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08-21-2001, 09:36 PM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
Riot Slug
: May 2001
: 574
Rep Power: 24
Black Dragon  (10)

Hunter roared in anger when he heard the news. Spider had been kidnapped. He bounded in the direction of the surgery hut, not knowing where to look first. When he got there, he found that two guards had it blocked off.
"Please, let me through," Hunter said as politley as he could at the moment.
"I am sorry sir, but this is a crime scene and has therefore been blocked from the public." one guard responded.
"Please, jus' let me through," Hunter said again, this time anger rising in his voice.
"I told you sir, that this place is off-limits!! Leave or I will escort you off the premisis!!" the guard shouted.
Hunter got on two legs and looked the guard straight in the eye.
"Spider is my only true friend in this village. He is in mortal danger and I am friends with his kin...so stand aside and let me search for clues," he snarled. The guard was just about to protest again when a loud shriek filled the air. Out of nowhere, a dark green streak slammed into both of the guards an dkocked them out. The creature flew up and moved in front of the moon. From its silhouette, Hunter could tell it was a dragon-like creature with wings and a very long tail. It screeched again and flew down and landed next to Hunter. The creature was dark green with dark blue stripes and jade spines. It had traces of Slig's face tentacles and glowing yellow eyes. It flashed its glowing eyes on Hunter and made a bowing gesture. Hunter returned it, a bit awkwardly.
"Uh, I dunno if yer can understand me, but, uh, thanks fer that." Hunter said.
The creature cocked its head at Hunter and with a rather screehy voice said: "Kin. Friend?"
Hunter's eyes widened. "So, yer can talk! Yeah, I'm a friend of Spider's...I want ter find him and save him before it's too late," his voice trailed off.
"Kin. Sick. Kin. Hurt! Must. Find!" it screeched.
Hunter nodded. "Yeah, we got ter!" he shouted and burst into the hut. He immediately began sniffing the air, trying to pick up Spider's scent. After searching the whole hut to no avail, he suddenly came across another scent on the surgical table: a scent he knew all too well. With a howl of pure rage he stormed out of the hut. The winged creature watched him leave then scuttled over to where he had been. Sniffing the table he picked the scent up as well and followed Hunter. Hunter glanced back at him and nodded.
"We'll get that bastard...even if I die in the process I will have my revenge!"
-Black Dragon

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08-25-2001, 03:35 PM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
Riot Slug
: May 2001
: 574
Rep Power: 24
Black Dragon  (10)

(OOC: Sorry for the delay)


"I can't believe they're gonna execute him!" Lanar snarled as he lumbered back to town. "If Olm don't survive, that crossbreed'll die, and I won't get any moolah fer 'im!" He ran into town and approached the prison. He crouched behind a bush and armed his gun with powerful tear gas. Lanar fired it at the guards and while they were blinded, creapt inside. The occasional guard he found he knocked out with a hit of his club or shot down. When he found the guard with the keys, he shot him in the back and swiped the keys. Lanar then went to Olm's cell and unlocked it.
"W-w-who are you?" Olm stammered, staring at Lanar.
"Don't matter, less yakkin' and let's get outta here!" Lanar growled at him and flung the doctor over his shoulder like a sack.
"Augh, how do I get myself into these messes?" Olm muttered, shaking his head.
A black reptile that had been in the same cell with Olm scampered out and ran in the opposite direction. Lanar charged like a bull all the way to the exit, where he made a quick getaway into the woods. Lanar's next course was to the surgery hut. He made Olm tell him where the antibiotics were for Spider and snatched them quickly. With that, he ran into the woods and back to the Cartel spy hut
-Black Dragon

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08-25-2001, 09:19 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
: United Kingdom
: 287
Rep Power: 24
Zoolag  (10)

Injin smiled. Finally he was free and his boredom supressed. As he bounded towards the wall he realised his cell mate had been taken away, the same cell mate who had promised him a way to speak properly. He turned his head, Olm was nowhere to be seen, nor was the creature who freed them. He snorted and leapt on the wall, his claws digging into the surface. He slowly climbed upwards, trying to stay in the shadows to try and be a little more concealed. He leapt on one of the supports for the roof and scaled it with great agility. Being sure to be relativly quiet as he did. His claws grasped and wrapped around the beams as he walked on them on all fours, his tail stretched out so he could recieve more balance. The sound of footsteps made him cease all movement, guards were coming down the cat walk, all with an array of weapons. Injin looked upwards and saw a small window, he calculated how high he would have to jump after that he crouched down, he noticed the guards saying something about "Tear Gas" although Injin did not know what this word meant or what this stuff was he still came to the conclusion that it was something to do with that grey Slig. He shook the thought off and regained concentration, and leapt vertically in the air. As he came closer to the opening he stretched his arms out and grabbed hold of the thatch on the roof. With grunting and panting he pulled himself up before finally getting through the gap and onto the top of the building. He smelled the air, it made a change after the constant breathing of the stale air. The air that reaked of other creatures excreetment. As he stood on his hind legs to smell where his cell mate was a sudden rush of hatred entered his body. The feeling rushed around his torso, groping and pulling him. Injin growled and barked, scratching at his stomach to try and stop the sensation. As he looked down he saw blood...the blood of a thousand Mudokons was spattered on his body. He blinked and looked again, this time he was in a field...the field was long and stretched. At the end of the field lay a dense array of bushes and woodland, between him and the woodland they lay hundreds of slain Mud's. Their intestines ripped out and lain anywhere. Women, children, men...even different specie'. He noticed Elums were killed also...their dead bodies had Mudokons who was probably riding them. Getting away, away from something...but-but what?
As he looked he noticed bite marks and claw marks, faces tore off and limbs strewn everywhere. Bodily fluids soaked the ground and as he took steps he could hear the squelching of the blood in the soil. He turned around to see what was behind him but all he saw was line upon line of burnt corpses...their charred skin sizzling in the day.

Injin: "Wo0t 'append 'ere? Y it 'appen 'ere?"

He spoke these words softly before feeling a pain surge through his body, the feeling grasped every part of him and felt like it was going to tear bits of him out...bit by bloody bit.

Voice: "You have my so..."

Injin awoke from the day dream sharply, realising he was still on the roof of the prison and could easily be captured. He crouched down and lied as flat as he could on the roof, making sure no part of him was visible. As he lay down he thought:

"Woot has i of its? Wot it want wiv mee?"

The feeling of pain had dispersed as quickly as it had came but...the thing that made Injin realise something was wrong, was blood on his hands. The same blood that was in his vision....
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