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04-02-2005, 01:50 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
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Fuzzleman54321  (10)
Vykers labs

Only 10 charaters can join. This RPG is about you are a scrub and we are all together in vykers lab. They are testing on a experment but it goes wrong and mutiplys and starts destroying and killing everthing. Then it sees us and we are trying to escape from it. It has 1 head, Razer sharp claws and teeth and can run really fast. I will do my profile first.

Cariies nothing, only a lion cloth
Short bio: He came from sam and was put in this lab to work. He has been scrubbing in the same place forever.

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

04-02-2005, 02:23 PM
OddMoe's Avatar
: Mar 2005
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OddMoe  (10)

sounds like a horror type to me.....i'll join if i see some others...
It's a bit far but.........closer than freedom

04-04-2005, 02:07 AM
stingbee's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Mar 2005
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stingbee  (10)

I like vyker's labs so Ill join

carries:grape juice
short bio:brought to this place by a slig his cloth is so ripped he has started to use his lion cloth
04-04-2005, 02:33 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
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Fuzzleman54321  (10)

"Come on!" Tim shouted to stephan as they where running from the beast. "In this vent!" he said and they went in it. "Isen't it a bit hot?" stephan said. Then tim saw one of the beasts turing to heating on. "Hurry!"

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

04-04-2005, 02:44 AM
Abe16's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
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Abe16  (11)

Sounds cool!

Name: Kyle
carries: One soul storm brew bottle and and iPod and a paper bag.
Short bio:He is with stephan and Tim and is very talanted.

Kyle:wait for me! *huff, puff*
he climbs into vent.
kyle:What in the name of Odd are we going to do!?
He panics and takes out a paper bag and blows into it rapidly.
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

04-04-2005, 03:07 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
: 545
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Fuzzleman54321  (10)

"AAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!" Tim says as the heat makes his skin stick and burn on the metal vent. "Were going to die!"

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

04-04-2005, 03:12 AM
Abe16's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: May 2003
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Abe16  (11)

Kyle blows even harder!
Kyle:We're all gonna die! Victoms of the vykkers vents!!!!!AHHHH!
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

04-04-2005, 03:16 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
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Fuzzleman54321  (10)

"To ....much......heat....."Tim says and faints and starts to burn.

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

04-04-2005, 03:25 AM
Abe16's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: May 2003
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Abe16  (11)

Kyle: Oh Odd, OH ODD! Stephen! help me!
he starts rapidly blowing again.
kyle tries to pick up Tim.
Kyle:Tim! Wake up now!
He hears big feet coming this way!

Kyle:TIM!!! The monsters cfoming this way!!!
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

04-04-2005, 03:28 AM
stingbee's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Mar 2005
: in a bin
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stingbee  (10)

there was a power cut in the labs and the vents cooled down.that was close quick pour my grape juice over yourselvs and kyle use you'r soulstorm aswell said stephen
04-04-2005, 03:29 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
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Fuzzleman54321  (10)

"ooohhhhhhh....." Tim stirs and suddemly wakes up. He looks at his legs! "AAAGAGGGHHH!!!" "What's up?" Stephan says. He looks at his legs. "Oh my god tim! Your left leg has been burnt off!" Tim faints again as blood splatters out of his left leg socket.

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

04-04-2005, 03:31 AM
Abe16's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: May 2003
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Abe16  (11)

Kyle:Ahhhh!H-h-his left leg! OMO!
Kyle:I hear the monster! Hurry, help me carry Tim!
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

04-04-2005, 03:35 AM
stingbee's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Mar 2005
: in a bin
: 502
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stingbee  (10)

tim wake up said stephen.stephen slaps his head.tim are you ok stephen asks you will have to carry you'r leg with you from now on I will check if the coast is clear.come on kyle carry tim and his leg I found a wheel chair he can use
04-04-2005, 03:38 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
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Fuzzleman54321  (10)

Tim gets in the wheel chair. "Lost to much blood..." and suddenly his liver falls out of his left leg socket.

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

04-04-2005, 03:45 AM
stingbee's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Mar 2005
: in a bin
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stingbee  (10)

oh no his liver shrieked stephen tim. tim. tim.oh now there's a beast behaind us shouted kyle qick pick up his liver said kyle why me stephen asked do you want to be lunch kyle replied no stephen said then run kyle shouted
04-04-2005, 03:50 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
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Fuzzleman54321  (10)

"must continue.. hey... what...the..." Tim suddenly gets elctrucuted. His liver goes back and his blood and leg goes back. He looked up. "Big face!" he said grinning. He ran off with stephan and kyle. Suddenly tim stops and gets zapped again. He now has the power off shrycull! "SHHAAAAA!"" He said as he electricuted the beast behind them. "Hahahahah woah....." Tim says as he runs of a platform and the others fall to! Then a flying slig came and took away the powers big face gave tim with a power sucker matic 3222! so his left leg fell of, blood spluterd everywhere and his liver fell out again.

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

04-04-2005, 03:55 AM
stingbee's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Mar 2005
: in a bin
: 502
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stingbee  (10)

stephen shouted bigface.bigface made 2 mudarchers and the muds went after the slig but the slig went higher and higher leading the 2 muds in to a recycler lets eat shouted kyle.no time said tim interns are here
04-04-2005, 04:00 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
: 545
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Fuzzleman54321  (10)

"newnewnewnew" muds chanted and once again, Tim was back together! "mmmmmmmmm" Interns said as they ran away from the beast. It suddenly whipped out it's fleech like tonge and wrapped it around tim. "Hang on!" said kyle and stephan as they started a tug of war, with Tim as the rope.

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

04-04-2005, 04:04 AM
Abe16's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
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Kyle:RRRRRR! LEt...go.. of our friend!
He pulled hard! kyle then took out his soul storm brew bottle and hit the beast! making the beast let go of Tim! Com'on! We have to hurry!
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

04-04-2005, 04:06 AM
stingbee's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Mar 2005
: in a bin
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stingbee  (10)

it won't let go kyle said.kyle pass me your paper bag stephen said you keep pulling.stephen wraped the paper bag around the flech and it died down becuase it coulde't breathe I did it said stephen what are you doing kyle he asked.I see you baby shaking that a** shaking that a** kyle there is no time for that stephen yelled
04-04-2005, 04:07 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
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Fuzzleman54321  (10)

Suddenly 10 of the beasts surronded them. "Stand back!" Tim said bravly. "hey Stupids!" he said and ran off with them chashing him! But he tripped! They surronded him! "uh oh"

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

04-04-2005, 04:10 AM
stingbee's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Mar 2005
: in a bin
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stingbee  (10)

catch tim said as he threw his soulstorm bottle but tim missed and the bottle smashed and spiled everywhere burning and killing the beasts
04-04-2005, 04:13 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
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Fuzzleman54321  (10)

"That was cool!" Tim said. Suddenly the floor opened up underneath them. "AAAAHHGGGG!!!!" They shouted as they fell down.

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

04-04-2005, 04:17 AM
stingbee's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Mar 2005
: in a bin
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stingbee  (10)

they landed in the mudokun fortress and tims wheelchair was brocken
04-04-2005, 04:20 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
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Fuzzleman54321  (10)

"uh oh!" Tim said as he was cornerd by scrabs, paramites, bees, fleechs and of cours the beast. "help guys!"

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

04-04-2005, 04:25 AM
stingbee's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Mar 2005
: in a bin
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stingbee  (10)

luck was here as the scrabs started fighting each other the paramites were geting attacked by the bees the fleches were being eating by paramite's everything was dead apart from the beast that was going to the tree that kyle tim and stephen were hiding behind
04-04-2005, 04:27 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
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Fuzzleman54321  (10)

"AAAGGGHHHHH!!!" said Tim as one tonge wen't on his left arm, one tonge wen't on his right arm, same with his legs, and one tongue on his torso! "Help me!"

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

04-04-2005, 04:31 AM
stingbee's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Mar 2005
: in a bin
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stingbee  (10)

kyle found a pen knife on the floor and choped his tounges. kyle was listening to his Ipod again and droped it on the floor the headphones came out and the music was really loud and the beast blew up
04-04-2005, 04:51 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
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Fuzzleman54321  (10)

"So music is there weakness!" Tim said. bbbbbzzzzzz! "Aggghhhh bees!"

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

04-04-2005, 05:00 AM
stingbee's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Mar 2005
: in a bin
: 502
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stingbee  (10)

run shouted stephen

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