So I'm still putting together a possible new Oddworld RP. I've posed some ideas for thread organization in my original thread
here in post #24, but now I need some advice.
I'm thinking of implementing a hopefully very simple dice-and-stat system, where (at least in plot-important threads) player characters can make attempts at performing critical actions, sorta like you'd find in a tabletop game. I'm still figuring out how exactly it would work, but I'm thinking players would make a statement in their post that they're rolling to do whatever action, then I would use's dice roll feature and make a post explaining whether or not they were successful, and what happened. This would possibly be used to solve challenges or puzzles that I throw at you all and progress/change the overarching story, as well as for performing actions that could be considered godmodding otherwise, as the dice provides a measure of uncertainty.
But I don't want to leave it all up entirely to chance. Depending on background or species, certain characters would obviously be better at some things than others. A native-born Mudokon would be much more nimble than an industrialist Slig, but the Slig would have better skill with a firearm. I've come up with two possible methods to represent these specializations, along with what pros and cons I can think of, though I'm open to any other ideas and feedback:
Stats - Characters would have player-allocated numeric-value stats such as Strength, Intelligence, or Agility, and all challenges/puzzles/anything else that requires a roll would be classed in one of those fields. When making an attempt, that stat would be added to the dice roll. Stats could be raised by spending XP, which would be gained by completing
and finishing threads, and there would be a maximum value each stat could achieve.
Pros - Probably the simplest version, since there would only be three or four stats total.
Cons - It's possible that not all challenges/actions would fall into these terms.
Skills - When creating a character, players would be able to choose from a variety of skills for that character to have (probably three or four to start with). Those skills can then provide a roll bonus when attempting a critical action. For example, a character with the Diplomat skill would be good at smooth-talking or negotiating with an NPC, someone with the Ranger skill would be good at hunting and tracking, and someone with the Marksman skill would be talented with a gun or bow. Each skill would have three tiers, with each tier providing a bigger bonus. XP would be used to either raise a skill's tier
or unlock a new skill.
Pros - Allows for more character specialization and flexibility.
Cons - I'd have to make sure I cover every possible attempt/action.