Oddworld Forums > Zulag Three > Oddworld RPG

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08-23-2001, 10:35 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

(Setting: Yet another bar. This is much like the last except instead of a juke box it has a band. The band are a breed of Orax. A distant cousin to the Reptilians these creatures are much like humans apart from they have scales and they are a range of colours from Blue, Green and more. The band consists of a electric guitarist/singer who is a blue colour and is wearing a short leather jacket and torn jeans. He has a plume of 3 scales all of which are very bright colours. The drummer is also a blue colour but has more head plumes than the singer. Also there is another electric guitarist who is green with no head plumes and then there's the electric organ player who has a row of plumes down his back. These are of a very dull colour. On either side of the stage the band is playing there is a large cage. Inside the cage are entertainers who are also Shape Shifters. The shape shift and dance to the music the band plays. The music the band plays is 'Psycho' By Disturbed. The band and Shape Shifters play and act to a crowd of multi-specie creatures all sat down at their tables. On each table there is a special TV that can be appropiatly turned on. The TV is connected to the table and is actually part of the table and come out of it when the button is pushed. The bar is being served by bots or droids if you like. These droids are basically attached to the ceiling much like the shrinks but instead carry drinks around and instead of a face they have sound waves that flow on the screen as they speak. The bartenders are rooted to the floor by tracks and can only move around the bar area, they are all designed by the Magog Cartel so they have their actual workers in more important places. Strangely enough though the Magog Cartel are not as up to date with security in this bar as it is with all the others and Sligs and other security personal are nowhere to be seen. The droids are equipt with motion sensors and weapons. But are also capable of serving customers with a pleasant greeting. Que Sasha)

Sasha walked into the club wearily. She had bought a new hoodie to conceal her indentity again. This time she kept the hood tightly pulled over her head and made sure no one saw her face. The fact that the Magog Cartel owned every damn bar in the city was bad enough but to have them looking for you is even worse. Sasha decided to take things slow. She stepped upto the bar and awaited to be noticed, she was in no hurry to be served and risk being recognised.

Droid: "Greetings M'am. How may i help you in the spending of you money?"

Sasha looked at it and a smile spread across her face. The Cartel may of been scum but at least they got to the point.

Sasha: "G'n'T on the rocks..."

The droid bleeped and span around to get on with making the drink. Other customers lounged on the bar awaiting to be served. One of them was even asleep with his head in a pool of vomit that was dripping off the side of the bar. One of the droids saw this and bleeped a tut before grabbing his head in its claws and wiping the vomit off the bar with it. After the vomit had been spilt off the desk with the creatures head the droid then pushed him backwards off his stool. The creature dropped to the floor but didn't move, the only movement it did actually make was to curl up and try and go to sleep.

Droid: "Here is your drink m'am. That is 2'89 but please feel free to include a chunky tip"

The droid had come back and placed the drink on the bar and held out its suction pad to get the money. Sasha brought out 3'90 and tipped the bot. It bleeped a thankyou and returned to work. Sasha turned and looked for a seat. She saw one 3 tables away from the band and decided to listen to them. They sounded good from the other end of the room and she wanted to see the Shape Shifters in action. As she walked she made sure she did not step on the sleeping customer. She approached the dozens of tables and weaved through them until she came to her table, she was amazed by the turn out. Hundreds of different specie was sat on every table. They all sat and listened to the band, some shouting the lyrics with them and some chattering among themselves, talking about how much they liked the song and how muched it reminded them off their child hood. The Shape Shifters were probably the main attraction though. They were in locked cages and held their hands out to certain specie, the creatures would then touch their hands and the Shifters would then morph into them. Their scales standing on end and turning different colours. The only thing that did not change was the Shifters eyes as they stayed black, but still it was a amazing sight, also the Shifters did not have clothes on, thus only the actual body of the customer could be copied, the clothes of the customer were never copied and thus the Shifters made the customer look naked. Money was flashed about and given to the Shifters as they performed, Sasha sat and drank her drink. As soon as she had finished she heard the buzz of a drone and a tap on her shoulder. She turned her head and looked up.

Drone: "Greetings Miss. Would you like another drink, perhaps even some snack food while your at it...?"

Sasha shook her head and turned back around. The whole area were the tables were situated was very dark and she knew the Drone was still there by the light its screen gave off. She turned around and looked at it again.

Drone: "Would Miss care for another pick me up...we have many knew drinks. All new and bad for your Liver and Kidneys"

Sasha shook her head again and this time the Drone got the message and went to pester some one else. Sasha turned to watch the band again but as she did she noticed the news on some other customers screen. It was broad casting what happened at the previous club. Sasha was immediatly interested and pushed the button on her table to activate the TV. The little screen popped up and immediatly greeted her with the usual recorded message:

"Greetings citizen. This screen was designed and created by the Magog Cartel. Please show your appreciation and leave lots of moolah on this table on your way out"

Then it asked for what channel you wanted to see. It was touch screen so Sasha flicked through all of the channels trying to find the news. Finally she came to it. A Slig was giving the infomation as he treaded through the zone were all of it had happened. As he walked through he pointed out the things that happened in each area. He finally stopped at one of the Karnexx' body and pointed to the bullet holes, saying were each penetrated and finally finishing up with:

"This was obviously a brutal act accomplished by a trouble making bastard and Magog Cartel are so desperate to catch the culprit and stop more innocents getting hurt that they are giving out a reward to the first person who brings her in"

The Reporter then added:

"Alive = Mucho Moolah"

The screen then went blank and started showing witness' to the pub shooting. After they had shown the witness' they then put up the security cam photo. It showed Sasha as clear as day. As she looked at her photo a hushed gasp escaped her lips. She couldn't believe how clear it was. This made her even more cautious. She never removed her hood since she walked into the bar but even though she hadn't removed it she was still dreading letting people see her. Thoughts rushed through her head as she slowly stood up. She turned towards the exit and slowly walked towards it, making sure her hair was draped over her face and her head was down. After she got through the maze of tables she looked up and walked quickly towards the door. She stopped suddenly as she realised 3 Sligs had walked in. They walked in their usual style, guns cocked and their little mechanical legs clanking on the floor. She turned sharply and headed back towards the band. As she did she noticed some toilets at the other end, she went to the front of were all the tables were situated. This gave her more space and allowed her to move more quickly towards the toilets. As she moved closer to the Shifters the nearest one held out its hand gesturing for Sasha to grab it. Sasha ignored the Shifter and carried on, trying to get to the toilets quicker. As she did the other Shifter growled and snatched her arm up and touched Sasha's palm. The Shifter began to morph. Sasha gasped as she realised what was going to happen. The Shifter morphed into her. People screamed and shouted "Thats her...thats the shooter" they pointed at the cloaked Sasha and although they could not see her face they knew it was her. Shifters replicated themselves exactly to their victim or customer and were never wrong. One of the Sligs came rushing into the large crowd, his gun cocked. The shifter had tight hold of Sasha and was trying to pull her closer to get a better grip. Shots rang through the air as the Slig fired. The Shifter screamed as the bullets hit her and pierced the skin. Its grasp loosened and Sasha pelted it down towards the toilets, barging any hero wannabes out the way. The Slig on the other hand was cheering and shouting "I got it, i got it" not until a customer told him that was the Shifter that morphed into Sasha did it realise what he had done, and began shooting at the real Sasha who was now entering the toilets. As she ran in she slammed the door behind her, making sure it was sealed...it was. She then drew out her sword and cut the door knob off. The knob dropped to the ground. She could hear muffled shouts and gasps from the other side of the door as they said "She's broke the handle off" or "Look what she's done, break the door down, that moneys mine"
She backed away from the door, her Uzi's drawn. Finally she was met with a wall. She sighed...once again she would have to fight, oh well she thought...might aswell go out with a bang again. The door flung open and as it did...Sasha unloaded her Uzi's into the oncoming crowd...

(OOC: This is not a invitation to finish it, i wanted it to be left this way...OK!)
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08-25-2001, 02:24 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

(OOC: Feedback, i want feeback damn u all!!)
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