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08-06-2001, 12:55 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Character Descriptions

I'd just thought I would start this topic up. I figured if I didn't someone else would so what the hay *shrug*. Basically, you can put your Character descriptions here (duh hense the title). I'll start it off with my character...

Oh and...you don't have to reveal everything about your character here, you can leave some things a mystery for now(as I did with Spider).

Name: Spider
Race: Crossbreed(Drakkic: mix of Slig, paramite, and dragon)
Physical Description: 7ft tall with 4 ft long tail, Big Bro type frame, dark green skin, and yellow eyes(which turn silver when he reverts to his 'dragon side'). Has a row of spines running from the tip of his tail to the base of his neck and has two rows going from the base of his neck to halfway up his neck. Only has three face tentacles, each tipped with a small claw. Wear's a specialized set of pants; has 8 legs and they are like shaped like a spiders legs. Recently, he obtained a silver dragon tattoo on his chest. This was given to him by one of the dragon gods.
Abilities: As strong as a Big Bro but despite his size, he is fast and agile. Without his pants he can gallop as fast as a slig (with pants he is faster) and climb and move through trees with surprising speed. He uses his pants mainly for travel and when he needs to use both hands. His eyesight is keen, even at night, and has an excellent sense of smell.
Special Abilities: (gained in the 'Awakening' topic)When he feels the need, Spider can access the powers of his dragon side. While accessing it he has greater strength and endurance and can unleash a shock wave by slamming both hands onto the ground. The Shock Wave needs to be charged up, however, so he has to plan ahead if he wants to use it. The strengh of the wave depends on how long he charges it, it can range from 'stun' to 'lethal'.
(gained in the 'Encased' topic)Recently he gained the ability to hover for a short time in midair and concentrate his electric powers into a single constant lightning bolt. This bolt has the same power range as the shock wave.
He cannot stay 'connected' to his dragon side indiffinately(he can only stay connected to it for up to 10 mins) and afterwards he can't access it again for half a day.
Personality: Usually easy going, but can have a bad temper at times, especially if someone insults him. He prefers not to fight but will to defend himself and those he cares for. When he does fight he takes advantage of his surroundings and uses ambush when he can. Prefers to use his bare hands, jaws and tail, but can use a weapon if need be (he won't touch guns just so you know.)
General: Since he is an escaped crossbreed, he has difficulty finding those that will except him. Due to this he highly values any friends he has made and is very protective of them. He is also almost constantly being hunted by bounty hunters that want to capture him. All he wants is to live as close to a normal life as possible.

[ August 13, 2001: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

[ August 18, 2001: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

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08-06-2001, 04:57 AM
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Okay, I will probably be the only male to be playing a female character, but anyway. Here we go, Blue's bios. . .

Notes: Blue is based very much on Dark Hood. Blue's family are NPC's, and are disabled (Expect for Withinhoe - she's a ghost). Withinhoe may save Blue from big dangers from time to time.

Name: Blue

Race: Biros Mudokon (Sub species)

Physical Description: She has dark blue skin, webbed hands and feet, feminine physique (reproductive system same as mammals. This is why her hair is also actual hair instead of feathers), aqua green eyes, and she is quite plump. Her ponytail is very long (down to her butt), and is a dark blue, but a darker blue then her skin. She prefers wearing shorts to a lioncloth, and she also wears a tanktop. Both are made of a specail waterproof material, are quite tight, and are light blue in color. Tanktop comes down to just above her belly button, and shorts go down to just above her knees. She has a pocket in the back of her shorts that can store an unlimited amount of items, provided they fit through the pocket entrance.

Abilities: She carries a staff around with her (which she normally keeps in her back pocket), and she can blast very cold beams of energy out of it. They have chance of a stunning the enemy for about 5-10 seconds or hurt the enemy rather then kill the enemy. They use up her phisical energy, which is a disadvantage in a long fight.
The staff itself is very durable, has a big knive blade stuck in the end, and is about half as long as Blue is tall.
As for her shield, it is made of a very strong glass like transparent material (pale blue in color), and is just as strong as any riot shield that the police would use. She can activate it by thinking about it, but it'll only appear as a big rectangle infront of her, a bit like a roman shield.
Blue's stratagy is to stun, injure, then run away. If she can't run away, or wants to kill her enemy, she'll stun it, then stab/beat it to death.

Personality: Will only attack if provoked. Very friendly, and always is there when she can to help a friend in need. She loves all creatures, and plants (Unless they try and hurt her deliberately). Hates to kill. Kind of an eco-activist. Sometimes makes a fool of herself at times. Gets a bit annoyed if people make fun of her weight. Hates the Madog Cartel quite alot.

General: Blue is one member of the last family of her kind. Her mother (Withinhoe) is dead, but watches over her family as a ghost, her brother (Orion) has his leg missing, and her father (Amphora) is very old. Blue's family has been settling in Pyke for the past few years, keeping a low profile, but Blue has always been the one seeking adventure and friends.
Blue has a big tree house to herself, that was derelect when she found it, but she did it up herself.
Blue's father, called Amphora, lives in a small hut near the tree house on his own. Withinhoe, Blue's mother, likes to hang around in there mostly.
Blue's brother, Orion, lives in a medium sized hut on the other side of the tree house, opposite Amphora's hut.

Blue is a very rare subspecies of Mudokon, called Biros. Being an aquatic mudokon, she can hold her breath for five minutes, and swim very well. Blue can also climb trees quite well, too.

That's it. I may add more later, but I dunno. Hope my character is okay. . .
- DH

[ October 01, 2001: Message edited by: Dark Hood ]

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08-06-2001, 01:10 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
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Zoolag  (10)

**********DESEASED (KIA)**********
Name: Cyrus

Race: Orkhid

Physical Description: Cyrus has chalk white hair that runs down his back. His eyes are bluey purple and his skin is a pale pink. His height is around 6 ft and he has the look of a human but is not. His physical strength is far greater than a humans. His sense of smell is extremely advanced as is his eye sight. Cyrus has a long black leather jacket that goes to his ankles and conceals his holstered Colt Magnum and other weapons.

Abilities: His main ability is his intellect. He knows how to play people and turn bad situations to his advantage. His secondary ability would be his eye sight and targeting skills. As he is known to be able to kill 3 enemies with 2 bullets.

Personality: Sarcastic and witty. If he knows trouble is coming he is easy to pss off and thus will shoot then ask questions. However he is usually laid back and will take IMMENSE pleasure out of torturing his captee's.

**********DESEASED (KIA)**********

[ August 15, 2001: Message edited by: Oryon ]

[ August 15, 2001: Message edited by: Oryon ]
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08-06-2001, 02:00 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

Character Name: Dusk

Race: Undead Slig

Physical Descripion: He stands about five Feet tall in his legs. He is dead black w/ dead black goggles, even his legs are stray painted black. has alot of stiches in his body where his limps rip or fall off.

Abilities: He has been cursed with the power of the undead by a necromancer in a tribe of mukodon. It is a ying and tang thing really. His body rengerates at night and he can very truly die unless his brain is fully distroyed. He also has the power to cloak at night but he stops regenerating anf it can only be done for fifteen mintunes to a half hour. Also, his body burns in the sun, so he is always wearing a black cloak during the day. This can be fatal if in sun to long.

General: A slig from way back when, his body is full of stiches untill he regenerates lost attachments. He only wishes to find a way to be normal again, yet he thinks his time is um and wants to be with his family in the after life. Concidered much as a threat as Abe is to the glukons. Looking for a cave to live in. The only thing he wants isto be home, or at least feel the light of the sun again.

Note: Is this to godly of a character? I mean I have a storyline for him, but if you all thinks he's to strong - I'll think of a new character.

[ August 06, 2001: Message edited by: Dakkan Blackblade ]
http://oddworldian.net/misc/banners/...Blackblade.gifLetz Get Dirty!

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08-06-2001, 02:26 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

he looks fine to me Dakkan, no objections here.

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08-06-2001, 09:18 PM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
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Black Dragon  (10)

OK, here I go...

Name: Hunter
Race: Mutated BigBroSlig/Slog
Physical Description: Nine feet tall when on hind legs. Dark green with light green stripes and tan underparts. Tusk-like fangs on lower jaw and many sharp teeth. Top half of body is BBS, but lower half is Slog. Red eyes, long legs, arms, and tail. Walks like a wolf on four legs, but on hind legs gait resembles a human's.
Abilities: Extremely strong, able to break bones with one fist. Can snap bones with his jaws and his kick is powerful. Can run very fast and has very good sense of smell, hearing, and sight. Can aim a gun well. Very wise and skilled in ways of fighting.
Personality: Hunter is usually kind and willing to help anyone in need, despite his monstrous appearance. However, if anyone insults him or his friends, he turns ugly. He likes only to fight when provoked. He prefers to try to scare his opponent away by howling, roaring, baring his fangs, etc. However, if that fails to work, he charges, but keeps light on his feet in case he needs to quickly change direction or jump away.
General: After an accident that made him the way he is now, Hunter's values totally did a flip and now he has joined up with a group of other misfit creatures in an effort to bring down the Magog Cartel. Would like to spend the rest of his life roaming Oddworld, but he won't stop until the Cartel is destroyed.

Good enough, I hope?
-Black Dragon

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08-08-2001, 04:07 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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yeah, that looks fine, dakkan, because he ahs disadvantages that balance out his advantages.

i'm gonna continue my series of disadvantaged characters [someone has to have them...] with Teb, a Blind Mudokon. it'll be interesting to try and write my posts from his point of view...

Name: Teb
Race: Mudokon
General: Unlike the blind mudokons who worked in Necrum Mines, Teb was blinded soon after his birth, ready for use in the mines. However, because the mines were shut down soon afterwards, Teb was never sent to work there, and was abandoned in the forest when it was decided that he was useless.
Physical Description: Unlike the blind mudokons who worked in Necrum Mines, Teb's skin is a normal shade of green. The stitched in his eyelids are very small, since they were fitted when he was little, so they have torn his eyelids quite as lot as he has grown up. Teb has no feather. He is quite young, about 8 [the mudokon equivalent of roughly 15-16], and as a result is a little shorter than most mudokons.
Abilities: Having never physically worked in his life, Teb is quite weak, and not very good at defending himself. Since he has been blind all his life, his hearing has improved to compensate, but four senses can never do the work of five.
Personality: Having never before been exposed to danger [if you don't count the 'background' danger of life under the glukkons], Teb is quite naïve, almost childlike. This manifests itself as an eerie calmness at all times, and a rampant curiosity. As another side-effect of never having been in danger, Teb has no fear of anything. Or so it seems...

[ August 08, 2001: Message edited by: Rettick ]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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08-08-2001, 05:23 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

OOC: How the hell does he walk around and stuff if he is blind, without bumping into stuff I might add?
http://oddworldian.net/misc/banners/...Blackblade.gifLetz Get Dirty!

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08-08-2001, 05:52 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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dakkan, i hate to point this out, but i didn't invent blindness just for this character. there ARE blind people in real life, and they get along fine... he does bump into things, but he waves sticks and things in front of himself to try and prevent it, and listens to the echoes of his footsteps to determine whether there is anything ahead of him. he doesn't know he does this, it is done unconsciously. [i'm not suggesting that real blind people use these methods, these are just his]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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08-08-2001, 08:17 PM
Alector's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2001
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Alector  (58)

Can i put mine, can i put mine???? pls pls pls!! thx

Oº°'´¨`·–l[ (¯`'·.,¸·´¯`·Â*> <Â*·´¯`·¸,.·'´¯) ]l–·´¨`'°ºO

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08-08-2001, 09:21 PM
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Go ahead.
- DH

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08-09-2001, 06:53 PM
Osiris The Fleech
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
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Osiris The Fleech  (12)

Name: Salvador
Race: Seala

General: Comes from the underground empire of Kushana. His race is religious, stoic, and hungry for power. He is a member of a squad assigned to conquer Pyke.

Physical: I did draw a picture of him, but it was deleted. Basicly: 3' tall tarantula with gills and no fangs. Moderately strong.

Abilities: Very good at digging. Carries a shovel at all times. Can hide well. Not fast.

Personality: A bit paranoid. Sometimes talks to himself. Friendly. Doesn't really want to conquer Pyke.
No spamming club member

Zorak: You don't want me to play ya to the desk?

Spaceghost: When have we done that??!! We've never done it that way!! And if you think you're getting sympathy from the shark, well, then you're wrong!

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08-10-2001, 04:41 PM
Alector's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2001
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Alector  (58)

Ok, i tried to make a character Description for:
Name: Alector

Race: Mudokon (Fencer)

Physical Description: He have light blue Eyes, totally white skin, have light grey nails ( they are a bit longer than the nails of a normal Mudokon ). His hairs are longer than his whole body and have a silver- white colour. Alector have black tattoos on his eyes, head and on the whole back. He wear a big tiara on his head. On his right thumb is the ring of his deceased father, on his left middle finger the own ring. His eyes get white without iris when he go to hunt and to fight. The big tattoo on his back get blue when he pray. His body tall is 1,80m .

Abilities: He fight and hunt with his big weapon (like a sword just round ). He can run very fast and jump. He climbs where he can. He teach other Mudokons to fight and to believe in themselves. He do this what his deceased father done: Be a Fencer and believe in this what really necessary is! He can fight very fast, the enemy have no change when Alector is angry or when he want to protect his followers or himself. He pray with his big tiara and affect that he get stronger. He can heal trees, clean water and make the air fresh.

Personality: He is wise and never want that his followers hurt an animal or beat other Mudokons. He just laugh when someone make little jokes. He is just happy when the other people happy are. His Religion is very strong and he can’t live a day without praying. He is still sad and tired about his fathers Death.

General: Alector was very young as his father died. Then he was his whole life alone (till his followers came). He lives in a big Mountain. The mountain of the silver moon. He have respect for all animals of his world and won’t kill an animal for no reason. Alector’s best friend and follower is Melas. Melas have Purple skin and big ears, Alector found his egg in a big forest. It was alone and it was cold and wet in the forest.

Mexola wanted to be a fencer and decided to follow Alector. He teach him for a long time. Now he’s a junior fencer and want to watch about a dark forest, but he still have to learn from Alector.
Ailé was killed by Electra as he wanted to collect fruits from a tree. He didn’t have a change.
A new follower is there, he calls Aeris. His parents died for 1 year. He didn’t know where he can go…he decided to go to Alector. He’s very small and have black skin, he have big and long bones on his eyes. His species is unfrequent (The Mudokons are very small and have black-grey skin with long muscles and bones on their eyes).

Alector teaches very hard and want that his followers protect what they can.

[ August 12, 2001: Message edited by: Alector ]

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08-11-2001, 09:00 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Silversnow  (11)

Hm, i bet it can't hurt..

: Salkin
Race: Mudokon
Physical description: Salkin looks like any mudokon in general. He has light green skin, wears long pants and has a bronze earring in his right ear. Hes eyes are brown and his ponytail is green and grey.
Abilities: Salkin is very smart. He knows how to chant and he knows several ways to run like hell. Besides from that, anyone could beat him in anything.
Personality: Salkin is a coward, and would run to the other egde of the place you are in if you smash a balloon behind him. He loves to look like a hero and make practical jokes. He likes shadows, and sometimes he might even steal. He doesn't really like to fight, but if he have to, he will pick up a weapon and fight cowardly...
General: He was raised in the Monsaic Lines, and went wandering a few weeks before Abe's arrival. He have never been in slavery, but he knows what pain is. If someone would ask him to tell about his past, he would mumble something, point in the sky looking amazed and then run.

Oh, is it okay with 2 characters? If it isn't, then tell me and i will delete this.

Name: Hawk
Race: Northern mudokon
Physical description: She is dressed in a long coat, that is all white. She has a long brownish yellow tail, and small black claws. Her skin is in a strange emerald green thone, her eyes are red and her ponytail is yellow and purple. The ponytail is wery long, it reaches to the middle of her back and is very thin.
Abilities: Hawk is quick, strong and cunning. She masters daggers and, if she must, swords.
Personality: Hawk is quiet and shy. She wouldn't help anyone if it didn't mean moolah or maybe some honor. She likes to watch when people deals with problems like getting stuck in a tree. She only talks if someone talks to her first or if she has something importnant to say.
General: Was once a slave under a glukkon called Bane. He treated her hard and turned her into the one she is. She is some kind of crossbreed between a fearsome cat-like creature from the north and a mudokon. She still thinks that she is Salkin's slave, even though he tells her she's not. Is fertile.

Is that acceptable?

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08-14-2001, 06:03 AM
: Apr 2001
: Goulburn, NSW, Australia
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Grid  (23)

I think I'll join, and use a non toadar character.

Name: Rock
Species: Big Bro Slig
Description (personality and physical looks): Large but lanky at the same time, lost his legs and armour in an accident many years ago that he doesn't clearly remember, walks on his fists and has started to evolve tiny hands from his tail, two little poking out pieces of flesh anyway, not a great fighter, and not particularly bright in the academic sense but has a good sense of logic and can solve problems quickly. After the accident he escaped into the forest and learned to fend for himself by fear, scaring away anything that came near him. Fasioned himself armour made of scraps of metal he found from sligs or other Industrial creatures, and some guns, but mostly relies on his size for fighting. Is fairly shy and not wanting to get involved in any kind of war. Hangs around in trees and pounces on unwary creatures from above to feed himself. No special powers, just good ole fashioned brawn.
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08-14-2001, 04:00 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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I was wondering if I should mention this, but Silver's already brought up the subject of Multiple Characters, so I may as well approach it: THERE ARE NO RULES AGAINST HAVING MORE THAN ONE CHARACTER. However, your characters must be connected in some way, and involved in the same storylines, and things like that, although this is more of a guideline to avoid confusion than a solid Rule. So yes, Silver, what you've done is fine. As is [now that the subject has been brought up] what has been done by Drag, BD, and Oryon...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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08-14-2001, 09:53 PM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
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Black Dragon  (10)

Ok, this guy's been promoted.
Lanar: *Hisses* Excellent...

Name: Lanar
Race: Big Bro Slig
Physical Description: Large dark gray BBS with numerous battle scars and glowing red eyes.
Abilities: Sly and crafty, intelligent, very strong, has dead-aim, and excellent in tracking things down...
Personality: Formerly very sly, crafty, ruthless, rude, and not to mention downright mean, but has changed his ways. Very polite and kind.
General: Lanar was Magar's (Hunter's)
rival when they were both still working for the Cartel. After Hunter had fled, Lanar became the head bounty hunter and earned himself a reputation of being ruthless and cruel. Now he has fled from the Cartel as well and has changed his ways.
-Black Dragon

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08-14-2001, 10:52 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
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Danny  (11)

hehe, do i predict a leetle bit of tension between these two?

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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08-15-2001, 07:04 AM
abe22's Avatar
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abe22  (10)

Ok I'm sooooooooooooo Dumb can someone tell me WHY you have characters I'm not getting it because i'm dumb

[ August 15, 2001: Message edited by: abe22 ]
The trouble with real life is that there's no danger music.
If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let'em go, because, man, they're gone.
If I ever get real rich, I hope I'm not real mean to poor people, like now.
Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here, looking through your stuff. -- Jack Handy
That stuff only happens in the movies. -- Famous Last Words

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08-15-2001, 02:43 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

I give it a shot...

We have characters so we can 'pretend' we are them in a fansty setting (in this case Oddworld). It's called Roleplaying and we roleplay our characters in this setting to a storyline and interact with other players characters.
Take a look at some of the recent topics (ie 'awakening', 'Encased...') those have pure roleplay in them.

Spider and Dragadon are two characters I am roleplaying here so far. I just started a new plotline with a third ('Released').
I hope this helps....

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08-15-2001, 11:47 PM
Sniper Wasp
: Jul 2001
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Zoolag  (10)

Name: Injin

Race: Black Reptilian

Physical Description: Injin is all black. He has green eyes. His vision is accute and sharp, he can see in the dark and thus is a good hunter tracker. His sense of smell is also very accute and he can smell things like blood, rotting carcass' and wounded prey from upto a mile away. He is around 6.5 ft and his tail when out stretched is around 6.9 - 7 ft. His claws are sharp and black like the rest of his body. Spines run down his back starting from his shoulder blades and then run down to his tail.He has 2 toes on each foot and 3 fingers on each claw. Alhough these creatures usually walk on their hind legs they can also run and high speeds on all fours. They usually do this if hunting or hiding. His underside is a lighter black...some might say grey. His snout is quite long and smooth and he has tiny horns developing on the back of his head...they are very small though. You can hardly see them with the naked eye.

Abilities: None known of as yet. But he can climb swiftly, hid quickly and use his tail like a 3rd arm. He is very strong and agile which makes him a un-easy target to catch/destroy.

Personality: Usually calm and considerate, although due to certain reasons his good nature has wore a bit thin and he is turning a bit snappy. He will however protect his friends...although he doesn't have many of them at the moment.

General: Since he is being hunted down his instinct tells him to hide. Although that will do no good from his Reptilian counter parts he feels he will have to re-cooperate after his escape. This is were he runs away and narrowly escapes the Reptilian guards who were ordered to bring him back. Injured and tired Injin seeks somewhere warm and quiet this takes him to some to the village of Pyke.
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08-17-2001, 04:09 AM
abe22's Avatar
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abe22  (10)

Yes that does help but 1 more question I just thought of. You know how my name "abe22" how can I use that its not exactly a name is it?
so what could I call myself?

I'll have to think about my characters I'll probably post them in a couple of days
The trouble with real life is that there's no danger music.
If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let'em go, because, man, they're gone.
If I ever get real rich, I hope I'm not real mean to poor people, like now.
Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here, looking through your stuff. -- Jack Handy
That stuff only happens in the movies. -- Famous Last Words

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08-17-2001, 10:24 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

your characters name doesnt not have to be your forum name.

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08-17-2001, 04:18 PM
Alector's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
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Alector  (58)

Heeey.....but my name is Alector, also my character...and i won't change his name! now...does it mean that you don't allow me to use the name for my character???

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08-17-2001, 06:26 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

Alector your character CAN have the same name as your forum name, but it doesnt have to be. (ie Dragadon is a character of mine (my dragon alter-ego *grin*) and Spider is another character of mine.) I hope I cleared that up....

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08-17-2001, 06:58 PM
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Outlaw Mortar
: May 2001
: Germany
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Alector  (58)

Okili Dokili! I get it! ...pfeeew....i understood it wrong, sorry- I really like my name and i never will change it.

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08-17-2001, 10:37 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
: York, England
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Danny  (11)

okay, abe22, i don't think you've quite got the hang of this RPG thing, have you? why don't you just watch for a while, until you work out what's going on?

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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08-18-2001, 12:15 AM
abe22's Avatar
: May 2001
: South/Eastern Victoria, Australia
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abe22  (10)

OK here's 1 of my characters (that I made up yesturday)

Name: Marsh

race: mudokon

physical appearance: is a very dark green colour has a black ponytail is 175cm tall brown eyes has tattoo on his right arm of a bird.

Personality: Bit of a show-off, friendly, loves nature, very smart, speaks his mind, thinks for himself, loves to listen

abilities: can climb well is very good at using all types of weapons good hearing and eyesight is good at finding things. Can learn very quickly

General: is best friends with Jae(another 1 of my characters) his mum and dad both died when he was 13 of slavery after they were caught in mosacia lines.He had to fend for himself he is 17 yrs old he grew up in mosaica lines
he meet Jae when he was 15yrs and they grew up together.
The trouble with real life is that there's no danger music.
If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let'em go, because, man, they're gone.
If I ever get real rich, I hope I'm not real mean to poor people, like now.
Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here, looking through your stuff. -- Jack Handy
That stuff only happens in the movies. -- Famous Last Words

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08-18-2001, 02:02 AM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
: York, England
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Danny  (11)

that's fine, abe, no-one bites anyone's head off here anyway, or they'll get words from me...

how many characters are you planning on having? i'd just like to ask that you don't have more than 2 or 3, because then things would get confusing.

oh, and one point, in mudokon years, 15 is roughly equivalent to 30 in humans, but i'll assume you were converting into human years...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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08-21-2001, 05:47 AM
abe22's Avatar
: May 2001
: South/Eastern Victoria, Australia
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abe22  (10)

I am planning to have 3 characters Marsh, Jae and me. I am converting the age to human yrs.
The trouble with real life is that there's no danger music.
If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let'em go, because, man, they're gone.
If I ever get real rich, I hope I'm not real mean to poor people, like now.
Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here, looking through your stuff. -- Jack Handy
That stuff only happens in the movies. -- Famous Last Words

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