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08-09-2001, 02:19 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)
The harsh bite of Defeat...

(OOC: This is sorta like a fan fic. But i thort i wud put it up in here so peeps kn0 wots going 2 happen and when)

Cyrus awoke to find himself caked in mud. A low growl rumbled from his stomach and he looked up. Tree's...all around him there stood tree's, bush's and other foilage. He attempted to move but as he did so realised he was in great pain. His eyes turned into pure blackness with the stinging sensation that devoured his body. Put he persisted and finally managed to stand to his feet. Using a branch of a nearby tree to help him.

Cyrus: "What...what happened. Where is that bastard traitor and the Slig?"

He looked around wearlily and snarled. His leg was broken and thus he could not walk on it as good as he used to be able to. To aid him in his walking and balance Cyrus snapped the branch off. He rested on it for a bit, making sure it could sustain his weight before looking upwards towards the blue sky. A small river rushed past his feet, wetting the ground and causing it to be slippy and sticky. This must of been the cause for Cyrus's dirty exposure.

Cyrus: "Damn them...DAMN THEM ALL.Why did they not shoot that thing...why arn't they looking for me!?"

Cyrus cursed his troops. They were highly skilled warriors but did not life a finger to help him fight against Corrack. He turned to were the river was flowing...

Cyrus: "If i follow the river it would take me to civilisation...possibly. Then i could regain m...."

He stopped in mid sentence and held his breath. A snap of twigs had made him realise he was not alone. He turned his head and looked around. Surrounded by foilage he could not see more than a couple of metres in front of him. He thought about jumping into the river and being swept down stream but realised there may be another water fall up ahead. Again another snap, this time more profound and closer and Cyrus was sure it came from the right of him.

Cyrus: "Wh-who's there?"

His voice trembled. He was not used to being so vulnerable. His power mainly came from his weapons but this time he was empty handed. Only a stick to defend himself and that would be no good against a pack of Paramites.
A screech made him fall backwards. The sound was raspy and hate filled. And he had not heard nothing like it before. And then he found out why. A dark creature emerged from the shrubbery. All black apart from rough markings on its face that were white. Scales lined its whole body and sharp spikes ran down its back. Also white. The creatures eyes were full of hatred. They shone red like a ruby. Cyrus's eyes scanned the creatures entire body, stopping at his 3 fingered paw that had a array of sharp claws. The creature snarled and licked its lips with a forked tongue. It gave a grunt before leaping forwards on its powerful legs. It walked like a Mudokon, on two legs. But the powerful front limbs gave Cyrus the impression it could also run on all fours. As it leapt it landed just over Cyrus. Its powerful legs seperating just in time to avoid crushing Cyrus' body. Its 2 toed foot sank deep into the mud as the creature landed.

Creature: *Sniffs Cyrus* "Yu Rrr frend of Tribezz"

The creature was commonly spoken and Cyrus could tell it didn't really speak that often. The creatures right claw came up to Cyrus muddy face and rubbed his skin. It then called out into the sky. Its call was horse and consisted of 4 short grunts. Loud enough to be heard from a fair distance. More rustles of trees and foilage came and 2 more creatures leapt out. One came from behind Cyrus and landed just beind him, splashing in the river. The other one plunered out. Cyrus noticed they were both smaller than the first and came to the conclusion that he was the dominant male. The spoke softly for a while, chittering the male not moving from over Cyrus and just talking over his shoulder to the other two. Finally they stopped and the other two seemed to laugh while they snapped at Cyrus' feet. The male turned and looked Cyrus in the eyes before saying in a rough voice:

"Yu ourr fodo nowkz"

He licked Cyrus face before adding:

"Masta want tu seeeee-eee-ee"

His last word turned into a screechy laugh and he flung his head towards the sky screeching before coming eye to eye with Cyrus again. His claw picked up the branch Cyrus had used to walk with and he admired it in his hand. Then brought it down sharply to Cyrus' head. Knocking him unconcious...
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08-10-2001, 02:32 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

Cyrus slowly awoke to hear the sound of chanting all around him. The words were indistinctive but Cyrus knew there was something to do with a God. As he slowly came out of his disorientation he realised he was in a cave. The dark and dankness of the cave gave Cyrus the impression it was under the ground. Sharp spikes of water hung from the ceiling and stuck out of the floor. The coldness of the cave must of frozen them like this...it must of took centuries to form Cyrus thought. He looked around some more, before noticing he was on his back, pinned to a wall. Hooks had been appropiatly placed so that they hung him from a wall in a cross formation, with his arms out spread and his legs straight and together. They held Cyrus up above an array of Spikes below him. He gasped and tried not to move. The once brave and powerful warrior...now a prisoner in this Cess pit of spikes. He looked around some more and noticed some candles giving off light. He turned his head and saw the Reptiles worshipping a piller to his left. He counted 5 Reptiles and then turned his head to the right...another 5 worshipped a seperate piller. Then he noticed the thing he should of noticed when he first awoken. Exactly opposite him was a wall. The wall was the same colour as all the others but in the center of it was a round metal ring. Hyrogliphics seemed to be carved on the ring. But the thing that amazed him the most was the water behind it, it didn't seem as if there was anything holding the water but it simply stayed there. Calm...not moving at all. Cyrus felt a slight twinge in his right leg. The other pain in his body seemed to of seized and now all centered around his leg. A uttered a low growl and closed his eyes. Concentrating on the pain to disapear but he failed. The pain still bit down in his leg. A trickle of blood ran down from the cut that he had sustained on his leg and hung of his boot for a couple of seconds, before finally dropping off. But not like a normal drop would. This one fell and then immediatly went on a course towards the water. It sped across the dark cave like it would if it dropped vertically. Cyrus watched intrigued to what might happen next, but the drop of blood was disturbed by the clawed paw of his hunter. A loud screech echoed from its mouth and suddenly the walls and ceilings started to move. Reptilious creatures emerged from holes in the walls, scuttling on the walls and leaping to the ground. Evoiding the sharp spikes that could possibly impale them. The creatures on the ceiling chittered amongst themselves before leaping to the walls and then down to the floor. They did this amazingly, it was like they were defieing gravity. Cyrus was astonished. Then they all seemed to crowd together. All in one tight group they stood. Snarling and snapping at each other, screeching and chittering. Some times the odd scratchy laugh would arise from the noise. Then silence fell. It was as if death cloak fell upon the creatures, silencing them for eternity. But then Cyrus noticed the leader holding his arm up in a protest for the noise to halt. Noises ceased to exist and Cyrus watched intrigued as the leader walked over to the circle on the wall. It was massive. Cyrus underestimated how big it actually was until he compared it with the actual Reptil stood in front of it. It took up half of the wall and it looked as if the water could all of a sudden break from the circle and rush outwards. Drowning all in its path. But it never, instead it stayed calm and didn't even ripple. The Reptile stood in front of the water and spoke in its native tongue to it. Slowly the water started to spin. Like a whirl pool on the wall. The blue coloured water span, faster, faster. The leader turned its head and screeched. The screech was loud and raspy. Like a rusty saw on some metal. The crowd of Reptiles parted into two groups, making a little walk way inbetween them. Cyrus was watching intrigued by what was going to happen next. Two large creatures slowly emerged from the base of the walk way. They dragged a Mudokon by the legs towards the giant circle. The Mudokon looked around 18 and was unconcious from what Cyrus could see. Plumes of different colours sprouted from his head. And slowly bumped on the cold hard cave floor. The creatures stopped and bowed before the whirling water and then picked the Mudokon up by the arms and held him towards it. Electricity slowly emerged from the middle of the water and started shooting out in different directions. Sometimes hitting one of the creatures in the crowd, which made them collapse and go into a mad fit. This was short lived however and they slowly regained control of their body. Finally a bolt of electricity hit the Mudokons chest. One bolt attracted another. Those two attracted 2 more. Until an array of electricity wrapped around the poor creature like a Python around its prey. The two creatures holding the Mudokon slowly backed away and again bowed. this time getting on one knee and holding their position. The Mudokon was held in status for a while before slowly been dragged inwards towards the water. The water seemed to part for his small body and as he approached the inside, slammed shut. Making his body get dragged and pushed around by the force of the water. Cyrus noticed the creatures eyes open wide to reveal black eyes. The black was the blood of the Mudokon and more of it emerged. Streams of blood escaped the continuesly battered body. The electricity still wrapped around the victim and slowly tore limbs off. Making the water go black with blood...until Cyrus could see no more. And then the blood slowly formed into a shape. Many shapes in fact. But they all slowly came together to make the form of a God-like creature. The God Cyrus studied the most:
Obitus...the Dragon God of Death
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08-11-2001, 02:28 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

Cyrus felt himself been dragged down roughly. He landed with a thud on the cold, stone floor. The formation of the water had given him a shock. Cyrus had thought that all the Gods Dragons had worshipped were fake. But this one Obitus was truly real. The water had turned pure black and had formed the shape of a snout that came out of the ringed circle and moved as the creature spoke. All other features were non-existant. The Reptiles that had previously killed the Mudokon were now dragging him to the same fate. Cyrus was been dragged by his arms with his broken leg bumping along the floor. Twinges of sharp pain shot up his leg and made him snarl furiously. Suddenly he came to a stop and was in front of the great God himself. The Reptiles backed away and dropped Cyrus on the ground in front of him. The Lizard that had caught him previously spoke in his native tongue to the God himself. Turning around every so often to look at Cyrus. The Reptile slowly backed away and took a step to the side in the shadows. Thats when Obitus actually spoke to Cyrus. First Cyrus felt a stinging sensation in his head and he was slowly raised off the floor and sustained in mid air. Breathing deeply but daring not to show fear Cyrus asked what the God wanted with him.

Obitus: "You...you petty creature are the creature who is going to be sacrificed for my very existanzze"

Obitus spoke slowly.

Cyrus: "But..But sir, please...i-i beg of you. Dont...dont kill me, i am...i was the greatest killer this petty land had ever known and i am sure with yo..."

Cyrus stopped in mid sentence as he was flung to the floor. Hurting his leg even more.


His voice boomed at Cyrus and the whole cave of Reptiles chittered exitedly among themselves. Cyrus felt his broken leg been tugged up in the air.

Cyrus: "Aaahhgggrrr"

He moaned and gasped and tried to keep from showing pain but it was no good.

Obitus: "You see foolish mortal. Your kind get injured....I MERELY REGENERATE!!"

He then flung Cyrus down into the floor once again. And spoke in native tongue to the Reptiles. They seemed pleased and screeched with exitement and jumped in the air.

Obitus: "Now...now you foolish, petty creature stand up and i will grace you with my pressence"

Cyrus didn't bother to stand up and just laid there gasping and clutching his leg.


Cyrus was then flung up in the air once again and held stationary. His chest pushed outwards and his arms hung back. Cyrus could feel his heart thumping and missing beats. Was this it...? Cyrus thought...was this how he was going to die. In this pitiful state. Not in combat as he always wanted. As he thought this he got pulled closer and closer to the watery snout of the deity. The snout slowly opened and enticed Cyrus in. Cyrus looked inside and saw a red tunnel of hatred. He closed his eyes and hoped that he would be killed with dignity. But got his eyes forced back open by a strange yet powerful force. His eyes widened and he felt jolt of electricy shoot through them...stinging his eyes and skull as they did...it happened again and again until he could actually feel his eyes burn out of their sockets. He regained control of his limbs and crouched into a tiny ball in mid air, clutching at his eyes. Screaming in agony and writhing in pain. Cyrus' eyes were completly burned out of his sockets and he couldn't see whatsoever.


He snarled these words and did not care what happened to him. He wanted his vision back and did not care how he got it back.

Cyrus: "You...I WILL KI..."

He stopped as water flooder around him and he got washed around before hitting the ground. He could hear screeches of laughter and exitement. He pushed himself up with his arms and growled.


He felt a sharp twinge inside himself and heard the voice of Obitus inside his head.

Obitus: "Quiet fool...or i will make your remaining life as miserable as ever!"

Cyrus still could not see anything and was getting even more angrier than ever.

Cyrus: "What do you want with me...why me?"

Obitus ignored his remarks and concentrated on taking control over Cyrus' body. Cyrus snarled and hated this...he hated been out of control. On the outside Cyrus' image was changing. His now burned out eyes were taken over by a shining yellow light. His K9’s grew longer than before. But most importantly of all. A tattoo was slowly developing on his right eye. The tattoo of death....
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08-11-2001, 07:34 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

The body of Cyrus slowly floated into the air its arms out spread. Obitus spoke to the entire cave of Reptiles. His speech was deep and sinister. More sinister than Cyrus' ever was.

Obitus: "Brothers, our time has come to reclaim this land and again make Reptilians ruler! Allow our victims souls to burn under our wrath!"

The Reptiles looked up at him and screeched with pleasure. They back flipped with joy and hurled skulls and other body parts of their victims in the air. Obitus continued with his speech.

Obitus: "You are the closest i have to warriors now. Dragons have died in the fight for supremacy. And now only you...the warriors that the Dragons evolved from are my only hope...Together we shall rule this earth!"

The yellow glow in his eyes shone as he said this. Hollows and screeches echoed through the cave as again the Reptilians cheered their leader. Obitus remembered what it was like back when the world was populated with Dragons. Each a pure bred Warrior that could fight to the death with out fear of dying. Their slender physique graced the land of Oddworld, flying high in the sky and casting shadows on the ground. Striking fear into the hearts of all that spotted them. His smile widened as he thought of it happening again, but with him in control.

Obitus: "Come...Come my fellow warriors. Let us make our mark. Allow us to shine in all our glory and strike dead any creature that is not of pure Dragon blood. Let us make the other Gods quake so much it creates earth quakes on this land"

The creature that had caught Cyrus was disapointed. It had hunted for food and not for a chosen one. Cyrus was going to be its meal. But as it thought of this it thought of all the food it could have when Obitus took over. Its grin widened and then it opened its mouth into a shriek of joy. It then approached the hovering Obitus and asked:

"Wen caan we hant masstaa? Wen caaan we feeeeed!"

Obitus: "Soon Shrikk...very soon. First i am going to use my new body and work my self into it. Then we can show all the creatures that scar this pathetic little world who is the powerful race...and who they will bow down to as a new GOD!"

Again shrieks of agreement rang through the cave. The creatures lept in the air with joy and then scuttled to the outside world.

Obitus: "With this pathetic body i can improve my abilities. Make creatures trust me and then rip their soul out from their eyes and tear their heart out from their chest. Gods above and around me prepare to feel Obitus' wrath...as i shall show no mercy"

Obitus' accent and speach was now more clear and he could say things he would usually have trouble saying. Cyrus' body was a puppet from now on and Obitus was the puppeteer.
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08-12-2001, 12:00 AM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

Obitus exited out of the cave. His scaly foot soldiers following. The moon shone down on them and Obitus could feel and smell danger. The moon shone, giving its light off givingly to all who needed it.

Obitus: *Growls* "We have to hurry, i am weak and drained due to the transfer. I need purity. Come fellow warriors, let us seek a village and rid it of its pureness"

Obitus smiled with glee. He clenched his fist and raised his head. Shrikk stood beside him and licked his lips with his fork like tongue.

Shrikk: "Dooo wez getto eeat mastaa??"

Obitus: "Not the children. But any other creature that cross' your path feel free to indulge yourself...you have deserved it"

Shrikk shrieked with extasy and bowed down before Obitus. Cyrus' body had finished its entire change. Obitus gestured for Shrikk to stand and whispered inside his ear. Cyrus could hear what Obitus was saying yet stayed quiet. His body was to be used as a host forever he thought quietly. He was trapped inside his own body, to be used as some puppet and he couldn't do anything about it at all. He snarled and wished something would kill him.

Obitus: "Hush mortal. Do you want us both to die...because if i die. I am dragging your pathetic little soul with me!"

Obitus conversed with Cyrus inside his head. They were both mentally linked. Each sharing each others soul. Cyrus immediatly went quiet at the threat. He wanted to die but not if it meant eternal torture with Obitus.
As they moved through the mass of plant life Obitus heard sounds. Sounds of children sleeping. Their breaths slow and calm. As of that he also heard the conversations of parents talking softly with each other. Telling each other about what a eventful day it had been and what had happened as they had worked. The village was perfect for the taking. The village of shalaléé...
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