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04-05-2004, 09:41 AM
Loup Garou's Avatar
Loup Garou
: Aug 2002
: At Home
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Loup Garou  (10)
Post A Gruesome Nightmare

HereĀ“s my brand new horrorstory, hope you'll enjoy it
Loup Garou

The sky was darker then usual and I was certain that a storm were approaching. And my dog was outside, chewing on the leg, which I gave to him as a birthday present. It was very windy outside too and my mood for taking a walk, dulled. So I decided to put on a nice cup of coffee and sit in front of the fireplace and read a book. The dog can sit outside and chew on the leg, he will bark when he wants to get inside. And a few minutes later I drank my cup of coffee and read my book and just felt how the fire warmed my feet. I didn’t hear anything unusual, except for the rain that gently tapped the windows. Then, all of a sudden, I heard a bark. It was darker outside and the rain kept coming, I looked out of the window and a saw my dog. He was barking at something on the other side of the road, I couldn’t see what. I tried to see what he was barking at so I leaned my head a bit further down, just to see what it was, but all in vain. There was absolutely nothing there. Then he ran off, as if he was chasing something.
- “Damn that dog.” I yelled and put on my raincoat, grabbed the leash and took the door key that was hanging on the nail, on the wall. I walked outside, closed and locked my front door. I ran after my dog and yelled his name, but I couldn’t see him nor barely hear him. So I had to trust what my ears could hear. And it led my to the woods.

The barks came from a small trace that led into the very heart of the woods. I ran to the trace and I saw footprints from my dogs’ pawns. So I could assume that he ran in that direction. So I followed the footprints and I came to a place that was unknown to me, even though I have walked this path once or twice every day. The sky was dark, but it was still bright enough to see what it was. At first I thought it was a monster, but then I knew that monsters don’t exists. It was just a big, dead oak that looked like a hungry beast. The rain suddenly stopped and I saw that the footprints led behind the oak. So I walked behind the oak. And a several dead trees formed a semi-circle behind the dead oak. And beside one of those trees, stood my dog, and stared at me. I walked towards him and called by his name. But my dog just stood there, and continued to stare at me, in a frightened way. I took another step, and suddenly I fell down in some sort of hole.

I landed on something hard, and I was stunned for a moment. I didn’t knew how the hole was in general, but it was bigger then me because I could move. I sat up and tried to look around, but I felt a great pain in the neck. I tried to look up and I saw a hole above me, and the dark sky. I also noticed my dog that looked down at me and whined, then he surprised me, he ran off again. I stood up slowly, because it felt l like I have felled from a cliff, and landed on a bunch of rocks. I looked around and tried to see what I have landed at and where I was. I looked down and saw a strange rock. I picked it up and tried to see what it was with the little light it was in the hole I were in. It was a human skull. I threw the skull away and felt how my heart beaten faster and faster. I felt adrenaline running through my body. I also realized that the ground wasn’t flat. It leaned a little. I lost my balance and felt down. I landed on solid rock and I broke my nose when I landed on the solid rock. I felt bloodtaste in my mouth, maybe I had bitten my tongue off or lost a tooth, I cannot remember. I felt the ground, and according to the pain in my face and mouth, it was solid rock, but it was a floor, you could feel a little opening between the squares, like that of an old castle. I crawled my way forward and somewhere in the dark, I felt a wall, with the same pattern as the floor. And the first thought that ran through my mind was:
“This is not a ordinary hole, maybe I have fallen into on of the hidden castles’ walls.”
I stood carefully up and leaned against the wall, I still held a powerful grasp on the leash. As I leaned on the wall, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and when I opened them again, a bright light shone upon the pale of rocks. At first the shine seemed to be sunlight, but decreasingly it turned to moonlight. The light shone mostly of the great hall I was within. And I noticed a torch that hanged on the wall, which I leaned on. I looked at it and realized that there was no point of taking the torch because I had no lighter.

So there I was, standing inside something I had never seen before, I had no lighter and even if I could climb up on that pile, I couldn’t reach the opening and try to climb up from this, place. Then something impossible happened. One of the moonlight beams, touched gently on of the torches and it got lightened up. Though the flames was not red and yellow. Instead, the fire was as bright, and as blue as the moonlight itself. And I saw how the other torches got lightened up, I saw how the torches got lightened up, one by one, as if someone quickly ran around the room and lightened them. The torch beside me got lightened also, but with a small explosion and my face got burned. I touched my cheek and screamed a bit as I crawled away from the torch. And when I looked up again I saw the pile, but it wasn’t of rocks, it was a pile of human skulls. I crawled quickly to the wall and stood up as quickly. I looked away and noticed a big wooden door, which I thought was strange, the door seemed to appear out of nowhere. I grabbed a torch and opened it slowly. I looked carefully inside, but a cold and strong wind made me fall over and I was blown away a bit. I could swear that I heard a strange laughter in the mysterious wind. Then, as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. The torch was still lightened and I decided to walk inside the door, because it was the only way that led somewhere. As I opened the door, I saw a wide stair that led upwards and it seemed limitless. But something told me to walk up the stairs.

After five minutes of constantly walking up in a stair, I had finally reached the end. There it was another door, but it was old and seemed to fall apart any minute. I peeked out from one of the door openings; the sky was red, as it usually is by dawn. So I did not hesitated to open the door. I took a few steppes and noticed the surroundings. The ground was brown and dead, and the tree's leafs were dry and the trees were as dead as the oak. No wind blew, but yet it was chilly. As I looked up, I saw a body, which was hanging in a rope, on one of its branches. But I wasn’t surprised by the body in the tree, I noticed that the body had the same outfit as I had by that moment. I decided to take a closer look, because the body was just fifty feet away from me. When I stood in front of the body, I cried in fear and dropped the torch. The body was ME, I were the one hanging in a tree. The colour on my “body” was pale and the body itself were skinny. I thought all this was a dream, and there was only one way to find it out, by touching the body. And I did it, I touched the body, it was real. It opened its eyes, which was as pale as the skin and “I” stared directly at me. I have never been so afraid by that moment, so I turned around to run down again and find another way out. But the door was not there anymore, it was only dried out bushes and trees. So I turned around again, the body had no face and it pointed at a direction with its skinny hand. I looked to the direction on which he aimed at, and a path cleared among the bushes. I did not hesitated to walk the path, I never really wanted to spend some time with the dead me.

The path led me to two gigantic trees, they were so tall that I actually thought that they actually touched the sky. I walked past the trees and by the second my feet touched the ground on the other side of the trees, the sky turned as black as night. But there were neither stars nor moon that shone. I then heard a strange sound, as if someone dragged a bag of potatoes over a floor. So I turned around and tried to see what it was. And to my greatest surprise I saw that the trees behind me had covered the path and stood so close to each other, that I couldn’t move between the trees. I was now used to all these weird things that happened so I was not so surprised when I turned around. By the moment I turned around, a white dragon flew above the treetops. I was so stunned by the dragons’ grace and beauty, that I dropped the leash. But only a few seconds later, I felt in my hand that I missed something, so I looked down to see where the leash was. But when I was about to grab the leash, it turned itself into a snake and crawled quickly away from me. I didn’t felt like chasing a leash by that moment, so I let it crawl away, but when I wanted to see the dragon again, I instead saw a big hound, I stared frightfully into its eyes. The hound growled and showed its awful grin. I started to run away, but the hound caught up to me, and pushed me over. I turned quickly around and I saw how the big hound opened its mouth, and started to eat me. As I felt how my life was slowly taken away, I closed my eyes.

I woke up. But it wasn’t in my bed, I woke up in the middle of a pile of faceless corpses. They all had the same outfit as I had, and some of them had leashes. I now felt that I had the leash in my hand.
How was that possible?
And everywhere I looked there were corpses.
Didn’t the leash just crawl away?
My thoughts echoed through my mind.
Where am I?
I couldn’t possible tell myself where I was. Corpses everywhere, where is such place? I noticed three paths, so I walked down from the pile and stood on the end, where these paths either ended or began. I had no idea where the paths could lead me, so I walked on the one straight ahead of me. As I walked the path I noticed how the faceless corpse’s faces, turned more and more into faces. Then suddenly I stood in front of myself, hanging in the same tree.
Is this a dream?
I looked at myself, and “me” in the tree opened its eyes. They were now as red as blood and “I” stared at me. I heard a “snap” like sound, and “I” landed on my feet. Then “I” walked towards me and “I” said:
- “What are YOU doing here?”
He asked me, and I had no answer for that question. I didn’t know what to say. But I had to answer the question.
- “I-I don’t know” I said and looked away.
“Me” walked closer to me and then he asked me the same question:
- “What are you doing here?”
I couldn’t say anything more then that I didn’t know, what I did here. All I knew was that I tried to find my way back home.
- “I am lost.” I said the corpse that was “me”. “I’m just trying to find my way back home.”
- “This is not your home” “I” said “Not yet.”
“I” pointed at a direction and the corpses that lay on the ground, moves aside and a path revealed once again. Then “I” looked at me with dreadful eyes and said:
- “If I ever see you here again, you will die, like the rest of us.”
Now the corpses began to stand up slowly, and I looked at “me” again.
“That path will lead you home, now get lost.”
I didn’t hesitated a second, so I ran home, as fast as I could. And dead, dreadful eyes followed me were I ran. Slowly the corpses disappeared and the trees became “normal” again. I felt rain that whipped my face, and I saw the dark clouds, I also recognised the road. Now surely I was HOME, at last.

When I walked up slowly to the front door and I saw the door was slightly opened. I was sure of that I closed the door, and locked it.
Could it be a burglar?
I walked to the door and examined the doorway.
There is no sign of damage at all.
I walked inside and everything seemed normal. But there was a man that sat in my sofa, and drank my coffee and read my book. I chuckled and the man quickly turned at my direction.
- “What are you doing in my house? Get out of here!” The man said and grabbed a knife. “I’m warning you pal, get out” He stabbed me in the stomach. And I didn’t feel a thing, I was as surprised as he when we looked at his blooded hand and knife. He took a step backwards and looked frightened at me, as if he had seen a ghost. By that moment, I was furious, something else took over me, and I pulled out the dagger, and stabbed him right in his heart. He died slowly as red blood slowly choked out from his mouth. Then he fell on one side, as a cold, dead fish. I noticed a mirror one the wall, it has never hung there before. I looked myself in the mirror, and I noticed that, somehow I turned to the dead me.
What the hell is going on here?
I opened the front door again. I wanted to escape from this. But outside was nothing then darkness as dark as pitch. I was on the brink of madness. I cried out:

Suddenly, I woke up, in my bed.
Then that was a dream?
I was thirsty, so I went to the bathroom for a glass of cold water. I looked myself in the mirror. I was a normal, no dead skin or bloody eyes. I was relieved. I washed my face and drank my glass of water. But when I opened the bathroomdoor, “I” stood there, he held a knife in his hand and the leash in the other. I closed the door quickly and held the door, so that he couldn’t open the door and kill me. Nothing happened so I let go of the handle. I heard someone breath heavily behind me. I didn’t want to look, but something told me to do so. I turned around, and “I” stabbed me in the throat. I grabbed the handle but fell on the floor.
What’s happening?
I removed the knife from my throat.
Where am I?
As I tried to reach the phone…
Is this another nightmare?
…”I” took leash two times round my neck, and strangled me slowly.
And the last seconds of my life, I saw “me”, smiling at me.
Be bend over me and whispered:
- “Your life is doomed to spent an eternity..”
“in a living nightmare.”
Looking back on the guys I have killed, I must eliminate the enemies, Tear 'em apart, I catch them in the dark, and then I show you the shape of their hearts!!/ parody on BSB's "Shape of my heart"

Last edited by Loup Garou; 04-05-2004 at 09:55 AM..
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04-05-2004, 10:18 AM
Fez's Avatar
Outlaw Hunter
: Aug 2002
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Fez  (22)

spooky, very good and spooky!

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04-26-2004, 11:03 AM
Al the Glukkon's Avatar
Al the Glukkon
Super Stingbee
: Mar 2004
: My house
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Al the Glukkon  (10)

Frightening. Kind of like a demented Alice in Wonderland how he falls down the hole.
There is shadow under this red rock,
And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;
I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
~T.S. Eliot The Waste Land.

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