what a riot! good job, Kes!
it's shagadelic! Here's my contribution:
WARNING: this is dumb, and it doesn't get better!
Ladies and gentlegluks here he is,
((theme song
) It's gold, it's gold, it's gold, it's gold, it's solid gold baby! Yeah~ x2
*In comes Alf, he's grown back his ponytail but...it's gold! ...and he also has a strange accent!*
ALF: Hey ev'rybody I'm from Mudosh, ishn't dat veerd?!? Wooo!
*Alf goes around the disco room on rollerskates*
~Meanwhile, at a side table, Abe and Munch are talking...~
MUNCH: 7 years and no phone call! What's gotten into you?!
ABE: Munch, for the last time, it's over: I don't want us to have that kind of "relationship" anymore.
MUNCH: Just because the vykkers cyrogenically froze me doesn't mean you shouldn't say 'hi' now and then!
ABE: Munch~? Hello? It's over!
MUNCH: Let me ask you a question, and be honest...
ABE: I know, you already asked me that. I told you, my specie's reproductive type doesn't even allow for something like that.
MUNCH: Oh behave!
~Meanwhile, orbiting Oddworld, Dr. Molluck sits in his chair with Mr. Fleechlesworth.~
DR. MOLLUCK: Hey! Mini-Me! Come pet Mr. Fleechlesworth for me.
SLIG: Sir, I wish you'd stop calling me "Mini-Me". I look nothing like you!
DR. MOLLUCK: Do it anyway! ...haha....yes.....one day, I will rule all of Oddworld! Mwaha, MWAHAHAHAH---hey, um, Mini-Me....a little help?
SLIG: *sigh*
The slig walks over to Dr. Molluck and holds his pinky to the Dr.'s mouth.
DR. MOLLUCK: Thanks. Now then, where were we? Ah yes: Mwaha, MWAHA, MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
~Meanwhile, Abe and Munch have caught Goldfeather (that's Alf)~
ABE: We've got you now, Goldfeather!
GF: Vie ish ev'rybody alvesh tryink to catch me?
MUNCH: I dunno. Maybe 'cause you're trying to destroy the planet?
GF: Ohhh. Yesh. Hmm. Never taught about dat.
ABE: Just drop your weapons.
Alf messes around a bit...*flop*
ABE: I said your
weapons , not your loincloth!
ALF: oopsh. Shorry...forsh of habbit. I like to run around on my rollershkatesh naked, you know.
MUNCH: Oh, behave!
~Goldfeather somehow escapes, and Abe and Munch go to Big Face for help~
BF: Hello.
ABE: Hi...um, we want some advice....
BF: I really like Mudokon Pops
MUNCH: No, no....his mask is covering up the rest of the sentence. Here...-=Munch moves BigFace's mask=-
BF: I really like Mudokon Popstars.
ABE: ....that's better, but....it has nothing to do with Goldfeather!
BF: Yes, I just thought I'd mention it.
ABE: ugh.
BF: Be careful not to touch a vykker's butt
ABE: ....? okaaaaay....
MUNCH: it's the mask again. Here we go....-=moves BF's mask=-
BF: Be careful not to touch a vykker's button control pannel.
BF: You are a stupid looser
ABE: WHAT!?!?!
MUNCH: ...mask....
ABE: Oh.
BF: You are a stupid looser with gas.
~Meanwhile, in Dr. Molluck's spaceship...~
DR. MOLLUCK: ((sings
) What if Odd was one of us? Blew blew blew blew, blew blew blew....
SLIG: That was lovely, sir!
DR. MOLLUCK: thank you Mini-Me. And now for our duet song! --hit it!! ....yeah...uh-huh.....yeah! *dances*
~Meanwhile, Abe and Munch catch Alf again and somehow it all works out fine.~
ABE: thank you Munch....for everything *kiss*
MUNCH: Grrrooovy, Abey! Yeeah!
THE EN----
ALF: Vait! Vait, I jusht haff von more ting to shay: Do I haff time for a shmoke and a shrabcake or vat? HA!
It's dumb, I warned you! But I hope it was funny to someone!
I love Oddworld/AustinPowers spoofs!
BTW, anyone here seen the Use Yur Imagination video?
there's an Abe Powers for ya!