What in the world is a "fantasy" game?
I'm going to say my favorite genre is that of the FPS. The gameplay just beats the heck out of that of any other genre, I feel, and FPSs can have some great storylines if they're well done. Online multiplayer is sweet, as well.
My second favorite genre would be third-person shooters. Really good third-person shooters seem few and far between, but the ones I've found kick ass. Metal Arms has fairly decent gameplay (although mind-numbingly repetitive), and possessing robots with a little grappling arm thing is just damn cool (although chances to do it in the game are waayyy to sparse). Advent Rising, on the other hand... that game flat-out kicks ass. Jedi-like psychic powers combined with cool futuristic weapons, a flick-targeting system, melee abilities, and a thrilling sci-fi story line (ORSEN SCOTT CARD, YO!) adds up to one hell of a game.
My third favorite would be action/platform/adventure (I think that fits) type games, of which I own several. If the gameplay is at all innovative, such as in Psychonauts, they can turn out to be quite enjoyable, or at least not TOO boring.
Step right up and shoot pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat!