Haha, I love it Joshy, lots of blood 'n shit, it really stays true to the name of the engine! I can't wait for the sound engine to be added! ^.^
Will future levels up the difficulty? Because as Varrok suggested, the only thing that I noticed so far was that the puzzles were quite easy to solve, even for me. ;D
10/10 keep it up.
Thanks man, I'm glad you like the blood n' shit. 10/10? Thanks! And about the level difficulty:
The levels get progressively more and more harder, but since these are the first 10 levels you guys get to take it easy, but future levels will have more unusual, and illogical solutions.
Remember how easy Portal starts out? By chapter 7 and 8 I was smashing my head against a wall. Probably just me, though.
Yeah, what Nepsotic said.
The aim of these first few levels were just to allow you to get a feel of all the hazards you have at your disposal. And for 'illogical' solutions, if you've ever played Karoshi you'll understand how illogical the solutions often are.
You actually can't get more up than 10/10, so in my opinion it's more like 8/10. Try harder xD
Will you work on walking sprites? There are too little frames compared to nicely animated deaths
Those sprites were actually made by Carnix quite a while ago, I'm currently working on my own sprites to give my own feel to the game(if i hadn't already). Might be a few updates along the line till I get 'em finished though. And, 8/10? Thanks! I'll definitely try harder.