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05-10-2003, 01:31 PM
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Jet Set Radio - Post Future

I don't know how this is gonna work out so let's see.......

Right this is based on Jet Set Radio and the sequel Jet Set Radio Future.
Basically it's about gangs of kids called the GG's who blade around on skates, Tagging each others turf and fighting an oppressive corperation that runs the police force.

You can be a character from the game look here for the guys.

Or you can make your own up like so:

*Favorite trick:
Graffiti style: (Make anything up here from Psycho to Westside, whatever you want to call it is up to you)

The basic line of the RP is that we're either doing stuff at the Garage, which is our base, or skating around, getting into fights, spraying graffiti, recruiting new members etc. (oh yeah, no more than 3 characters)

*** My Character***
Beat, Leader of the GG's in the original game.
Gender: Male
Appearence: Black pants, yellow/ green T-shirt with japanese symbol. Headphones to listin to the sweet beats of Jet Set Radio.
Graffiti Style: Loose Cannon

*Beat is at the Garage, he's fixing his skates. He looks up and sees the time*

Beat: Ah damn, I gotta go! * Beat quickly makes his way to the bus terminal, just before he reaches the shelter he needs three policemen appear from no-where*

Policeman: Put your hands on your head and turn around!

Beat: I don't think so! * He runs at the policeman toppling him to the floor, he quickly goes over his tracks and sprays his uniform on the way back, the other two cops make a scramble for their guns.
Beat skates up one of them and backflips crashing into the other, he then moves on..................

Last edited by Hobo; 05-10-2003 at 06:26 AM..
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05-10-2003, 04:50 PM
Reptile's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
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ok, im joining ok, heres my guys

Name: V-Shift
Gender: Male
Appearance: Wears a blue cap backwards, also wears a blue jacket revealing a black T-shirt saying, 'Poison Jam Rule' wears black trousers and white shiny rollerblades with spikes on the back
Favorite Trick: Hasn't got any
Graffiti Style: Poison Jam typeB

V-Shift: Hey kid! this is my turf! wot do you think your doin' here!?
i don't like the way you hang around here, i'll show you

(like it?)
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05-11-2003, 08:26 AM
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((Occ: Yeah, thats fine.........))

Beat: Jeez, bud? Whats the problem?? I'm just passing through to the bus terminal.........
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05-11-2003, 09:55 AM
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Rabid Fuzzle
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*V-Shift narrows his eyes*

V-Shift: Sure, the bus terminal, also my turf, you cannot pass here without proper clearance, that or get out..............or challenge me
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05-11-2003, 10:23 AM
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Beat : Fine, you leave me no choice * Tightens belt* I guess your going to have to fall to your knees aty my skill.............
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05-11-2003, 01:16 PM
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Rabid Fuzzle
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V-Shift: Your skills couldn't match that of a rookie, I'll show you how its done 'novice'

*he skates off grinding on bars and jumping high landing on the ground*

V-Shift: Lets see you mimic that 'beginner'

*He waits*
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05-11-2003, 06:00 PM
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*Beat mimcs V-Shift but while jumping performs a 180 mute bio*

Beat: Pie, as an easy as..............
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05-11-2003, 06:08 PM
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Rabid Fuzzle
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*V-Shift grits his teeth*

V-Shift: You think your good huh?

*V-Shift heads into the Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility

Kid: Hey punk!

----New guy----
Name: J-Pac
Gender: Unknown
Appearance: Wears all black, has a black mask and which has green lens, he/she also has black skates
Favourite Trick: 360 pole grinder
Graffiti Style: Death images

J-Pac: V-Shift left you a present, here...

*J-Pac gives Beat a box and skates off*

(By the way, its a bomb!)
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05-12-2003, 01:08 PM
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***New Guy***
Gamma Rayz
Wears a totally black body suit with a black gas mask
Style: dark

GammaRayz: Hey bud, i'd put that down you could burn yourself......... * Skates off into distance*

Beat: * Throws box on floor* I'll teach that punk * Grabs spray can and sprays everything in sight*
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05-12-2003, 04:23 PM
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Rabid Fuzzle
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J-Pac: Hey ya foo! what do you think ure at? *stares at beat*
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05-13-2003, 01:53 PM
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Beat charges at J-Pac an raises his spray can.
Gamma Rayz skates infront of him......

Beat: He freak what you doing?

GR: Hey bud, you know who this guy is? You'll need some lessons before you can tackle him..........
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05-13-2003, 03:43 PM
Reptile's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
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J-Pac: GR, if he can prove himself go ahead, he hasn't got the guts

*J-Pac skates away then stops*

J-Pac: Hey novice, lets see how tough you are

*J-Pac phones the cops*

J-Pac: Hehehehehe, bye fool!!
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05-18-2003, 07:33 AM
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GZ and Beat try to get into a hiding place but soon the area is crowded with Cops.

GZ: OK, IF i get one of their squad cars, you keep them busy ok?
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05-18-2003, 10:54 AM
Reptile's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
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*J-Pac laughs*

J-Pac: Hahahaha, happy spending life in juvenile hall!! haha!!*skates away


*in the sewers*

V-Shift: Sir them kids are gettin' closer

????: well, send out the pros

V-Shift: Yes sir *grabs graffiti cans* c'mon guys, lets take a trip to the garage! hahaha
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05-18-2003, 12:17 PM
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Beat starts to skate around the cops.

Cop: Come here you little! *Gets punched* Hey that hurt! *Into radio* Call in the tanks!

GR: Quick, kid in here! * GR opens the door of a squad car, Beat jumps in*

GR: Hold on tight!
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05-18-2003, 12:36 PM
Reptile's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
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*V-Shift and 2 of the black guys appear at the garage

V-Shift: What the hell!

Roboy: Hey who are you guys?

(ooc: hobo you can be roboy too)

V-Shift: shut up, #1 take left, #2 take right, i'll go straight


*J-Pac is hiding behind a squad car*

J-Pac: Take this!! *throws a smoke grenade at GR and Beat

J-Pac (in a low voice): there over there!

Cop: We got 'em now!
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05-18-2003, 12:58 PM
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Beat and GR drive back to the garage.

They see that Roboy's lieing on the floor in pieces.

Beat: Roboy!

GR: Get back in the cops are still after us!
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05-18-2003, 03:03 PM
Reptile's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
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*V-Shifts laughter echos the Chuo Street*

#2: Sir, i'll stay here

V-Shift: ok, #1 c'mon before beat and that black guy comes

*J-Pac comes*

V-Shift: well?

J-Pac: couldn't finsh 'em, looks like its gonna get tricky


?????: Go to that kid and Gamma Rayz

?????: Yes sir

*????? goes to the garage*

?????: hey you two, wanna play!? *laughs evilly*

*#2 comes*

#2: lets play!
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