Eerily, I was thinking about this just t’other day. BM has got everything right. Blisterz has attained great success and notoriety as a poacher of endangered species, while Lefty poaches Slegs. I suspect the low bounty on Blisterz must be a combination of Gizzard Gulch’s poorness and the possibility that Blisterz’ hunting might not affect the town’s income. New Yolk City seems to benefit from Sleg hunting if they have a proper hunter (Corn Jaws), yet don’t want to overhunt them (foresight then, seems to be something they are better at than truely industrial races).
The relationship between Blisterz and Boilz, as well as their claims to fame, were described in a document detailing the characters and story of Region One of Stranger’s Wrath. I’m not entirely sure it was meant to be released publicly, but it was downloadable from EA, so Xav and I put it on TOL. It’ll be back when the The Oddworld Scriptures is redone.