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09-28-2003, 04:19 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
Clakker Store Clerk
: Oct 2002
: I really can't remember.
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Rep Power: 23
The Red Muse  (10)
Cities: Elwca


The Main Industrial City on Mudos, Full of crime, but strangly the oddworld Mafia hasn't come to stake it's claim here. All the main factories are here, and junk shops here are cheap and well supplied, so Vykkers are often found around Elwca.
~[:: Surrender your cookies and you shall not be harmed! ::]~

09-30-2003, 03:58 PM
oddguy's Avatar
: Jun 2003
: Montana
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oddguy  (10)

See Nord's Profile.

With hopes of gaining enough moolah to become shaman, Nord traveled from his tribe to Elwca for a job.

After getting lost in the city for hours he finally walked up to a very large building. *looks at his slip of paper*

Nord:*to himself* Hmmm, I guess this is the place.

He walks inside and hands his paper to the gaurd there.

Gaurd: Hehe! And I thought we allready had enough gaurds! Eh, well....follow me.

Nord followed the gaurd into the building through high security checkpoints and big doors with elaborate keycodes until finally they came to their destination.

Gaurd: Mr. Stug will be with you whenever he gets here. I suggest you don't go exploring unless your brain likes sharing room with bullets!

Nord laughed politely and rolled his eyes after the gaurd left.

Nord: *thinking* This place must be more than just a regular bank. Something else must be kept here.

Just then the door opened to reveal Mr. Stug. He was an intern minus the stitches of course.

Mr. Stug: Welcome. Now, before you become a guard, you must take the training classes downstairs. Do this for about a week or until you think you're ready then we'll conduct the test. Your pay is activated today by the way, so if you choose to leave or cannot pass the test, your precious time is not wasted.

With that said, Mr. Stug left.

Nord: *thinking* Hmmm, what test?

Then all of the sudden, the room Nord was in felt like in was moving down.

Nord: *thinking* This must be some sort of elavator.

The moving stopped abrubtly and the doors opened. A greeter rolled on in and said....

Greeter: Hello future gaurd of Elwca Bank! Before you begin your training, you must watch and enjoy the very cool training video. I'm also a vending machine if you're hungry! I have a wonderful selcetion of delicious snacks that will make your tastebuds dance with delight. You can also purchase stamps and condems......

Nord thought the greeter was really weird and stepped past it and into the hallway. There were a bunch of neon signs that were pointing to the training room, but they all seemed to lead Nord around in circles.


More later!

Job: Security Guard in Elwca earning 4 Moolah per post.

Current Moolah Amount: 24 Moolah


Last edited by oddguy; 10-01-2003 at 03:41 PM..
10-08-2003, 02:51 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
: Apr 2003
: Australia
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Seargentbig  (10)

During his first few half-hours of living in Elwca, Zach could have been found wandering around the streets idily. Eventualy, however, he comes to a small building, almost crushed between the other small buildings trying to survive here in spite of the towering factories. It's like a rainforest: The big trees keep the groud in shadow, and when one does fall down, It becomes a race for the saplings to grow taller against the other saplings, and the already tall trees that are growing wider.
When he enters, the building stands out from the rest. It looks no longer like a struggling small business but more like a branch of a much bigger one.

Zach: "Is this the place where I become a runner?"

Slig at counter: "A Vykker? We ussualy ge sligs in here! Oh, well. You'd be Zack, right?"

Zach: "Yes"

Slig: "Right. I have a bit of paper here somewhere telling me what to do if you come here"
*Rustles through papers*
Slig: (To himself) "Is this it? "Pull out shotgun and blast chest open"... no, thats the land owners... ah, Zach! (To Zach) According to this, you've already been hired, so I'll just give you what you need."
*Gives Zach a pager*
"When you get a job, we'll send it to you."
Slig:"Ok, that's all you need. The pay is 7 moolah, and you start now."

Zach: "Thank you"


Moolah: 127 moolah.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

10-11-2003, 07:04 PM
oddguy's Avatar
: Jun 2003
: Montana
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oddguy  (10)

Nord was tired of being lead around in circles by the stupid neon signs, so he open a random door to see if anyone could help him. When he opened the door, he found himself in a classroom. The teacher was a normal slig and the class was filled with all kinds of creatures. Muds, Sligs, Steefs, Interns, Vykkers.....all kinds of different species.

Teacher: Well done, Nord. You passed the first test.

Nord was a bit confused.

Nord: What test?

Teacher: You were lead into a hallway that had neon signs pointing you around to nowhere. You bypassed set rules and took matters into your own hands, which is the first lesson you learn here. Forget the rules, you are in control.

Nord: Ah, I see.

Teacher: It took you about a half an hour to figure that out though, which isn't bad, but the record is five minutes. Anyway, class is now over. Will someone please show Nord to his room?

A Vykker with an incredibly deep voice voluntered.

Vykker: Yeah, I'll show him.

Teacher: Great! If anybody needs me, I'll be in my office.

Nord and the Vykker stepped out of the classroom and into a different hallway.

Vykker: My name is Grant, and a piece of friendly advice I offer you.

Nord: What's that?

Grant: Leave.

Nord: What?

Grant: You don't really fit here. I'm sorry, but you're a bit short and I can allready tell you haven't got into any real fights before....ya got no muscle.

Nord was a little annoyed, but didn't want to make an enemy, so he just listened.

Grant: Oh, this is your room.

Nord looked inside to see a bunkbed on one side, and pants and weapons on the other.

Nord was glad to finally be at his room so he could get rid of Grant.

Nord: Well, I'll see you later, Grant. It was nice talking with you.

Grant laughed.

Grant: I'm not going anywhere. I'm your roomy!

Job: Security Guard in Elwca earning 4 Moolah per post.

Current Moolah Amount: 28 Moolah


11-03-2003, 10:09 PM
oddguy's Avatar
: Jun 2003
: Montana
: 4,086
Rep Power: 24
oddguy  (10)

Oh baby! I thought I would never get to reply in here since I'm pretty much the only one in this thread. Anyway, I'll continue my story.


Nord wasn't getting used to Grant being his room-mate at all. In fact, it seemed to get worse and worse. Grant was soooo annoying about everything. It didn't help that room-mates were also training partners, so Nord didn't have a moments peace all to himself. Nord did like the fact that he was being paid some moolah. It was very interesting to have money since his native mudokon tribe never had such a thing. Nord sometimes just sat on his bunkbed and counted his moolah.

Nord: *thinking* If I get enough moolah, I can buy some upgrades and finally get enough stats to become Shaman.

As if Grant could hear Nord's thoughts, he replied: It's not that easy bub. Ya need a lot of money to get them upgrades, and all ya got now is 28 moolah! You have a long way to go!


Job: Security Guard in Elwca earning 4 Moolah per post.

Current Moolah Amount: 32 Moolah


11-04-2003, 08:02 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
: Apr 2003
: Australia
: 683
Rep Power: 22
Seargentbig  (10)

After wondering around the streets for a while again, Zach hears his padger. It reads:
Go two the bilding at the adres stated belo. Give the note to the resepton at the main Elwca bank
Zach: Thoughts: Finaly! Something to do!
*trots off to the adress*


Mololah: 134
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

11-15-2003, 12:31 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
: Apr 2003
: Australia
: 683
Rep Power: 22
Seargentbig  (10)

Zach reaches the building stated at the address. It looks worse that all the other buildings that haven't been abandoned.
Zach's thoughts: 'Wow. what a dump.'

Zach: *Opens the door to hear a terrible screech of rusty hinges, and then gets the strange thought that the hinges were purposely rusted. He goes to look at them*

Voice: "Ahem?"

Zach: *Jumps in suprise by the voice, then recovers.*
"Ah. I was sent here to pick up a note...?"
*Zach notices that the slig he is talking to is a bounser with a baton*

Slig: "Oh, yeah."
*Hands Zach an envelope.*

Zach peers at the envelope to see "Top Secret" stamped on the letter. That means that anyone who reads it and is found out is shot, then severely punnished. Then he leaves.


141 moolah
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

11-23-2003, 06:40 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
: Apr 2003
: Australia
: 683
Rep Power: 22
Seargentbig  (10)

Zach runs to the Elwca main bank, and is out of breath by the time he reaches it. The bank itself is very large, and not nearly as worn or unsuccessfull as all the other ones he's seen. He walks in.


Guard: "Hey! Watch where yer going!"

Zach: *Slightly concussed*
"Did you get the ID of that vehicle?"

Guard: "Whadaya want?"

Zach: *Recovers*
"Oh? Um... Oh! Letter!"
*Shows the guard the letter*

Guard: *Looks at it, then snatches it from Zach*
"Ah. I was wondering when that would come."
*Wonders off, without even an explination*


Moolah: 148
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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