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07-08-2006, 10:28 AM
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Work at Rupture Farms (v.6)

It is time to start the 6th version of W@RF. I'd like to welcome all the new and the old members. I think I better explain things for newcomers this time.

What is W@RF?

W@RF stands for the RPG Work at Rupture Farms. The 1st version was started on 10-04-2002, and it has been going since.

What about the background and the story?

The old Rupture Farms was reopened by a Glukkon named Arnie, and employed everyone who wanted to work in the factory. Gaining profit was always the main goal, but life is not just about working... well, at least when you're sleeping in R+R.

How can I join?

Write a profile in the following form:

Name: (Do I need to explain?)
Race: (Mudokon, Slig, Vykker or any known race of Oddworld)
Gender: (male or female)
Age: (Earth or Oddworld years, you decide)
Appearance: (How does your character look like?)
Personality: (What's your character's usual behaviour? etc.)
Equipment[additional]: (What does your character usually carry?)
History[additional]: (Your character's background)

When you're ready, post the profile in this thread. Those who are new to RPing should start with one character, until they get the hang of role playing.
It is important that you make a reasonable entry with your character. It can't just pop out of nowhere. The most usual entry is done by FeeCo Trains (there's a station in the factory).

What do I need to do after I join?

Well, it's basically up to you, but it's important to interact with other characters as much as possible. As a start, I would recommend newcomer characters to look after the boss, Arnie, or his assistant, Otto to introduce themselves. They will give them the basic directions.
Oh, and reading a bit of the backstory can help a lot too.

Is there anything else?

Read the RPG rules and the Information and advice for RPG newbies thread. They are useful.

W@RF related links

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
RPG Cc Fan Art v.2
Splat's W@RF Map

Have a good time in Rupture Farms!

Last edited by dripik; 07-08-2006 at 10:40 AM..
07-08-2006, 11:44 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Ah, a new chapter of W@RF unfolds and so the adventures begin. But I'm supposing that we are beginning in the next day.

Can we clear up all the injuries thing, by saying that they had been finished over night? And that Molt, Stuey, and Linc are in the Cell Room? Also that Goresplatter's characters had been sent to the hostipal. (Ideas inspired and suggested by Splat) Another thing is that we can say that the gas leak had been finished.

I'll post again when others start to come back.

07-08-2006, 12:26 PM
Soul-Storm's Avatar
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OOC: I added to my character i havent RP'd in ages well here goes.

IC: Screech is hiding in the entrance trying to be unseen.
He Lets out a really big screech sound and then backs away into a corner

OOC: probally know where i got the name from
Our Spew is your brew

07-08-2006, 04:52 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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OOC: My profiles in the profile thread.
As the train pulled up into the vast building, Praetyre stood in awe of the scope of Rupture Farms. He watched machinery move and pound as he traveled. He then fell asleep, as the train ride had been a long one. Shortly after the train stopped, he was startled by the thud of it locking into place and left. He wandered the corridors until reaching the entrance and shouted
Praetyre: "Hello? Anybody there?"

Last edited by Patrick Vykkers; 07-09-2006 at 12:16 AM..
07-08-2006, 11:00 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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(Ooc: Oh, yes, I would also like to make it clear that there are no random people (Sligs, muds, glukkons, etc.) in the factory - only the characters controled by the players. That is all.)

Duagen hadn't had a good night. He'd been discovered, shot, knocked out and captured within an hour of getting into the factory. By the looks of it, his morning isn't going to be any better. It certainly won't be when he wakes up.
Which he did. His head was throbing, his chest felt heavy and spending the night tied up on the floor of the store room meant that all his muscles everywhere were aching to no end. That is, the ones he could still feel. Suitibly, he greeted the day with a heartfelt groan.


Nails also woke up, but in the comfort of an R+R bed. Being the sort, he almost sprang up out of bed and left the room, soon finding a map on the wall and then heading towards the cafeteria.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

07-09-2006, 12:11 AM
Soul-Storm's Avatar
: Jun 2006
: Today Earth Tomorrow Oddworld
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Screech Backed further into the corner until it was squashed up against it.
He tried to stop himself but he couldn't help it and once again, let out a big screech. Then he started to panic
Our Spew is your brew

07-09-2006, 12:17 AM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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Praetyre: "I'll say it again, hello?"
07-09-2006, 12:25 AM
Soul-Storm's Avatar
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Jumps out at praetyre. Screech's backlegs start to ache.
Screech falls asleep as it cannot control itself.
Our Spew is your brew

07-09-2006, 12:43 AM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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Praetyre: "My goodness! What sort of creature is this!?"
*Praetyre turns over Screech and examines him*
Praetyre: "Ah! A paramite! Shoulod of recognised the fellow! Guess the red markings threw me off."
*Praetyre turns Screech back and walks off*
I'm not finding much here, maybe I need to speak to the head of this facility
*Praetyre heads up a floor and knocks on the door of the Executive Office*

Last edited by Patrick Vykkers; 07-09-2006 at 12:47 AM..
07-09-2006, 01:00 AM
dripik's Avatar
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OOC: Patrick, welcome to W@RF. Your RPing seems OK. There are times when you have to wait days for a new reply, so please don't make those short posts just because noone replies.


#7 Slig was woken by the sounds of a Slig walking. He caught a glance of Nails, leaving the R+R. He didn't get up yet, instead, he looked around in the room. Rick was still sleeping, his right arm hanging off from the bed. He saw Jim, Bonty and a new Slig (JB) on other beds, sleeping. He could also hear a Slog snoring somewhere amongst the beds. Some of the beds were empty. "They must have found another place to sleep..." he thought.

He realised that he didn't even remove his mask before sleeping. "Must have been really tired yesterday... This green light could keep me awake normally." he thought, scratching some dust off from his vizor absent-mindedly.

07-09-2006, 01:11 AM
Soul-Storm's Avatar
: Jun 2006
: Today Earth Tomorrow Oddworld
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Soul-Storm  (10)

Screech gets woken up by Praetyre and see's him going to the Executives office. Then tries to run to him, but fails. So he spins a web and hangs on the ceiling.
Our Spew is your brew

07-09-2006, 03:12 AM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
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OC: I'm just wondering about how Rupture farms stays in business. All the wild creatures were on the brink of extinction, and the plan to use muokons instead is what brought about it's downfall in the first place. Obviously they aren't planning on making New 'n' Tasty again (are they?!?!) so where has all this extra meat come from?

IC: Wash woke up after a terrible night's sleep. He'd had dreams about demon meat grinders, the sligs from his old factory, and reliving Linc's accident. He'd kept waking up too, and seen all manner of creatures moving about the R & R dorm in the dark. Then his waking moments had blurred with his dreams, all in all not making up a very good snooze. Most of the workers were already gone now, with his only friend in the AE, no one had woken him up. He decided to go and visit Linc, and hoped that the owner of his loincloth would not recognise him, and that that security orb wasn't still following him.
| (• ◡•)|  (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

07-09-2006, 08:56 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: OK, ready to post. But this is going to be a long one.

BM, Arnie likes Mudokons. Why would he want to kill them. Besides, they have enough Scrabs and Paramites roaming around. Most of them are in the ruins of the old Rupture Farms and in the basement though. Which reminds me, is RG-49, #7, and the others going to clear the basement of wildlife soon? I remember from back in the early v.5 they were talking about that.

IC: Slap awoke from his sleep in almost in a regular mood, even though his time to sleep was very short. (Sleeping was not an option he would chose back in Vykker Labs) He saw that Dek was still sleeping, so he went into the Cell Room, (with his laptop) to see that his paticents were OK.

When he entered the Cell Room, he took a deep breath of freah, factory air. The back up gas filter had kicked in time for the unconscoius paticents to survive. After that, he checked on his three asleep paticents. There was Molt, Stuey, and Linc in there. Linc's meat saw injuries were wrapped in cloth and he now has stitches along his injuries as well. Plus, he was given pills on his earring. Stuey is fine, although his diagnois readings say that he will have more attacks through the Chemical X. If that ever happens again, he will be sent to the hostipal. Slap also remembered that he had spent most of the night traveling to the hostipal, for Goresplatter's, Vykker X's, and Terrence's condition.

And Molt. Oh sad, sad Molt. He didn't die, but he didn't know what exactly happened during the blood transfusion. Once Slap got back, he found Molt with a sonar in his head. Basicly, the sonar was for when Molts heart was failing, or any other part of him was failing, Slap and Dek would know. In fact, a heart moniter was placed on one of the wall's of the Lab and on Molt's mechnical arm. Yet, he still needed to be in a place where his craziness won't harm anyone.

Molt awoke from his reoccuring dream, that had made him angry in his letting his guard down. But when he looked around, he couldn't understand. For some reason, he was pantless, in a cage, and his heart rate was being regestered on his arm. He whispered, "What the Odd...."

And finally he looked around the room, seeing the Intern that was so dang annoying to him. He shouted, "Hey Mutey! Get me out of this dump! I have to do work! Oh I'm sorry, you don't have to do work. You just show up and act like you own this place! You...."

Slap typed on his keyboard at a close distance to Molt, "Making me look dumb isn't the way how you are going to get out."

Molt grumbled at this point and said in a Vykker voice, "Please, can you get me out of here? Boss doesn't think of me as a hard worker and..."

Slap remained calm and typed, "Sir, I have been watching footage of you on the moniters, and you are indeed, not a hard worker. The only postive thing you have done here is fix one grinder. I'm not letting you out until Mr.Arnie finds out about what you have done."

Molt exclaimed in his voice this time, "What the Odd are you talking about!? I stopped a crime in the works, I prevented Arnie from having to talk to that Slurg Kilsa, who wanted to take over this place!"

"Apperently you don't know what I'm talking about. When you first came around here, you were trying to make a call to Arnie. When he didn't pick up the phone, you got extermely pissed and nearly destoried an elevator. A few minutes later, you tried to get a job. When you got frustrated that everyone else wanted to talk to him too, you tried to command a Slig to do your doing, when he just made a little accident. After that, you pushed Goresplatter into a pully shaft. Sitution #3, you threaten this criminal to kill him, just for making you look bad. Once you are shot, you become unconscoius, and nothing happens. But when you woke up, you made an assult on the very person who tried to help you. End of story. Now I will report you once Arnie makes the daily annoucment."

Molt looked at Slap with a furious look in his eyes. Now he will be fired just because this Intern couldn't keep his laptop shut. But his anger died down, for he couldn't do much now.

Slap sighed in relief that Molt didn't reply. He was afraid of doing something so dangerous. But he decided to sit down and wonder when Dek and Arnie will wake up.

OOC: The others will wake up in my next post.

07-10-2006, 02:38 AM
Gretin's Avatar
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Groll awoke with a start as the morning light came over the stockyards. He clutched at his rifle and quickly pushed himself onto his feet, adjusting his mask, then looking towards where Anni had been last night.
Then his eyes caught something else he hadn't seen last night... He lifted his rifle's scope to his eye and zoomed in on it - a slog! But the way it was lying there looked like it was either hurt or very tired.
Groll cautiously moved closer towards it, keeping it in his rifle's sights. He'd had some not-so-fun encounters with slogs before and didn't feel like adding this one to the list.
He'd forgotten about Anni, for the time being.


Outside the room Duagen was imprisoned in, Sefon woke up instantly on hearing the groan from inside. He stood up quietly, noticing Gappiqu was still asleep, and slowly opened the door, making sure to make no noise. Closing it gently behind him he walked closer to Duagen and stood for a few moments before speaking,
"I'm sorry..." he said softly. "There was no way I could help you out without getting myself into trouble as well. But," he turned around to make sure the door was still shut and lowered his voice even more, "what are you doing here?"

07-10-2006, 05:03 AM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: Here we go again!

Anni stirred and woke. Her whole body seemed to ache from sleeping among the rocks all night. Now the sun was just rising. She tried to remember what had happened. She'd been watering her garden, and then... she remembered being scared, and horrible heat, and running from something, but she found she couldn't think why.

She sat up and looked around. Nearby a slig, Groll, was pointing her gun a something on the ground. She sighed and, in that way only she ever did, asked irritably, "What are you doing here? What is it with sligs and their guns, you think they make you look more important?"


Dionysia woke painfully (seems to be a pattern forming this morning ) and looked around. She took in her surroundings quickly. She was propped against a wall, beside a door. Gappiqu was asleep nearby. She slowly went through the events of last night by her head, one by one, picking through the details meticulously, so she could write a report about the incident later (it was all she'd ever been taught to do professionally). From hearing Gappiqu's sound-bombs, distracting the mud, the trap, the wierd mud turing up and then tying the intruder up in that room. It didn't take her a second to see that the wierd mudokon had left. She assumed he'd gone to bed; she certainly would have liked to.
She leant over and poked Gappiqu in the ribs. "Hey, wake up."
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

07-10-2006, 05:21 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Max awoke in a partly awake way, to sense only a blur. He breathed heavily and thought that Slig had killed the Mudokon. But when his senses came back together, he sensed that there was a Slig in front of him. Max was uneasy the way that the Slig was looking at him, and nearly barked, "And good morning to you too."

The thing that stopped him was that the Mudokon was also with him. He growled a little then leapt at Anni. He pinned her down and barked several times at Anni. Next, he bit her arm and waited for the reaction.

Gappiqu awoke with another reoccuring dream of losing Furz. Yep, that had been going on quite a while. He didn't really understand he wasn't dreaming anymore and he shouted, "No, Furz!! You *****, wake up! It's all your fault! Da** you Vykkers! Die!!" And next, he turned around and punched the wall as hard as he could. He finally woke up, and realized what he hit. A wall. The pain was unbearble and started to shake off the tears he was producing.

Finally, he turned around and saw that Dionysia was there. He knew that he knew to explain his sudden sleep anger. Gappiqu decided that it was time to trust her, so he said, "OK, there was a reason for that. I was having the same dream I have been for a while. It is reviewing my horrid past all the time. A long time ago, I had lost my very best friend. We were making all sorts of pranks on Mudokons, but yet, one day, a Mudokon hated the Vykkers and wanted to destory the whole place. Along with us. That Mudokon escaped, and tried to shoot us down with giant boulders. The whole place was falling apart and, my friend and I were crushed by boulders. I didn't know what happened after that, but I know from what the Vykkers told me. My friend, Furz, body crushed so badly, that the only thing left was his head. I was crushed around the head area. Now the next part, is entirely secretive. Please don't even tell a single person, because this is the secret that made how I am today." He used his good hand touch her cheek. Hopefully she didn't mind and would be someone to trust with his secret.

Last edited by Slaveless; 07-10-2006 at 05:02 PM..
07-10-2006, 06:48 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Duagen looked at Sefon. He certainly didn't look like the only other mudokon he'd seen here, who was alternately dopey and threatening, and also female. This one seemed to have an air of seriousness about him. He didn't exactly trust the mudokons around here anymore, but, as he thought to himself; "What have I got to lose?".
He glanced at the door, and was graced by the sudden screaming of Gappiqu outside to quell his fears of being overheard. "I came here because I heard about the re-opening of Rupture Farms and wanted to see for myself what it was like here." He said quietly, and then glanced down. "I suppose I was also hoping for a little fame around the village for getting in, but it looks like I'm about to become unfortunately famous around the factory instead."
Hee looked quizicaly up at Sefon again, but decided to ask the more important of the two questions in his mind. "What are you doing here? As in, in this room? What if they", he gestured towards the door, "find you in here talking to me?"


Nails reached the caffeteria. Somewhere between the R+R and here, a lit cigarette had miraculously appeared in his tentacles, and he was heralded by a plume of smoke in the room. Coughing and spluttering, he served himself up some scrab legs and sat down to eat.
(Ooc: Kids! Don't smoke. It's very bad for your health.)


Armpit, too, woke up, but only to hop up onto the bed that Nails had been sleeping on and then fall back to sleep.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

07-10-2006, 10:14 PM
Soul-Storm's Avatar
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Screech started wondering around. Trying to keep hidden. He eveantually came across the Caffeteria. And saw nails eating a Paramite

OOC: Screech thinks they're paramite because they're red and hes red and he thinks all paramites are red.
Our Spew is your brew

07-11-2006, 12:49 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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(Ooc: Fair enough.)
Nails was chomping on his scrab leg and smoking his cigarette (Impossible though that may seem) when he saw Screech wander on into the caffeteria. He froze, then tried to say something. Which particular curse he would have used is debatable, as he had accidentaly tried to breathe scrab leg at the same time, leaving him spluttering and making him drop his cigarette. (Good thing it didn't happen the other way around!)
He managed to get to his feet, pull out his gun and aim it at the thing, while shouting "There's a ****ing paramite in here!". Having only seen the paramites on Paramite Pie posters, he didn't realise that they weren't actualy that colour.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

07-11-2006, 07:41 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Bonty awoke from his slumber, trying to recollect his thoughts in what had happened yesterday. And the he remembered his escape plan. So he went over to Jim's hammock, and started to shake Jim awake. He said, without any idea that people were around him, "Come on Jim, you gotta get up! We have a big day, remember our escape plan?"

Suddenly, Bonty realized something. He slowly turned around to see a Slig fully awake. He crossed his fingers in wishing that the Slig never heard him.

07-11-2006, 10:28 AM
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#7 Slig was still lying in his bed, tuning his mask's earpieces, when a word caught his attention: ...plan? He looked around and noticed that Bonty is also awake. He was standing next to Jim's bed and he looked anxious, even uneasy. This was a bit strange for #7 Slig, so he asked. "Uh, morning to you. I'm not sure we've met before. I heard you were speaking about some... plan, or did I hear wrong?"

Rick, unaware of all this, was still sleeping.

07-11-2006, 11:25 AM
Soul-Storm's Avatar
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Screech uses his web and goes up to the ceiling. Then he let out a big screech, falls to the floor then runs off trying to hide. He hides behind a wall.
Our Spew is your brew

07-11-2006, 11:33 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Shivering in fear, Bonty thought about what he wanted to say next. He learned that there would be bad things if he lied to a Slig. If he told him some other plan, he wouldn't expect a thing. But if they left later, this Slig could notice their absentence, and would be on their trail fast. Besides, he was a really bad liar. Yet another idea came in his mind. It wouldn't be the full truth, but it isn't a lie at all.

Bonty started to say, "Well sir, I'm sure we hadn't seen each other. My name is Bonty, and I had just learned that you had some really cool outside environments. And I have never been outside before, so I was wondering if I could go outside. My plan was to wake up early, and enjoy the outdoor's for a while. But don't worry! I will come back sir, just to make sure it's OK with you." He smiled a bit to show his innocent self. Hopefully the Slig wouldn't expect a thing.

07-12-2006, 09:58 AM
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#7 Slig listened to Bonty as he spoke. No Mudokon asked for permission to go outside before. They went wherever they wanted. "Well, first, my name is #7 Slig, Boss of Security. Second, everyone's allowed to go to Stockyards... at your own risk, of course." he added. "But only when you're off duty. No slacking during work hours!" As he said this, Rick rolled off from his bed, since half of his body was hanging off it, and landed on the floor with a crash.

#7 Slig looked around, and when he realized what happened, started to laugh. "Well, good morning to you!" he said, laughing. Rick tried to climb back on his bed, looking annoyed.

07-12-2006, 10:11 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Bonty looked at Rich and sort of smirked. But suddenly he just realized something. He questioned #7 again, "Um sir, when are the work hours?" If they stopped some where around night, that would seem like that his friend could have told him. He said that predators came out that time in day, but Jim knew that.... He could of told him that the work hours would get him in trouble if he didn't obey them. And that would have to escape in a more harder posistion.

07-12-2006, 01:53 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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He looked quizzically up at Sefon again, but decided to ask the more important of the two questions in his mind. "What are you doing here? As in, in this room? What if they", he gestured towards the door, "find you in here talking to me?"

Sefon grinned, "Oh, I don't think I'm in any danger. Sligs and mudokons seem to be about equal around here now... And I'm pretty sure I can get myself out of trouble if need be."

He put his hand to his chin for a few moments...

"Now, the question is... what to do now?" Sefon was more thinking aloud than talking to Duagen. "From what I gather, the slig and the black mudokon, I haven't heard either of their names yet, were planning to report your entry to the boss... So unfortunately I don't think I can do anything for you yet. But the boss around here now, that's Arnie, isn't exactly against mudokons, so I don't think you'll have too much trouble. It's even possible he'd let you go free, but if he doesn't, I might be able to get you out somehow."

He paused, then added in a quieter voice, "You're probably wondering about this, so I'll clear it up; I'm a native, free mudokon myself."


Anni: "What are you doing here? What is it with sligs and their guns, you think they make you look more important?"

Groll was startled to hear Anni's voice and turned away from the slog for a moment and was about to answer her when the slog seemed to choose just that moment to leap.

He swung his rifle quickly around to aim at the slog again and almost fired, but then stopped himself... His rifle was designed in such a way that it had six smaller barrels inside the large one to allow him to fire rapidly, one at a time, or slowly, with one large blast of six bullets. At the moment, it was set to the latter, which would result in either a lot of damage or death to the slog, and considering the boss around here was nice to mudokons, it wouldn't surprise him if slogs were also given more respect than normal.
And with that in mind, he couldn't very well afford to use the rapid fire setting either, as even a small shot could potentially get him into trouble, not to mention the fact that he could hit the mudokon by mistake.

So instead, he did something that probably wasn't one of his best ideas...
Running up to the slog and mudokon, he started yelling, "Hey, get off! What do you think your doing?!"


Frod was lying on his bed (and his bag) apparently still asleep, but was intently listening to the exchange between #7 Slig and Bonty. As Rick crashed out of his bed, Frod slowly and leisurely got up and stretched.
"Hello chums!" he called out cheerfully, "What time is it?"

07-12-2006, 02:18 PM
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Max faced at the Slig telling him something and growled. He was starting to thing that he may never get a good meal again. Being that everyone here, except Molt, never considered as violence as an opinion, made no sense. Wasn't this Mudokon escaping? Besides, if that Slig really wanted to control him, he could shot him. And even if he missed, why get sad over a dead Mudokon? He was fed proper food back in the old days. Why did they have to change?

So Max barked at him and shoved the Slig with his head. He revealed his Sleg teeth and started to bark in a way the Slig would never understand, "You want to mess with me?!" In order to get that message acrose, he picked up some dirt with one of his feet. All Sligs knew that meant that he was challenging him. Unless this Slig was dumb....

But he really didn't want to fight this Slig. Sligs were the nicest beings to him and all of them loved them as their own. However, he had attacked a Slig before, and his best friend Molt refused to feed him for two weeks. He had to hunt himself. So that lesson had made him think about his actions before doing so. Yet in this scenario, the Slig had considered shooting him. Or so he sensed. And now, this battle was on.

Bonty saw another Mudokon get up and tried to think about what time it was. He said, "Good mornin', I think it is 6 or 5 o' clock." Hopefully, he will make better friends than he did in the last factory.

07-13-2006, 04:54 AM
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ooc: Sorry about my absense, haven't been able to motivate myself into posting.
I'm also gonna have Somi from T-nex (I assume they all come as part of the same package, might use Freak later, too)

Anni was knocked over when the slog attacked her. She yelled in pain.
Somi was poking round in the shadows beside the building. Hearing the yell, she looked up and ran in the direction of the call.
She found Anni sitting on the ground, watching a slog and a slig. They looked like they were about to start fighting each other. "Anni!" Anni turned around in surprise, but looked relieved when she saw Somi. "Let's get out of here." Anni glanced at the slog, but nodded and ran after her friend.


Dionysia was taken by surprise when Gappiqu started thrashing and then stood up and hit the wall. She stared as he explained.
When he reached up to touch her cheek she pulled his hand away from her face. "You're too open Gappiqu." She thought of Stivik, and how he'd betrayed her. He'd come close to having her and her makers executed by telling the Cartel that she'd been made using Skillya's DNA. Anger boiled inside of her. "Everyone looks after themselves in our world, so keep your secrets to yourself." Odd, he was naive. She turned away. "Check on the mud, I'm gonna see if the boss is up."
She walked away quickly.


Jim woke up when Bonty spoke to him, but didn't look up. He froze with terror when the slig overheard him and prepared himself for the worst. When Bonty made that ridiculous story, he couldn't believe he got away with it.
Then he heard the loud, rediculous voice of Frod and almost began to relax. She slipped out of his bunk onto the floor, swept through the room, keeping low, grabbed Frod by the wrist and pulled him out of the door. "Hey Frod, what have you been doing?"
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

07-13-2006, 06:26 AM
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Gappiqu became angry himself. In fact, furious. He knew he was naive. Very, in fact. All his life he must have been immature. Immature about keeping a secret to a doctor, who could help him in his needs. Immature about making pranks on a Mudokon who later makes his life miserble. Immature about taking off his pants at times. Immature about trusting Dionysia. Immature about letting Skillya know him.

And now, he lost his friends here. Dionysia, Goresplatter (he thought that he was dead), Stuey, and even Molt. He had nothing. "Except those stupid legs!!" thought Gappiqu. Oh how they recked his life! Made him be fired constantonly! Made him see Skillya many times! They even made his personality change to stupid, naive person! That he could never forgive them for.

And now for the exterme anger. Gappiqu felt this every time he thought of someone harshly, and this someone was himself. A little thing such as a stubbed toe, would cause him to make himself take his anger out on a innocent person. He couldn't even control it either.

Gappiqu, angry as ever, slammed the door open. Not caring if that was rude, he got inside to see that the Mudokon he saw last night was talking to the native. He growled to him, "I'm supposing you have a reason to be in here." Next, he went over to the native and went over to his ear. He whispered in a unpleasent way, "OK buddy, listen up. I'm gonna take you to Arnie's to see what your punishment will be. I'm taking it that you don't want to get hurt, to don't resist me."

Next, he swooped the native up and was going to go, but said to the Mudokon, "Come on, you think I just going to leave you here?!"

07-13-2006, 11:26 PM
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(Ooc: Now with extra formating!)


After hearing Sefon's last statement, Duagen nodded. "I had wondered about that -", he started, before being rudely inturrupted by Gappiqu barging in.

"OK buddy, listen up. I'm gonna take you to Arnie's to see what your punishment will be. I'm taking it that you don't want to get hurt, to don't resist me."

Duagen was taking an extreme dislike to this slig; from claiming not to hurt him, to shooting him and now to threatening him. He decided not to take it lying down. To Gappiqu, he muttered "You be careful what you say to me. If it weren't for that mud last night, you'd be leakier than the paramonian canopy - twice". Nontheless, he was fully aware that he currently did not have the upper hand and didn't resist - he'd have to trust in Odd that there'd be an opportunity somewhere along the track for something to happen.

As which point, he spotted the crumbled remains of his spoocebow and started glowering. Not at anyone in particular, just glowering in general. It was hard work earning a spoocebow, and they didn't just hand out replacements like that.

Then he wondered about Arnie, the boss - the slig had said that he'd be handing out the punishment, but the other native had said that he was not against mudokons, so maybe he would be let off... with a stern warning? Yeah, right.


Nails watched the red paramite while it went up to the roof, back down to the floor, and then leave the caffeteria. He stared for a while, then went back to eating what remained of his scrab leg.
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