He would be if he wasn't doing anything at the moment...
But the man is working really hard and has at least 3 big projects running at this time
That's a pretty good example of what makes him arrogant. Instead of spreading himself [and his poor team] thin, why not commit to only one project? I know that a lot of companies work on multiple projects at a time, but OWI is already a bit notorious for being overly-ambitious.
Plus, what really irks me is that he said the company was not going to be making video games anymore and just left all of the fans in the lurch. Whether he felt this was some clever marketing idea, or he just realized how stupid the idea was, it was pretty arrogant to turn his back on the majority of his fans and assume that we'd stick around and wait for a couple of years without hearing
Oddworld has always been a special thing to me. I've enjoyed every game they've released, including MO. I guess that's why Lorne's actions do nothing but rub me the wrong way.