I can add subtitles to the movies some time within the following days. I don't have the PSX version of AO, though. Will the PC version suffice? What do I have to use to convert DDV to whatever watchable format I need?
The masher.exe lets you save in some old AVI format. Or you can play them with the new engine and just record the screen with OBS and then load that into the subtitling tool. Another option is to download a youtube recording of them, that's what I did for the INGRDNT.DDV or whatever it is.
The sprites do support semi transparency now - the decoder app didn't get this info correctly. Also some other sprites have additional blending modes that are not supported yet. E.g explosions, electric walls and shadows etc.
The semi trans stuff is done here:
Still needs a refactoring once its all working, should ideally be its own object that deals with palts/blending modes.