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05-05-2007, 05:42 PM
WaterMelody's Avatar
: Apr 2007
: behind myself.
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WaterMelody  (13)
Liferien's journey

This is the only saved peice of writing i have, i wanted to just show everyone my writing skills (the few i have) dont worry if you dont understand it.

Helpful stuff relating to the story

Liferien: she is my level 41 (currently) healer character
Magic Claw: deals two lots of damage
Holy Arrow: very effective against undead monsters
Heal: heals your character, plus any party members and deals damage to undeads
Mana Potions: heals MP, mages need 'em alot.
Chaosarrow: He was a level 45 bowman, but got keeled by balrogs
Mesos: the currency
Cleric: the healer mage class
Pro: A prosessional player, over level 40
Sin: assasin, second level theif class, uses throwing stars
Haste: makes theives jump higher and run faster
Summon bag: summons monsters
Trojan: a horse and rider monster from ludibrium
Panlid: A shield that can be used by any class
Rune Stone: summons a crimson balrog
C-Rog: a huge behemoth, it has bat wings, human torso and a bulls head and legs
Amoria gear: level 35 mage clothes
Red matty(hat)/Salt shoes/Noel gloves: level 36 stuff
Moonlight: level 38 mage clothes
Cabbie: a hat from the cash shop, i bought it w/NX
Pack Chonos: like clock-ghosts..kinda
Platoon Chronos: bigger and meaner than regular pack chronos
Ribbon Pigs: pigs w/ribbons duh!
NX: special money that you can get, buys better equips
Free Market (FM): Other players sell items here.
Hernseyes: The bowman town
Ellenia: The mage town
Sleepywood: The creepy dungeon place in the middle of victoria island
Orbis: Cloud themed town, contains orbis tower and the station to go to vic or ludi
Orbis Tower: a 20 level tower that takes you to aqua and El Nath
Orbis Rock Scrolls: You use these to get from the 1st floor to the 20th floor of orbis tower easily
Aqua Road: the underwater world, Verey good for middle-class characters and mages
El Nath: Snow themed town, very high level monsters here
Ludibrium: The lego-themes town, conatins Eos tower.
Golems: can be made out of stone or lego, they do alot of damage.
Locked: can't use any skill, its terrible when your a mage
All-Cure: cures any status ailment.
RizaChan: my username on maple xD

PHEW! thats alot of stuff to explain! well, heres the story!

Liferien gazed out the window of the taxi, at the scenery as it passed by. She sighed and settled back into the comfy leather seat, contemplating the events that had occurred in the last few years. It had only been 2 years since the huge fight with the crimson balrog, in which her friend chaos was slain. She thought of how naïve she had been to even go outside in a rog attack and blamed herself again for what had happened. Now level 36, she was only 4 levels away from being a pro. She missed chaos dearly and was paying piles of mesos just to get to the monument in henseyes dedicated to him. As the cab slowed Life reached over and payed the driver with several wads of mesos then exited the vehicle. Once she thought henseyes was an exiting and fun place to be, now sorrow weighed down her heart as she walked between the hay bales towards the park. The great clock tower rose to greet her as she walked closer. Then she saw the top of the monument and started to run towards it at full speed. By the time she arrived she was breathless and collapsed in front of the statue with tears streaming down her face

The monument was of chaosarrow, he was standing with his favourite bow in one hand, and his quiver in the other, made from pure granite it didn’t reflect his sparkling personality. The stone reminded Liferien of his tomb, which has just meters away. It made her feel depressed that her friend was to be remembered as a stone-cold figure and it made her angry that they couldn’t have spared some crystal to honour him. Her anger boiled and was fuelled by her sadness; she let out a wild cry and struck the statue with a holy arrow. As her temper cooled she looked up at the statue, expecting it to be in ruins, but as the smoke cleared she saw that the arrow had turned the monument into green, shimmering emerald. Life smiled, as she thought of chaos, how green was his favourite colour and how he had constantly bugged her to go on new quests to find emeralds. By the time Liferien departed from the park, it was sunset. The glow of the orange setting sun cast light through the emerald statue, leaving patterns on the ground.

Liferien contemplated where she would stay. The henseye lodge was always packed and it was at least two hours walk to sleepywood and she didn’t fancy the idea of walking through the dark dungeon path to get there, especially at night. She sighed, and started walking in the direction of the marketplace, hoping that there was a spare room at the lodge.

When she got there she wasn’t surprised to see the huge line-up to get to the front desk. Life made a face, and then joined the end of the queue. The line moved slowly and Liferien had plenty of time to contemplate where she was going to go next. As she got to the front of the queue the attendant addressed her politely. “We only have one room left, you are quite lucky!” the attendant said. “Yes I guess I am” Liferien replied as the attendant handed her the keys to her room. As Liferien started to climb the velvet-carpeted stairs, the front doors swung open and a very distressed mage ran to the counter.

“Are there any rooms left?” the mage asked, puffed out. “No, I am very sorry” the attendant replied. “Damn!” the mage exclaimed as he stamped the floor. Life looked at the mage. He looked about level 25 and his blue doros robe looked dirty, as if he had come from a fight.
Life sighed and asked the attendant if she could share the room with the mage. The attendant answered in a yes, so she beckoned the mage to follow her.

As she got to her room the mage introduced himself. “The names WaterMelody” he said. “Mines Liferien” Life said with a smile. They discussed several stories during the night and finally fell asleep. In the morning Life awoke to the squeals of the stampeding ribbon pigs. She turned around to look at the time, only to find it was blocked by a sleeping figure. She looked over to her other side, to where melody man was supposed to be sleeping. His pallet was empty. Life stifled a giggle as she got up and got dressed in her red amoria gear and pulled on her red salt shoes and her black noel gloves. Lastly she plonked her red matty on her red hair then magically masked that hat with her cabbie. She looked one last time at WaterMelody then walked of the room.

As Liferien walked out the hotel, she looked up at the clear blue sky and wondered where to go next. She decided on going to aqua road, the underwater world. She strolled through henseyes crowded streets, looking from store to store and picking up some mana elixirs on the way. She stopped in front of the giant department store, the cash shop. She longed forlornly for some special NX cash and eventually her guardian caved and gave her some. She looked at her little winged dog guardian with a smile then skipped off to the cash shop.

As she entered the building, a cool gust of air-conditioning greeted her. It was so much better than the hot henseye weather. She walked around the store, picking out a few items and trying them on. She saw two people departing the store with great wings on their backs, so she scuttled over to the cape accessory area. Instantly she was drawn to two little devil wings, which matched her colour scheme perfectly. She asked the store attendant if there was any left in stock. The attendant giggled, then took her NX and directed her to a cubicle.

Life went in there, and a voice told her to stay still and stay calm. This freaked her out a bit as whenever someone said “stay calm” it meant something bad was going to happen. The voice told her to pull down the back of her shirt, so she did. Just as life was having second thoughts about the whole thing, two red laserbeams shot from somewhere and struck her in the back. Life didn’t feel any pain for that part as the lasers were harmless, but as she wondered what it was all about, she felt agony in her back. It was like something was pushing under her skin. She burst out in pain as the wings emerged from her back, and then she blacked out.

Life awoke in a room of pure white. She looked around and saw only her bed and a door. She gradually remembered what happened and reached for her back. She felt leathery wings between her fingers. She tried to move her new wings, and they twitched. She smiled and went to the door of the room.

She exited the cash shop with her new purchase and started to make her way to the taxi stand. She sat down on the bench and waited for the next taxi. She looked over her shoulder and saw lots of newbies jumping for something. A Sin was sitting on a tree-limb, one that you could only get to by teleport or haste, and was dangling a black bag above the newbies heads. Life knew straight away that the whole thing was a trap and got up, walking over to where they were.

The newbs took no notice of her as he walked up. She took a closer look at the bag the sin was holding and saw a bright red ‘S’ on one side. Her eyes widened as she realized what he was going to do. She knew the newbs were not going to listen to her, so she took a step back and redied herself for the oncoming onslaught.

The sin smiled at the group of newbs that were jumping for the bag. He let the bag go slowly; pulling on the red cord that kept it shut. The bag hit the ground and created a cloud of smoke as the summoned monsters ran, attacking all the newbs.

Liferien snapped into action and ran into the fray. She saw a newb bowman trying to hold of a Trojan, so she ran to her aid. Life loosed a holy arrow at the beast, and set up for a magic claw. The Trojan charged her but life teleported behind it, finishing it off with one of her magic claws. Life quickly healed herself and ran to the area that was taken over by pack chronos.

The chronos had encircled a party of newbs and every so often one would swoop and hit all of them. Life quickly teleported over and offered each newb a party spot. Life contiously healed the group, while doing damage to the undead pack chronos. The group finally got free of the chronos and all the summons were defeated.

The sin stood there, stunned as life killed all his summons. She healed herself and looked up. The Sin was enraged at her destroying all the summons. Life started to walk back to the taxi stand when the sin yelled out at her in rage. Life turned back to face him, he had a devilish grin on his face. He was holding a blue rock that had a rune on it. He elated a wild cry and chucked the stone onto the ground.

Life didn’t know what to do as a flash of red light blinded her. She shut her eyes tightly and held her panlid over her head to block the attacker. She soon heard a roar, a roar that was so familiar it sent shivers down her spine. She opened her eyes and instantly wished she hadn’t. Over near the tree where the sin was moments ago, was a fully grown crimson balrog.

Life panicked, she didn’t know what to do. She knew she was no match for a C-rog and that one touch could see her dead. Life desperately wanted to move but her legs wouldn’t budge, all her hatred for the rog who killed chaos washed over her. She wanted to kill the rog; she wanted to kill it so bad that her class and level didn’t matter. As life battled her anger to gain control, the rog had spotted her and was rapidly approaching.

Life stared wide-eyed as the rog charged at her, its wickedly twisted horns were aimed right at her. Liferien still couldn’t move, try as she might, her legs just wouldn’t budge. Then it struck her. The rog had pierced her arm with one of its black horns. Life collapsed on the ground in pain, all her anger and hatred gone. Nothing mattered but herself, if she could survive. The rog bared its teeth at her and with one swipe of its giant claw, all was back.

White light burned Life’s eyes, even with them closed. She felt like she was lying on the most comfortable bed in the world. Life didn’t want to open her eyes, just to lay there and sleep was bliss. A voice coming from behind her made Life open one eye. “I don’t wanna get up” Liferien grumbled as she rolled over and closed her eyes again. The voice spoke once again, this time with urgency. Life reluctantly opened her eyes and rolled over, to see Chaos standing behind her.

Life got up quickly and stared at chaos. ‘He is dead’ Life reminded herself ‘dead and gone’. Life looked around ‘am I dead?’ she thought. Chaos smiled at her and directed her to a door of pure ebony. He looked pleading at her as he motioned for her to go through the door. Life complied and with one last look at chaos, she stepped through the door.

Life groaned, and opened her eyes. She lay were she fell when the rog got her, yet she was unhurt. Life got up and looked around, all the newbs and the sin were gone. It was about midday, the quiet time of the day as everyone was training. Life grimaced as she got up, her joints stiff. She hailed a Taxi to go to ellenia, to get on a boat to orbis.

Liferien arrived at orbis at about 4pm; the ship had taken ages to get there. Life was wondering if she could get to aqua before the sun went down. She decided to risk it. Life walked to the top of orbis tower, and started her decent.

After three hours and several mana potions later, Life finally reached the bottom level of the tower. There were two doors, one led outside to El nath and the other when down to the broken tower and aqua road. Life took the second door, and got to orbis tower basement one. She climbed down the ropes and took a leap down to the final level of the tower. She splashed into the knee high water and clambered through the tunnel that led down to the flooded level.

Life was completely submerged underwater, so she used an air bubble so she could breathe. She swam past all the scuba pepes to get to the door that would lead her outside. She entered ‘ocean I.C.’ and swam to the portal on the other side. She then swam through several more levels and eventually got to the aquarium, the main city of aqua road.

The place was packed with people. Life wondered what all the fuss was about, then she noticed the huge crowd. Using teleport, she got on a ledge and looked down. Life groaned. Tiger was in town.

Like everyone else with any sense, Life knew who tiger was. He was the highest-level player on maple and was a rich as you could get. He flaunted his wealth and made girls swoon. Life was nothing short of disgusted by his presence. Life thought if Tiger was in town, she would get absolutely NO training in at all.

Life sighed and headed for the main hall in aquarium. She entered the department store and left quite a bit lighter meso-wise. She booked a room at the aquarium hostel for the night and started to explore. Luckily, since tiger was there mostly no one was at the training spots, yet if he decided to come here, the swarm would follow.

Life found that mask fish were good to hunt, as they gave 60exp for only 3 magic claws. She took on the swarm of them that were hanging around near the portal to the seaweed tower. Then she felt a creeping chill come over her, it was getting dark.

Life quickly swam back to the main part of aquarium, as only fools take on the sharks that come out at night. Life came to the aqua hotel just in time. She got to her room and collapsed on the bed, exhausted.

The morn came swiftly, much quicker than Liferien would have liked. She stretched and changed back into her amoria gear, wishing for her moonlight. The day was fine, Tiger had left and all was good.

Life went to the department store and bought some melting cheese for breakfast. She wished for a hotdog supreme or maybe some morning dew but she only had so much meso. Life walked and swam about the town for a while until she came across a horde of mesos.

Life was amazed, 400k of meso was just sitting there waiting to be taken. She was tempted to take it, so she did. If it wasn’t found soon a newb could have got it and spent it on crap or it could have just faded away. Life was stoked that she found it. She hurried of to the free market to see what she could spend it on.

Life looked for ages at the different shops at the free market. She saw many things she liked, yet just couldn’t bring herself to buy them. She then decided to spend it on something useful, something long-term. She decided to buy her level 38 wand.

Life went to the mall in aqua and bought the wand. She then deposited it with the storage man, and went on her way. Life wanted to go back to orbis so she could eventually get on a boat to ludibrium, yet something told her to stay and train at aqua.

Life swam to the sandcastle playground and equipped a wizard potion that she had found. She fought flowerfish and bubblefish for at least and hour until she had gained a significant amount of experience and was warn out. She tiredly swam to the portal and got to central aqua.

Life equipped and sat on her deckchair so she could relax and regain her HP. Once she was strong enough to swim again, life got up and headed back to where she came. She swam back through Ocean I.C and the flooded tower and got to higher ground.

Life started to climb up the 20-story tower yet again to get back to orbis. She stooped at the 10th floor to get some orbis rock scrolls, so she could get back to aqua with ease. She got back to the top of the tower, and headed off to orbis station.

Once at the station, she payed 6k to get a ticket to get to ludibrium. She walked to the platform usher, and chose her pathway. She waited for her boat to arrive and got on. The boat was packed with people wanting to go to ludibrium, the lego-based city.

After the 15 minute boat ride, life departed from the station and headed to Eos tower. She had wanted to do this for ages, the party quest. Life got to the tower and climbed to the 101st floor, of course it was packed. Many people were yelling “LOOKING FOR PQ!” but life got invited to a party almost straight away. The leader of the party told her to go to channel 20, so she did.

Once at channel 20, liferien got a look at the rest of the party. There was a bowman, a mage, a sin, another bowman and a fighter. Life figured that they needed her as they didn’t have another cleric.

For once life’s group was lucky, they got in the PQ in less that 3 minutes. The first level was to kill all the retz, and get the passes they dropped. The number of passes was 10, so they got to work. Life tackled her retz and got several passes. After her 4th ret, a voice urgently called her to the top of the tower. It seemed no one but a mage could get down to the level, and the other mage was busy. Life teleported and got the pass, then handed all of them to the leader of the group.

Then they were on to the second stage, where only 2 people should go through the portal. Life was wondering where the rest of the party was when the Sin next to her hit a box. When the box opened, both Life and the Sin were transported to a different map. After hitting and opening all the boxes in the towers trap, Life got back to the 2nd stage, and found the party there. When all the passes were given, they went on to stage 3.

6 portals were on stage 3, the top 3 were for mages and the bottom 3 were for everyone else. Life entered the 2nd mage portal. She was greeted by darkness, the entire room was pitch black. Life walked around, trying to see where she was going when two eyes flashed in front of her. ‘what the hell was that?!?’ Life tough as she looked round, seeing if it will hit her. The eyes appeared again and Life used her magic claw to hit it. 6 hits and the thing was dead, as it died it dropped the pass life needed.

Stage 4 was next, then 5 and 6. stage 7 involves killing block golems, and was pretty hard. Life constantly healed her comrades and then they got through. Stage 8 was the most frustrating of all. You had to sit on a block, and wait till you get the right combination. Amazingly, Life grabbed the number ‘1’ block so she didn’t need to move around. After 20 tries (no joke) the group finally opened the portal to stage 9, alishtar.

The group entered and the creepy boss music played (no joke its really creepy) and the sin hit the rat to make a pass drop. Then in a blue flash of light, alishtar appeared. It was a 12 ft blue penguin-looking thing, with huge nipples and a clock on its head. It roared and charged the party, bowling over the sin. Life dived into the fray and started to heal the group.

After 20 minutes of diving, hitting and magic attacking alishtar was down to his last bits of HP. Life ran to get in a magic claw, so she could share in the EXP, but she couldn’t. Life panicked and ran to the other side of the arena. She then realized her skill had been locked by alishtar, and pulled out an all cure potion. As life gulped it down, a platoon chrono came charging at her.

Life panicked and launched a holy arrow at the beast, hoping that the allcure had taken affect. The chrono crumbled in front of her. Life let out a sigh of relief as she realized alishtar had been defeated. The party congratulated each other and moved on to the bonus stage of the PQ. Life hit 3 boxes is succession and got plenty of items that would be useful in her next PQ. She even picked up a blue napoleon cape for when she was lvl 50.

By the end of all of Life’s adventures, she had grown to lvl 40, and got her new hat, gloves and shoes! Her party congratulated her on her new lvl. Life almost didn’t hear their congratulations, she had a plan of her own. Calling on her creator, RizaChan Life proposed a new character, to share the experiences she had. RizaChan readily agreed to the proposition and created the new character. The new chapter had opened in RizaChan’s book of maple.
Again, i'm still not dead! I'm like a final boss!

Last edited by WaterMelody; 05-05-2007 at 05:58 PM..
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05-06-2007, 03:31 AM
skillyaslig's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Mar 2007
: Beneath the sink
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skillyaslig  (124)skillyaslig  (124)

Hoho, that must took ye a while! Great Job!
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

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