What confuses me on these situations is that from what we've heard about general society on Oddworld, these things are quite public.
Abe and Co are technically in the third world, and heavily sheltered from news and media. Hiding information from them would be easy. But the general public in the likes of Nolybab and beyond, (of which we are led to believe some are mudokon), would be perfectly aware of the sale of Mudokon Pops and brew bottles labelled with 'X-tra Bone!'
In the games, presented from Abe's point of view, these revelations are sinister and shocking - he never knew. But surely to the actual consumers of these products, who should be well aware, they what? Just don't care? It feels like there's an important element to the world here that's never really been touched on.
Maybe it's an extreme version of people willingly wearing clothing made by slave labour

Unless it's happening to them, they don't care.