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09-21-2007, 02:19 PM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
: Oct 2002
: Merrie olde Englande
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W@RF Profile Thread V.2

This is the new W@RF profile thread which I'm making cus the old one is now rather messy. If you're planning on joining W@RF, post your profiles here and in the current W@RF thread.

Remember, this thread is from now on strictly for posting the profiles. If you want to discuss a character with its creator, do so either by PM, or in the main W@RF thread.

If you posted your profile in the previous W@RF profile thread, please repost it here. You can just copy and paste the old one, or write out a whole new one if you feel so inclined.

Old profile thread
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

09-21-2007, 03:26 PM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
: Oct 2002
: Merrie olde Englande
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Name: Jim
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: About 8 or 10 (Mudokons live to be 40)
Appearance: Generally your average mud, green skin, loin cloth. Black and purple feathers and several long scars down his back.
Bio: Jim was raised in captivity by some very nasty sligs. The way he was treated by them has led to him being sligophobic - he freezes up when in close contact with sligs, though lately he's been just about able to resist terror when situtions are extreme. He has unfortunately also been taught that all natives are evil savages, and so he is more scared of escaping (both of nature and of the punishment for getting caught escaping) than he is of remaining a slave. Despite it all he's very loyal to his friends, though he tends to be unsure of how to act in troublesome situations.

Name: Dionysia (DS-P.L7 v4)
Race: 'Dark Skin' Mudokon: the original genetic engineering job.
Gender: Female
Age: Mentally 18 by human standards and probably early to mid teens in mudokon years. Hatched 3 years ago.
Appearance: Skin is a dark grey, almost black (big shock). She wears a dyed red cloth wrapped round her lower regions and another round her upper chest where she shows particular female features. Like a normal mudokon she is muscular but less sinuous. Taller than average, eyes are normal yellow and feather is purple, red and black and flows all the way down her back stopping just above her lower garment. Her lips are stitched.
Bio: The original industrial 'Dark Skin Project' was intended to create mudokons with the behaviour more like sligs or glukkons and less like scrubs which could be used as weapons against mudokon terrorists. Originally the male creations never lived passed infancy. By version 7 of the project the experiment team realised a hormone necessary for a mudokon to grow was causing this fault. However, female mudokons created in the past never had this hormone and the vykkers, taking this into account, attempted to engineer a female 'Dark Skin'. Using DNA taken (illegally) from Skillya many years ago by one of the team, they successfully created Dionysia. The fact that she is made with Skillya's blood means that if the slig Queen ever found out about her she and her creaotrs would probably be killed. The Cartel does know her secret since Dion unknowingly told it to a Cartel spy, but they keep it from Skillya so they can take advantage of her and the vykkers who made her.
Dionysia is usually nasty, selfish and arrogant on the surface, though inside she's very insecure. In many ways she is more like a slig than a mudokon, showing contempt to other mudokons. She often suffers from moodswings and is less tolerant of pain than most people, is fairly intelligent but withdrawn emotionally, not trusting herself or others. She practically worships the vykkers who made her.

Name: Dr Krik
Race: Vykker
Gender: Male
Age: Say... around 75
Appearance: Thin blueish skin, dirty, yellowing apron, carries around a black doctor's bag. Stress has aged him a little, though for a vykker that doesn't mean much.
Bio: Krik sees the people around him as follows: wildlife is there to be played with; he considers mudokon slime, fuzzles: common slime; sligs are a species of slime necessary for the function of society. Interns are creatures in the middle of evolving from slime into a higher form of life; glukkons are thicker than slime but necessary for society's function. He believes any vykkers younger than himself to be young fools with too much of the wrong sort of imagination and no respect for the 'proper way of doing things', while any vykkers older than himself he considers senile. He sees his partners and creations as little more than tools for him to manipulate.
At a young age Krik won fame from his papers on mudokon labour, his creation of a chemical that could break down DNA to cause a painful death or destroy evidence, and other work in genetics and behavioural modification. All was going well for Krik and he eventually got a job working for Queen Skillya. Then one day he made the biggest mistake of his life, destroying both his reputation and his career. Years later he was hired to work on the 'Dark Skin' project that created Dionysia. Now he's coming to Rupture Farms every day or two to check up on her.
Since Dionysia's secret was discovered by the Cartel, his life has been even tougher than normal. He wouldn't blink at killing her to save his own skin.

Name: Anni
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Female (artificially hatched)
Age: Now about 13 or 14 by human standards, probably around 8 or 10 by mudokon terms. (I know that doesn't match with T-Nex's version but Oh Well).
Appearance: Her skin is pale, blotchy pink and grey, bleached when chemicals fell on her when she was a child. She recently aquired tattoos on her hands; a black one on one hand and a white one on the other, that change size when she gets angry.
EDIT: For future reference, black is on the left.
Bio: Anni is usually cheerful and friendly towards any mudokon or slig she meets, though she is fearful and resentful towards vykkers. She doesn't often take things seriously and sometimes dreams of the world outside the factory. She has a number of close mudokon friends. She will accept anyone (other than vykkers) without judging them.
However, there is a darker side to Anni. A long time ago she was experimented on by vykkers. She had a friend called Nova who was also involved in the experiment and died during it. She believes Nova's mind somehow entered her body. 'Nova' occasionally rises up and takes control of Anni, forcing her to act aggressively or use spiritual powers. So far only one person has seen her when this happens, however, and he wasn't exactly trustworthy himself.

Name: Somi
Race: Paramite
Gender: Female
Age: About two years
Appearance: Like a paramite. Sorry.
Bio: Somi was saved as a baby by Anni when the factory workers were forced to wipe out her pack when they attacked Rupture Farms. Being brought up close to mudokons meant she learnt to speak Mudosian (the language all the characters speak). She lives as part of a pack of paramites who make their home in the abandoned basement of Rupture Farms. Her ability to speak the language of the industrials means she is very respected among the other animals living down there.
Somi is not naive to the ways of industrialism, and will fight for her friends or any other animals who live in Rupture Farms. Like most of the animals living in the ruins of the factory and the abandoned basement, she wants to avoid notice so as to stop the industrials from decided they're a nuisance and attacking them.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 11-26-2009 at 01:32 PM..
09-21-2007, 08:16 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
Right Wing Wanker
: Jun 2006
: New Zealand
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Patrick Vykkers  (12)

Name: Praetyre
Species: Vykker
Age: 79
Description: A somewhat short Vykker with bluer skin, red rings above his first foot, wears Vykker armour.
Personality: A bit of a loner, curious on the ways of technology. Less sadistic then most of his species, more of one to stay in the lab all day and tinker.
Biography: Born into an aristocratic family, Praetyre felt squashed by the aristocratic life and so left to pursue his own interests. He was excellently educated, with private schools and tutors marking his intellect. He read about the re opening of Rupture Farms in the Daily Deception as he was soliciting at a Feeco Station, and the prospect of a job there interested him. He then bought a ticket, and arrived to work. He has since been a sort of 2nd in command to the chief doctor, Dek, and established himself as a competent worker.

Name: Arrack

Species: Slig

Gender: Male

Age: 15 (Chronologically), 5 (Biologically)

Appearance: Vomit inducingly hideous. Scarred, pus ridden, abscessed, diseased, infected, bloody, and indescribably ugly all around, in addition to having no front layer of skin. Think "1000 Melting Face Nazis" level disgusting, and raise that to the power of a Norrisplex. Amazingly, he still retains his basic face structure, and would appear to look like an ordinary Slig in shape through an X-ray. His eyes and mouth are the only intact parts of his face.

Personality: Suffers from a life threatening phobia of the song "Beach of Love", which was playing around the time of his deformation and near death. Also suffers from bipolar disorder, fear of Slogs, fear of abandonment, and paranoia. This results from the feeling that the government is watching him all the time, due to regulation XX-1A-UK-767, or the "Anti-Ugly Sanitation Act", requiring him to wear a 6 cm plasteel mask within 50 metres of anyone except his family(meaning his closest relatives), his taxidermist, and registered medical personnel.

10 years ago, when I worked at Slog Hut 403, there was this Slig, Arrack, who was real into dancing. And by really into it, I mean enough to scare the Valet. He spent all of his free time practicing dancing, listening to music and.."
Praetyre leaned closer..
"Asking the boss for... oh Odd, this is hilarious... a dance girdle! He was a little weird, true, but he was one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. But one day, he lost his balance and fell into a vat of new GE chemicals we were going to feed to the Slogs. They ended up nearly devouring him, and he got the front of his face caught in the disposer while running. I had to literally remove the entire front layer of his skin, and then, due to this idiot and drunken superior of mine, was badly taken care of and got a massive infection. When we popped it, there was so much blood and pus on the floor, it made the anaemic Chronicler visiting the place tear his own stomach out. Fortunately he survived, but the sheer experience of this has greatly deformed him. Under court order, he has to wear a 6 centimetre thick plasteel mask within 50 metres of anyone except his dermatologist, his family, or registered medical officials, even when sleeping. Believe me, I've seen him, and you don't want to see him. I had to take medicine just to prevent myself from vomiting on his lovely carpet. Poor guy.

As Arrack is an amnesiac and post traumatic stress victim, little is known of his past. It is known that he left a suicide note 10 years ago, and eventually ended up frozen. It is also known that at some point before being frozen, he worked for Molluck. Arrack remained frozen for 10 years, until someone finally opened a forgotten door in the meat processing area, which ended up breaking the old and battered freezing mechanism that kept him frozen and alive (It had compensators to prevent rotting or crystalization). The intense heat from his front layerless face, coupled with the mild explosive gases released by the defreezing mechanism activated when the door was opened, will result in his revival within only ten minutes. And when he was revived, he was in for a huge shock.
Arrack has since constantly been in medical due to his.. disorders and has been a regular patient of his old friend Praetyre and the rest of the medical team.

Name: Domino
Race: Intern
Gender: Male
Age: In Intern terms, Domino is roughly equivalent to a 23 year old human.
Appearance: Domino wears a Valet-like checkered suit complete with a tie, spats, and a biking helmet (coloured green and blue) which has an Opod compartment for blasting classical music into domino's ears. He looks quite like a regular Intern except for having slightly lighter eyes, wider nostrils, and a recently unstitched mouth.
Personality: Domino is a flamboyant, helpful, quick witted and submissive Intern capable of quickly and efficiently calculating sums in his head and having a snappy comeback to any remark. He is as cool as a cucumber, not being fazed even by a raging Glukkon or creepy Vykker. In essence, he is much like Alfred Pennyworth from Batman in his personality.
Equipment: In addition to his normal clothes, as Domino still cannot speak, he carries a Post-It note dispener and paper shredder around his waist in a belt, which he uses to "speak".
Domino was, for most of his life, a secretary to Praetyre's great uncle Bernie, who, unlike his wife, was not present at the Gabbiar auction. As the servant of a multimillionaire, and a kind one at that, Domino received a decent salary of $3,000 a year and the opportunity to practice a secondary career for his master as a professional mime. However, Bernie could not handle the grief when his wife died and he thought his nephew died, both Inhabitants dear to him, and he forced Domino to help him commit suicide by suffocation with a pillow after recording a suicide message on and the suicide itself, so that his beloved servant would not suffer legal harm.

Domino submitted the video to the Oddworldian police, who despite their corruption could not reject this blatant, logical, irrefutable evidence. Domino tried to approach Praetyre for voluntary servitude, but Praetyre had his own financial problems and was searching for a job. Domino then decided to try a career as a mime, but a crueler relative on Praetyre's other side of the family sent one of his henchmen to kidnap Domino at a convention and plant evidence he had killed his own agent in a mad rage. Domino began to prepare himself for harsher servitude to the larger side of Praetyre's family.

Under the 3 years he spent, Domino suffered under a harsh, unforgiving, unforgetting and cruel master who had an unusual mental disorder bordering on a fetish involving dominance, leading to Domino once being forced to line up with other servants to be whacked repetitively with a large stick, much to the excessive (even by Vykker standards) joy of that master.

Domino escaped, but realised he could no longer practice his career as a mime without the police hunting him as a fugitive. Thankfully, however, he had used the stage name of Mouthy, and only needed to change his appearance. He ditched his ordinary garb of a top hat and thong and bought his current attire. He then got plastic surgery and stored his remaining money in a new bank account, but not before buying a ticket to the two year old new Rupture Farms 1027 to apply for a job.

Domino's experience has so far been brief but exciting, and he looks forward to establishing himself as Arnie's secretary.
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

Last edited by Splat; 09-22-2007 at 01:22 AM..
09-22-2007, 01:37 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
: Um...RealWorld?
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

FINALLY I now have the opportunity to actually edit Sturg's account, which I'd been wanting to do for ages.

Name: Sturg
Species: Meech
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Appearence: Fairly average Meech on the whole, but brutally covered in scars and scratches from old wounds. Over time in the environment, his natural colours have faded almost beyoond recognition, making him a pale grey (when clean, being smoke and oil stained, he's rather a bit darker at the moment).
Personality: Highly curious, but always cautious and wary, but can be too hard headed. Sometimes too trustful of others, but always on guard.
Equipment/abilities: Savage teeth and jaws (one mouth, 4 jaws), small front claws for gripping. Good turn of speed, almost as fast as a good Scrab, if not as fast. Over time has learnt to speak some basic industrialist language.
Bio: Sturg is one of very few (if not only) Meeches that avoided being made into Meech Munchies. He was in the pens far on the outskirts, which were mostly forgotten about. The creatures from here were eventually dragged in and mashed and made into edibles, but Sturg managed to crouch and hide in a dark corner, and remained unnoticed. Two Paramites were later put in here, but they didn't bother each other, all too scared of the environment and situation and not worth it.
Eventually, Rupture Farms was destroyed, but many of the still penned animals were killed in the blast. But Sturg, being no the outskirts, was lucky enough to survive.Various wiring and walls had gotten broken down by debris. While the Paramites left, Sturg had been in the area too long to immediately just leave. Since, he has remained in the hostile area, feeding on scraps and left over products from before.
Then there's what happened in V.7...and 6, I think.
09-22-2007, 04:20 AM
Doom's Avatar
: Sep 2007
: In my room (i think)
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Doom  (10)
Drunk What are all of you talking about

what is this folder about carnix?

09-22-2007, 04:37 AM
skillyaslig's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Mar 2007
: Beneath the sink
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skillyaslig  (124)skillyaslig  (124)

what is this folder about carnix?
Anywho, redid mine...
Name: Vester
Species: Armored big bro
Age: 22
Personality: very stupid, like a child, and loves opples. He'll do anything that Lenny says. He can get aggressive when relentlessly provoked, or if one of his friends get In danger, otherwise placid, and docile.
Appearance: Has dark black amour, with steel gloves. His mask is a strange looking mask with a long attente jutting from it.
Equipment: A Blitzpacker and a flamethrower.
History: He lived a normal life, obeying orders and such. However he only became incredibly stupid after falling off a catwalk and smacking his head on the steel floor.
Number 2
Name: Lenny
Species: Slig
Personality: Nice and unnaturally happy. Best friends with Vester. He is a extremely trusting person.
Appearance: Green with blue spots.
Equipment: A machine gun. he doesnt have his pants at the moment. (because someone wouldnt let go of his leg) Ahem.
History: Born happy, Lenny was bullied relentless as a child, but he didn’t care. One day while on patrol, he was ‘accidentally’ pushed and he fell in a vat of chemicals. Vester happened to be nearby and fished him out. Lenny now had blue dots decorating his skin. He also has seizers, but this rarely occur, only happing when he becomes extremely excited or stressed.
Name: Cylepso
Species: Female slig
Personality: Cylepso is a extremely optimistic person, but not to the extreme e4xtent. She is loyal and hardworking, if not a little bit odd in the head. She doesn’t like most glukkons, due to the fact they do nothing but yell at everyone. She is usually upfront, but sometimes has attacks of shyness or lack of confidence. She doesn’t like bullies, (though she sometimes threatens to kill or do bodily harm to someone) and whinny people. She is also a laid-back and (mostly) calm person. She is considered weird.
Appearance: Green with her tentacles edged in black. She wears a black, long-sleeved top.
Equipment: a shotgun.
History: Average. Guarded stuff, shot at stuff, talked about stuff. Yeah, stuff.
Name: Sebastion, Seb for short.
Species: Intern
Personality: Irritable and opinionated, Seb, if he had his mouth unstitched, would probably be knocked out everyday day. However, due to the stich…iness of him, he remains muffled, but not silent, mumbling his numerous opinions whenever. He is a nice person, just kinda cranky somedays. He is highly educated, so he knows a lot.
Equipment: A snuzi, Also has a necklace with the oddworld inhabitants logo, which he wont tell anyone where he got it.
History: He isn’t fond of torture, so he got kicked out of vykkers labs. Got employed as a guard. While on a shift, he meet Cylepso, (who hadn’t seen a Intern before and was immediately curious). He didn’t really like her (as this was a few years back and she spoke with ‘like, totally, gnarly’) but she insisted on accompanying him with his shifts. He soon liked her, and became friends. So far, Cylepsos is the only person who can understand his muffled talk.
Name: Jatt
Species: BigBro
Gender: Male
Appearance: Normal except for his heads which is encased in amour. Has bruises on his chest. His front (left is it?) leg is broken.
Personality: He is has a average temper, and has a more placid behavior then his twin. He’s more reasonable in certain fields. He likes animals, but has a deep dislike for fuzzles. He is rather easily frightened, usually freaking if someone yells, “Boo” behind him. He doesn’t visibly show fear though. He is blunt and stubborn, but sometimes has attacks from his conscience.
Equipment: Machine gun, Blitzpacker.
History: Had a job in soul storm. He became addicted to it, and went to therapy for a while. He keeps a close eye on his brother, (due to his mental problems) and keeps him in check.
Name: Jutt
Species: BigBro
Gender: Male
Appearance: Normal except for his head is encased in amour.
Personality: Withdrawn, a bit mad. He hates Mudokons, sour things, and dead things. He is reclusive and sometimes depressed. He will never break his word, and sometimes has sleeping spells.
Equipment: Machine gun, Blitzpacker
History (joint kinda) : Tortured and abused by a Mudokon when he was younger, his brother (Jatt, duh…) shot the Mudokon and half dragged Jutt to vykkers. They didn’t do much, but Jatt had a raging fit and they finally did something. They fixed him up, making him BB, and also made Jatt one. Jutt however, had facial wounds, which caused him some rage problems towards the Mudokons and turned (like Emo or something) resentful.
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

Last edited by skillyaslig; 09-22-2007 at 05:59 PM..
09-22-2007, 05:01 AM
LadySlig's Avatar
: Apr 2007
: In a dishwasher
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LadySlig  (10)

Thats wonderful! Here;
Name: Martha
Species: Mudokon
Age: 19 (human years)
Gender: Female
Appearance: A light reddish-gold with eyes that are a deep gold. her hair is pink/blue. Has a brown loin cloth and chest band.
Personality: Nice and helpful, likes to watch the day pass.
Equipment: Her ankles broke a few years back, and though she has healed, she has never been able to walk again, so she wheels herself about in her wheelchair (like Munchs one, only not as noisy) Also has a pet scrab.
History: She was a hard-working employee until she fell 4 stories to the ground. Her ankles broke and her friends took her to some Vykkers who were able to fix them, though she couldn’t walk again. She has great arm strength after wheeling herself about for so long.

Name: Rusty
Species: popper Slig.
Age: 21
Appearance: Normal but has rust-coloured skin.
Personality: Nice and helpful and close friends with Martha and Niko.
Other: Speaks in a clipped pattern. EG: Instead of say ' how are you?' He'll say 'How you?

Name: Niko
Species: BigBro
Age: 25
Appearance: Normal
Personality: Nice and has terrible stage fright.
Equipment: Has steel gloves with spikes and a blitzpacker.
Other: When he speaks its barely understandable.

Name: Peach
Species: Scrab
Gender: Female
Age: ?
Appearance: Peach is a 'midget' scrab. She’s about the height of a sligs pants. Normal colours with black claws.
Personality: Curious, playful, she can be bossy and oblivious to the fact she could be offending someone. She can be very cuddly, like a little cat.
Equipment: Beak, talons.
Other: She has a gold collar around her throat.

Name: Galaleo. (say Gal-a-ley-Oh)
Species: A normal slig.
Gender: Male.
Age: 24 (human)
Appearance: He is a albino slig. He has a really weird looking suit (like amour). Its sliver, his legs are long with birdish claws (still machine) He has 2 blasters on his back, so he can fly and hover. His chest is free, but his arms are incased. He has wrist blades (like the Predators, but not jagged) and also twin plasma cannons on his wrist. He has a small pack on his hip, which is filled with random stuff.
Personality: He is nice and helpful, but a bit snobby due to his jobs.
History: He is a personal assistance for both Lady Margret and Skillya. He is a great fighter.
Other: He has been sent to RF to check up on it, and to make reports about the security and so on. He has fantastic senses, so he can hear, smell and see things that are really far away. He can also just sense things without having to see them.
"Named & nameless, all live in us;
One & all, they lead us yet:
Every pain to count for nothing,
Every sorrow to forget."

09-22-2007, 12:03 PM
Slig 7665's Avatar
Slig 7665
Howler Punk
: May 2007
: Wales
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Slig 7665  (11)

Woo hoo can't wait to get W@RFing again I have edited slax a tiny bit

Name: Slax
Age:20 human years
Appearance:Like any normal slig but weres a leather face mask
Personality: Lazy but will do his job if a reward is involved
Equipment:gun pants grenades and bandoiler
History:He was brought up like any normal slig just wants to earn some cash he has a pet sloggie called jaws.

Name: Jaws
Species: Sloggie
Age: 3 human years
Appearance: A small sloggie with razor sharp teeth
Personality: Jaws is best friends with his owner Slax he loves scrab meat and is a very curious pup.
Equipment: Nothing (unless your counting teeth)
History: Has known slax since the day he was born and they have been been friends ever since.

Thankyou Carnix for the sig

09-22-2007, 01:50 PM
mollck the glukon's Avatar
mollck the glukon
: Sep 2007
: Woolgoolga
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mollck the glukon  (10)

hay can some one help me how do u put your art work on
09-22-2007, 02:15 PM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
Outlaw Cutter
: Oct 2006
: Scotland, Aberdeen
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Zozo the Zrilufet  (34)

what is this folder about carnix?
hay can some one help me how do u put your art work on
....Guys, the thread says to only post profiles and not talk about stuff....If you want to ask Carnix something, PM her or she probably won't see your message. Mollck, you might wanna iincrease the quality of your spelling and grammar due to the rules that say you should, and you'll need to get a photobucket account, link to the picture with a.....Daaah, ask Marvak or someone....Well I ain't a mod, so I'll just shut my yap and post my profiles.

I lol at Skillya's profiles, fun.

Name: Sort of nameless, sort of coded Agent 80085. Usually referred to as Agent.

Age: A little over 4 years, 20 something in slig years.

Gender: Female. For unknown reasons.

Species: Slig (Subspecies)

Appearence: She is bulky, with a six pack and thick arms due to exersize, a bit like a mini big bro. Her pants are of a different model, aluminium, more curved, simpler and lighter. She wears a tight black sleeveless shirt, since she can't find anything else to wear. It was sliced in surgery in V.7 to save time in an operation. She posseses certain mamalian traits (Ehem...Yeah).

Personality: The typical hardcase type with a short fuse, Agent likes and is used to being in charge of everyone else, partly due to her position in the Slig Barracks. She is easily provoked to violence and madness, because of a traumatising and violent near-death incident she witnessed whilst in the barracks. Underneath her seriousness, hardness and pride, she has a soft spot, but also angst and madness.

In her softness and heart she cares for people, but in her madness she can become illogical, a screaming tortured maniac, halucinational and/or dangerous. Basically goes mental with flashbacks of the violent Zrilufet incident.

Equipment: Agent has a small dark silver gun with a holder for it on her mechanical leg. In V.7, she sort of dropped it in the kitchen and became separated from it when she needed medical help.

Bio: As a kid, Agent got pretty peed off and stroppy about being separated from her mother (not Skillya) at a later age than most little sligs. As punishment for continuosly throwing things at her superiors, swearing at them, demanding she be allowed to see her mother, insisting that was a female and a rumour that she had taken out Dripik's eye by throwing a pencil, she got no name as punishment and a number instead.

As she got older and became a moody teenager, an incident occurred which she refuses to speak of. She became obsessed with becoming as high a rank as she could get in the Slig Barracks, so it could never happen again. She also beat up other sligs and manipulated them, so they wouldn't tell superiors of her misconduct and would be under her control. She became more violent, aggressive, exersize mad, twisted and hated by other sligs.

As an adult, she seemed to have everything going for her. None of the sligs seemed to have the nerve/guts/sheer dumb luck to shoot her in the head, she had a bulky body from mad exercise and a high enough rank to boss around walking sligs like pawns. Then she saw the slig she liked better than most getting attacked by a vykker experiment, and went mad. She was in shock and quiet for a while, before donating blood to save his life. He lived.

But then he 'blew it' by getting fired, for releasing mudokon slaves. He went on on the run as a fugitive, and she was sent out to find and take him back so he could receive punishment from Skillya. She did find him, but decide to let him off and also go into hiding in the reopened RuptureFarms instead, along with another slig.

Miscellaneous: Agent can be set into her madness state by simple things, from violence on tv to a piece of bloody meat. To get her out of it is not so easy.


Name: Tiny

Age: 20 something. Mentally, around five.

Gender: Male, sterile

Species: Slig, big bro

Appearence: He is a larger than normal big bro slig, with muscles that bulge more. Otherwise pretty much the same as the next big bro, with pants and no weapons.

Personality: Tiny has the mental age of a child due to downs syndrome, and is timid and shy due to being picked on by other sligs. When not surrounded by other big bros that he fears so much, and when he's by himself or with close friends, his happy crazy childish personality can show through. Tiny doesn't like weapons like guns, and thinks they are scary. He also fears most carnivorous animals, even when they're too small to do harm to him.

Bio: Tiny used to live up to his name. He was a runt slig, who somehow avoided being classed as a mutant grubb and killed. They also failed to pick up on his downs syndrome, though other sligs didn't. He soon became the butt of jokes and bullied.

Depressed, Tiny eventually found a solution - becoming a big bro. He didn't get this by promotion though, (he would sooner cuddle an animal than shoot anything) he stole the steroids and grolwth hormones required. Everything went fine for a while and the walking sligs kept their distance, until then the big bros started picking on him for being a smallish big bro.

So he took more steroids and became abnormally large. He would of taken more so that other abnormally large big bro didn't pick on him, but word got out about a drug shortage and the high suspicions they had been nicked. Terrified, he stopped the stealing, then eventually moved after a while to get away from the Slig Barracks and Cecil the mean big bro.

A bounty hunter was already on his case, but she let him off along with another slig, and is currently a fugitive.

Miscellaneous: Tiny has downs syndrome, which makes him childish despite being a huge adult. He also isn't a good slig worker, since he can't shoot anything and doesn't want to use a gun.


Name: Dimitrio

Age: 20 something, a little younger than Agent

Gender: Male

Species: Slig

Appearence: Bony to the extent you can see his ribs and other bones, even when he isn't breathing in dramatically. His left arm is robotic and partly made from a mechanical pant leg, and a long pale scar runs down his right flesh arm. Everything else is pretty usual for a walking slig.

Personality: Although he's one of the rare nice sligs, in some ways he's the opposite of usual sligs - a loner, shy, less of a slacker on the job and terrified of slogs. He has some friends though, and a better conscience than most sligs.

Bio: Dimitrio grew up in the Slig Barracks, where he saw Agent every now and then and became prey for Scarface and his gang. He became terrified of other sligs since then, and avoided socializing.

He just kept himself to his work, then one day an 'accident' happened. He got his arm ripped off by an escaped vykker experiment, which took his arm and made Agent mad from seeing it ripped off brutally.

He survived in a coma, and had a robotic arm built for him by two other flying sligs. When on guard duty and trusted to look after some young mudokons, he freed them so they wouldn't be picked on like he would. He was fired, and supposed to be meant to face Skillya, but he escaped.

Agent was then sent to find him, and happened to get off the same train. She did get him, but decided to let him off and also go into hiding in the barracks.


Name: Nicknamed Scarface due to facial damage

Age: 10, 40 in slig years

Gender: Male, sterile worker

Species: Slig, walking slig

Appearence: Scarface is your usual walking slig without a weapon, apart from being 40 and having ripped and torn tentacles on his face from a mysterious incident he won't tell you about.

Personality: He's the typical mean bully boy slig, who can become quite a scum when in a group of his peers. He'd beat the mudokons, but he's not allowed in RuptureFarms. He's also pretty moody and obviously cruel, though he wants to talk to Dimitrio about something.

Bio: Scarface is an older slig, who grew up, lived, worked, shot, smoked and slept in the Slig Barracks. He bullied Dimitrio a lot, gave him his fear of slogs and would often gang up on him in a group. He only backed off a little when he got a facial injury which scarred him for life, hence his nickname of Scarface.

When a mudokon village was raided and some mudokons taken, he was trusted to bring Tiro to RF. Though he quickly lost him and decided to work there instead, to try and talk to Dimitrio.


Name: Tiro

Age: 2.5. Five in mudokon years.

Gender: Male, sterile worker.

Species: Mudokon

Appearence: A young green mudokon in a loincloth. Pretty much the average scrub, apart from his age.

Personality: Young, cheerful and partly innocent, Tiro has a devious streak when it comes to revenge, fun and using his unusually high powers of possesion.
Bio: Tiro formed a family bond with two other mudokons whilst in a nursery, and two more when he was shipped out to work as a scrub in the Slig Barracks. A soft hearted slig helped the family of two teenagers and three kids escape, but their troubles weren't over yet.

They managed to find a nearby mudokon village in their travels, but when sligs hunting fugitives came across it, he was kidnapped and brought back into slavery. He winded up with an old moody slig taking him to RuptureFarms, then finding the slig that had freed him.

Miscellaneous: Although Tiro can posses, he only ever usually dares to do it to those close to him nowadays (My own characters, to avoid godmoddling problems)
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

Last edited by Zozo the Zrilufet; 09-24-2007 at 04:58 AM.. : If I do it all at once, it'll log me out, I'm just editing bit by bit
09-24-2007, 12:18 PM
Slig 7665's Avatar
Slig 7665
Howler Punk
: May 2007
: Wales
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Slig 7665  (11)

Hmmm I'm gonna add another charicter if thats ok

Name: Johnny
Age: 30 human years
Appearance: Wears a two eyehole mask with a J painted on the top and he wears pants with a j painted on them aswell.
Personality: Friendly and careing but won't stop that doing his job and he is kinda a loner and shy
Equipment: pistol and rifle and a knife and some cold and diarrhea medicine
History: When he was working in slig barracks none of the sligs liked him they thought he was wierd because he suffred lots of diarrhea and colds so they sent him to guard the prisoners in the cell block he was lonely there and his colds and diarrhea continued to flare up the others thought the food in the barracks was doing it, so they moved him to soulstorm brew factory the same thing happend again he was sent to another cell block so he came to Rupture farms hopeing to leave all that behind.

Thankyou Carnix for the sig

09-24-2007, 01:44 PM
WaterMelody's Avatar
: Apr 2007
: behind myself.
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WaterMelody  (13)

Name: Scralinia (Scri)
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Female
Age: 18 earth years
Appearance/Bio: Scri is quite fussy wth her appearance, she wears a brown wrap around her body and has the Mudanchee symbol tattoed on her chest. Her 'hair' is seperated into four long pigtail like things. She originally was from a Mudanchee village, until she went off exploring and got herself bundled of for rupture farms (not without putting up a fight). SHe will attack anyone who defies her (verbally mostly) and has a short fuse. don't agner her, kay?

all other characters have been withdrawn henceforth, 'coz i cant even manage 2 chars D:. so, LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!
Again, i'm still not dead! I'm like a final boss!

09-24-2007, 10:13 PM
dripik's Avatar
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: Aug 2002
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My profiles. I've edited them a bit to sound better.


Name: #7 Slig
Species: Slig
Age: 22
Status: Boss of Rupture Farms Security Department
Personality: Helpful in general, has minimal dislike for Mudokons, relatively a logical thinker when things move into action.
Appearance: A normal Slig with a green-vizored mask and an old, yet functioning pair of pants. Usually armed with his trusty shotgun.

Name: Arnie
Species: Glukkon
Age: 34
Status: Big Cheese, Boss of Rupture Farms
Personality: A bit different from your average Glukkon. Somewhat tolerant towards workers, always trying to keep their abilities in mind when he's employing them. Sometimes slow in deciding things.
Appearance: Has a reddish shade about his skin. His suit of choice is a green one, amended with a badge bearing the logo of Rupture Farms.

Name: Otto
Species: Glukkon
Age: 12
Status: Arnie's assistant and Flak Clerk of Rupture Farms
Personality: A normal Glukkon in the making. Even though he's related to Arnie, Otto's personality is not affected by the attitude of the current Boss. Quite indifferent towards workers, tends to his own needs first before others'.
Appearance: The usual skin of purple, with a blue suit and a golden badge. A bit shorter than Arnie.

Name: Rick
Species: Mudokon
Age: 22
Status: Average Mudokon Worker (Cleaner and Cook, mostly)
Personality: A normal, peaceful Mudokon, but never backs out from action. Somehow, he always finds the right tone when he's speaking with his superiors.
Appearance: A long, red wound on his arm. Appart from that, nothing unusual.

Name: RG-49
Species: Robotic (non-living)
Age: Unknown
Status: Average guard
Personality: RG has a limited range of emotions and he speaks in a monotonous voice, like most „mech-creatures”, as he calls them. He can be very helpful with his mechanic and terminating skills, though.
Appearance: Almost as tall as a Glukkon, armed with a rifle and many built-in functions and mainly dark copper coloured. Because of a recent accident, his facial plate had to be replaced with a grey one.

09-24-2007, 10:34 PM
mudling's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
: Jan 2005
: Sydney
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mudling  (123)mudling  (123)

Here are my two, I'm going to take them out of their current RPG (Fracture) , and reintroduce them into w@rf as this was where they were orignaly meant to be in.

Name: Jaka PJ, or simply PJ (informal jaka, formal PJ)
Race: Grubb
Gender: Female
Age: 16 (Grubb years)
Equipment: Spear, armour, helmet and (Elum hide) shield handed down to her through generations.
Appearance: Green, with a yellowish hue, and golden eyes.
Personality: Kind, caring, gullible and loyal, as well as dwelling and stubborn.
Biography: Jaka was born and bred up in a land far, far away. She loved her family, but there were many stresses on her family due to a lack of water. Then there were the raids, right after a mysterious stranger went through her village, and stole a priceless artefact she knew she had had enough. So she packed up and left, with a noble goal of gaining riches to help restore her family and riches to its formal glory and behind. So she left, found an Elum, stumbled upon a Clacker (whom I will introduce later) and rode towards the industrious world. She found it. She was everything in her village, which accounted for nothing. Her intelligence got her nowhere, as, quite frankly, she was a Grubb. But with her best pal Charlie the Clacker by her side, she soon caught a train to Rapture farms, with dreams of earning her way up and one day returning to her home.

Name: Charlie, or Chakks
Race: Clakkerz
Gender: Male
Age: Teenager
Appearance: Normal hieght, maybe a little short and strong by Clakkerz standards, he's got a reddish, orangy tinge, and Large green eyes.
Personality: Kind as in having a conscience, outgoing, humourous (or at least thinks he is), and active, average achedemically, but is quick witted and fast on his feet.. er claws
Equipment: His Spactuala, Screwdriver and Spanner (all in his trusty tool kit, amougnst other things), food, and a few oddities, such as an ancient Grubb stone, a small mudokon idol, and a meech tooth, and a mysterious map, all in which he as collected on his travels.
Weaponry: Anything he can pull from his pocket, or grabb.
History: Charlie was bored with his life, and so decided to venture out into the wilderness, and help anyone he came across, he soon found that people didn't want his help, and was chased away by several tribes and attack by several forms of wildlife, he soon willed to go home, but he realised he was lost. However, through his adventures, he had found many things, one being a map, yet a map is sueless if you do not know where you are. He soon ran across a grubb called PJ, and they soon became freinds, he taught her about the industerial society, and she taught him of the wilderness, they both learnt to survive in these very different enviornment. Eventually Charlie found somewhere recognisable, a small town, and from there, they searched for somewhere to work, untill eventually moving to Nolyblab, they found it, PJ was scared, but Charlie promised to take care of her, even though he knew that she was in danger, but he was depserate.

Last edited by Splat; 09-25-2007 at 04:23 AM..
09-25-2007, 02:24 AM
Gretin's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
: Jan 2005
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Gretin  (167)Gretin  (167)

Name: Ralph (Vykker codename: ABP1001)

Age: 16 in human years

Species: Mudokon/Vykker experiment (Gees, RuptureFarms seems to be a dumping ground for these guys )

Bio: Ralph had lived a fairly normal life - normal for a mudokon slave, that is - for most of his life (or had seemed to ), until a Vykker looking for "guinea pigs" for a new project happened to choose him. Since then, his life has practically been turned upside down as he was subjected to various devices of Vykker design, tweaking with his body and his mind until he was no longer recognizable as the once normal mudokon Ralph. In some ways, he has actually benefited from the 'enhancements" he has been given, for example his strength has been increased considerably - stronger than any other mudokon, claimed his "designer" - and since the experiments, he has never felt weariness or fatigue. But the damage done to his mind far outweigh the advantages of his body.
The project was started with the plan in mind of making a mudokon who would appear just like any of the others, but on the inside was far superior and also was against his own kind. The idea was to use this mudokon to assist in the capture (or killing, depending on the mood of the higher-ups) of free mudokons, and what better way to do so than with a traitor mudokon?
Unfortunately the attempts to make his appearance the same as other mudokons failed, as although in shape and form he seems identical to most mudokons, the experiments had a side effect which caused his skin to turn a dark blue (not Abe-type blue, think blue-black), thus rendering him anything but inconspicuous. However, in most other fields the experiment was a success, so his "designer" started to look at the next step - how to bring him under their control. Using all sorts of items ranging from high-tech looking gadgets to crude tools, he has affected Ralph's mind to such an extent that he can hardly be considered a mudokon mentally now. What was once a high spirited, care-free mudokon is now a cold, calculating, and humourless being, usually interested only in what he considers beneficial to himself. He knows what the Vykkers did to him, and he hates it. Because of this, he can sometimes be known to use violence as an outlet for this anger, but usually he contains it well. It's possible that the old Ralph is still there, somewhere deep in Ralph's mind, but there is no way to be certain.
Due to the system restraining his mind being damaged, his personality can seem to change erratically, confusing some people as he can seem almost kind one moment and completely hostile the next.
How he got away from the purpose he was designed for is not known by many as Ralph rarely talks about his past. He has worked at a range of factories around the Magog Cartel, and after manipulating his superiors at the last factory he was working at, is now on his way to RuptureFarms after hearing of the working conditions of mudokons here.

Appearance: Similar to most mudokons, except for his skin, which is a dark blue colour (see above)

Name: Hembar

Age: 21 in human years

Species: Mudokon

Gender: Female

Bio: Hembar is a member of a mudokon tribe calling themselves the "Avando." They are part of an alliance of seven mudokon tribes who are highly advanced in their society and mystical powers. Even the youngest mudokons in these tribes have some sort of small scale mystical powers, and the members of the Avando tribe are known to be the most powerful. Hembar usually prefers to stick to more natural environments, but circumstances have led to her being the only suitable mudokon to go on a certain mission to RuptureFarms. She plans to sneak aboard a train from Feeco Depot to RuptureFarms and join the workforce there to allow her freedom of movement around the factory to carry out her work.

Appearance: Normal mudokon skin colour, but she wears a gown-type outfit from just above her knees to her shoulders. It appears to be made of similar cloth to most mudokons loin-cloths, but it also has an intricate pattern of feathers sewn throughout it.

09-28-2007, 09:38 AM
Carnix's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2007
: A magical place
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Carnix  (553)Carnix  (553)Carnix  (553)Carnix  (553)Carnix  (553)Carnix  (553)

what is this folder about carnix?
Why ask me?

Anyways, me join!

Name: Krett

Race: Mudokon

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Appearance: Grey skinned mudokon, tomahawker hairstyle.

Personality: Cheery, kind, thoughtful.

Equipment: Toolbox, junk/scrap bag full of junk/scrap.

From a young age Krett was taken to ruptur farms and enslaved and through the labour and torment he became fascinated in the industrial technology and began designing machines of his own. As soon as ruptur farms went under and Krett was free he began construction on his machines using scrap pieces of anything as base material. He started with simply redesigning slig pants and giving them the extra suspension they needed to allow the wearer to jump. Soon after he started on bigger things... but was unable to finish them due to lack of supplies.
Then Krett heard that ruptur farms had reopened to be "mudokon friendly" and thus he set off to ruptur farms once more, not to become a slave, but to become an inventor!

09-28-2007, 10:17 AM
Venks's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Dec 2005
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Venks  (128)Venks  (128)

Name: Doe
Species: Mudokon(Mudanchee Native)
Age: Young Adult
Job: Acting as a janitor.. though he has much more planned.
Appearance: He has a dark Green-tan. He wears the Scrub shorts to 'blend in.' He is also a bit short compared to the average Mudokon.
Personality: He acts incredibly dumb to fool those who may be suspicious. He is in fact a very intelligent Mudokon with an expansive vocabulary. He tries to be kind but he is also very vengeful.
Bio: To summarize his life in one nice comment: He was a young guardian in the Mudanchee burial grounds in Necrum. However when he left Necrum he discovered most of his tribe dead and the rest enslaved. He was very traumatized by this and grew up with a burning hatred for all Industrials. A shaman by the name of Cris saw potential in Doe and tried to teach him the ways of a Shaman, but the hatred in Doe's heart prevents that. Doe is unable to let go of this hate and has instead given up on his training and goes out to Industrial facilities to save sacred creatures and Mudokons he deems worth saving.
If you wish to see more of his backstory feel free to read my fic A Slig Who Cares.

Name: CD-428 aka #9
Species: Slig(Worker)
Age: Teenager
Job: Security
Appearance: He has bright yellow skin and the industrial standard mask and pants. His feelers are positioned in such a way that by Slig standards he looks like a dork.
Personality: He's very self doubtful but not to the extent of an emo. At times he is able to jump into action but those times are as rare as a golden Worry Fish.
Bio: #9 is your average Slig. He went to the barracks where he got picked on a lot. He left as fast as he could and found himself at Rupture Farms. He made friends with a Slig that went by #10 however he died in a fight against a wild Scrab. Ever since then #10 has haunted #9.

Name: Chris
Species: Vykker
Age: Adult
Job: Surgeon
Appearance: Chris is a light pink Vykker with extremely smooth skin. Chris looks very odd by Vykker standards but at the same time the unique look tends to make others excited. Chris tends to wear a tight, revealing yellow dress with cute white ruffles on the bottom.
Personality: Chris is very moody but is normally very compassionate and happy-go-lucky. Though at other times, normally during surgery, he becomes very serious and calm.
Bio: Chris grew up with his mother while his father worked every day and night. Chris was very close to his mother so it tore him apart when she died. Chris's dad tried to handle Chris but was unable to so he sent him to expensive private schools. Chris's dad hoped that learning the family trade would calm him down. Instead Chris fell in love with the attention he got from others. Chris was willing to do anything to be loved by others. And thus how he has become the promiscuous Vykker he is today. After finishing school he decided to apply at Rupture Farms.
09-29-2007, 08:45 AM
Devilz Daughter
Registered User
: Sep 2007
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Devilz Daughter  (10)

No onstly what are you talking about????
09-29-2007, 05:37 PM
skillyaslig's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Mar 2007
: Beneath the sink
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No onstly what are you talking about????
God, this is a bloody RP thread, jezz, stop puttin' random rubbish on it! Read the frigging RP rule thread things before spamming. *fumes* anyway, since a day has past my chars just remained in teh same places as they did...Jutt, Jatt, Vester and Lenny in the cafeteria, and Seb and Cylepso in the corridor outside of the cafeteria....simple enough
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

09-30-2007, 12:57 AM
alf's brother's mate's Avatar
alf's brother's mate
Riot Slug
: Jul 2007
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alf's brother's mate  (132)alf's brother's mate  (132)

Name: Tyre


Age: unknown

Physical Description: Not much is known about tyre, only that he carries the deadliest slingshot known to oddworld, gerrun, crafted by bigface and a handfull of other faithfull natives.he is medium sized, lean and has pale green/blue skin. he is also incredibly agile.

Equipment:slingshot, and a chanting rune.

Personality:a normal rupturefarm worker who belives in good pay (not that he gets it) and wants to do something with his life, but at the moment it seems a bore...


Biography:born in an uncharted place, he was brought in by slig scouts who said the natives who he belonged to were the most aggressive they had ever seen. Perhaps Tyre carries his native anger inside, but he just doesn't know?

SOooooooooooooooooo, lets a get a going!
10-03-2007, 06:29 AM
Marvak's Avatar
Bola Blast
: May 2007
: Inside your head.
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Marvak  (12)
Cal, Ricky, Wic, Murphy, Barny.

I'll just retype my profiles from scratch, it's easier and more fun that way. Plus, I like this Misc. idea that Zozo's got, it'll allow me to bestow more useful info. :3 Kind of like little bits of Trivia.

Name: Cal (Short for Calvin Castro)

Species: Intern

Age: 25, compared to a human

Gender: Male

Appearence: (SUBJECT TO CHANGE...) Dishevelled and tired-looking, his right eye is bloodshot, whereas his left is missing completely, and the socket is covered by and eye patch. Wears dirty clothes; a long-sleeved blue button-up hawiian print shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and faded grey jeans that have several small tears and frays. You may occasionally be able to see his y-fronts sticking out the back. Several scars and (thanks to W@RF v.7) burns on his skin, most notably a very large scar going from his left eye socket and diagonally down his face, and a cross-shaped scar on his right pectoral.

Personality: Thinks he's God, acts like he's Satan. Basically, he laughs in the face of authority, takes all the booze and chicks for himself and scares children. Short temper and very easily upset, he has something like the male equivalent of constant PMS. If there's some hot female around (he prefers other Interns, but anything with boobs is fair game), he'll get incredibly sleazy and downright creepy, not to mention distrespectful. Without a distraction, he just acts like your average bummed-out loser. Just keep in mind, he's armed and part of a notorious gang. He does have a tiny little speck of white light amidst that twisted darkness... but you will have to search long and hard to find it.

Equipment: A small handheld tazer, which resembles a chunky black plastic pistol. He loves it likes he loves nothing else, and refers to it as his 'baby'.

Bio: He prefers to keep his past to himself. People familiar with Cal will know (v.7); others may ask him if you want, but he will take a lot of persuasion to get it out of him. <3

Miscellaneous: Fun fact time!
During W@RF v.7, he suffered a horrendous and near-fatal attack when a Slig shot him with a bluderbuss and his own tazer. During the attack of self-defense, the Slig (Venk's #9) held the trigger of the tazer down for much longer than he should have, creating a continous blast of electicity instead of a single zap. This, combined with the bullets from the blunderbuss, should have killed Cal if it weren't for the quick actions of Doe the Mudokon (also Venk's character, lol), who quickly administered a powerful healing powder in his wounds.
Unfortunately, the electiric shocks, blood loss and unnaturally fast rate of healing has left him in a... well, unstable state of mind.
Basically... he hears voices.

FACT 2: He has an incredible, astronomical phobia of fuzzles. His one greatest fear in the world. Not the sort of screaming and squealing type of person, he's more likely to stand stock-still, heart thumping, silent and feeling nauseous, hoping to death that the little fuzzy terror won't notice him.
It's quite funny actually.

Name: Ricky (known to authorities as Ricardo Digiuno)

Species: Slig

Age: Somewhere in his 20's, it's hard to tell

Gender: Worker (masculine features)

Appearence:(ALSO SUBJECT TO CHANGE...) Slighlty duller green skin than the average Slig, with pale yellow stripes running down his neck and back. Naturally thinner and lankier than an average Slig. His mechanical pants are made of aluminium, and have much longer and more complex legs than normal, built especially for running. Has a 'backpack' on the back of his pants, which double as a hard seat and speed guard (so his back doesn't snap in two when he's going top speed). The backpack contains all sorts of things, from motion detectors, small firearms, to first aid kits and tellecommunication devices.

Equipment: The contents of his backpack.

Personality: If you didn't know him, you'd think he was just a very friendly and intelligent Slig. But in reality, he'd be the one who shook your hand with one hand, and slit your throat with the other. Founder and supreme leader of the gang called The Black Scrabs, within that group, what he says is law. Of course, then Calvin has to come and challenge it...

Bio: During his time at the Slig Barracks, Ricky frequently collected bits and peices of machines to, well, build his own gadjets. He loved looking at how things worked, and thus became very learned in the fields of mechanics.
When he was 13, however, he got into a fight with another Slig over who had better rights to the armoury. He lost. Infuriated at his humilliating defeat, he waited that night untill everyone was asleep, before creeping into that Slig's tent, and slitting his throat.
The alarm was raisedjust as he managed to escape. And he's been on the run, comitting crimes and murders for moolah, for the rest of his life.

Even though he is a lying, theiving, murdering bastard, he does have, uh, 'standards'; never bring children into the matter, never harm those ho can't defend themselves without reason, never harm pregnant mothers, and help those in dire need. I guess it's what helps him sleep at night.

Name: Wic

Species: Mudokon

Age: 4 (that's 8 in Human years)

Gender: Worker (Masculine features)

Appearence: A short, greeny-yellow (most of the time) coloured Mudokon child. He has mysterious black circles around his eyes, sort of like a birthmark, that make him look like a raccoon. He has no feathers on his head, so he instead wears a faded black (which is now grey) cap to decorate his head. Also wears a black leather jacket which was leant to him by Cal, and a pair of 'shorts' which are pretty much just a loincloth with a crotch.

Equipment: Nothin' :\

*more comin' soon, lolz*

Last edited by Marvak; 10-05-2007 at 07:18 PM..
10-03-2007, 05:30 PM
Rupture Farms's Avatar
Rupture Farms
: Oct 2007
: Somewhere you'll never be.
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Rupture Farms  (10)

Full Name: Forg Ottokin
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 19

He has blue skin, and rather large eyes. He is medium height, slim, and has a high tone of voice.

Forg usually works late-shifts, and is a very competent employee; but has been known to sleep on the job, although upon hearing the loud movement of his boss's mechanical legs, he awakens immediately.

He has a brother, and a sister; who work in different areas. He has a few work-mates, to whom he occasionally talks to during his break from scrubbing the floor.

Last edited by Rupture Farms; 10-03-2007 at 05:33 PM..
10-05-2007, 06:12 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
: 1,465
Rep Power: 19
Slaveless  (36)

Here comes the mother load....

Name: Molt

Species: Slig

Gender: Drone, with a male personality and physique.

Age: 32 Oddworld Years

Weapon: As of this moment, he has no specified firearm or beating stick, but he does have a hand manipulated into a claw. However, he does not have the ability to attack anyone.

Occupation: All purpose employee. He can take care and raise Mudokons and Kintos, be a mechanic, and be a security guard. Although his body restricts him from doing most physical work, and probably should head towards retirement.

Status: Magnum

Appearance: Over all, an extermely old slig. 12 years past his expected life span, and still running! (Absolutely shocking, being Molt) Partically has made himself a cyborg, due to his constant injuries. His only exposure of skin is his tentacles. Molt has burnt tentacles and missing ones as well. Most of his metallic replacements look like they came straight from the dump (which they did). One of his arms is mechincal, the other has two fingers forming into something of a claw with the addition to metal on it. His left eye has been replaced by a mechincal one. He can dose off into a sleep, but his mind will still be able to see with his new eye, since he has no ability to blink involuntarily. The rest of his body is covered in metal to protect his old, scarred, burnt skin from the world. The metal now appears like it can open up like a cabinet, since the doctors in Rupture Farms needed to change his metal without hurting him. He wears regular pants now and days.

Personality: Passively aggressive, acts as if he wouldn’t care if you weren’t born, and violent. He has records of being a much more caring person in the past, but that has changed. After the death of too many people, he just wants to be left alone and die naturally. He does not care for others due to his fear of getting close to people will only hurt him more. He threatens those who he believes are self-centered. Ironic, yes, but he believes that mistakes wouldn’t happen if everyone who just realize they can’t act like a bunch of people who believes there is no tomorrow. So he often points out everyone’s flaws and tells them what to do. Although, Slap believes his body would not be able to handle that kind of language in the future.

Early Life: Molt was born in Breeding unit 3045, to be later raised in Slig Barracks. There, he grew up like any ordinary Slig, except he didn't get hired until he was 3. He became crippled at some point, causing half of his arm to be replaced. Glukkons wouldn’t hire him for this, and probably would have been killed if he hadn’t gotten a job by the time he was 4. His first boss was named Rraff, a kind and empathic Glukkon. Molt immediently became head Security officer and employee of Slurg Barns 11 (He was the only Slig hired at that time). Molt asked why he was chosen for that job and Rraff said to him because it takes someone who knows what has to be done in extreme situations. Molt continued to be Head of Security under Rraff’s rule. He learned things from learning how to train slaves to shooting a Scrab down in one shot.

Molt lead a decent and highly payed job at Slurg Barns, but was soon ruined by Edward the Glukkon. He was a lowly wannabe Glukkon excutive there, but wanted to take his career as far as the stars. (Read further to learn more)

Back-story: He was 29 when he was changed forever. All his life he had idolized big bro sligs. He loved the ripling mulses across those bodies. The guns had even made him impressed. It wasn't soon before he signed forms to become one. However, the day before he became one, a mudokon possessed him. He remembered nothing, but for some reason, he surived. He was the first to surive possession. The deterimation made him want to surive. However, it cost him greatly. His spine was twisted, his tail and his arms were all broken permantly, and his most of his tentacles disappeared. He also lost two fingers. Vykkers made sure he had medical treatment. He had all sort of metal across him now, that replace his real body. Unfortunently, he could not have any steroid treatment, for Molt's body would be worse. He knows now that he fought for nothing.

During his possession, he had killed an excutive, making Edward come up with all sorts of schemes. Edward payed the Vykkers that fixed Molt, overcharged him, preventing Molt from accessing any moolah. He was then sent to look for more Slogs in the wild, so Edward could do what he did best. Being cruel. When Molt got back to Slurg Barns 11, his boss had died of lung infection. Edward took his place, fired Molt, and became filthy rich. Molt was later sent to Vykker Labs to pay off his debt, but found that his aggressiveness caused his debt to get higher each day. And Edward later used him as his pawn, to access to bigger bags of moolah, such as sending Molt to Rupture Farms. In fact, Edward plans to use Molt's hatred to cause Molt to get fired, and get access to Rupture Farms, so he could take Arnie's job away. This all triggered Molt's phychopathicness and aggressiveness, since he hates how his life turned out. But he doesn't know about the whole reason why he is at Rupture Farms.

He now is 32, and can be kind of be elected for most hated. He has also grown bulkier, from his excises. He was transferred to Rupture Farms for better 'surcurity' *cough cough excuse for Edward's plot cough*.

Lately, he's been calling everyone, even glukkons, idiots. Arnie had not and still hasn’t, came up with a job for him to do. This may be partly because he destroyed an elevator before even getting hired at Rupture Farms. So instead, Molt tried to fix the Grinders while his job was still being decided on.

Along the way, he gained the hatred from two other Sligs Goresplatter and Gappiqu, both of which he has made a physical affect on. This turns out to go horribly wrong, when he starts to fix the Grinders. While trying to choke a Slig for insulting him in the Grinders, Goresplatter tried to use force on Molt by shooting him. Gappiqu had created the gun which fired explosive bullets, which eliminated his left arm and eye. He needed blood transfusion further on.

Luckily, Slap and Dek have repaired him for the most part. He has a new appearance, although. Molt now has a heart moniter on his new mechnical arm, also with a sonar in his head. The sonar is tell the Vykkers of his current factory if his heart fails. The other thing that is mechincal is his new eye. Plus, he has to have certain pills to live. But he may or may not fired in a moment.

He gained the distrust of the doctors as well. Molt ordered Max to bite Slap and tried to blame his attack on his Slog for being a monster. Dek and Slap now know to not fall for his tricks.

Later on, he tried to escape from the Laboratory. In his efforts, he saved Slap’s life. Gappiqu tried to strangle Slap for anger reason, but Molt distracted him using insulting language. Gappiqu next threw a grenade at Molt, but just in time, Molt made the grenade explode before it got to him. The cage he was in was destroyed, but he was not harmed. After Gappiqu was sedated, he tried to use this oppruntity that Slap was distracted to go away.

RG-49 stopped that before it could happen, but Molt tried to get himself in less trouble by telling them about Edward. It proved to be effective, but he was still sedated for telling Dionysia about Gappiqu in an insulting manner.

He later escaped from the Laboratory when he awoke from the sedation and escaped. Molt found Arnie who wasn’t pleased to see him. Before he could persuade Arnie to hire him, he suffered from a near death situation within himself. Apparently, he has horrible reactions to being near chants. So horrible that it can cause him to pass out or die. This time, he passed out. But the use of chants continued, and he nearly died. Luckily, he survived long enough to be saved and be in the safety of the Laboratory.

He now is in a coma.

Name: Gappiqu

Species: Slig

Gender: Drone, but takes a male mind and physique.

Age: 20 Oddworld years.

Status: Popper

Occupation: Rupture Farm's mechanic

Appearance: His upper body is normal, but the only difference is that he has large silver pants that are unneccessarily wide. It is known to a few about the fact that he actually has Steef legs underneath his pants.

Equipment: 13 grenades, 1 UXB, 1 Order Bomb, a pistol gun modified into a sling shot (lost), a walkie talkie, a wrench, a screwdriver, a Sliggish to Mudosian dictionary, and 1 landmine.

Personality: He is unsure of himself. He will treat some people well like his friend, but he is quirky toward Glukkons. Also, when he expressing his emotions, like love or anger, he doesn't know how to tell them. Plus, when he is trying to keep his surgery a secret, he often is nervous. He can also be very depressed at times, as well as negative. He in fact was deeply tramitizied by his family loss. But he does have a deep hatred for Vykkers.
Biography: He is patheic to other sligs. He has failed all gun use classes in Slig Barracks. His claim is that he had been suspended from all use after accidentally losing control of his gun, but in reality, he had attacked the Glukkon. In Slig Barracks, he was not able to kill the bird targets, causing a Glukkon Chump to make fun of him. The Glukkon went so far as to ordering Gappiqu to attack him, expecting him to miss. Gappiqu did shoot, but he missed and shot maybe an inch away from the Glukkon’s foot. He was charged from attempted assult, since it was so close to the Glukkon. His penality was to never be able to use a gun.

He only made it out of that torture chamber was that he exceeded in explosive handle held weapons use. His wide pants had built in pockets, that's use is for containment of bombs of such sort.

His first 11 years of life is unknown to most and probably isn’t significant. All is known is that he hung out with a Slig named Furz, attacked Mudokons, did boxing, and mainly transported explosives at Vykker Labs as a job.

In the past nine years, he has changed. He somehow helped out a ceiling fall in Vykker Labs. There was minor damage, but severely harmed people in the process. Including himself. His friend died, while he was given an unnecessary surgery that gave him Steef legs so he can walk again. Ever since, he has worn large pants, became a very emotional person, worn a mask that shoots electric bolts into his head, and hid his past from the world.

Afterwards, he worked for Queen Skillya and Vykkers has an engineer, which he has a talent for. In fact, he has been known to make inventions, like the Gore Rifle and the small bombs that amplify sound to an extreme level. He went to Rupture Farms for unknown reasons.

Now in Rupture Farms, he lately has been less shy around people and trying to make enemies with Muds. The Gore rifle is now complete and he's trying to see to improve it. He has revealed that he has Steef legs under his pants, but only to Goresplatter, Slap, and Dionysia. And currently, he is developing feelings for his new friend Dionysia and trusts her so much more than Goresplatter.

In his first day, he had already completely numerous pipes in the Grinders, made the Gore Rifle, saved Dionysia, and captured a Mudokon terrorist. The next day turned that upside down. He went berserk after being rejected from Dionysia, which led to the escape of a Mudokon terrorist. He attacked a Vykker, nearly strangled Slap, attempted murder on Molt, escaped with the help of Dionysia, started a fleet of Paramites to attack him, destroyed RG’s face, attacked Dr. Krik, and went into depression all in the same day. It is suspected that RG-49 would like to have him arrested and attacked.

In the next day, he created a bunch of plans that could improve security to a new level. He presented them to Arnie after giving his apology for his actions the day before that one. He hopes to have Arnie’s response by the next morning.

Name: Slap

Species: Intern

Gender: Male

Age: 27 in Oddworld years.

Status: Worker Intern; does not have experience with a Snuzi. If you compared him to a Vykker status, he is a Vykker surgeon.
He has medical knowledge on treating wounds, proper sedation, treating drug abuse, treating led poisoning, limb replacments, loss of limb treatment, organ transplant, the anatomy of the working classes, an expansive knowledge of Slig psychology, and disease treatment.

Appearance: Usually carries a box of medince supplies and the such. Small gut. Average Intern appearance except for the apron he wears. He doesn't wear anything else besides an apron actually. Although his basic uniform is that of a surgeon’s scrubs.

Condition: Slap is healthy as a bone, but is mute due to stitches. That's why his laptop is around. He is known to have a bit of Candle Waxing Syndrome.

Equipment: He carries a brief case and a laptop with him.

Personality: He is very formal and serious when he is doing his job. But he will be very angry if you disrespect him or when he messes up. Don't get me started in what happens when he sees someone die when he is operating. But he is not highly sentimental actually. He can contain his feelings very well, except when it comes to Molt.

Bio: Slap was an orphan before he could he even realize what that meant. He was later adopted by a Vykker, who only wanted him as his slave. However, Slap learned there how to contain his sentimentality. He also found his love there, named medince. From there on, Slap wanted nothing more than to be a doctor. But his current status of being a slave, didn't allow that.

According to Slap, he was raised by Dr. Eloha in Vykkers Lab A16 as mainly a servant, like most slaves. Slap did most of the tedious work for his master, such as paper work, looking at Mudokon and Slig eggs' ultrasounds to view any complications, studying Fuzzles' reactions to some experiment, and take notes. (this actually taught him how to type, draw, and write) Slap views most of his time there torture, since he was expected on his own to understand all of this on his own with minimum help from other. This resulted in his independency. There were also horrible images of anguish being displayed on Inhabitants, which gave Slap nightmares for years. For a while, this was what he expected in life.

That all changed when his boss was off-duty, and his patient almost verged to being dead. Slap took action and saved the patient's life from a tragic disaster. Not also did he saved the Chronicler's life, but changed his own. The Chronicler became his lawyer, and payed him for saving his life. Since he was payed, he was no longer a slave, but a freed Intern. Slap took this opprunity to apply his self into a Vykker college in Vykkers Lab C46.

Slap was surprising a decent student, even though his average brain was not use to Vykker knowledge. He was named there, being that he was quick, when it came to tests and homework. That's why he's called Slap. He succeeded in the intern ship, and after years of training, he got the lower class of Vykker doctor ship. He later found a job in a Vykker hostipal, so he could test himself. This hospital was nearby a village of Industerialized natives and a Slog Kibbles Making factory. In short, the fumes caused many to show up at the hospital each day.

Dek as his assistant has hired slap. Plus, he has successfully made many surgeries in the past three days, as well as making Arrack a semi-normal Slig again.

Name: Furz
Species: Slig
Gender: Male
Age: He died at the age of 11. He would be 20 now.
Appearance: Average slig, with mask, pants, and gun
Bio: He is only known in Gappiqu's memories. He does not and never has, worked at Rupture Farms.

Name: Max
Race: Slog, with a tad bit of Sleg in him.
Gender: Male
Age: 3 and a half.
Appearance: Short compared to an adult slog, but is tall for a Slog's age. He also has a Sleg-skull, feathers, tusks, and has similar legs to one. His skin is a dark purple as well.
Bio: His family is a cross over with a Sleg, so he's sort of a combination of Sleg and Slog, but mainly Slog. He was raised by Molt at birth and is quite intellgent for a Slog, due to consist Slig interaction. He now in the Stockyards, where his body rots.

Name: Bonty
Species: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Appearance: Brownish-Gray skin, for his miserbleness. He has nothing else that is distincly different, besides his scar on his left cheek and his black, wounded foot.

Personality: Rather lonely and miserble at times. He wouldn't disobey a slig or even try to think to disobey a slig. But he rather gullible, making him an easy target to fall into a meatsaw.

Back-story: He was the missing mudokon in Bonewerks. Bonty's is full of mishap and luckness. He is lucky that every time he is tricked, his buddies come to save the day. Bonty had thought that the bones he was collecting, was Slog bones, so he never got stitches. And when he heard of Abe, he considered himself the luckist mudokon to see a savior. Unfortunenly, Abe missed him, and he had to escape from the gas on his own. Luckly, he reached a train, and boarded it before it left. Unfortunenly, he arrived at a Vykker Labs, which, of course, Abe missed too. He had been miserble since. He was grateful to hear that Molt had left, for he had killed oe of his buddies, and killed his only slig friend as well. He was grateful that he left, but was miserable to hear that he was being tranfered back with him.

New Bio: He searches for a way to escape now and is trying to convince Jim to escape as well. Although, his location is unknown.

Name: Kix
Species: Mudokon
Gender: Female(Anyone got an idea of how a female mudokon looks like?)
Age: 21(in human years)
Appearance: Her skin is normal green, her ponytail is red an violet and has tattoos on her legs. She may be thinner than other female muds. The full moon has a weird effect on her that transforms the skins green color to a golden color.
Personality: Cares about her friends, but she doesn't like strangers. She likes to explore the world, and since she got in Rupture farms, she had found all kind of old passages, as well as helping Anni create a garden.

Name: Isaac
Species: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: He would be a 19 year old in human years.
Status: Scrub
Appearance: Well, just like a Scrub, except he retains its true green skin.
Occupation: Works in Labor Force #451. Basically knows how to operate levers, cut timber down, cut meat, and how to handle orders.
Personality: Pretty much optimistic all the time and can work under stress with joyful potential of success. However, he is mild mannered, and isn't to be unsettled when angry. He also reacts badly to laughing gas. (Imagine bubbly brought to a new level of senselessness) He can also be very obedient.

Back-story: Before Isaac's and many Mudokons' birth, Glukkons planned to make a small deal. They would place eight Mudokons together, to be bought together with half price off when buying eight Mudokons together. That way, Mudokons could be bought at low prices and get twice the more labor done at half price. Tons of Mudokons were set up like this, like Labor Force #451.

When Isaac and his friends were born, they trained and raised as one, making them close friends. They even developed similar personalities. However, they were trained as a normal group of Mudokons, making their beatings both painful to watch and feel.

Now, they are being sent to Rupture Farms because the Glukkons had gotten a better deal with a different kind of work force. The Glukkon gave Arnie his Mudokons, to represent that he gets the poor quality Mudokons.

Name: Jacob
Species: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: Has the mind of 19 year old.
Status: Scrub
Appearance: Well, just like a Scrub, except he retains its true green skin. He also developed a brown feather
Occupation: Works in Labor Force #451. Basically knows how to operate levers, cut timber down, cut meat, and how to handle orders.
Personality: Pretty much emotional to the subject of death. He can be nice at moments, but often troubled by his beatings. However, he is mild mannered, and isn't to be upseted when angry. He also reacts badly to laughing gas. (Imagine bubbly brought to a new level of senselessness) He can also be very obi dent. Jacob can also be jolly when not troubled.

Back-story: Before Isaac's and many Mudokons' birth, Glukkons planned to make a small deal. They would place eight Mudokons together, to be bought together with half price off when buying eight Mudokons together. That way, Mudokons could be bought at low prices and get twice the more labor done at half price. Tons of Mudokons were set up like this, like Labor Force #451.

When Isaac and his friends were born, they trained and raised as one, making them close friends. They even developed similar personalities. However, they were trained as a normal group of Mudokons, making their beatings both painful to watch and feel.

Now, they are being sent to Rupture Farms because the Glukkons had gotten a better deal with a different kind of work force. The Glukkon gave Arnie his Mudokons, to represent that he gets the poor quality Mudokons.

Name: Anthony
Species: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 8 years on Earth.
Status: Scrub
Appearance: Well, just like a Scrub, except he retains its true green skin. He has developed a black, braidish like feather
Occupation: Works in Labor Force #451. Basically knows how to operate levers, cut timber down, cut meat, and how to handle orders.
Personality: Pretty much optimistic all the time and can work under stress with joyful potential of success. However, he cannot express his anger very well, so he is easy target for Sligs to upset. He also reacts badly to laughing gas. (Imagine bubbly brought to a new level of senselessness) He can also be very obi dent.

Back-story: Before Isaac's and many Mudokons' birth, Glukkons planned to make a small deal. They would place eight Mudokons together, to be bought together with half price off when buying eight Mudokons together. That way, Mudokons could be bought at low prices and get twice the more labor done at half price. Tons of Mudokons were set up like this, like Labor Force #451.

When Isaac and his friends were born, they trained and raised as one, making them close friends. They even developed similar personalities. However, they were trained as a normal group of Mudokons, making their beatings both painful to watch and feel.

Now, they are being sent to Rupture Farms because the Glukkons had gotten a better deal with a different kind of work force. The Glukkon gave Arnie his Mudokons, to represent that he gets the poor quality Mudokons.

Name: Mike
Species: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: Has the mind of a 19 year old.
Status: Scrub
Appearance: Well, just like a Scrub, except he retains its true green skin. He has formed wrinkles below his eyes, since he often works later than his brothers.
Occupation: Works in Labor Force #451. Basically knows how to operate levers, cut timber down, cut meat, and how to handle orders.
Personality: Pretty much optimistic all the time and can work under stress with joyful potential of success. However, he is mild mannered, and isn't to be upsettled when angry. He also reacts badly to laughing gas. (Imagine bubbly brought to a new level of senselessness) He can also be very obi dent. He can also be quite the joker.

Back-story: Before Isaac's and many Mudokons' birth, Glukkons planned to make a small deal. They would place eight Mudokons together, to be bought together with half price off when buying eight Mudokons together. That way, Mudokons could be bought at low prices and get twice the more labor done at half price. Tons of Mudokons were set up like this, like Labor Force #451.

When Isaac and his friends were born, they trained and raised as one, making them close friends. They even developed similar personalities. However, they were trained as a normal group of Mudokons, making their beatings both painful to watch and feel.

Now, they are being sent to Rupture Farms because the Glukkons had gotten a better deal with a different kind of work force. The Glukkon gave Arnie his Mudokons, to represent that he gets the poor quality Mudokons.

Name: Joel
Species: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 8 years on Earth.
Status: Scrub
Appearance: Well, just like a Scrub, except he retains its true green skin. He can also be known to be muscular.
Occupation: Works in Labor Force #451. Basically knows how to operate levers, cut timber down, cut meat, and how to handle orders.
Personality: Pretty much optimistic all the time and can work under stress with joyful potential of success. However, he is mild mannered, and isn't to be unsettled when angry. He also reacts badly to laughing gas. (Imagine bubbly brought to a new level of senselessness) He can also be very obi dent. He has developed a taste for Slig humor and Mike's humor.

Back-story: Before Isaac's and many Mudokons' birth, Glukkons planned to make a small deal. They would place eight Mudokons together, to be bought together with half price off when buying eight Mudokons together. That way, Mudokons could be bought at low prices and get twice the more labor done at half price. Tons of Mudokons were set up like this, like Labor Force #451.

When Isaac and his friends were born, they trained and raised as one, making them close friends. They even developed similar personalities. However, they were trained as a normal group of Mudokons, making their beatings both painful to watch and feel.

Now, they are being sent to Rupture Farms because the Glukkons had gotten a better deal with a different kind of work force. The Glukkon gave Arnie his Mudokons, to represent that he gets the poor quality Mudokons.

Name: Noah
Species: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 8 years on Earth.
Status: Scrub
Appearance: Well, just like a Scrub, except he retains its true green skin. He is like Mark, quite fit.
Occupation: Works in Labor Force #451. Basically knows how to operate levers, cut timber down, cut meat, and how to handle orders.
Personality: Pretty much optimistic all the time and can work under stress with joyful potential of success. However, he is mild mannered, and isn't to be unsettled when angry. He also reacts badly to laughing gas. (Imagine bubbly brought to a new level of senselessness) He can also be very obi dent. He also has quite the vocal cords as well, and sings when doing work.

Back-story: Before Isaac's and many Mudokons' birth, Glukkons planned to make a small deal. They would place eight Mudokons together, to be bought together with half price off when buying eight Mudokons together. That way, Mudokons could be bought at low prices and get twice the more labor done at half price. Tons of Mudokons were set up like this, like Labor Force #451.

When Isaac and his friends were born, they trained and raised as one, making them close friends. They even developed similar personalities. However, they were trained as a normal group of Mudokons, making their beatings both painful to watch and feel.

Now, they are being sent to Rupture Farms because the Glukkons had gotten a better deal with a different kind of work force. The Glukkon gave Arnie his Mudokons, to represent that he gets the poor quality Mudokons.

Name: Matthew
Species: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 8 years on Earth.
Status: Scrub
Appearance: Well, just like a Scrub, except he retains its true green skin. Muscular is another famous quality for Matt.
Occupation: Works in Labor Force #451. Basically knows how to operate levers, cut timber down, cut meat, and how to handle orders.
Personality: Pretty much optimistic all the time and can work under stress with joyful potential of success. However, he is mild mannered, and isn't to be unsettled when angry. He also reacts badly to laughing gas. (Imagine bubbly brought to a new level of senselessness) He can also be very obi dent. He is quite sarcastic and rather young when it comes to maturity. But has a great sense of humor.

Back-story: Before Isaac's and many Mudokons' birth, Glukkons planned to make a small deal. They would place eight Mudokons together, to be bought together with half price off when buying eight Mudokons together. That way, Mudokons could be bought at low prices and get twice the more labor done at half price. Tons of Mudokons were set up like this, like Labor Force #451.

When Isaac and his friends were born, they trained and raised as one, making them close friends. They even developed similar personalities. However, they were trained as a normal group of Mudokons, making their beatings both painful to watch and feel.

Now, they are being sent to Rupture Farms because the Glukkons had gotten a better deal with a different kind of work force. The Glukkon gave Arnie his Mudokons, to represent that he gets the poor quality Mudokons.

Name: Sam
Species: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 8 years on Earth.
Status: Scrub
Appearance: Well, just like a Scrub, except he retains its true green skin. He has developed a white feather and has green eyes.

Occupation: Works in Labor Force #451. Basically knows how to operate levers, cut timber down, cut meat, and how to handle orders.

Personality: Quite quiet and mysterious like. He refuses to speak a whole lot for unknown reasons. And he is never to be upsettled when angry. Sam isn't very tolerant to sadness. He also reacts badly to laughing gas. (Imagine bubbly brought to a new level of senselessness)

Back-story: Before Isaac's and many Mudokons' birth, Glukkons planned to make a small deal. They would place eight Mudokons together, to be bought together with half price off when buying eight Mudokons together. That way, Mudokons could be bought at low prices and get twice the more labor done at half price. Tons of Mudokons were set up like this, like Labor Force #451.

When Isaac and his friends were born, they trained and raised as one, making them close friends. They even developed similar personalities. However, they were trained as a normal group of Mudokons, making their beatings both painful to watch and feel.

Now, they are being sent to Rupture Farms because the Glukkons had gotten a better deal with a different kind of work force. The Glukkon gave Arnie his Mudokons, to represent that he gets the poor quality Mudokons.

Name: Oscar

Species: Chronicler

Sex: Male

Age: 43

Occupation: Serves as a business man and a laywer in all cases.

Equipment: He generally carries around a suit case full of papers for contracts inside, papers that certify certain rights for products, and generally papers. Oscar also carries a staff around, representing his high status.

Status: Oscar possesses an incredible amount of wealth. Being that he has grown popular after winning a case against a powerful Vykker, he has been subjected to many other wealthy citizens of the Industerial families.

Appearance: Physically, he is rather attractive, yet supports a moderate chub on his stomach. But besides that, this Chronicler wears expensive clothing. You will usually finding him wearing a dark green, padded coat, unzipped to reveal a Meep material long sleeved, professional long sleeved shirt. His coat has a great collar that tucks down onto the coat. He only uses the most expensive cigars to smoke with, which often are fine, long black ones. You might also find him with black pants also might reveal black dress shoes. His skin is actually has a hint of brown, but is average looking nevertheless.

Personality: He will be great to those who have the potential of giving him great success, or saved his life. However, if you are on the rival side of his own, he will do whatever he can to make sure he is above you. Oscar will fancy those who are humbly related to Slap in a good manner, but will not care what happens to them. On the other hand, he will not cancel contracts if they still favor them. He will also try to do whatever he can to get into favor of himself.

Back-story: Over all, his life started with a hard bump in the road. He had came from a poor family, starting him off with little moolah. Owning little, he had just barely got into a good school to start his lawyer career. After those moments, he had been feeling a little bad about his life.

That all changed within moments. After feasting in a pub with some Slurg Sundaes, he became a victim of Talmonty Poisoning. This disease is from ill Slurgs that gives them only a matter of days to live. This had the same affect on Oscar, and caused him to go to a Vykker Labs for treatment. Dr. Eloha was required to make save the Chronicler. The Vykker decided that he was too tired at the moment to worry about this, so he decided to leave the job for another Vykker. That one was also too 'tired' to work on him, so they left the job for each other. While Oscar's life was at stake, Slap took action. Slap cured Oscar of the disease, saving his life. Oscar was in great graditude of Slap, so he thanked him by sueing Dr. Eloha for ignoring him. The two won the case and Oscar was given 1 million moolah by Slap in reward for doing this for him. Oscar became famous from there, and became incredibly wealthy.

Name: Upilus
Species: Slig
Age: 7 (That's quite close to midaged crisis for a Slig)
Sex: Well, worker class.
Status: Slig Valet
Occupation: Handles all equipment for Oscar, who also knows a thing or two about faxing files.

Personality: Very sneaky, with a touch of greed. He has been working for Oscar for six years, because he knew that he would be wealthy from just being paid a weekly salary. Keeping all of his schemes inside, he lets everyone know that there is nothing going on inside of him. But being that he knows a thing or two about laws, he keeps his enemies down using that knowledge of his. There is really no good side to him, since he is like Oscar. Will be nice, if you have a stuffed wallet.

Appearance: Average Valet appearance, just that his coat is black leather, and his cane has a sharp end that could kill.

Back-round story: Nothing really. Upilus schemed his way to the top by remaining in Slig Barracks until a wealthy Industerial creature needed an assistant. He learned about Oscar, so he showed his face to him to be employeed. Ever since, he has been writing files with Oscar, trying to help his boss raise to the top, so he can brag about it at Slig Barracks.

Last edited by Slaveless; 10-12-2007 at 06:07 PM..
10-07-2007, 11:19 AM
moxco's Avatar
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I've always been crap at RPing but I decided to give it a go;

Name: Azar [AH-ZAA] or #4 slig [As his masters calls him]
Species: Slig
Age: 5 [slig years]
Sex: male
Status: Azar is an unarmoured slig but he carries around a BlitzPacker.

Occupation: Body gaurd. Azar is a body gaurd to his mysterios master who will be arriving at RF a shortly after Azar does.

Personality: Azar is a very kind slig although he lacks brains. He loves his master [who is always cruel to him] and his pet albino sloggie, Chum.

Apearance: He looks like a normal slig.

History: Azar was sent to the original RF by his master to try and catch Abe. Azar fled RF back to his master who has been getting him to work at a micro-brewry until now.

Name: Chum
Species: Slog [sloggie]
Age: 3 months
Sex: male
Status: I dunno, Pet?
Occupation follows Azar around

Personality: Very soscial, loves meeting new people. And very hiporactive.

Appearance: Chum is a small Albino sloggie

History: Chum was adopted by Azar two and a half months ago.
10-07-2007, 06:48 PM
mudling's Avatar
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Here are the bio's for Jakka's pets.

Name: Hallum (Halls)
Race: Elum
Gender: Male
Age: um late teens elum years
Appearance: Silmular to other Elum's his skin is a reddish, orangy hue, however her as been adorned with pink flamago style feathers and several pink and red jewels, which adorn his saddle and reins.
Bio: Hallum was raised in a small mudokon village, yet he was captured by a slig patrol, in the aims of selling him to Rapture farms, when he was still a calf. However, after realisation that Rapture farms had been halted, the patrol instead sold him, and several other ellum's to a Clakker caravan. Along the way, the ellum's were sold off, including Hallum's mother, but upon entering a wolvark settlement, the caravan was held up by Blisterz booty. Without due payment, Blisterz luanched an attack, and several clackerz fled, one attempting to ride Hallum away. Hallum was quite young, and could hardly support the weight, so a fed up Clakker abandoned him in the wilderness, where he stumbled upon a wondering grubb, Jakka, she soon took care of him, and showed him the stange area he had been brought to, and she planned to let him go back where he came from, but she could never quite leave him.

Name: Sal
Race: Boombat
Gender: female
Age: A young mother, in boombat terms anyway
Appearance: Large, deep gold-orangey eyes and long, brown hair with a reddish tinge, aswell as large, pale pinkish wings.
Bio: Sal was a young hopefull boombat, brought up in the depths of a sacred Grubb cave. She was picked by a Shaman of the Grubb people, amougnst many other critters, and given amoung the young grubbs of the village, so they could appreciate the nature and beasts around them. Sal was imediatly fought over by the jouvanail grubbs, and she quickly shot into the sky, yet she flew too quickly for a Bommbat of her age, and she quickly stumbled and fell into the hands of Jakka, who immediatly admired her, and begged to keep her. Her parents were hopping a much safer creature, yet the Shamon convinced her parents that the creature had high spiritual properties, and would last much longer than other Boombats. To ensure this, Jakka feed her on an alternate diet, and Sal soon had many offspring, her were distriputed amougnst the tribe.
Jakka then brought Sal with her on her Journey, eventually bringing her to rapture farms.

10-14-2007, 01:02 AM
alf's brother's mate's Avatar
alf's brother's mate
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hiya, sorry if i make this RPG a misery, but here goes...

Name: Pere

Species: Mudokon

Gender: Male

Age: 13 Human years

Class: Worker

Personality: Shy, and unsure of himself. Is also a bit of a glukkon's pet, snitches on anyone for anything.

Equipment: A mop, and some bleach

Weapons: None

Biography: Has worked Rupturefarms for as long as he can remember, and has a defined hatred for the glukkons. He now has his own personal beater pretty much, as the slig which patrolls his area is particularly vicious. The aroura of danger which seems to surround rupturefarms frightens pere, but hopefully he wont need to worry. worry too much

Name: Bullitz

Race: slig

Gender: Male

Age: 10 earth years

Equipment: A large, long grey slig mask.

Weapons: Taser pistol and a Shotgun

History: Born a while ago in rupturefarms, he gained his first rifle a few months later, which after uncovering a mudokon conspiracy was upgraded to a 4xlK Leorne Super semi-automatic Shotgun with an extended muzzle velocity and a thinner longer trigger for a quicker rate of fire. He has worked in The new rupturefarms for some time now, making sure everyone does their duty, or else...

Last edited by alf's brother's mate; 10-14-2007 at 01:05 AM..
10-14-2007, 06:36 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Alf's Brother's Mate, just a couple of things. First off, our characters must actually enter the factory. There would be a story problem if your characters have always been in Rupture Farms, but was never noticed. Second, Mudokons should have no reason to hate Arnie or Otto if they actually knew them. They are understanding and have applied a new rule to the factory; Mudokons are not allowed to be beatened or shoot at without a reason to suspect them of treason or terrorism.

10-26-2007, 05:10 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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I'm creating my first Charactor.
Name: Jerr (JE-air)
Species: Slig
Age:23 (I don't know much about slig years)
Appearance: Jerr has a blue tinted mask,some normal pants, and a small shotgun. He is somewhat small and short. He is almost always clean.
Personality: He cares about who he works for and what he does. He will complain for some time if he doesn't get what he wants. There is only one way to get hime to stop: Threatening. He will stop doing anything wrong if he feels like someone bigger and better than him might files a complaint to the slig queen. He may have a very bendable will but he is smarter than a normal slig just only slighter. He is not too strong or lazy. He is extremly hot tempered but can stand alot of insults if he is ordered to. He loves cleaning himself and anything else.
Biography: He started as a worker in a small meep farm. He was fired after working there for a short amount of time. He wandered around for quite a bit of his life until he found somebody willing to give him some work. He was fired from there too not long before the company went bankrupt. There he was granted a small amount of money for catching a small time criminal. He used up his money on poker and the other things sligs usually spend money on. Not long after he looked for some more work. Here he found Rupture Farms.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

10-26-2007, 05:56 AM
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Name: Beatlroot (beetle-root)
Species: Paramite
Age: Do paramites even know how old they are?
Appearance: typical paramite all round beside the deep red slice across his back.
History: Beatlroot was born inside the tunnels of the rupture farm railway station and has lived there for as long as he can remember. Due to a mental disability, Beatlroot has very little vocabulary and has difficulty judging distance.

10-26-2007, 08:12 PM
mudling's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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Alf's brother's mate, could you please right an apperance for your characters, as it helps with the descriptions.

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