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12-09-2003, 12:17 AM
The.Heretic's Avatar
: Nov 2003
: Australia, Sydney
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The.Heretic  (10)
Idea Dr.Brainteasers Brainteasers for Brainbusting Lovers

Welcome to my infamous, and never ending Brainteaser competition (ironically, ive never done this before). As you can see, I, am bored, and I have decided to start yet another topic. Should this topic be considered lame, and a good flaming is in order, I ask that my genitals be first on the chopping block, and my urinary problems be pointed out last.

Thankyou. Now, on with the show!

Rules! (And FAQ) (And Facts)

You little hellions need rules, or you'll ruin it for everyone. So, here they are, in order of when I think of them (otherwise known as thinkological order):

1. This is by far the most important rule:

If you know the answer to a brainteaser, DO NOT POST IT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! This will only ruin it for others. Only, and I mean ONLY post the answers when you know ALL the answers for certain, I ask that you confirm the harder ones with me (PM, dont post it, moron =D), because if you post the "answers" and one is wrong, not only do you not win, but you ruin it for everybody else.

2. No spanking the monkey during this competiton, please.

3. Cheating will be considered lame, and a good spanking will be at hand. Please (and I can only request this) dont go on the internet looking for answers, thats not being true to yourself or being fair to others.

4. All the Brainteasers are from my head, or from my trusty brainteaser book. Not from websites.

5. Each brainteaser will be given a difficulty rating, and a category (lateral or imaginative [or both!]) Ie. Some are about opening your mind, and others about problem solving. It will be interesting to note which type you find easier (feel free to post it)

6. Some of you may find this very easy, others may find it impossible, paying out others because they arent as "smart" as you is plain slack. This is, in no way, an IQ test, it was never intended to be, so dont interpret it as.

7. There will be more rounds, depending on how much I get flamed, if you like this sort of thing, so be it, if you dont, so be it, if your a Transexual, so be it. Opinions on how good or bad this comp is will merely cramp it up (id like to keep it nice and small). Posts about brainteaser questions (not spoilers!), possible suggestions or plain talk about brainteasers is encouraged. What im trying to say is, no spam eg. "This rox0rs m3h box0rs" or, "Gay".

8. People that go to my school will have an advantage (i cant help but put 2 of my favourites in here)

9. IMPORTANT! There are, no doubt, hundreds of answers to the brainteasers. WHAT I AM ASKING YOU TO DO IS GET "MY ANSWER". Coming up with stupid answers that somewhat fit, isnt the challenge. The correct answer will always be a simple one. If you think that my answer is stupid or doesnt work. STFU and die. My answers are final, end of story.

10. This list, is no doubt, incomplete, if I have left something out that you need or want to know, i will add it to my list.

Remember guys (and girls), this is just for fun! PM me if you think you have the answer, remember (I dont mind, im lonely anyway!). Now open up your mind and welcome yourself to the world of logic and reasoning.

(If you are entering yourself in this comp, it cant hurt to state that you are, just so that I get an idea of how many people are actually playing, and wether it was too easy, too hard, too short etc. )

Question 1 (dun dun dun!)

Difficulty: Stupidly Easy (more or less a practice question)
Type: Lateral
Comments: Dont ruin it MCP'ers

There are three apples on a bench. You take two. How many apples do you have?

Question 2
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Both
Comments: I will accept several answers here.

John and Bill were born on the same day, of the same year and have the same parents, yet they are not twins. How is this possible?

Question 3
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Crazy (Vocab Tester)
Comments: This ones funny, yet very simple (Very definate answer here). Dont use a dictionary, please.

A slight inclination of the cranium is as adequate as a spasmodic movement of one optic to an equine quadruped utterly devoid of any visionary capacity. Wtf did I just say?

Question 4:
Difficulty: Medium
Type: Lateral
Comments: Hehehe

Here are 5 rows of letters.


Which is the odd row out?

Question 5:
Difficulty: Medium (Or hard, depends on the person)
Type: Lateral
Comments: This one HAS to be done in your head. It is quite a stunner if you do it in your head. (Doing it on paper is very lame and takes away the challenge. Test yourself, people)

Think of the letters in the alphabet
Take away the second
Take away the twenty second
Take away the one before the last one you took away
Take away the letter O
Take away the letter that comes after O
Take away the 4th,5th and 6th letters
Take away X Y and Z
Take away the third letter and add Q
Take away T
Take away the seventh letter
Add the last letter
Take away H, and the letter that comes seven places before it
Take away the letter that comes before R
Add the letter that follows P
Take away R and P
Take away the remaining vowel
Take away the 3 letters that come after it
Take away N and the letter before it
Take away the last letter of the alphabet =D
Take away all the consonants in the word "stew"

What are you left with!

If you did that first go, pat yourself on the back

Question 6:
Difficulty: Medium
Type: Lateral
Comments: This really should be in the easy difficulty

21, 35, 14, 49, 28, 70, 60

Which number is the odd one out and why.

Question 7:
Difficulty Medium
Type: Lateral
Comments: This one has lvl 3 bash. Use your head only

There are three playing cards lying in a row

A diamond is to the left of a spade
An eight is on the right of a king
A ten is on the left of a heart
A heart is on the left of a spade

What are the three cards?

Question 8:
Difficulty: Hard
Type: Imaginative
Comments: Think.

What do all these words have in common?


Question 9
Diffculty: ???
Type: Imaginative
Comments: Insanely Hard. Yet so easy. Explain your answer

Hint: Are limbs made of flesh?

Name a well known species that at first walks on 4 limbs, then on 2, then later still, on 3!

Question Ten:
Difficulty: ???
Type: Lateral
Comment: If you know the word, no problem, if you dont, sorry (you can use a dictionary if it helps!)

This words meaning is "Bringing oneself into a favour with someone"

The word has 12 letters

The first three letters are the same and the last 3 letters.

The middle six letters are:

What is this word?

Good luck people!

I cant stress enough that you CONFIRM all the answers if you intend on claiming yourself as a winner (the winner gets a prize!). Remember, I would rather you PM me 100 times trying to answer a Brainteaser than I would you go and ruin it by posting answers or asking "is the answer *****?".

Please wait at least a day before you post the answers (assuming you know them). That gives us all a mighty fine chance.

It has come to my attention that this quiz was very lateral. The next one (if there IS a next one) will be more on the imaginative side, I swear!
Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks." - In God We Trust

"Gold! Always Belive in Your Soul, You've Got the Power to Know, Your Indestructable..."

Last edited by The.Heretic; 12-08-2003 at 05:10 PM..
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12-09-2003, 12:29 AM
oddguy's Avatar
: Jun 2003
: Montana
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oddguy  (10)

Wow, you are bored! I didn't read the whole thing, but this is a good idea and ya seem like a smart guy. Good job!


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12-09-2003, 01:44 AM
racla's Avatar
: Jun 2003
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racla  (10)

St.Michael 'Quis et deus'

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12-09-2003, 04:13 AM
Joshy's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: Aug 2002
: Australia, Sydney
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Joshy  (20)

I can answer a few muahahah, i'm ultra smart.
"Why do you have to quote others when you can quote yourself?" (Quote by me)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God.
You see things, and you say 'why'. But i dream things that never were and i say 'why not'.

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