Unfortunately our dear Sander, being in his early twenties, has found life is catching up with him. He's gone the admirable way and informed us that he can no longer support the forums as an Off-Topic Moderator. But before I wish him well, I'd like to take a short trip down memory lane.
Sander joined the Oddworld Forums just a little over a month after me, in December 2001, in what was to be referred to as the 'Munch's Oddysee Influx'. This was way back when we were on the UBB.threads system, and Munch's Oddysee was generating hype. As with all of us back then, our first 100 to 200 posts would be spent mostly in Oddworld Discussion, Fan Corner, and Oddworld RPG before we ventured out and realised there were
other non-Oddworld discussions taking place.
During the late 2003 Moderator Elections, Sander nominated himself for Oddworld Help Moderator, and went on to win the majority vote. This was way back when
Hobo won the Oddworld RPG Moderator position (bet some of you didn't know that!). For just shy of 3 and a half years, he diligently helped and was a constant face in OWH, rivalling the great example Lampion set. But with his interest in Oddworld waning, he decided to step down and take up an opening in Off-Topic Discussion.
And that, ladies and gentlemen is where we are today. There's a lot I've left out, the good times, and the bad, but suffice to say, in the time Sander's been here, it's been a nice journey.
From all of the staff, it's been a pleasure Sander, and we all hope you do well in life and the future