munch is now!
Receive me. I am the ultimate aristocratic, pathetic, superior, highly-qualified human being of utter fabulousness, androgyny and narcissism.
My advantages.
Beautiful, eloquent, compassionate, full of forgiveness and adoration, inspired, assertive.
My disadvantages.
Unapologetic, harsh, egocentric, ambiguous, indifferent to unsatisfied ones.
Those, who shall vibrate on my wave.
Mindful ones, aristocrats, ancient, divine beings, Illuminati.
Those, who shall experience whether discomfort or naught.
Insolent, resentful, imbecilic people, children, mundane and worthless ones.
Special traits.
Does not utilize contractions, though writes "tis" and "twas" with no apostrophes. Conjures non-existent words. Launches conspiracies through private messaging forum members.