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09-28-2003, 04:12 PM
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This city, on the other hand is crime centeral. The police force has been forced back to only exist in the enterance to the city. The only restriction they're putting apon the city is, that you MUST Own a weapon before you're allowed into the non- police district. The Oddworld Mafia's Godfather is based here. If you've got a bad enough reputation, he might let you come in and ask a favour but watch out, Mob favours'll have to be repaid in FULL.
~[:: Surrender your cookies and you shall not be harmed! ::]~

Last edited by Hobo; 10-08-2003 at 06:50 AM..
09-29-2003, 02:24 PM
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Robby wakes up in the dump in which he lives. He clears the crap of his desk and puts his Sawbones into his belt. he picks up his Lab-kit and some Junk and thrusts that into a backpack. He walks down the stairs past some Sligs injecting things into themselves. He walks out the front door and Steps into the street.

As Robby's walking, he comes to a T- Junction, as he turns to the left, he hears the screech of brakes. He turns around to see a dark car stop at the junction. The window winds down, and before Robby gets a grasp on what's going on, a blitzpacker appears out of the window and launches three shots at a tall glukkon nearby. The Glukkon falls to the floor and the car screeched away, as it passes Robby, it stops suddenly.

Voice: It's that Dumbass Vykker that Owes the boss money!

The door of the car opens and a Big Bro Slig steps out. he is holding a Shotgun in his hands.

BBS: Hey Bitch! Thought you could escape the Mafia?

Robby: What hell are you talking about?

BBS: Get in!

Robby gets in the car and as he looks up he finds himself with a pistol to his head from the Vykker in the front seat.

Vykker: The Godfather's calling this off, but he wants a favour in return, come with us......

The car drives for about 10 minutes and pulls up outside a seedy Hotel.

They walk in, the Vykker with his Pistol still to Robby's head.

They go into a large room at the far end is a grand chair with a shadowy figure in it.

Godfather: So, Juk, thought you could escape me?

Robby opens his mouth to speak but his nudged with the pistol.

Godfather: So, you witnessed the end of Mr. Sil. He owed me money, and when i offered for him to repay the favour, he refused. Now look at him.

The Godfather Shifts about in his seat.

I need you to deliver a package, that's all. Over the other side of town, won't take you five minutes, if you open it however, then you'll have a fate much worse than Mr. Sil's....

Robby takes the package and leaves the room.

Vykker:You'd better report here afterwards. If you don't we'll assume you've gone turncoat. You've got a week buddy, after that and, well, you might want to dig yourself a grave...
09-30-2003, 01:26 PM
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(OOC: Double post, but I am allowed to because I am a God, oh wait that's mod)

The Vykker leads Robby to the door.

Vykker: If you do this well there'll be a Job in it for you...

Robby opens his mouth to speak but the Vykker turns around and walks back inside.

Robby:*To himself* God what have i got myself into! Who the hell is Juk, I'd better hunt him down and prove it isn't me, but first I'll deliver this....

Robby walks up the main street which is littered with chalk outlines, and the walls are riddled with holes. As he turns a corner a Slig walks up to Robby and Puts his pistol to Robby's head.

Slig: Money, in the bag....

Robby smacks the gun out of the sligs hands and pulls his Sawbones out of his belt and holds that to the Slig's throat.

Robby: I'll pass thankyou...

Slig:Ok Sir! Just let me *Choke* Go....

Robby releases the Slig and keeps walking down the road. He gets to the address that the Godfather wrote down and rings on the bell. Another Vykker opens the door. He was tall and Slim, he wore dark shades and had a pistol in his belt.

Vykker: You Juk?

Robby: Yeah, sure I am..

Vykker: Well give me the package...

Robby hands over the package and the Vykker gives him another Package.

Vykker: Give this to your boss, and thank him for his genorocity...
10-05-2003, 07:07 AM
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Robbie takes the package and walked back up the main street. He reaches the Hotel and waltzes in the front door. The Vykker strip searches him and then allows him to pass.

Godfather: Well done, what did this Vykker have to say for Himself?

Robbie: He gave you this package....

The Godfather unwraped it to reveal piles of cash.

Godfather: Excellent, we may have use for you yet Juk.....
10-05-2003, 05:55 PM
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A little while later in a small, dark cramped street somewhere on Mafia turf Joey enters Marco's bar. The dark lounge is full of cigar smoke even though there is no-one inside. The Bartender is a Slig in a purple suit.
Joey approaches the bar and the Barman sees his face.

Barman:*worried* If you've come for the protection money I've already sent it!

Joey shakes his head

Joey: Don't worry, We just want some help with something.

Barman:*relieved* What kind of thing?

Joey: Theres a new guy in town, The boss says his names Juk. He's a shady character. He did a job for us earlier. Haven't seen him, have you?

Barman: Don't know, what did he look like?

Joey: He's just a normal Vykker, Ive never seen him myself...

Barman: Got it, I'll keep an eye out.

Joey: Thanks, couldn't get me a drink could you?

Barman: On the house.

The Barman pours a drink for Joey and hands it to him. Joey sips it.

Joey: This city is getting worse everyday. I saw two dead bodies on the way here.

Barman:*To himself* Why didn't I open a bar in Caralot? I should have never come to this hellhole...

Joey finnishes his drink.

Joey: You ought to watch yourself on the the streets now. Something big is gonna happen round here soon the boss told me last week. And whatever it is its gonna be real bad, real, Real bad.

He heads towards the door.

Joey: If only he would tell us what it is.

Barman:*considering his words* See you around Joey, watch yourself...

Joey nods to the Barman and closes the door behind him. It is raining now. He takes a few steps and his pants creak.

Joey:*Thinking* I must buy some new God-damn Pants...
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

10-06-2003, 01:35 PM
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Godfather: Sit down Juk....

Robby sits down on a chair, it's extremely wobbly and Robby has to resist the temptation to wobble it.

Godfather: Robby, My last doorman had an accident involving cement and water. I'll need you to cover for a while.

Robby: What's the pay?

Godfather: As you do owe me money, 4 moolah per post you make in this city...

Robby: Ok then, any skills i'll need to work on?

Godfather: Nope, you'll be fine as you are... Start tonight, come meet me and my guards outside Club Slig (OOC: Old RPG reference) Your sawbones should be enough for now...

Robby walks out of the room after bowing to the Godfather. As usual the Vykker pulls him over to talk outside.

Vykker: Hey, now you're one of us, you gotta learn the basics....

Robby: Ok...

Vykker: First off, I'm known as , Op, I'm the Boss's Top Asassain. And now you're working for him, I'm your Guide around the Mafia, so you slip up, and you'll answer to me

Robby: Gotcha

Op: Ok, This is our main HQ, there is a Bunker in the cellar in case of violent outbursts. There is no safer place in Mudos, all the guards have Blitzpackers or Snoozies. We have a hide out behind the Drunken Slig Bar, but we never need it. We own three main buisnesses in Thrallsom as well as many little buisness's. The main one's are Club Slig, the Lucky Gluk Casino and the Katz Restaurant.

Robby: Ok, got it....

Op: The password for Club Slig is Lectern, with that they'll let you in and recognise that you're staff...
10-06-2003, 03:04 PM
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Joey stops in front of HQ.
Two Vykkers walk out of the double doors. Joey recognises one as Op but doesn't know the other.

Op: Alright Joey

Joey: Yeah *he eyes Robby suspiciouisly*

Op:*to Robby* you'd better go see you later...

Robby leaves the Hotel and walks off down the rainsoaked street.

Op: Damn, its cold out here.

Joey and Op go into the Hotel.

Joey: Who was that?

Op: He's the new guy, he'll be at the Club later.

Joey: Ok, I need to see the boss.

Op: Go right in.

Joey walks through the door into the Godfathers room and sits down on the chair.

Godfather: Sorry Joey, there's nothing left for you to do now.

Joey: Great, I guess I'll go home then.

Godfather: No, hang on, you can be my escort to the Club later on. I need some guys I can trust in the car with me.

Joey: Ok I'll go hang around in the bar.

Joey leaves the room and goes to the Hotel bar.
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10-06-2003, 03:25 PM
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Robby walks down the street, his sawbones in his jacket pocket. He gets to club slig. He raps on the door with the back of his hand. A slot opens in the door....

Guard: Yes?

Robby: Lectern...

The guard opens the door.

Guard: You New?

Robby: I'm the new doorman....

Guard: Thank God, I was getting board of covering this position.

The guard picks up his CHUG! Beer and walks into the club. Robby sits on the stool and picks up the notepad next to the door.


Robby works the door for the rest of the night. At the very end of the night,The Godfather appears outside,along with his guards.

Last edited by Hobo; 10-07-2003 at 06:52 AM..
10-07-2003, 04:33 PM
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The Oddfather, Joey, Op and two other guards walk towards Robby. The Oddfather steps forward to speak with him.

Oddfather: Hello again.

Robby nods his head.

Oddfather:*to guards* This shouldn't take long, one of you go in and tell the Barman I'm here, I need to talk to the Manager. Joey, you go.

Joey starts to walk.

Oddfather: Oh! And tell him to get the usual at our table.

Joey walks through the door as the Oddfather begins to speak to Robby. The Club is full. He makes his way through the crowds to the bar. The Barman comes to him.

Joey: The Don's here, he wants his usual. And he wants to see your boss.

The Barman nods to a mudokon waiter who takes the round of drinks to a large empty table in a quiet are of the club.
Joey leans on the bar.

He had been thinking all day why the boss wanted such tight security. He looks around the club. There are twice as many guards as usual.

Joey:*thinking* I wonder if this is to do with the big thing he's planning.

Of course Joey asking his boss this question would be like taking candy from a baby whos mother was an enraged Scrab with a Slig skewering fetish.

Joey scans the club. Then he sees the answer.
He walks up to a Glukkon sitting on his own in a dark corner of the room. The Glukkon is wearing a pinstripe suit and smoking a large cigar. His scowls when he sees Joey.

Glukkon: What do you want?

Joey: How are you Farzo? Shot any of your customers lately.

Farzo:*angry* Look that never happens!

Joey Smiles and winks.
Farzo shifts around in his chair.

Farzo:*smiling* Unless they really piss me off! Joey what can I do for ya?

Joey laughs too. Farzo is the owner of the Lucky Gluk casino.
He is famous in Mafia Quarters for organising the deaths of some his customers when they win too much than he's prepared to give. He is also a reliable informant as he talks to a lot of powerful people.

Joey: I need info. I've got no money for you but I swear its urgent.

Farzo: Fire away.

Joey: Lately the boss seems very cautious. He's had loads more security put into the Hotel and he's got loads more guards around. I mean look at today, he's had about three cars come to the club with us and he usually only needs Op.

Farzo frowns.

Farzo: Joey, I can't tell you anything...

Joey: You know something.

Farzo: I'm not telling you.

Joey: Please! I must find out it's driving me mad.

Farzo: OK, Ok but you didn't hear it from me. It's only a rumour but, one of my reliable gamblers says...

Joey: What?

Farzo: It's only a rumour...

Joey: What is!

Farzo:*whispering* Someone or some group or something is...

Joey: Yes?

Farzo:*sighing* going to try and kill the Godfather...
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10-08-2003, 02:42 PM
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Oddfather: Juk, I've got a better hob for you, but you're gonna need a gun....

Robby: *Thinking*(A gun? Holy Shit! This Juk guy was a killer! I'd better get out of here quick...)

Oddfather: Take the rest of the night off, infact, I'm in such a good mood, have a week off, by the time you get back I'll expect you to have a decent gun though...

Robby: What if I can't afford it?

Oddfather: Get a job stupid...

The Oddfather walks into the the Club and shuts the door behind him.

Robby walks out of the Club and runs down the dingy street where he lives, he rushes to his flat and packs his stuff as fast as he can.

Robby: Wait, this is stupid! This is the mafia I'm defying! I know, I'll ask Jan, he'll know...

The Next morning Robby leaves for Tiene.

[Robby Leaves Thrallsom, moving to Tiene]
10-08-2003, 03:16 PM
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Godfather: Joey! Farzo!

Joey looks to see that the Godfather, Op and a Glukkon in a designer suit. Joey recognises him as Merik, the manager of the club. The Godfather beckons them over.

Farzo: Bad timing eh?

Joey nods and they begin walking to the table.

Farzo: What puzzles me is, if he doesn't know about this plot why does he want you here?

Joey:*Quietly* I think we're about to find out.

Farzo sits down next to Merik. Joeys goes to sit next to Op but the Godfather stops him.

Godfather: Joey, I'm gonna make this quick. You're probably wondering why I've made you come here.

Joey tries to force an innocent but interested look. He fails.

Godfather: I thought so. Well the reason is, I want you to do something for me.

Joey: What exactly is something?

Godfather: Something very Important. Someone has already posted the details through your door. All I can say now is that you'll need your gun.

Joey nods.

Godfather: Now get outa here...

Joey walks off and out of the club. He starts to make his way home...
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10-09-2003, 04:11 PM
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(OOC: Things are heating up around here ain't they...)
10-09-2003, 04:31 PM
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(OOC: Thanks for letting me post!)

Joey walks down an alley and emerges near the HQ. His house is not far and he is walking fast. He turns left at the hotel and heads down the street. He stops in front of an apartment. It is his house.
However something is wrong. The front window is broken.
He runs up to the door which is wide open. He looks down at the floor, there is no envelope there.
He runs into his sitting room which has been trashed.

Joey:*thinking* Shit, this seriously bad...

He looks at the cluttered floor and sees an open envelope. It is definitely the boss' writing. He picks it up but there is nothing in it.

Joey looks around franticly. Then he remembers the boss' words.

"You'll need you're gun" Joey dashes upstairs to find more trashed rooms. Strangely his Gun is still there by his bed.

He picks it up and sees there is a note attached.

Writing: If you have any brains at all you will come to this address in 6 days time. Failure to do so will result in the deaths of you and your boss and anyone else involved.
If you tell anyone about this you shall be hunted down along with them and suffer a painful death. We now know you're bosses plans and could strike at any moment.
Yours Faithfully Juk.

Address: 57 Drake street.

PS: Knock only three times. Failure to comly will result in your death by guard Slog...
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10-10-2003, 03:23 PM
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Robby arrives back in Thrallsom Snoozie in hand. He runs into the Hotel.

Op: Where you been at?

Robby: The boss gave me a week off, I went to see a friend.

Op: Anyway Juk, Joey says he wants a word....

(OOC: I'm not actually conrtolling Joey here just setting up the scene)
Juk walks through the door and walks into the locker room. Inside Joey is standing there with his Bluderbuss in hand.

Robby keeps his Snoozie Raised.

Robby: Joey, I need a word, I've heard about what Juk did to your house, I need to tell you a secret, I ain't Juk, I'm Robby, they thought i was Juk so they stuck me here. I can't get out of it so I'm having to go along. Look I need your help, I can bring Juk down with you, if you can help me with info about the five (OOC: See Dodd)
10-10-2003, 07:11 PM
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(OOC: Feel free to control him!)

A puzzled look spreads across Joeys tired face. He has had very little sleep recently.

Joey: You're not Juk?

Robby: No I told you, my names Robby.

Joey:*Smiling faintly* I knew there was something dodgy about you. Good Job you don't go to Marco's, he might have shot you.

Robby lowers his gun.

Joey: Of course I'll help.

Robby: Ok, what do you know about the five?

Joey:*Cooly* I don't even know what the five are.

Robby shakes his head and sighs. He can tell he's in for a hell of a time...
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10-11-2003, 01:24 AM
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And now for someone completely unrelated. It's a bit of a backtrack, but eh. I've been busy.

Monty strolls up to the town gate. His knapsack hung casually from his back. He was a sight to see, for a vykker: sawbones in one left hand, map in a right, shapless hat on his head, and a pair of lab goggles around his neck, apparently useless. He looked like a true vagabond.
The gate keeper stopped him

GK: Hey! Who're you?

Monty: I'm Monty. I have been hired as a doctor in this piece of sh*t town. I got my letters and papers. I can read. I'm smart. Move it or lose it, bucko.

GK: Who sent for you?

Monty: The Doc's Place (ooc: crappy "hospital" name)! Who else, you little f*ck?

GK: Gimme your papers.

Monty sighed and handed them over. The gate keeper looked them over, nodding a bit. He looked up at me, grionned a slig grin, and tore them in half.

GK: F*ck you, vykker. You *ssholes made my little daughter go blind. You can rot in the depths of the Odd, for all I care. Beat it.

Monty whipped his sawbones at the punk slig and it was neatly cut into chunks. He felt a giggle rise up out of his stomach, and let it flow. He laughed joyfully, as a child would at the sight of a new puppy. He harnessed his sawbones and waltzed through the gate.

Following directions on the map (and avoiding the eyes of another vykker holding a brown paper package, looking around shiftily), he found the Doc's Place.
He swaggered in and approached the receptionist greeter.

Greeter: Welcome to the Doc's Place! If you have an emergency, step to the scanner on your left. If you have other business, step to the scanner on you right. Have a nice day!

Monty, a bit jarred at the voice, ambled to his right. The scanner bweep bweeped, and another greeter wheeled up from around the corner.

Greeter2: Welcome! Please follow me to a live receptionist!

So Monty followed.

Shortly he found himself in a small, round room. Various patients were scattered about. A mudokon missing an arm. A slig with only two tentacles. A glukkon with half a face. Sick stuff, but Monty felt calmed at the smell of agony.
A Pud Gluk sat behind a desk.

Pud: Can I help you?

Monty: Yeah, I'm Monty. I'm here for the job as Doctor.

Pud: You have papers?

Monty presented his torn papers.

Monty: Hooligans in the streets. If I didn't need the moolah, I would've left it.

Pud: I see ... *reads papers* ... this seems to be in order. It seems Higru has sent for you. Door on the left.

Monty nodded, and waltzed to the door on the left. A very old vykker greeted him. His claws were dripping blood. Monty saw what he hoped was not a vykker body on the table.

Vykker: Ahh! You must be Monty! Greetings! I am Higru! Sorry for my appearance ... a poor sap named Juk was found stabbed near his apartment. Odd knows what happened ... I'm trying to patch him up (Monty doubted this was patching), so if you'll just wait I'll be with you shortly.

Monty walked over to a chair -- made for vykkers, by vykkers! -- and had a sit down. He watched Higru working, and felt the urge to laugh rise up when a particularly red spurt of blood shot up from the table. But he surpressed it for now ...

Higru: Good as new! ... kinda.

Monty looked up and saw a horror: a vykker with no stomach. None! Higru must've removed it.

Higru began to explain his new method of eating and reproducing, but Jak or Juk or whatever didn't seem to notice. Monty thought that the idea of having no stomach would be just as painful to him.

The patient left, and Higru spoke.

Higru: So. Monty. What sort of ... experience do you have at the table?

Monty: *sheepishly* Very little ... I sawed off my legs when I was two. Pops sewed me up and called me a big boy. Does that count?

Higru: Sadly, no. Here, take these keys. They will open up the practice facility. There are cadavers in there you can practice with. Elums and sligs, mostly. Make your time worth it.

He handed Monty some keys and went off to greet another patient. Monty left the room and went up the hall to find the lift ....

Last edited by Dave; 10-12-2003 at 04:10 AM..
10-11-2003, 09:09 AM
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Robby and Joey walk around the town centre, there is Graffiti everywhere and spent bullet cases all around.

Robby: Look, Joey, I think this Juk guy's got a connection with the five, somehow, he doesn't seem like the kinda guy to kill an army though....

Joey: Yeah, we can't just ask him though...

Robby: Someone's listening...

Robby cocks his Snoozie and turns the corner. Standing there is a Slig with a directional Microphone and a Pair of headphones.

Slig: Oh shit...

Robby lifts the Slig off the ground

Robby: Who sent you?

Slig: ... some guy *choke* a vykker... said his name was Juk, said that he heard he was back in buissness and I was to follow you around....
10-11-2003, 06:21 PM
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Joey is about to speak when he realises something. He has to go to Juks house.
He begins to run off.

Robby: Where are you going?

Joey: I can't say!

Robby seems to understand and turns back to the Slig.

Joey runs past the Hotel and turns down several streets. He is very tired but carries on running.
He reaches 57 Drake street and knocks on the door three times.
He hears the sound of Slogs barking and jumping up the door.

Voice:*Through Door* State your buisness!

Joey: I've come to see Juk.

Voice: Ok.

There is the clanking of chains and the snarling of the Slogs. There is the sound of struggling from behind the door.
Eventually the door is opened by a huge Big-Bro Slig with five Slogs completely changed up on huge ropes for leads.

BBS: Get in quick.

The house is a terraced house with a long corridor from the front door. At the end there is one door.

BBS: Go through there.

The Slogs are jumping at Joey so he trots by quickly. On his way down the corridor he sees several large blood stains on the walls.
At the end near the door there is a dead body of a Vykker. It has huge teeth marks in it and has limbs missing.

Joey hastily opens the door and comes into a makeshift office in what should have been the kitchen. A small desk is in the middle of the room. Several weapons are on top.
Behind the desk a Vykker sits in a chair.
He has a huge scar across his stomach from an operation.

Juk: Welcome Slig.

Joey stands in front of the desk not moving.

Juk: I'll make this quick. I've only got a few things to say to you. Now, I've built myself a nice little nest here in Thrallsom. I've got spies and contacts on every street in the entire city and soon the Godfather and his stinking mafia, that means YOU, will be eradicated. Snipers are ready now to kill on my command.
However there are several small problems in our way, and that is why I need you.

Joey: For what?

Juk: You are going to iron out these creases in our plan. As of five minutes ago you are working for me. There is no pay except you may live a little longer your friends. Failure to do as I say will result in...

He picks up his sawbones and admires it. He looks from it to Joey and smiles.

Juk: ...Your death.

He reaches into his desk drawer and gets out a mobile phone.

Juk: Take this. When I want to contact you you shall answer. Then you shall do a job for me. If you do not answer one of your Mafia friends will be killed by a sniper. The same thing gos for if you fail a job. Do you understand?

Joey: Yes but...

Juk: Excellent, now get going or your on the Menu for our little friends outside.

He hands the phone to Joey and ushers him out of the door...
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10-12-2003, 05:58 AM
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Robby smacks the slig unconcious with a swift punch to the jaw. He drops the Slig to the floor and heads towards the Club.

While he's walking down an Alley, he spots a twinkle of light upon a roof opposite to the Club.

Robby: *thinking* What the hell was that?

Robby jumps up onto the nearest fire escape and climbs his way to the roof. His Snoozie cocked, he leaps onto the roof. Lying down there is an Intern with a Sniper rifle. He's got a radio next to him, he hasn't yet spotted Robby.

Robby: You move, and I'll put a clip into your head...

The Intern turns to face Robby and drops the sniper rifle.

Robby picks up the radio and pockets it, there was no point talking to the Intern, his lips were stitched. Robby takes the Intern's rifle and slices through the scope, and then the barrel, with his sawbones. Robby then walks up to the Intern and clubs him over the head with the Snoozie, rendering him unconcious.
10-12-2003, 06:10 AM
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Joey is halfway back to where Robby is and he turns into the main street. Then the phone rings.
He answers it hurriedly.

Joey: Yeah...

Juk: Good job, now look up.

Joey looks up at the towering skyscraper in front of him.

Juk: now count fifteen floors up.

Joey counts the floors.

Juk: Look three windows from the left hand side.

Joey strains his eyes but only sees an empty window.

Joey: What am I looking for?

Juk: Look one window up.

Joey looks through the dark window and just about makes out a sniper aiming at him.

Juk: See the laser on your arm.

Joey looks at his arm and it doesn't surprise him to see a little laser on his arm.

Juk: There are many more...

Joey: Just get to the point!

Juk: There is no point, I just thought you ought to know that I have snipers everywhere waiting for you. Oh by the way, your friend, Robby is it?

Juk laughs down the phone.

Juk: Look on top of that building to your right.

Joey looks up and sees Robby cutting up the rifle.

Juk: He dies in ten minutes, he knows too much. Try and save him if you will, though I shall tell you now. It's useless.

Juk laughs again then puts the phone down.

Joey begins to run towards the building. He has to help Robby...
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Last edited by Rich; 10-11-2003 at 10:14 PM..
10-13-2003, 02:02 PM
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Robby turns around to see Joey dashing towards him. Robby loads his Snoozie, and starts to run down the fire escape to meet Joey.

Robby: What the Hell's wrong?

Joey: *panting* Juk... *breath*...Sniper *breath...you...

Robby: What?

Joey leans against a wall to catch his breath.

Joey: You have 7 minutes left before Juk tells his Snipers to kill you!

Robby: get to the HQ...

Joey and Robby run into the main road, a Car screeches it's breaks, stopping two inches from Joey's hip. A Glukkon gets out of the car..

Gluk; Hey you little Shits! What the hell do you think you're...

The gluk looks up to see a Snoozie and A Blunderbuss inches from his head.

Gluk: Awww Shit...

Robby and Joey get in the car, and drive, in the typical Mafia style, recklessly, towards the HQ, they stop outside and dash inside, nearly knocking Op over.

Op: Hey! What's the rush?
10-13-2003, 03:19 PM
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Joey: Can't *breath* tell *breath* you...

Op: Joey, I am your superior. Tell me, now.

Joey goes to speak but the glass of the window shatters. Bullets from every direction are hitting the HQ. Robby has obviously run out of time.

Op: Shit! Get everyone into the bunker!

Everyone of the Mafia or friends of the Mafia in the lobby, bar and resteraunt are ushered by the Hotel Workers into a stairwell.
A few people have been killed already.

Bullets are flying everywhere.
One narrowly misses Joey and he throws himself behind a marble pillar to stop the snipers from hitting him.
His phone begins to ring.
He dives into the stairwell after Robby and Op.

They make their way down into the underground section.
All the security sligs are BBS's.
Everyone is shouting and running around.

Joey finds himself a quiet corner and gets out the phone.

Joey: Go away Juk.

Juk: You betrayed me Joey. You may feel all cosy down there but you will die and it will be by my hand!

Joey throws the phone down on the table and shoots it with his Blunderbuss. No-one hears him over all the chaos.

After a while Op appears.

Op: Joey, the boss wants to see you and Robby.

Joey gets up fearfully.

Op: Juk is in there as well.

Joey: Crap...

They go through a steel door which leads into a lavishly furnished office. It makes a nice change from the boring metal walls of the bunker.
Robby is sitting on a dark leather chair facing the boss.
Joey sits next to him.

Godfather: Now, we're in a right mess today aren't we. And I've got a suspicion you two are involved. Tell me what you've been up to and make sure you tell the truth, or you'll be praying you never came here...
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10-13-2003, 03:27 PM
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Robby: Your boys thought I was Juk!

Godfather: You know Robby, there are alot of Spies around...

Robby: It wasn't my fault Goddamn it!

Robby smashes his fist apon the table, at this, the Godfather presses a button under his desk and three Big Bro sligs walk in, Blitzpakcers all raised.

Godfather: Care to repeat this sheer, disrespect infront of my Elite Guard?

Juk: Kill him Godfather!!!
10-14-2003, 05:39 PM
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The BBS sligs all point their guns at Robby.

BBS1: Shall I shoot boss?

Godfather: No, not in here. I've just redecorated. Take him and lock him up somewhere. So I can find out what he's really been up to. And what he's been telling people. My links in Tiene have been spreading rumours...

Robby is dragged from the room by the Sligs.

Robby: JOEY! HELP!

Then the door shuts and there is only Joey and the Godfather left.
Juk has slipped away.

Godfather: Joey, I expected more from you really I did.

Joey: Boss, Juk destroyed my house! What was I supposed to do?! He threatened to kill me!

Godfather: Joey, Juk came here to sign an agreement. Now some fools around here think that Juk is trying to kill me.

Op walks in.

Op: Juk has escaped sir.

Godfather + Joey: WHAT!

Op: He just ran out through the snipers and they held their fire.
He really is working against us!

Godfather: Shit! This hasn't happened for years! A full scale gang war in Thrallsom. There's something for Maggie to worry about.
I guess this means you and Robby were telling the truth Joey.

Joey nods.

Godfather: But then, if Juk isn't scared of us and he doesn't care about the money what does he want from me.

But Joey had already seen it and realised in horror. The Godfather had a diamond necklace. The stone in it, the diamond was what Juk was after.
It was the diamond of the five...
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10-15-2003, 01:30 PM
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Robby is thrown into a cell by a hefty BBS. When inside he looks around his cell, there is a small gap for light, but not even a fuzzle could fit through it.

Robby slumps into a huddle on the floor and begins to sob...
10-18-2003, 09:27 AM
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(OOC: Sorry I've been away)

Godfather: Joey. I've been thinking hard and I've decided something.

Joey: What do you want me to do.

Godfather: We traced your calls from Juk. It seems he wants you dead. He also seems to think that our friend Robby knows something as well.

Joey:*thinking* Oh yeah. Robby is the one who found out about the five.

Joey:*Absent mindedly over his thoughts* I can't think why...

Godfather: This city is going to turn into a bloodbath soon. Many of our contacts have been killed and our companies overun. Op is perparing to fight back. However you two are drawing too much attention to us here.

Joey: So you're going to send us away.

Godfather: Yes. To Kline. Our command there can question Robby and I want you to do a job for me. I'm switching your job. You now work as a Mafia henchman in Kline for 6 moolah per post.

Joey: Ok, what's the job?

Godfather: You're going to investigate the Kloon gang. They have dealings with Juk it seems and they seem to be comunicating with someone much darker and evil...

Joey: How are we getting there?

Godfather: You take the secret way out of here and then your on your own. I'd stay out of Mafia district right now. Juk has complete hold over the city centre. I've arranged a Feeco train for you. You won't have to pay.

Joey: Ok, I'll go and get Robby...
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10-19-2003, 06:24 AM
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Joey approches Robby's cell with Robb's snoozie.
One of the BBS's is guarding him.

Joey: New orders. Let him out.

BBS: Why should I? He's a snivelling dirtbag.

Joey: The boss wants him out.

BBS: Prove it.

Joey: Ok. Let me see...

He loads his blunderbuss.

Joey: Let me in, now.

BBS: Hey calm down shorty. Or else I'll throw you in there as well.

Op appears from nowhere.

Op: Is there a problem?

BBS: This guy wants the prisoner out.

Op: Then do it!

The BBS looks angry but hesitates to lash out. He reluctantly opens Robby's door.
As Robby comes out he gives him a kick.

Robby: Oww!

Op: Hey! I saw that!

Joey hands Robby the Snoozie.

Robby: What's going on? Can I go home now? Is it over?

Joey: No way, I think It's only just beginning...

Op: Joey, tell him afterwards you've got a train to catch!

Joey: Oh yeah, come on.

Joey and Robby run through the hidden fire exit and out into the dark alley.

Joey: Quick! Feeco's this way!

Robby: Wait! What's going on...

But Joey doesn't answer and they run on through the darkened streets...
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10-19-2003, 06:43 AM
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Joey and Robby run on for about 5 minutes before they reach the huge hulking FeeCo Depot infront of them.

Joey: There should be a secret enterance here somewhere...

Robby lights a match and starts to look around for a door or hatch.

Joey:God, we're gonna miss the train....

Robby: Not if I can help it..

Robby draws his sawbones and hacks away ata hatch under his feet, after a couple of minutes of attacking the secret door, Joey and Robby climb down the ladder to find themselves in an old abandoned station. There is a large white arrow graffitied apon the wall

Joey: I guess we've got to follow the arrow...

Joey and Robby follow the arrows which lead them further and further down the tunnel. After a while they come to a ladder.

Robby; Well, the arrows have gone, let's take a chance with this...

Robby climbs the ladder to find himself inside the FeeCo Depot, next to the train they need.
10-19-2003, 12:54 PM
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Joey and Robby run up to the train and go through the open door.
A short, fat Vykker holding a clipboard comes up to them.

Vykker: Good evening. Please follow me.

He leads Joey and Robby into an empty, dingy compartment.

Vykker: Here you are. It's not exactly first class but you've got it to yourselves.

He then leaves the compartment whistling to himself.

Robby: Are you going to tell me whats going on?

Joey: Yes, ok.

Robby: Where are we going?

Joey: We're going to Kline. In case you haven't noticed Thrallsom is messed up right now. Juk is trying to eradicate the Mafia from here and we fear that he's working with the Kloons to kill all the Mafia there too.

Robby: Why are we going there then!?

Joey: So that Denz can interrogate you. He's the leader of the Mafia there. I hear he's a decent sort, much more patient than the Godfather.

Robby: Why do you have to come?

Joey: The Godfather wants a job done.

Robby: What job?

Joey: He wants the Kloons checked out. He thinks they've been helping Juk. And even worse, they've been dealing with some dark evil force.

Robby: Sounds bad.

Joey: It is...

Joey remembers the diamond the boss had.

Joey: Oh yeah! I meant to tell you. The boss he had something.

Robby: What?

Joey: A diamond.

Robby: So?

Joey: I think it was the diamond of the five!

Robby: How?

Joey: It had an odd sort of look about it. It didn't glitter, it kind of cast shadows...

Robby: Why would he have it?

Joey: Beats me, I don't think he knows about it.

An intercom interupts the conversation.

Voice: We are now leaving Thrallsom. We will arrive in Kline for Midnight. Have a pleasant journey.

The train rattles on into the night as the two continue talking and eventually fall asleep...
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