly with their white glow.

Tobias: "When...When do you...think *Cough* i will be able to move?"

Saying this one sentence tired him out and as the Nurse tried to explain to him the stages of recouperation Tobias slowly drifted off into a uncomfortable slumber...
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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10-28-2002, 11:36 AM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 4

*Tobias was sat in a large, metallic wheelchair, looking out upon the horizon through a reinforced, barred window. It had been two and a half months since he had first arrived. Things were starting to become clearer now, his paranoia was starting to die down, his nightmares became less frequent and his past was slowly but surely starting to figure itself out. He had, had a long time to explain certain activities and memories, a long time to differentiate reality from dream. Since his recouperation Iraxx's visits were becoming more and more less frequent. Everytime the injured Orkhid asked what new projects he was working on, Iraxx would give brief bits of infomation, before changing the subject rapidly or making excuses on why he had to leave. The wheelchair bound Orkhid rubbed his chest through his pale green nightgown, before pushing the wheels back and turning around. He slowly headed down his ward, nodding pleasantries to the staff who past him. He past countless doors which entered onto new wards, new sets of injuries and patients. And as he past the 5th doorway, he got a strange feeling...the feeling he had got when he had first awoken. And then he heard the voice once more...*

Voice: "Well done, Tobias. You are coming along nicely..."

The Orkhid stopped advancing down the corridor, his hands tensed up on the rubber, grey wheels. Was somebody behind him? Was it a patient playing a trick on him? He turned the wheelchair around to face the direction he had come from.

Tobias: "Hello?"

He whispered slightly, leaning forwards gently.

Voice: "All we need now is for you to be on a more...manipulative ward. Heh."

The voice came from right in front of him, and, to make sure it wasn't some kind of invisible Shamen Tobias waved an outstretched hand towards the voice, hoping to hit something. He didn't.

Voice: "And i know exactly how to get you there..."

Suddenly Tobias hands gripped the wheels of his chair tightly, he couldn't move them. It was as if someone or something was holding them there. They then began to advance the chair forwards, down the corridor. Down from where he once came.

Tobias: "No, what are you? What do you want!? Why me...!?!"

He spoke aloud, hoping a Dr, Nurse or Porter would pay attention but they did not. They merely ignored him, as if he wasn't there.

Voice: "You are the only one, the...only one who can help us achieve our goal."

The chair halted outside of the entrance to the mens restroom. It then span around, forcing Tobias to face the door, which then swung open as if some being had kicked it open.

Tobias: "W-What goal, why? Wha...HELP, HELP ME!!"

He shouted the last words, he knew this wasn't a dream, knew this was real. Knew that something bad would happen if he allowed the being to force him inside, away from the people who could, possibly, help him. The chair gently booled in, passing two of the four orange coloured cubicles and stopping opposite the third.

Voice: "This is the only way you can escape Tobias, you want to escape...dont you?"

Tobias: "Escape from what!? Nothing is after me, no-one wants to kill me!!"

The toilet flushed, humming could be heared from behind the door as it slowly unlocked and opened.

Tobias: "Why did you bring me here...what do you want!?"

The door opened, an Orkhid guard was inside of the cubicle, he looked at Tobias suspiciously, wondering what a disabled creature was doing outside of his cubicle. He was un-armed. His body muscular and bulgy. His clothes white and clean. His black eyebrow raising gently, giving off a puzzled expression.

Guard: "What?"

Voice: "Now, Tobias...kill."

The guard didn't seem to hear these words. And took a step forward, bent over and started pushing Tobias' chair back with his hands on each arm rest. Suddenly Tobias' hands got jerked upwards, clasping the guards throat. He didn't want to do this, didn't want to kill, but he was. As if by reflex the guards hands shot up also, grabbing Tobias' wrists, he pulled his hands away and shouted for back up. Shouted for his collegues.

Voice: "Kill him..."

The guard was then seemingly thrown back into the cubicle, not by Tobias, but by something else. He seemed to struggle with some invisible force, twisting and turning, clutching his throat as if trying to pry some creatures claws off of his wind-pipe. His lips slowly went to a pale blue and then purple. His feet kicked out, his hands waved wildy and then, as his back arched, he flopped to the ground. Dead. Tobias had seen the entire gruesome scene and was now in shock. He gently pulled back his wheels, rolling backwards. His eyes were wide open, his body seemed cold and un-responsive. His right leg shook gently.

Tobias: "W-Why...?"

Saying this lone word he was then hurled towards the body of the guard, thrown on top of the limp torso, away from his chair.

Tobias: "No...No...!!"

And as this inccident happened, and he tried to crawl off the top of the corpse, the back-up rushed in. Batons at the ready and Cattleprods charged...

Guard: "Take him...!!"



(OOC: Welllll...?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 04-01-2003 at 08:53 AM..
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10-28-2002, 02:41 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Silversnow  (11)

Ooh... I think it's the best one so far.

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