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01-31-2003, 12:22 AM
Darkest's Avatar
: Jan 2003
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Oddworld Bard RPS - The Invasion

The Tribes first met at the Kar'haelian Sailor Village known as the Cheery Philosopher. The area consists of a Dock, the "Ship Shop" and a number of Weapon and Armor Shops. You can buy almost anything here.

The Sligs watch dimly as the intruders come in. Large Tribes, the young tribes of Mudos, stumble in. Here, they are allowed to buy their ships, their supplies, and head for Bolland.
It is sad to see a family become ripped apart by something as simple as a pack of wolves.

The Official Forum Necromancer
The Darkest of them all...

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01-31-2003, 06:38 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
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Guk Stonekill let up a roar as they moved over the land twords the docks, which were now in sight. "AHAHA!! MY MEN, WE HAVE REACHED THE DOCKS!!!!" the others let up a cry of victory, for they had travled many miles to find this place...

Zuxihal looked at Guk, his face looking like stone more than ever. "Sir, i sugest we purchace a boat quickly, before the other tribes you spoke of come." "AH! Yes!! Them, I dremed when the God above told me that other tribes would come, but we will win!! We will be victorius!!" Another roar went up from the others, their leader obviously geting them siked up for the trip over.

"I dont see 'uts so good abou' it." said Zgut to Tdax. "Iss not li' we' gona 'ake 'a empire a' summin.." "Ah." said Tdax. "but thats just it! We'll win fine land so our people can take more of control over the land!" "Well," Zgut said some what angry. "I guse your right..."

Gxast rode in the back with the other meetle riders, all their bug like behemoths equiped and ready for battle. Of all of the meetle riders, the Deathsong's were the most feared, becuse of their huanting drumming once they were moving in to attack. Eravaf had been chosen from the family's long line of dreaded warriors to acompany Stonekill to Bolland, and he was proud to go with Guk, for his father was a great cheif, and he hoped to be his next guard...

The group had just moved into the docks, ready to buy their equipment for their long journy.
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01-31-2003, 06:38 PM
cooldude's Avatar
: Jan 2003
: Here im camped out right inbetween the Rpg and Oipt
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cooldude  (10)

Yaraskon walks up tp the ship shop and asks"how much is a vessle that will surrive the trip to Bolland?
Life Sucks, Trust me I should know

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01-31-2003, 11:30 PM
Big_Bro_Slig222's Avatar
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Radaghast shifted uneasily. He knew in order to reach the far shore, they would have to buy equipment from these peoples.Curinir whispered in his ear, "Perhaps we should take them now." Radaghst didnt like the way Curinir thought the quickest way was the best way. It made for a bad warrior. "No, started Radaghst. "Right now we need a boat and supplies, the battle has not yet begun." The Guardians were getiing restless.
The large meetles one of the Mudokon tribes were riding made anxious noises.Tolzo held tight to the reins of the group. Meetles were often the prey of the Guardians.There was a general silence everywere. All the tribes cast glances over eachother, realizing they will all soon be fighting against one another. Radaghast approached the shop. A wily looking slig bustled over. "So what'll it be..........." the slig trailed off. Olog-gravvs and sligs history is not a pretty one. Nontheless a good businessmen will never lose a sale if he can. Radaghst didint wait for a reply.
"I require 1 ship, large enough for our guardians, 100 moolah worth of meat, several logs of tufa wood, and 30 pounds of quertera mushrooms."
"Quertera mushrooms? Why do you want those?"said the shopkepper.
"They are.......useful.
"Alright then, any weapons?" said the wily shopkeeper. Radaghast moved his arm so the dim sun shined off his sythe gauntlet.
"I think not."
"Fine fine, give me a few minites" The shopkeeper bustled into the backroom that lead to the docks. Voices of sligs working on the other side could be heard.
Radaghst turned back to the tribe.
"Were almost ready."

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02-01-2003, 12:13 AM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
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Ktorux threw his wrech around, tossing it into the air until it came down onto his head, which left him with a rather large bump... "OW!!" he had yelled which was fallowed by a string of curse's and swears. " 'ou idiot!! What you gone doing 'at 'or?!" yelled Zgut. Ktroux was what his last name sugested, a theif, all he did was steal his suplies. He was also a clutz, that and a show off.

Tdax Eviljeer was already about to lop someones head off. He was flailing about with his swords, his eyes bloodshot. He kept yelling "I NEED SOMETHING TO KILL!!!" and flailing more. He was about the most insane of all the beserkers.

The slig riflemen stired reslesly, their 4 legged spider like mechanical pants staying still. The loaded their rifles over and over again, being so bored. Retal almost fired off a round, being one of the best shots in the whole team, but he was of corse, a Woundwarper. The Woundwarper family was by far the best riflemen of the tribes. They were famous through out the land for their "Boa strike" techniuqe, which was next in line with "Woundwarper" their best techniuqe, where they'd attack the same spot continueously on a powerful enemy, until the wound was actualy warped. Then they'd move in and finish it.

Guk had already bought a boat and wasted the rest on metal, iron and other resourse's they would need. The engineers were happy they had some extra materials to use...
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02-03-2003, 07:35 PM
cooldude's Avatar
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: Here im camped out right inbetween the Rpg and Oipt
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yaraskon payed the 200 MLA to the shop keeper and gave his men equal shares of the rest of the money."Now go and rest eat do what ever you must to ready yourself for the jorney!"he announced to his troops

yaraskon visited a wepons shop to buy a sword and other supplies there he found Booten and his brother Baaten,Warkiv and Vardkin."haha this is a fine wepon isn't it Baaten" "yes Booten". Vardkin walked up to Yaraskon "ill be the cheif" He mumbled "you'll see". Yaraskon walked to the counter and said "give me your finest sword, bow and some arrows"

the old mudokon at the counter nodded and went to the back leaning on his cane. When the old mudokon returned her was carrying a shining sliver sword, a bow slung over his sholder and a case of arrows"there you go sonny" he croked wth a voice worn over the years." lets see a finely crafted sliver sword a bow of oken wood along with a case of strong crystal headed arrows is that all?" he asked "yes it is" replied Yaraskon "itl be 500 MLA please" the old man said. Yaraskon reached into the bag hanging on his belt and pulled out the mla and some hunks of gold

"will this compansate for the MLA?" asked Yaraskon gesturing to the gold laying on the counter. " OH MY....hmm yes i think this will do fine" said the man staring wide eyed at the shimmering gold on the counter. with that Yaraskon walked out of the shop with his new sword in its holster and the bow and arrows on his back he let out a shout so loud it echoed through the docks."MY WARRIORS MEET AT THE SHIP!!!!"

after he finished his war cry he walked to the dock and the new ship he purchased.
Life Sucks, Trust me I should know

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02-03-2003, 11:06 PM
Big_Bro_Slig222's Avatar
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Radaghast sat down until the shopkeeper called him over.

"Thatll be 550 moolah sonny" grunted the slig.
Radaghast put 450 moolah on the counter.(Olog-gravvs have there own currency and dont realy understand moolah)
"Thats not enough....." strained the shopkeeper.
Radaghast didnt seem to realize this. "That is the price you asked." he said. The shopkeeper could smell trouble, and quickly said" Fine! Fine! Thats good. Say Ill even throw in some extra meat for your guardians."
Thank you, said Radaghast.
"Boats out back with all the supplies" said the shopkepper who was already walking into the back room.
Radaghast motioned to the tribe. "Ghochu se vay! Ha carpo tu doo quinn!" (Now we go! The battle will soon begin!)

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02-06-2003, 07:48 PM
cooldude's Avatar
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: Here im camped out right inbetween the Rpg and Oipt
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As Yaraskon and his men gathered at the ship he noticed his men thought like he did and bought extra wepons and food except Falsim who had bought books and all the extra information he could about Bolland.

"Falsim now you can start recroding our adventure to Bolland"
"Yes sir"

with that the men loaded into the ship. started the engine and the journey began.
Life Sucks, Trust me I should know

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02-10-2003, 07:00 PM
Big_Bro_Slig222's Avatar
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Big_Bro_Slig222  (10)

"Hold them man!"

The guardians were in a rage.

Not having eaten for some time, they were attempting to break free of their reins and get at the meetles the Bonekiller tribe had with them.

"They'll break free of thier reins soon!" yelled Tolzo over the cresendo.

Several muds from the Dodokon tribe sensing the yrgency of the situation, were also trying to pull at the reins.

The meetles were getting very edgy, and jerked at every movment the guardians made.

The Bonekiller tribe was shouting and jeering at the Sorengo and the guardians, which was just making the guardians angrier.

They might have been able to pull them back, if it wasnt for the slig.

The Bonekiller rifleman out of impulsed fear raised his gun at the nearest guardian.

Over the tumul, Radahast roared, "Dont do it man!"

The slig fired.

A guardians hide is thick, but a rifle bullet will sink in several inches. And this one did.

The bullet landed in the guardians leg and with a sickening roar, broke the reins

"Run!" yelled Curinir.

The guardian dove at the slig. Luckily, it caught him with the side of its tush, ands sent him in an ungainly spiral into the sea.

Numemor was gone in a flash and dove over the side.

"Help! I cant swim!" yelled the slig.

With lots of kicking, splashing, and sputtering, both olg-gravv and slig were dragged onto the dock.

The guardians had calmed down, and were led away by Tolzo to the relief of all.

He was led away to sit down after the shock, and with only a water clogged "Tanks" to Numenor, was hasened to a warmer spot.

The Bonekiller chief was not happy.

"You almos' kill my rifleman!' screamed the chief" I should sleet you throat!"

WE lost control of them, they were hungry and anzious, we had no intent to hurt your tribe." sad Radaghast cooly.

"WE settle this on the ballte field leizzard!"

"Nevertheless, my scout saved your rifleman, wouldnt you have done the same?"

The sligs walked away arguing and cursing.

Radaghasts eyes narrowed.

"On the battlefield indeed slig" Radaghast thought.

He truned to the tribe members

"Krota ry! Tud tus quento!(Load up! IT is time!)

With many moans and grumbles, the cargo was loaded onto the boat.

The docksligs cut the ropes.

All along the pier, boats were departing..

Radaghast sniffed the air.

"Perfect sailing breeze" he thought.

He turned his attention to the boat of the bonekillertribe.
He could see the chief bonekiller screamingorders at the head of the boat.

"Yes, on the battlefield indeed..."

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02-10-2003, 09:19 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
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Abe's son  (10)

(the cheif isn't a slig, and I'd prefer if you let my controll my own characters...)
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