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06-20-2003, 11:59 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Practicing and hoping

*Setting: The mumblings of a creature came from a cave opening on the face of a rocky cliff, high above the crashing waves. Inside the cavern itself were wooden shelves, dusty and web-ridden. Pieces of net and drift wood scattered everywhere. Books on Latin, Demonology and Alchemy were strewn on tabletops and shelves. The pages stained with age. Stood towards the back of the small, makeshift home was a dark creature. Its body clothed in a black material which trailed on the floor and hid its arms and legs. Turning the pages of one of the Latin scriptures it read to itself, mumbling faintly. Its wrinkled hands turning the pages every couple of minutes. It was a Biros Mudokon. But one of a different temprement. Unlike the usual, laid back, good natured Biros race, this one was of dark nature. Its eyes were a dark purple and its skin colour a mix between purple and dark blue. Long, black tattoo-like lines graced the skin, running up the arm and up part of the neck. Its plume was black with a red center and the feathers corse. Its nails more like black claws as they curved over. The beast was Tzaar. A sort of practitioning Sorcerer. He smiled to himself, turning around and facing a blanket that had been thrown over some being. The blanket itself seemed to quiver and muffled cries came from underneathe. Stepping slowly towards the blanket, Tzaar reached for a corner of it and quickly snapped it away. Revealing two quivering black Mudokon children...*

Tzaar: "Don't worry so. Soon you shall be with your true father...Your God."

The children were no older than 14-15 and were bound up with fishing wire. Their mouths were seemingly stapled shut, thus causing them great pain if they tried to speak.

Tzaar: "Your ways are a little off track, but i'm sure as you leave this world you will be accepted into the arms of our Lord. Debello."

He smiled faintly and turned to one of the tables stacked with books. Quickly reading the spines of the books, he picked out one that stated 'Sacrificing' and pulled it out, making sure the stack didn't topple. He then opened to the index and skimmed down the page.

Tzaar: "Ah, here we are...hmmm..."

Knowing that they would be inevitably killed, one of the teenagers opened his mouth to speak. Causing the staples to rip through the skin.

Teen: "T-They won't accept you...Debello w-will cast y-you aside...Y-our not of...our race."

Looking up intrigued by the teens need to speak and statement, the practicioner smirked and shook his head slowly.

Tzaar: "No, no, no...Debello will welcome me with open arms. I will prove to him that i am loyal to his cause...and he shall grant me untold power...believe me, my power will be enhanced 100 fold..."

Teen: "Y-You have no power to begin...with."

He winced in pain as he ended the last word. His lips were gushing with blood now and throbbing with severe pain.

Tzaar: "I have power, i just need to focus it...Watch."

Holding the book in his left hand, Tzaar then held up his right, the palm of it facing upwards. Concentrating on the palm of his hand he began to cause a swirling of light-blue particles to form inches above the surface of his skin. These small dots of light multiplied slowly and then gently floated together. Causing a ball of electricity, which had lightening arching off of it. But all was not well, for as he did this Tzaar could feel shooting pains up his right arm. And after a couple of seconds his wrist began to twitch, one violent twitch caused the ball of electricity to falter, making contact with his palm which evidently caused a massive volt of electricity to surge up his arm, burning it to a charred crisp of its former self. Tzaar clenched his teeth, trying hard not to show that he was in pain. The sleeve of his cloak concealed most of the burn, but his wrist and hand were still visible, allowing the teen to see his injury and smirk through his own pain.

Teen: "Amate-aur...yo-ou'll be hung when our tribe f-find us...and you..."

Looking up Tzaar snarled at him and then turned his back, threw the book down and muffled his cries of pain. He knew he had a long way to go before he wouldn't feel the bite-back of Karma. But that was ok, he had a good couple of years before Debello was due to rise...


Useful links;
New Found Religion...?
New Born
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 06-22-2003 at 06:34 AM..
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