Hi, I'm zuzu, I've been a long time fan of oddworld since munch's oddysee. A little while after Oddworld's big return I really got myself back into the lore and basically my obsession with it had begun once again.
Though my main official career that I'm heading for is an engineer of some sort, I do draw and 3d model as a hobby, someday I would like to learn how to animate in both mediums. Most of my work typically involves aliens, or giant bug people. Aesthetic wise I draw heavily obviously from oddworld and other things like half life and bionicle.
I haven't made anything ready to show for 2015 just yet, but I do have some old art I did in 2014 that I'm excited to show you all, I hope you like it.
and finally, last but not at all least one of the drawing I probably put more effort into then most things, I don't like it as much as I did then but it was still an accomplishment for me:
I've improved a lot from these points now with some more refined methods I've been practicing after trial & error, currently I'm revamping some 3d models I did, I might make a little short with them which I'll be happy to show if I do it.