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07-30-2005, 07:23 PM
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Frosties and Buttsex
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W@RF: Profile Thread!!!!

Ok, from now on, you post your profiles in here. But for now, please copy and paste your existing profiles

Here's a link to the WARF RP:
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


07-30-2005, 07:23 PM
T-nex's Avatar
Frosties and Buttsex
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My profiles:

Name: Kix
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Female(Anyone got an idea of how a female mudokon looks like?)
Age: 21(in human years)
Appearance: Her skin is normal green, her ponytail is red an violet and has tattoos on her legs. She may be thinner than other female muds. The full moon has a weird effect on her that transforms the skins green color to a golden color.
Personality: Cares about her friends, but she doesn't like strangers. She likes to explore the world, and since she got in Rupture farms, she had found all kind of old passages.

Name: Javi
Specie: Mud
Age: 25(Human years)
Job: Hopes to get a hunter job.
Appearance: Grey-green. He Is very muscular.
Personality: Is friendly, but can be harsh sometimes.

Name: Dean
Specie: Mud
Age: 19(human years)
Job: Cooker... likes to cook.
Appearance: Light-green... it might seem strange for a scrub.
Personality: Likes to play hero sometimes. But he cares about his friends, and especially for Anni.

Name: Anni
Specie: Mud
Age: 14(human years)
Job: Just a scrub.
Appearance: Pink-grey. Some chemicals fell on her when she was cleaning a lab.
Personality: Likes everyone, wants to be friend with everyone... except Nick . She's young
and easy to fool...

Name: Razer
Age: 18
Species: Helicopter Slig(spelling?)
Personality: His heart is black as it can get. Would never do anything good for anyone, and does not trust anyone. He likes to make veryone's life hell. Well, at leats the mudokons. But is more freindly to sligs.
Biography: Has a tattoo of a dead mudokon on his shoulder. His skin is dark-green. His size, is normal slig-size.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


07-30-2005, 08:47 PM
grubb_runt's Avatar
: Jul 2005
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grubb_runt  (10)

name: runt

speacies: grubb

apearance: short stubby an....er...blue with deep red eyes this grubb stands out a mile off
but remains unotesed due to his size he wears a gold pendant around his neck he has had all his life as for his clothes worker clothes are now what he wears
species: Frayda Evryting.((grubb)

age: unknown

Occupation: cleaner / worker

Personality:a generally freindly lil guy but is easly scared but once befreinded can help out in anyway he sees possible

hates: being poked prodded anything that moves fast or makes loud noises
guns an lack of water an crates

loves: water slimy fish serenity an any chance at freedom

backstory: bought an sold as a slave rut was shipped from place to
place since he could remember most of his life he spent in a small crate with a few holes
in the roof but a slight change acoured one day when he was droppped off at a new factory filled with
"wonder full things" he was told by a deep voice outside his box just before it was smashed open for him
to see himself as he now was presented with a mop an bucket soon after as was told to "work"......

picture :P


"cry not for us our souls survive justice awaits the water rise"

07-30-2005, 11:04 PM
Gretin's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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Gretin  (167)Gretin  (167)

Bio:Groll is one of the few survivors of the Rector Refinery incident. After he escaped he was employed at Feeco Depot for a while, but has been sent to Rupture Farms now. The managers sent a warning before him, though, saying not to let him be with mudokons alone; his experience at the Rector Refinery has given him a deep hate of the mudokon race.
Appearance:Looks just like any other slig except that he is unusually short and has a long scar going right down his left arm.


Age:Approximately 17(human years)
Bio:A natural spy, Sefon is good at stealth and cunning. He is also a bit of a prankster, and knows an opportunity for mischief when he sees one. He has been schooled in the use of mystical powers ever since he was born, so he is very skillful with them, but also very protective of them, meaning he will almost never use any of them unless he needs to. His natural abilities include extremely good hearing (another reason for him being a spy) and he can change the sound of his voice, within limits. Linking this to his mystical powers, he can almost perfectly mimic any voice that he hears.

He's been sent to RuptureFarms from a mudokon fortress (what used to be Rector's Refinery) in search of something important...

Appearance:Green skin with weird gray splotches all over it.

07-31-2005, 01:01 AM
Splat's Avatar
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Name: Stivik
Race: Slig
Gender: Male
Age: 32 Earth Years
Appearance: A slightly taller-than-average slig. He always wears a belt on which he clips a couple of grenades, a pen knife ("You never no when you're gonna need a corkscrew"), his gun and a small black box with a play/stop button on it. And two grenades (up for change)
Bio: Stivik seems to change, depending on who he's talking to. He likes money...

Alright, so Stivik's a council spy at Repture Farms to get enough evidence for Arnie to get made into mystery meat. But you're not supposed to know that!

Hang on, he's used both his grenades now. Ah well, I'm sure he'll find a few more from somewhere.
Nice T, now we just need backstory thread when someone can be bothered to write it...
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 08-20-2005 at 01:01 AM..
07-31-2005, 01:32 AM
SligNewsCasterGod!'s Avatar
: Jul 2005
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SligNewsCasterGod!  (10)

Name: Charderavs
race: Slig ( i only have first two abe games)
Title: Overseer(beating up all the mudokons. and all the other things sligs do. )
Bio: Charderavs( or Char) is a lean mean pant wearing machine. he is very loyal and likes guns and female sligs. As he is an over seer his pants have 4 legs instead of two
07-31-2005, 07:17 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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Here they be:

Age: 21
Species: Slig
Likes: Sleeping, chatting and socializing with Sligs, seeing people he doesn't like in trouble, and the local newspaper.
Dislikes: Hard workers, any job which requires a lot of activity.
Appearance: A normal Slig but he is slightly fatter and is a darker shade of green. He claims that this is due to his 24 out of 25 hour a day (Oddworld) nap routine.
Items: The newspaper
Bio: A lazy Slig who was first employed at Vykkers’ Labs (Way back before Munch was captured), Arthur has always lazed around. He was always lazy, and a full scale riot could have (and once did) break out in front of him and he would have taken no notice. He was therefore transferred to FeeCo Depot and given the job of Cargo-slig, which merely required Foning Head Office when the delivery trains arrived and helping to unload the cargo (which he rarely did). He was transferred to Rupture Farms to try and shape him up. He is rarely seen without the newspaper, loves sleep.
Arthur’s Philosophy: Work brings Moolah, but Moolah is the route of all evil. Evil is bad. Therefore, work brings evil, meaning work is bad. Due to this you should avoid work at all costs.

Age: 28
Species: Vykker
Likes: Treating patients to ‘improve’ them, Sucess, Gum Rot
Dislikes: Failure, people who won’t agree with him about business
Appearance: He is a basic Vykker, but wears spectacles at times and can sometimes be seen in a white lab coat or a suit.
Items: Surgical tools, sometimes a snuzi or saw.
Bio: Dek was originally a low-class Vykker at the Labs he worked for but he was ambitious. He disagreed with the ways the head surgeons worked, and aspired to run the place himself. He undertook experiments without authorization in his quarter, and when discovered, was praised instead of punished, for his inventions were cost-effective and addictive, from his special cigar that was made of fuzzle skin and Gabbit liver and was addictive but cheap due to its components, to his electric pads, designed to send electric shocks to the nervous system as both a torture device and a masochist's equivalent of nicotine patches. Dek had it made, and rose through the ranks fast, becoming Chief Medical Operator and Inventions supervisor at the labs. He then went to Rupture Farms at a medical request from Arthur, got fired from Vykkers Labs, and is now trying to get a job at Rupture Farms.

Last edited by Munch's Master; 07-31-2005 at 02:00 PM..
07-31-2005, 09:03 AM
big bro boogie
Sewer Sleg
: Jun 2003
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big bro boogie  (10)


Age: 20(human years)
Specie: Big Bro (valet like)
Bio/description: sweet shiny pants, most of the time wearing a shiny hat, on His left hand 1 shiny metal ring and he's not as brawny as normal Big Bro's

Personality: He's Nice (and called a nerd once). He Hates to see others shooting, being shot(himself) or times when he has to shoot someone. Hates dissing too cuz he can get dissed awfull lot a times. And oh, likes to "chit-chat" with Big-Bosses, or gluks.

Items/weapons: Metal ring on the left hand, and his little blitzpacker. Edit: has obtained assault rifle in weaponry.

Scruben (Scrubby)
Specie: Mud
Gender: Male
Age: 14(human years)
Job: Floor Scrubber
Appearance: Yellowy-Green with red like eyes.
Personality: Fastly worried and helpful. He became that way after one of his best friends was lost for some days, and later his body was found by Scrubby, dead.

Specie: Mud
Gender: Male
Age: 21(human years)
Job: Stability/Machine-checker
Appearance: Darky-green wearing a scrub cap the wrong way around. Always carries a pen and a notebook.
Personality: Experienced stability-checker. With a sharp mind in remembering how to stay safe and getting to know techniques(machinery stuff).

Those're all I need.
And have.
--Yours Truly.
---My DevArt.---

Last edited by big bro boogie; 01-04-2006 at 06:23 AM..
08-01-2005, 08:47 AM
grubb_runt's Avatar
: Jul 2005
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grubb_runt  (10)

Characters name: greeter~241

Age: around 40 to 50 years

Species: outdated greeter model

Bio:first off the production line greeter was created with all the bugs and faults that were yet to be ironed out of the later models ((didnt do much of a good job eh )) his original base of actions was gaurding the feeco depo but was shipped out after its voice box burned out multiple times in the end they stopped fixing him then they stopped caring untill one day the greeter wheeled itself into a wall damaging its AI completly shutting itself down ..untill now as it began to run its start up finding itself in a endless storage room checking its internal IPS he found he was located in "rupture farms"

Personality: sarcastic forgetfull fickle also shares a split personality due his damaged AI the other side is more helpfull yet still thinks its in feeco caussing it to bump into walls

Items/weapons: non what so ever just the display unit it uses to interact also used for electrocuting anything in its way

"cry not for us our souls survive justice awaits the water rise"

08-01-2005, 11:54 PM
Gretin's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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Gretin  (167)Gretin  (167)

Name: Frod
Species: Mudokon
Age: 30
Bio: Frod is a bit of an eccentric mudokon, considered just plain weird by all his friends. He means well, but sometimes his mannerisms can annoy his companions to great extents. He is super-friendly with almost any of the other Oddworld species.
Used to work at Feeco Depot, but has been transferred to RuptureFarms.
Appearance:Looks like most mudokon scrubs, except for the brown bag he likes to carry slung around his shoulder. He also likes experimenting with different colours in his hair...

08-02-2005, 02:15 PM
Jarnww's Avatar
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Age:27 (In human years.)

Description:Transferred to RuptureFarms. Has been a security guard for a couple of years at Necrum Mines (Before it exploded), a Slig Equiptment research facility, and Feeco Depot.

Appearence:Has a tattoo of a scrab on his right bicep. Wears prototype flying/ground pants that he got from a research facility he worked at. Is also kinda greasy considering that he's been doing some repairs around RF.
W@RF RP:It's like a hornets nest exploding in your pants, although a lot more fun!

08-02-2005, 11:21 PM
dripik's Avatar
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Name: #7 Slig
Species: Slig
Age: 22
Personality: Boss of Rupture Farms Security Dept., good-working employee
Appearance: new and shiny mechanical pants, green-glowing visor, carries shotgun.

Name: Arnie
Species: Glukkon
Age: 34
Personality: Big Cheese, new boss of Rupture Farms, very quick at job, has his own train in Feeco Depot
Appearance: wears green suit, has a cigar, and a suit-badge with Rupture Farms-logo on it.

Name: Otto
Species: Glukkon
Age: 12
Personality: Arnie's little brother, learning stocks and business in Rupture Farms
Appearance: blue suit, Rupture Farms badge on suit, black shoes.

Name: Rick
Species: Mudokon
Age: 22
Personality: nice, good employee, but in some cases he might be a rebel Mudokon
Appearance: A long, red wound on his arm. Appart from that, nothing unusual.

Name: RG-49
Species: Robotic (non-living)
Age: Unknown
Personality: RG has a limited range of emotions and he speaks in a monotonous voice, like most „mech-creatures”, as he calls them. He can be very helpful with his mechanic and terminating skills, though.
Appearance: Almost as tall as a Glukkon, a bit skeleton-like, armed with a rifle and many built-in functions and mainly dark copper coloured.

08-06-2005, 10:22 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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Incoming new character!

Name: Jim
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 27 Earth Years
Appearance: Generally your average mud, green skin, loin cloth. Black and purple feathers and several long scars down his back.
Bio: Jim was captured at an early age and was given to a very nasty slig. Since than he's been terrified of them, he can hardly work when they're around but is fine when the area's slig-free. This has got him kicked out of several jobs before getting himself packed off to Repture Farms!

A Star is born! But we couldn't find him, so this is what we get landed with.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

09-27-2005, 11:02 AM
Big bro slig 600's Avatar
Big bro slig 600
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Big bro slig 600  (10)

heres Flare's profile

Species: Slig [worker class]
Personality:He trained at the slig barracks and is magnificant in combat but he only shoots things that attack him,other sligs,slogs,glukons and muds
Appearance:He carries a shot gun and has golden pants with a fire sort of pattern on them.(thats where his name comes from)
big bro slig|600

09-28-2005, 07:35 AM
Scrab-Meat's Avatar
: Sep 2005
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New chracter based off some of the side characters in my up comming fan fic Oddworld Skeeb's Oddessy.

Name: Bass
Species: Mudokin
Age: 12
Appearance: A mudokin with slig legs instead of his own made possible by the Keepers.
personality: Sometimes he likes to stick to himself but always loves to make friends with other freaks. He is depressed because of what has happened to him. Now he seeks revenge.

Back story: Bass is a Mudokin freak. He loves to hang out with outcasts to society ie: freaks. He was one of the fortunate mudokins to escape with Abe from Rupture Farms. Throughout the years he lived well in his native villages until the Keepers came and offered him a wonderful acting job at The freak Dome. Now the Keepers are evil ring masters from the north that put on an annual freak show circus to make profit off of other industrialist. Keepers live far into the extreme cold northern hemisphere of Oddworld in a massive holding facilty called the Freak Dome. This place is also a zoo that holds the most exotic animals of Oddworld basically in the frigid Oddworld arctic. And only on a yearly basis the Keepers come to put on the big show for the industrialist down south. The rest of the time they go and find poor unfortunate souls around Oddworld and capture them and later turn them into freaks by doing horrible transformations on them. You can say these guys love the term opposites attract.

One day the keepers found Bass fishing and they began to offer him a wounderful acting job. He took the offer and to his horrific surprise they captured him much like the way the glukkons imprisoned him way back at Rupture Farms. The keepers took him back north to get prept for the big show and they did horrible transformations on him. Cutting his legs off and attaching slig legs to him in the process. Now Bass is a freak made specially by the Keepers.

Name: Slaslic
Race: Glukkon
age: 20
Appearance: Glukkon freak with 15 Glukkon arms made possible by the Keepers.

personality: Slaslic is stubern, arrogant, and sometimes rude. But those are his good points.

Backstory: Much in the same situation as Bass, Slaslic is a victem of the ever increaseing powers of the Keepers. Slaslic in the past never used to have 15 arms. Infact he was a well respected glukkon in his day. Some say his dream was to succeed Glockstar status and become a god. But all things failed as his oil company Slasco went completely under do to constant employee
deaths and loses. Slasco was shut down by Lady Margret and Slaslic was punished. Lady Margret knew about a new form of entertainment called a freak circus held once a year by greedy corporet leeches from the Oddworld arctic called Keepers. Lady Margret took it upon her self and sent poor Slaslic to the Freak dome to be turned into a freak of nature. The Keepers took him in and wanted Slaslic to be an acrobat in the show. They attached 15 glukkon arms to him and made him the laughing stock of Oddworld.

Now thanks to his strange friends he escaped with the help of Bass and an inhabitant not from Mudos named Skeeb. Now Slaslic wonders Oddworld in search of his lost fortune.

definition Scrabs- Not much to look at, but terrific dancers; http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56.../ScrabMeat.jpg
Because RuptureFarms has driven Meeches, Scrabs, and Paramites to the edge of extinction, the only way to boost profits is to turn Abe and his pals into lunch. Thats right step on up and become Scrab meat!

Last edited by Scrab-Meat; 09-29-2005 at 09:29 AM..
10-03-2005, 12:36 PM
xx_xx_0dd's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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xx_xx_0dd  (10)

I'm new. I got a character right here------------------------------------------------
Name:Slicer (or Unit 117-3476)

Race/Species:Robotic (Not Alive)

Age:He was built 8 years ago, he is meant to be 22

Look/Apperance:He has a hologram projecter to fool mudokins into think he is one of them. He also has a voice chip to make him sound like a mudokin, and he baisically looks like a cold blooded killer in cyborg form.He also has a shotgun on him at all times.

Sex:Robotic (Male apperance in mudokin form)

Personality:He is an execution-droid, built by Glukkons to kill off mudokins. He also works as an executioner for mudokins who don't listen or are of no use to the the evil Glukkons anymore. He will make friends with the disguise if he has to trick some one.

Backstory:He was made 8 years ago by Glukkon scientists. He is an executioner. He is just starting to discover emotions, and is having trouble controlling them (like sudden outbursts of anger,hate, love, and others). He wants to over-throw the Glukkons, but they have control over him. Will he overcome them? He is going to need help to do it.

Last edited by xx_xx_0dd; 10-03-2005 at 12:45 PM.. : Add stuff
12-21-2005, 04:15 PM
: May 2003
: Trying to get into Mitsur
: 46
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Dragonlord3  (10)

Ok, i'm going to post my guy's profile before I leave for the next week and half for the holidays, so I won't forget.

Name: Flaxis

Species: Steef

Sex: Male

Age: 18 (Human Years)

Job: Freelance Bounty Hunter, currently working for Rupture farms.

Apperance: Although he is a steef, he lost his back legs when he was young when his tribe was ambushed by the industrialists, thus making him seem normal, but leaving terrible scars. He was the only survivor, according to the records. His horns were later broken off by a pair of Big Bro Sligs while he was in there custody. He has dark blue eyes, so dark they seem black, and has blond hair. Muscles are apparent on his body from the intense labor he was sent through as a slave. He is 6'10 tall, towering over most creatures. He wears traditional clothes, with a leather shirt incribed with his tribe's symbols, and his pants are likewise. The only straying item is the bulletproof vest underneath the shirt, made by a secret process only he knows.

Personality: He is normally dark and brooding, but inside is a kind soul. He will defend anyone who is subjected to cruel treatment. He is misunderstood by most people, because of his blunt opinion. His anger is almost unstoppable when in full gear. Basically, don't mess with him.

Weapons: He, unlike the Stranger, is not above using guns, which shows from the modified slig assualt rifle he carries. He has a back-up crossbow for live ammo in case of emergincies, although. When it comes to close combat, he uses a katana.

His backstory will be revealed throughout the RPG.

What do ya guys think?

Last edited by Dragonlord3; 12-21-2005 at 04:19 PM..
12-27-2005, 07:59 PM
Jarnww's Avatar
: Jun 2005
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Oops, forgot to post the new character I made...Sorry...

Name:The Scrab.

Age: *Shrug*

Job:Ex-test subject, Activist, uh....Fauna?

Species:Oh come on.

Appearance: Big scrab with certain parts replaced by metal.
Bio: An ex-vykker test subject with an eye for justice. Was originally violent and zealous but has started to calm down a bit. Loves scrabs and native mudokons and pretty much dislikes anything industrial. Oh yea, he can talk too.
W@RF RP:It's like a hornets nest exploding in your pants, although a lot more fun!

01-06-2006, 03:04 PM
Jordan's Avatar
Screaming Bender
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Happy My Profile

Name: Jordan
Species: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 11 (Human Years)
Appearence: Um, black and red ponytail, red eyes, vest made of the same material as the loin cloth, normal green colour.
Personality: Well I try and help whenever I can, I hate sligs and glukkons and any other industrial things. I have plenty of friends too.
01-06-2006, 04:15 PM
metroixer's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
: Sep 2005
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metroixer  (-71)

I almost missed this! Can this be a sticky T-NEx for future rp'rs?

Age:12(I'm pretty sure that is an adult slig age)
bio: Mist was born in Rupture Farms before abe even came to be. He worked there as a gaurd for prisoners, and likes to have conversations with them. He is still one of thos short tempered sligs though.
01-18-2006, 02:29 PM
mudling's Avatar
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: Jan 2005
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mudling  (123)mudling  (123)

Name: snoozzin
Specie: intern
Age: 18 (human years)
Job: medic/doctor
Appearance: pretty skinny, rough, strong, marks where his stiches on his lips were, dents in his head were his over size headphones were, very musicalar
Personality: intelligant in only medical, and mechanical topics, in everything else, he is utterlly stupid and lacks commin sence, not very talkative, kind in the inside, but acts mean on the out, has very strong oppions, will go too far, is very gental to his pateints, makes best freinds with little droids and critters, has no love for music, shows kindness expecially to slaves of any sort, doesn't show much mercy, and hates to anything but harmless droids, his patients (for the time he is helping them only), critters, and slaves and lastly, is a little crazy.
backstory: no-one knows why an intern knocked on the factory's door one day, why he has no love of music, and has clear signs of rebelling from vykers labs, and why he hates slavery. it is said that he came from vykers labs, and that he managed to escape before it's explosions. it is also unclear why he appears so smart in only a fw topics, but otherwise is completly stupid, and why he is so silent. it is guessed he was once a very smart intern that was very lazy (hence the name), and even had a weapon named after him. it also is romoured that some how the explosions made him crazy (and maybe evil too), and maybe he lost most of his brain, and maybe that's why he is only good at medical and mechanical topics.
but why he is freinds with a little chant surpresser droid is also a mystery, and who's voice the droid now posses is a mystery too, but it sounds oddly famililar.

Name: R-U $@1n, or RU for short.
Specie: chant surpresser droid
Age: unkown
Job: survaliance
Appearance: rusty, small, has a big red circle (where his circuits, and a cameria is behind), has holes to resemble his face.
Personality: obediant, mysterious, does alot of things when not ordered, gets or jumpy when abe is menshioned, hates mudockons, sometimes forgot he's a droid, lloves to explore (altough not rapture farms, he know's this place far too well for some reason)
abillities: can float, can zap, can record images.
backstory: this droid seems to be controlled by something else (whatever is controlling him owns his voice too), altough not even his crazy intern freind is sure, but whoever it is, is is contastly controling the droid, and speaking through it, and is only gone or asleep, when the droid is motionless aswell. it is romoured that the droid is the one who saved the interns life from what made him so battered, but why someone would save that intern is a mystery.

01-19-2006, 05:36 PM
oddveteran93's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Jan 2006
: Melbourne
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Name: Klimp
Species: Intern, Male (Armoured)
Age: 21
Job: Cleaning supervisor in the Stockyards

Appearance: Tall, with rough grey skin. Non stiched mouth, he cut them when he was smaller. His legs longer than ususal and bent in a strangew way. He likes to wear a brown jacket which makes him look like a hobo. He used to have a pet fuzzle...before he stepped on it.

Personality: Courageous and ambitious but he has a very short atention span. When it comes to talking, Klimp is okay, but when it comes to writing, well lets just say he has horrible grammar. He never got over "the incident" (when he stepped on his pet fuzzle) and whenever he sees a fuzzle he thinks it's his pet which came back from the dead to get revenge on him.

Back story: Klimp's father worked as a medic in Vykker's labs. Klimp grew up there and moped floors. He never had any interest in medicine. One day his father took him to see some fuzzles ge was making tests on. His dad let him keep a mutated fuzzle as a pet. Then he tricked Klimp into going into a poop chute. He fell through it and landed in a forest. from there, he found a village and he heard that Rupture Farms re-opened. Klimp travled a month, trying to get to Rupture Farms. Then he found out that he was going the wrong way. So... he wasted another month going back, and after a couple of years he finally reached Rupture farms.
How could I ever think, it's funny how, everything you swore would never change, is different now.

01-20-2006, 01:13 PM
Splat's Avatar
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What can i say, the situation seemed to call for it! And she solves a problem that's been present since Stivik began his investigation.

Name: DS-P.L7 v4 (Dionysia)
Race: 'Dark Skin' Mudokon: nice genetic engineering job. Odd bless the industrials for all these interesting character possibilities!
Gender: Female
Age: Mentally 18 by human standards. Hatched 3 years ago.
Appearance: Skin is a dark grey, almost black (big shock). She wears a dyed red cloth wrapped round her lower regions and another round her upper chest where she shows particular female features. Like a normal mudokon she is muscular but less sinuous. SLightly taller than average, eyes are normal yellow and feather is purple, red and plack and flows all the way down her back stopping just above her lower garment [clothing]. Her lips are stitched.
Bio: The original industrial 'Dark Skin Project' was intended to create mudokons with the behaviour more like sligs or glukkons and less like scrubs. Originally the male creations came out with psychopathic inclinations to kill anything and everything. By version 7 of the project the experiment team realised a hormone necessary for a mudokon to grow was causing this fault. However, female mudokons created in the past never had this hormone and the vykkers, taking this into account, attempted to engineer a female 'Dark Skin'. The fourth prototype in this series was cristened Dionysia by her makers and proved to be reasonably successful, if a little to Skillya-like for comfort. Not to be outdone, the vykkers decided to dump her on some poor glukkon who was causing a stir in the Cartel but no one wanted to remove from his job cus, quite frankly, he was good at it. Shortly afterwards she was shipped off to Rupture Farms with a private message to Arnie.
Dionysia (or Dion) likes to be thought of as threatening and a bit evil. She can be patronising and arrogant, or kind and supportive, depending on which she hinks will get the most out of the person she is faced with. Very nasty to people naive enough to cause her trouble.

Old idea given new form! Now to put her into action...
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 01-20-2006 at 02:10 PM..
01-31-2006, 11:23 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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How about this?

Race: Slig
Gender: Male
Appearance: Over all, an extermely old slig. 12 years over life span. Partical all metal. His only exposure of skin is his tentacles. Molt has burnt tentacles and missing ones as well. He has the metal of upgraded protection metal with all sorts of dents and lines. His pants have springs to it and has only two metal fingers on one hand. He carries around a large wolvark gun with him.
Personally: Rough to anyone, except to glukkons. He thinks everyone and anyone besides him is an idoit.
Backstory: He was 29 when he was changed forever. All his life he had idolized big bro sligs. He loved the ripling mulses across those bodies. The guns had even made him impressed. It wasn't soon before he signed forms to become one. However, the day before he became one, a mudokon possessed him. He remembered nothing, but for some reason, he surived. He was the first to surive possession. The deterimation made him want to surive. However, it cost him greatly. His spine was twisted, his tail and his arms were all broken permantly, and his most of his tentacles disappeared. He also lost two fingers. Vykkers made sure he had medical treatment. He had all sort of metal across him now, that replace his real body. Unfortunently, he could not have any steroid treatment, for Molt's body would be worse. He knows now that he fought for nothing. He now is 32, and can be kind of be elected for most hated. He has also grown bulkier, from his excrises. He was transfered to Rupture Farms for better surcurity.
Weapon: Wolvark gun and his slicer hand
New Bio: Lately, he's been calling everyone, even glukkons, idoits. His first job hasn't been assigned yet, but he decided to work on the grinders. Because of an accident involving the Gore Rifle, his arm that had 4 fingers on it blew off, his sight has been inffected and parts of artteries have been inffected.

Name: Gappiqu
Race: Slig
Gender: Male
Appearance: Like any normal slig. The only difference is that he has large silver pants that are unnessessaryly wide.
Bio: He is patheic to other sligs. He has failed all gun use classes in Slig Barracks. He only made it out of that torture chamber was that he exceded mine, grenade, and detoniaters use. His wide pants had built in pockets, that's use is for containment of bombs of such sort. Gappiqu also worked as an engineer in Vykker's Labs and currently working on the Gore rifle. He also was done surgrey on for some reason. No one has the record what it was for. He is also very shy and never takes off his pants.
Weapons: Detoniators, Mines, and a pistol without bullets.
New Bio: He lately has been less shy around people and trying to make emenies with muds.The Gore rifle is now complete and he's trying to see if there's a difference between the Gore gun with another. He has revealed that he has Steef legs under his pants, but only to Goresplatter. He has also said to Goresplatter that he is in love with Anni.

Name: Slap
Race: Intern
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Job: Worker Intern; does not have experience with a Snuzi.
He is trying to be excepted for a doctor because of his underdevoleped race. He has medical knowledge on treating wounds, proper sedation, treating drug abuse, treating led poisining, limb replacments, loss of limb treatment, and I even know flu signs.
Appearance: Usually carries a box of medince supplies and the such. Small gut. Averge Intern appearance except for the aprion he wears.
Bio: Since he was a small child, he dreamed of becoming a real time doctor. But his opinions were drawen out when he learned how "undevolped" his spieces was. His cries of freedom couldn't not be heard because of his snitches. But that didn't stop him. When he signed himself as a apperentice, he would always slap down his homework in a second. That's why he's called Slap. He successed in the intern ship, and after years of training, he got the lower class of Vykker doctor ship. That was enough for him.
Items: He carries a laptop to commucate to people.
New Bio: He has been hired by Dek as his assisstent.

Race: Slig
Gender: Male
Age: He died at the age of 11.
Appearance: Averge slig, with mask, pants, and gun
Bio: He is only known in Gappiqu's memories. He does not and never has, worked at Rupture Farms.

Name: Max
Race: Slog, with a tad bit of Sleg in him.
Gender: Male
Age: 3 and a half.
Appearance: Short compared to an adult slog, but is tall for a Slog's age. He also has a Sleg-skull, feathers, tusks, and has similar legs to one. His skin is a dark purple as well.
Bio: His family is a cross over with a Sleg, so he's sort of a combination of Sleg and Slog, but mainly Slog. He was raised by Molt at birth and is quite intellgent for a Slog, due to consist Slig interaction. He now in Rupture Farms.

Name: Bonty
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Appearance: Brownish-Gray skin, for his miserbleness. He has nothing else that is distincly different, besides his scar on his left cheek and his black, wounded foot.

Personality: Rather lonely and miserble at times. He wouldn't disobey a slig or even try to think to disobey a slig. But he rather gullible, making him an easy target to fall into a meatsaw.

Backstory: He was the missing mudokon in Bonewerks. Bonty's is full of mishap and luckness. He is lucky that every time he is tricked, his buddies come to save the day. Bonty had thought that the bones he was collecting, was Slog bones, so he never got stitches. And when he heard of Abe, he considered himself the luckist mudokon to see a savior. Unfortunenly, Abe missed him, and he had to escape from the gas on his own. Luckly, he reached a train, and boarded it before it left. Unfortunenly, he arrived at a Vykker Labs, which, of course, Abe missed too. He had been miserble since. He was grateful to hear that Molt had left, for he had killed oe of his buddies, and killed his only slig friend as well. He was grateful that he left, but was miserble to hear that he was being tranfered back with him.

Last edited by Slaveless; 05-08-2006 at 03:51 PM.. : Little more detail
02-15-2006, 06:49 PM
Paramite Mask's Avatar
Paramite Mask
: Feb 2006
: Arroyo Grande, California
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Paramite Mask  (10)

Hello! I'm new to WARF. Here is my profile:

Name: Odenzk

Race: Mud

Age: 2 (mudokon years)

Bio: Odenzk is a youngling Mudokon monk who was born in the Paramonian temple. His egg laid deep in the heart of the Paramite nest. Paramites surrounded his egg and linked to the inside of the egg and created a second brain inside the head. The second brain was developed by the thousands of paramite spirits into mentality. So, basically, he has a mind of Mudokon and a mind and legs of a Paramite. Because of his second mind, Odenzk saw the world outside of the egg, and experienced life in the form of a paramite inside the egg. So, he's had to lives : one of a Paramite and one of Mud. He was found as a hatchling from monks sent from the Monsoniac lines to revive the dead Paramites that were killed during the trials of Abe before he set off to destroy the first Rupture Farms. The monks took him back to the Monsoniac Lines and tought him Mud spirituality and medation in the Paramonian wilderness. The monks believe that Odenzk was created from the amount of spirituality Abe brought inside the Temple. Odenzk became a Paramonian Monk and was sent by Big Face to get himself captured by Rupture Farms security and become a slave. He will then become a slave in Rupture Farms and to teach the Mud slaves their true path as Muds and send them through the path Abe took to escape andenter the Monsoniac Lines and witness the trials. He's basically a young Mudokon missionary undercover trying to send Muds to the trials of the Lines.

Appearance: A small Mud with grubby hands and the feet of a Paramite. A large tatoo of a Paramite is on his chest, and wears a special Mudokon crest around his neck. He's about the size of a Grubb. He is extremely skinny.

Skin color: Forets green with a hint of Orange.

Job : New employee to the Glukkons. Odenzk scrubs walls and waxes floors. Monk teahcer to the Mudokons.

I might make another later, but now I'm tired. I hope you kind of like it.

Last edited by Paramite Mask; 02-20-2006 at 05:24 PM..
02-25-2006, 11:21 AM
outlaw king's Avatar
outlaw king
Bola Blast
: Feb 2006
: The shivering isles!
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Name: kilsa ( asliks younger bro )
Age: mid 30's
Appearance : exactley like aslik , apart from a stubble on his chin and pink eyes.
Wears : same clothes as aslik , but wears circle rimmed glasses instead of a monocle , and rollos instead of a cigarette holder. He favours light green spats aswell.
Occupation : He has come to build a mini fee co. depot next to rupture farms.

Names: louie , stewie , chewie , duey , and tooley.
species: sligs
Ages : all around 25
Appearance : publicist sligs! all of kilsas employes look like normal sligs , but there pants are so shiny yer eyes will bleed if you look at em . They always carry a briefcase each with a gold plate displaying thier name on it.
clothes: each slig has ultra shiny pants , and a black fedora hat , with light green spats
Thanks for this oddish!

Last edited by outlaw king; 02-25-2006 at 02:50 PM..
02-28-2006, 09:27 AM
Goresplatter's Avatar
Spark Stunk
: Feb 2006
: I'm in space.
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Wired Another character update!

Here's my characters, who have gone through changes within the story.

Name: Goresplatter (Gore for short)
Species: Slig
Age: 14
Appearance: A slightly taller than average slig, but with Vykker X's meddlings, has grown organic legs. Also wears no visor, due to the fact he might aswell 'complete the abomination.'
Personality: Looks on the bright side of things, but has a pretty firm hatred of tyrannus Glukkons (meaning most of them, unfortunately). He has a short temper and quick to start fights. He believes Sligs should be above Glukkons in business (but doesn't realise how stupid most Sligs are).

Name: Vykker X
Species: Vykker (Sawbones)
Age: Unknown
Appearance: Average Vykker Sawbones, with lots of blood all over his apron.
Personality: This is the Vykker which forced Goresplatter to treat himself with a strange formula which has given him organic legs. He is noticably insane, and always in a hurry. He can be called on the phone at any time, though he doesn't give the most logical conversations.

Name: 'Delivery Boy'
Species: Mudokon
Age: Unknown (presumably quite old)
Appearance: An old mudokon, grey and covered with stitches and cuts all over his body. He is missing his left arm.
Personality: He could be compared to Frankenstein; he hears little and talks less. He has stitches across his whole mouth, and can only make a sort of hiss. He hasn't been seen since giving Goresplatter the leg-drug however.

Last edited by Goresplatter; 03-18-2006 at 01:44 AM..
03-01-2006, 07:28 PM
mitsur's Avatar
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Name: Jakob Tomahawk

Sex: Male

Age: 24 (Human years)

Race: Mudokon

Weapon: A massive blade, like the pyramid heads in SH have, except covered in glowing neon blow runes along its length. Also uses backup knives.

Gear: Orb of Light (Baseball-sized glass ball covered in leather, except for one area, so it is like a flashlight. In the inside there is a scrap of sunlight that was enchanted into it.), Mail-backed leather clothes, several distraction grenades, and a visor like the sligs, with giger-counter, infrared, and thermal settings.

Description: Has short, cropped, brown hair. He is tall, but not overly so, just enough to give him an edge in battle. He is also skinny. His eyes are blue, and he has long fingers. His back has a tatto of a scrab and paramite attacking each other, and another tatto of what looks like Bigface's mask on his chest. When he fights, it is said that the tattos seem to shimmer slightly. His eyes show suppresed pain.

Personality: He is a usually kind and happy person. He always trys to keep people positive about something, since he has seen firsthand how badly a battle can go when the team isn't 'feeling it'. When he is angry, however, he is brutally ruthless. The sligs who killed his family learned that firsthand. Fiercly loyal, he will defend even a former friend he has not seen in years.

Biography: Born into an average family that lived near around Tranville in the wild, Jakob did not know much about the war. His parents caught the defensive fever, and ran off to fight, believing that they were defending there son. They left him only in the care of the elderly shaman of the villiage, who was named Tree-talker. His mother died in the battle, but his father stumbled home with mortal wounds. After two days of caring for him, four sligs broke down the door to, as they said, 'finish the job'. After a brief struggle, in which Tree-talker was shot and his father's throat slit, Jakob tackled two of the sligs and was restrained. Nothing beyond this is know, except from the facts found in a later reprt made by a paramite-hunter who had found the sligs body:

"Now, the body were really torn up, and so at first I thought some poor bastards had been caught in the open. I looked closer, though, and it looked like someone had ripped them apart using only their hands. It spooked me well, it did."

Later investigation revealed that Jakob had apparently gone into a muderous rage, broke free from the bonds, and hurled himself at the leader. He then promptly tore apart the other three. Jakob will not reveal how he got his runeblade. The only hint given is that he found it somewhere in the deepest reaches of the Sanctuary.


03-03-2006, 03:59 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
outlaw king
Bola Blast
: Feb 2006
: The shivering isles!
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outlaw king  (10)

Okay , these new characters will be making an entrance soon.

Name :Phlug

Species : glukkon

Appearance : Phlegs cousin , he has the basic appearance of phleg , and wears the same suit.

Age : 23

Wears : phlegs clothes ( phleg gave them to him on his death bed ( clothes are very important to gluks ) so phlug wears them all the time )

Occupation : Phlug makes and designs the magog cartels train system . He invented the original , first magog train , he keeps it in his HUGE office .

Name : too many to count.

Species : all sligs

Occupation : Slig engineers , they make the trains , drive the trains , deliver the trains . If you see a magog train , its these guys who built it . Theres over 5000000 of em.

Wears : All sligs wear standard boiler suits , and a sriped engineers cap . Every slig has purple googles , instead of black . This shows that they work for the magog practical engineering union , and are not security guards.

Appearance : They are perfectley normal sligs , except some have tattoos , cos theyre tuff as hell! And the trademark purple visor.


Name : Srug napier

Species : Slig

Age : Mid 30s

O0ccupation : Crook

Appearance : A normal slig , maybe a little taller and greener than the average slig.

Clothing : If youve seen the original " Batman " , Srug is almost identical to Jak napier . He wears a dark black wool trenchcoat , and a black fedora with a flat top , under his coat he wears a purple suit .

Bio : Srug is a under ground gangster , his gang owns a large percent of the magog cartel , and he operates near rupture farms .

Carrys : A hand gun and a pack of lung busters


Name : hoods 1, 2 ,3, 4 ,and 5

Occupation : gangsters

Age : late 20s

Appearance : Same as srug

Clothing : The original oddysee slig visor eyepiece , and every slig wears a black fedora hat .

Bio : Nothin interesting , they work for srug.

Carrys : Every hood has a pack of cigarillo lung busters and a standard handgun.
Thanks for this oddish!

Last edited by outlaw king; 03-11-2006 at 01:56 PM..
03-26-2006, 10:06 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
Clakker Store Clerk
: Jun 2003
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My Character

Name: Biggy Bro Slig
Species: Enhanced Slig/Big Bro Slig
Age: 10 Years; Slig years.
Job: Commando/Squad Leader for Alpha Squad.
Appearance: Normal Big Bro Slig, one main visor, armoured arms,
Personality: The serious, strict type.
Wears: One badge; Medal of Honour, on his left Armour plated arm.

Name: Cpt. Sorph
Species: Slig Commando
Age: 9 years
Job: Second incharge for Alpha Squad.
Appearance: Armoured slig.
Personality: Strict
Wears: Armour, has a mini-blitzpack

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