Well, not all of them are my friends..some are just strangers I see on a regular basis...Now, before anyone says I ripped of Vasquez....I have been drawing people this way for around 6 years now....so there!
heh enjoy.
Oh yeah....My photo album is being weird, and it wouldn't let me resize any of the pics. If you're horribly curious about what I've written you'll have to save them and look in a photo viewing/editing program. Sorry.
Also, like I said...I was planning on doing some cartoon versions of some forum Members [Dyl, Morgan...and Danny]....if any of you don't want evil, spooky cartoon versions of you running around, please, let me know.
Oh, one more thing....I'm totally open to criticism...I crave it, in fact. If you can think of something I need to improve on, by all means, do tell me. Kindly, if possible.