Yea.. i would qount the old RPers, but they aren't active, and if they come back, i'd be more then glad to give em a license ;-)
And about the 3-month part, note that i put exception:
Like, i gave Splat a licens already now, cuz i really think he's a decent RPer, but it could go the wrong way too. And when i say 3 month, i don't mean three month literally, but that they must have rped for like a time of 3-months non-stop. by non-stop i mean frequently.
If they have rped on day, and then waited three moths, and they go ask me for a licens, i wont give it to them. either because that i don't remember them, and their style of RPing, or that i see what they've done, and i'll just make em RP some more.
Don't worry, i know what i'm doing