Right, lets start. I have here an extract from an older topic in OT:
I have here the only existing digital copy of the original Bladewing!! (The rest were all lost in a hard drive crash in 2000) All thanks to Mactus and that old computer I gave him! It's not one of the best ones I did, either. But still, it's better then nothing. Anyway, those who don't know what Bladewing is can just look at the picture and view how my MS Paint Skills were like before my hard drive crash in 2000.
More info: This picture dates back to the days when Slarnhill City's (the city the live in) only police force was Bladewing, Max and Zip. Bladewing and Zip used to be lovers back then, not brother and sister, which is why they have thier arms round each other. It's not one of the best ones that I drew because they're all dressed up smartly for a birthday party. They ushally wore causaul clothes or special high tech suits most of the time.
Oh well, reminds me of the old days. I suppose my modern Bladewing plot (with the super-high-tech space ship) is much better.
- DH
Just for safe keeping so everyone can view it.
Anyway, speaking of Bladewing's space ship, I have made a drawing and plans of it, as shown below. The ships name is 'The Roamer'.
The Roamer:
Bottom Floor Plan:
Middle Floor Plan:
Top Floor Plan:
And also, I'm thinking of making another EzBoard account to be used on forums on which I wish to not be identified. This will be the logo I'm gonna use:
- DH