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07-16-2010, 12:55 AM
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Oddworld Armament Reloaded: I

Hello everyone.
I posted this a while ago but then things got in the way and I wasn't able to finish it. I'm hoping to continue this story for another six volumes. Then I'll have finally done the Armament story justice. Please feel free to read this and make comments. Remember that as I inspire others, I was once inspired by a fanfic. Without further ado, here is the first part of Armament Reloaded!

= * = * =

Armament Reloaded I
Volume 1: A New Beginning

“Lock and load”, Udra half-whispered to his squad mates. None of the other squad mates gave verbal feedback. They knew it would be best to keep talking to a minimum. Marek looked out of the corner of his eye towards Udra. With that, Udra knew that Marek heard and understood that verbal command.

Marek moved his hands very slowly and loaded nine bullets into his revolving pistol. On Marek’s right, Reint silently attached his sniper scope and placed a ten-bullet clip into his sniper rifle. Reint glanced to Marek’s left and looked at Krisso. Krisso quietly moved his hand to his belt, picking up a clip and slipping it into his rifle. Udra withdrew a clip from his backpack and placed it into his semi-automatic pistols.

Marek looked around. These sligs had to be around here somewhere. Marek tapped Udra on the shoulder and motioned for him to follow. Udra nodded and stayed close to Marek. Reint tapped on Krisso’s shoulder and they move moved off to the west.

Marek could already hear something out of place. There was a nervous squeaking noise, as if there was a slig who was nervously shivering and inadvertently making his pants move. Marek moved quietly around the corner before moving into the slig’s line of sight. “Don’t shoot!” it yelled. It waved its arms frantically in the air and almost started to cry. Udra smiled, “Relax buddy, we’re here to save you”

The slig calmed down and stopped shivering. “Thank you. Are there more of you?” Marek nodded, “Yes, we are currently rescuing your friend” The other slig had a shocked expression, “Oh no… We have to go get to them now!” Marek nodded and they ran west. The other slig explained why he was concerned. Udra's expression changed to shock.

Reint and Krisso had been moving slowly for the past minute or so. They had moved past the old shack and were just about to enter the containment facility. There was a slig on the ground, Reint was concerned. Reint whispered to Krisso. “I’d better go make sure he’s okay. Cover me”

Reint slowly walked over to the downed slig. Reint reached for the slig’s neck. He felt a pulse. He gave a thumb up to Krisso. He helped the slig to his feet. He found a stool and placed the slig on it, before trying to wake him. The slig opened his eyes and started speaking in a quiet tone, “Loo… Scra…”

Krisso moved closer, “What’s he saying?” Reint shrugged. “Repeat please” The other slig took a moment to steady himself, he was obviously pretty shaken. “Scrab… is loose”

Volume 2: A Bad Situation

Reint and Krisso immediately turned around and took out their guns. Reint heard a noise at the last second and rolled out of the way. The scrab hit the wall with its beak, injuring itself badly. Krisso grabbed the other slig and half-threw him out of the way. The other slig got up and then ducked behind a crate. Krisso took aim and shot a single burst fire round of ammo in the scrab’s direction. The three shots scraped the scrab’s torso. The scrab howled before running at Krisso. Krisso took a nearby crate and threw it at the scrab’s beak. The scrab howled as the scrab’s beak was now stuck on the crate.

Marek and Udra could hear all of the commotion and headed to the entrance. Reint aimed for the scrab’s head and shot it. The scrab was now mortally wounded. It took one last break for freedom, partially tripped and headed for the exit. Udra barely had change to assess the situation before he saw the scrab charging in his direction. The scrab was unable to see because of the crate which was stuck on his beak.

Udra tried to move to the side but his pants were caught in the root of a tree. Udra looked ahead and said, “Oh ode…” Udra placed his arms in front of his face and braced for the impact. The scrab ran straight into Udra. Udra was propelled backwards as the force of the crate hit him full force, ripping the tree root away from under Udra's foot. The crate splintered and the scrab howled in even more pain, it started moving erratically. Udra was in a vulnerable state, he was hoping that there was nothing behind him. Unfortunately for him, there was.

Udra barely noticed the tree behind him until the very last moment. Udra hit the tree at full force. Udra was lucky that his head was not smashed open right there and then. The scrab gave one last howl before slumping to the ground and not moving. Udra had just enough time to realise he was alive, before he lost consciousness.

Marek ran in the direction of the noise. “UDRA!” he yelled. He saw the body against the tree, “Udra… no” He ran to Udra and felt his neck, there was a pulse, but it was more faint than usual. He pulled Udra and tried to carry him as much as he could alone. The metal pants dragged along the ground. Krisso walked over and took Udra’s other arm. They carried him to an open area of land. Reint examined him briefly and gave him a small injection.

The group of sligs disassembled Udra’s pants as best they could... they placed parts into each member’s backpack. Krisso and Marek then equipped their helicopter pants and carried Udra together. Reint and the other two sligs flew alongside them.

They had completed the mission, but their squad mate had been badly injured. He may not ever recover from what happened. Perhaps in time, things will be right once more.

Volume 3: If I Fell

As night turned to dawn, a small ray of light cast a beam onto the large factory building on the horizon. Marek was glad to see the ominous shape in the distance. Madmedz was probably one of the best places to work in the whole of Oddworld. The main reasons being the high salary and low fatality rate, the karaoke was pretty good too.

After almost a century of slave labour oppression, the mudokon workers were finally given fair treatment. They still worked but now they were free to choose their profession and not warrant any unfair beatings from the slig guards.

Marek didn’t like beating up mudokons. Neither did his squad mates, but previously they had to… only because it was the normality back then. If a slig didn’t beat up a mudokon while a glukkon was watching, the slig was just as likely to be shot as the mudokon. Sligs were almost as cheap as mudokons and just as expendable. The new decree prevented unfair mudokon beatings. Marek personally admired the new law. He saw no honour in beating up Mudokons anymore than shooting at slurgs.

The oval shape of the factory sparkled lightly in the sunlight which was now pouring over the glass dome. The windows of the small apartments were shining and the landing pads were fully lit as always. Marek and his squad flew closer.

One light appeared in the darkness, shining out into the night sky. Suddenly a second light appeared, green like the previous one. Then as the flying sligs got closer, two yellow arms could be seen waving the cylindrical objects. A soft yell could be heard in the distance. As the squad moved closer, the mechanical whirring was made more clear, the red glow of his mask too. Atto was once again waving his batons to indicate where the sligs should land. “Over here!” he yelled at the top of his voice, “Over here! By the pylon!”

Marek didn’t need telling twice. He set down and swapped his pants over. The squad mates landed and did the same. Reint walked up to Atto. “We need a medic” Atto nodded and clicked a button on his belt, alerting the recon team. Reint thanked him.

Krisso placed his hand on Udra’s chest. “I can feel a faint heartbeat, I hope this guy makes it” Marek nodded, “He will, I bet…”

Volume 4: Trapped in a Moment

They brought him to the medical facilities on the other side of the factory. Here, the vykkers reigned supreme. The interns walked around and performed menial duties, taking orders from their masters. Marek’s squad were as nervous as they could be. They didn’t even have their own injuries checked out, Udra was their top priority. They took him to an empty bed and then called for help. The vykkers approached him and started their work.

A week later, the squad came back to check on his progress. Udra’s wounds were completely healed, his breathing was steady and he was in a stable condition. There was something wrong. He didn’t respond to any noises or forms of physical contact. He was trapped within his own body. The blow from the Scrab affected him more severely than anyone could imagine.

Marek sighed, “We’ll have to go to Gleebles without him” Reint nodded. Krisso placed his shoulder on Udra. He then left the medical room. Krisso was in a state of shock, “I can’t get a grip… this is just, so bad” Reint looked at Krisso, “I know, but we have to carry on with our missions. Maybe he’ll get better” Marek nodded but secretly he was concerned for his friend.

Gleebles was a small factory. There were several herds of Meep, along with a couple of captured Scrabs. Marek didn’t like seeing Scrabs captured, but he was thankful that at least these ones were better secured than the last Scrab he saw. These ones were chained to metal posts dug into the ground. The fences were tall and lightly electrified. The floor itself was sloping downwards, making it impossible for a Scrab to jump or leap any significant distance. The Scrabs inside walked around and made chirping noises every so often, they were somewhat content.

Gleebles itself was little more than a few shacks. The mudokon huts were scattered across the valley. Gleebles had no need for slig security guards, partly because they were so far away from any civilization. Marek’s squad walked through the shacks and made their way to the glukkon executive office. “Sup”, said a voice from the inside of the shack. Marek entered the shack and saw the glukkon. The glukkon was likely to be a chump level executive. He still had some cheap white cigs, similar in composition to the regular slig cigarettes. Krisso stepped forward, “So what seems to be the problem here?”

I stream games and art now!

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07-16-2010, 01:11 AM
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Volume 5: What Goes On

“Mah money…”, the glukkon grumbled. “Mah money was stolen by a no good glukkon called Ekuja.” Krisso sat down and listened to the glukkon’s story. “He came with several other sligs and stole it right from under our noses.”

Marek sighed, “Seems like we’ll have to get the money back. Any descriptions?” The glukkon nodded, “The money was in a little silver box, and the notes were…” Krisso shook his head, “He meant a description of the guys. Oh well, doesn’t matter.”

Krisso left the little shack. Marek stopped and looked around. “Something’s not right here, the tracks that have been left behind don’t look like mudokon or sligs prints. Not only that, how did they manage to get past the scrabs without cutting through the fences?” Krisso grunted, “Mhm. That is a tricky situation. Well we have to start somewhere…”

Reint waved. He pointed to the ground and beckoned the group to follow him. Krisso and Marek followed behind, keeping their noise to a minimum. Reint allowed the group to catch up to him. “Okay, so they are leaving tracks… but you can only see them through an IR scope. I’ve got one at the end of this rifle. First thing I do when I get to a place, is scan through the place with my scope.” Marek nodded, “Oh yeah, you told me that once before. Thanks for the reminder.”

Reint stopped moving. “There…”, he pointed to a valley. In the valley there was a campfire which was still lit, Reint looked through his scope and saw some sligs who looked like they were mercenaries. The mercenaries were really rough. Most of them were missing eye sockets on their masks and some were walking around on faulty machinery. Most of them had chainsaws and long machetes. Marek took a look through the scope. “They’re from the Black Slog unit… This is bad.”

Krisso nodded, “It’s time.” Reint and Marek nodded, loaded their weapons and headed down the valley, hiding among the trees and keeping movement noise to a minimum.

I stream games and art now!

Last edited by AlexFili; 07-16-2010 at 12:10 PM..
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07-16-2010, 09:08 AM
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Lord Stanley
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It's good to see this story is back where it belongs.
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07-16-2010, 12:15 PM
: Jan 2010
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ODDWORLDisTHEbest!  (-80)

this is a great story! cant wait for volume 5!
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07-21-2010, 11:11 AM
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Armament Reloaded I
Volume 6: You Never Give Me Your Moolah

Stealth was crucial here. The Black Slog unit were deadly, vicious and strong enough to wipe out Marek’s squad easily. Krisso and Marek headed forwards with Reint behind them. They walked slowly and looked around carefully. Each slig when their own separate way.

Marek soon came across one of the guards. The guard was smoking and had his back to Marek. Marek creeped closer to the guard and then knocked him out by hitting him on the head with the end of his pistol. Krisso crept behind a crate and found a wolvark guard. He gave him a hard punch to the gut and the guard fell over. Krisso knocked him out with a punch to the head.

Reint saw another guard in the distance. He spent some time crawling closer until he was within shooting range. He withdrew a small tranquiliser pistol and shot at the guard. The guard felt a sting on his chest. He looked around and soon fell asleep. Reint crawled up to him and then took some supplies and the gun which the guard was using.

Marek looked around the corner and saw a guard. The guard seemed not to notice Marek. Marek rolled towards the guard while he was distracted and knocked the guard out using his mechanical pants. The guard hit the floor and Marek crept along the side of the cliff. Most of the gang had been taken care of. Now they just had to get the Moolah back!

I stream games and art now!

Last edited by AlexFili; 07-21-2010 at 11:13 AM..
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07-23-2010, 07:42 AM
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Quickly flicked through, I need to sit down when I'm calm and enjoy.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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07-23-2010, 02:26 PM
Slig75's Avatar
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This is very good, infact, you've given me some inspiration
Good job
I am the ruler of something of ruler the am I

Also, Check out my Youtube account http://www.youtube.com/user/Admeet75

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07-23-2010, 04:37 PM
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Lord Stanley
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Amen for the return of the MOOLAH!
Master of ellipsis...

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07-28-2010, 02:32 AM
Spark Stunk
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Very impressed carry on...

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08-04-2010, 01:53 AM
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Volume 7: Sadness is a Cold Rifle

Marek saw another Black Slog trooper. He crept up behind the trooper and waited for the opportunity to strike. Reint crawled behind a log and spotted the same trooper. Reint picked up a stone and threw it at the trooper. Unfortunately, the trooper ducked his head down at that exact moment to light his cigar. The stone hit the metal crate behind the trooper and the trooper lifted his head and looked around.

The trooper was about to make a radio call to warn the rest of the gang. Marek wrapped his arms around the trooper, but the trooper moved backwards and Marek’s back hit the metal crate. Marek let out a small whimper of pain and released the trooper. As the trooper turned around, Marek swept his foot towards the trooper, making it fall to the ground. The trooper tried to stand up but Marek plunged into its stomach with an elbow. The trooper was knocked out cold and remained on the ground.

Krisso was slowly creeping along a metal container. He spotted two outlaws close together. Krisso looked around before moving closer, until he was right behind them. He put all his weight behind a container and pushed it onto one of the outlaws. As the other outlaw began to panic, Krisso ran towards him and hit him with the butt of his gun. The outlaw was knocked out. “That should be all of them”, Krisso muttered.

Marek’s squad walked around to the centre of the camp, where they found a large stash of moolah. Some were in large bags, but the remainder of the cash was tied together with fleech tongues. Marek smiled, “I love it when a plan comes together, c’mon guys… time to go pay a visit to our glukkon friend.”

“Black Slog Unit? Holy heck!”, said the glukkon in a surprised voice. “Well, that Ekuja ain’t getting mah moolah now. Hurr hurr.” Krisso and Reint smiled. The glukkon continued speaking, “Well done. I’ll put in a good work to your commander… Labinnah, right?” Marek shook his head, “Not anymore, Voll’s the new commander. But thank you.” Marek and his squad left the shack, satisfied that another mission had been successfully completed.

= * = * =

I guess that last sentence wrapped up the story for now. But I feel like writing a few more volumes in this particular saga. I'd like to continue the story but we'll just have to see what happens next.

Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks! ^_^

I stream games and art now!

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08-04-2010, 12:41 PM
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Lord Stanley
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That can't be the end! It was just getting started!
Master of ellipsis...

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08-06-2010, 01:52 AM
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Sniper Wasp
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A good first story
Clearly introduces the characters and gives a good first plot
I wonder how Udra is going to come back into the story
I am the ruler of something of ruler the am I

Also, Check out my Youtube account http://www.youtube.com/user/Admeet75

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08-07-2010, 09:58 AM
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Udra will come into the story when you least expect it. I'll try and write a few more volumes. I definitely don't want to end the series anytime soon, so everybody relax.

I hope you like this one a lot more than the original. I'm trying to make it as good as I can

I stream games and art now!

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08-07-2010, 02:15 PM
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and you are doing well at it
I am the ruler of something of ruler the am I

Also, Check out my Youtube account http://www.youtube.com/user/Admeet75

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08-16-2010, 12:32 AM
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Armament Reloaded I
Volume 8: Bringing People Together

A week later, Marek’s squad were stationed in the Slig Barracks of Magog Mineralz. Reint was busy repairing his sniper rifle when he got a call from Voll, the slig commander. Reint placed the sniper rifle back into his locker and left the room, heading for Voll’s office.

Reint stepped into the door of Voll’s office, closing it behind him. “What can we do for you sir?”, Reint asked. Voll passed a piece of paper to Reint. “The training for the slig recruits isn't working quite as well as we hoped. We’ve got an agreement to have at least fifty spare recruits by next week, but as it is, we're barely filling our own quota of Sligs.”

Reint raised an eyebrow. “What do you propose, sir?” Voll withdrew some more pieces of paper from a folder on the table. “To put it bluntly, we need a new influx of talented and skilled sligs. At least fifty of them to fill the upcoming quota, then a few more for our own training programs.” Voll placed a piece of paper in front of Reint.

Voll pointed to the diagram, “Our vykkers have been busy, they’ve found the perfect solution to our problem. The G.R.A.B. or ‘grab’ for short.” Reint looked at the paper. “Grab? You say?” Voll nodded, “Ground-Recovery Airbound Balloon, it automatically picks up the slig in a balloon and transports them to our aircraft carriers.” Reint gasped, “Whoa.”

= * = * =

Inspired by Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

I stream games and art now!

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08-16-2010, 12:36 AM
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Sniper Wasp
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I like the sound of the new invention
Good part
I am the ruler of something of ruler the am I

Also, Check out my Youtube account http://www.youtube.com/user/Admeet75

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08-16-2010, 01:11 AM
Spark Stunk
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I am still very much enjoying this fan fic....!

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08-18-2010, 10:12 AM
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Armament Reloaded I
Volume 9: Right Now, Over There

Reint explained the device to Marek and Krisso as they were in the aircraft carrier. The carrier was headed towards a very populated area. This area was deep in the jungle, but heavily populated with sligs. Most of the sligs in this area were rogue and without a glukkon master. Capturing them shouldn’t be too difficult.

Marek looked around, “If we capture twenty each, we should be in the green.” Krisso nodded, “Alright then. Good luck guys!” Reint smiled and they put on their parachute backpacks. As the aircraft carrier swung around, the three sligs hopped off the side and headed for the jungle. Reint spoke into the earpiece, “Krisso, go right… Marek, go left.”

The three sligs went their separate directions. Krisso opened his parachute and gently pulled on the left side of the parachute mechanism. Krisso was close to the ground now, he waited for the right height before discarding the parachute and landing on his metallic legs. “Infiltration successful.”

Krisso didn’t have much practice with the grab system. This was his first time using it. He had to make sure it worked properly. Krisso crept past a large hill and looked around. He could see a lone slig soldier who was checking his ammo for defects. Krisso silently walked around to the other side of the valley, until the slig’s back was visible to Krisso. Krisso leapt forwards and whacked the slig with the end of his gun. The slig was out cold, little pieces of ammo scattering across the floor. Krisso tied a small harness to the slig, and with one press of a button the slig was yanked away by the balloon system. “Well, it works”, Krisso said to himself.

I stream games and art now!

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08-18-2010, 10:35 AM
: Jan 2010
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ODDWORLDisTHEbest!  (-80)

Nice! i love the idea of the G.R.A.B system! good work! keep going!
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08-19-2010, 01:46 PM
Slig75's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
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Good part
I am the ruler of something of ruler the am I

Also, Check out my Youtube account http://www.youtube.com/user/Admeet75

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08-22-2010, 02:03 AM
Spark Stunk
: Jul 2010
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Good part
Best part.

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